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Kesempurnaan sebagai Orientasi Keilmuan dalam Teosofi Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul Suryosumunar, John Abraham Ziswan; Kuswanjono, Arqom
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 31, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jf.62046


Knowledge and science are central issues in epistemological debates. The paradigm of knowledge will imply on the methods and means that are used to achieve truth. The social contexts which influence the tradition of thought have also a strong impact on the construction of scientific paradigms. Different social contexts is the reason why the western and eastern scientific paradigms are considered to have different characteristics. In the tradition of eastern thought there are various opinions on scientific paradigm. One of which is from the perspective of Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul. By using the hermeneutic method, the author attempts to answer the question how is the concept of science and its characteristics from the perspective of Suhrawardi and what are the methods and the orientation of science that used by the perspective of Mazhab Al-Isyraqiyyah that Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul created.  The paper proposes that the concept of science in Suhrawardi’s thought resulted from syncretism of various previous eastern thoughts. Suhrawardi understood the plurality of methods that can be used, namely the burhani method with ratio and evidence, as well as the irfani method that comes from intuition. The method must be suitable for the objects of study, which is Suhrawardi’s, encompasses not only aspects of the physical world but also the non-physical supra-worldly. The orientation of this thought is not only to achieve the validity of knowledge but to achieve the perfection of knowledge or the transformation from the dark to the light of knowledge.     
Komparasi Terhadap Konsep Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam Dan Ukhuwah Insanniyah: Implementasinya Dalam Menjaga Kerukunan Pasca Konflik Antar Umat Beragama Di Kota Mataram John Abraham Ziswan Suryosumunar
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Vol 5 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (290.245 KB) | DOI: 10.37329/jpah.v5i3.1299


Cross religious studies is important to do in a multicultural society, such as Indonesia. This is because of the potential breakdown that can occur. The social breakdown appeared in various conflicts, one of which occurred between Hindu-Balinese and Muslim-Sasak in Mataram city. This conflict, which often result in problems of tolerance, not only creates chaos but also leaves sensitivity to both of groups that can potentially lead to new conflict. It is necessary to do internalization of awareness about the importance of unity based on the teachings of each religions. The author in this study attempted to conduct cross religious studies in the field of religious philosophy. The author tried to explore and compare the concept of the brotherhood of humanity in Islam, namely ukhuwah insanniyah concept, and the concept of vasudhaiva kutumbakam from Hinduism, as well as explore its relevance in maintaining harmony post-conflict in Mataram. As a research in the field of philosophy, this research uses the philosophical hermeneutic method, with the source of library data. The conclusions of this study: (1) the concept of vasudhaiva kutumbakam is the concept of the whole world family, this concept comes from the Veda, especially the Maha Upanisad. Meanwhile, the concept of ukhuwah insanniyah is the concept of universal brotherhood between mankind which refers to the Qur'an and hadith. (2) Both of concept based on universal relationship, but in the meaning of diversity, the concept of vasudhaiva kutumbakam emphasizes that every being is the same(tat tvam asi) in one family, while the concept of ukhuwah insanniyah emphasizes diversity as a necessity through which every human being can know each other. (3) Both concepts can encourage the emergence of awareness of unity and tolerance among religious communities in Mataram.
Waskita: Jurnal Pendidikan Nilai dan Pembangunan Karakter Vol 3, No 2 (2019)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (220.813 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.waskita.2019.003.02.4


Revolution 4.0 signifies a condition when society has same dependency on digital technology, especially to access information and make communication with others. This condition encourages the easy distribution of various products into popular culture, both in the form of commodities and lifestyles. Imitation process occurs in the practice of community life with various stereotypes that are deliberately formed to attract people's interest to buying and owning. This paper based on the interpretation method seeks to use the perspective of a post-modern figure, Gilles Deleuze, with the concept of multiplicities to unravel the phenomena of the imitation process in consumerist society and its correlation with the development of digital technology in the industrial revolution era 4.0.
Kesempurnaan sebagai Orientasi Keilmuan dalam Teosofi Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul John Abraham Ziswan Suryosumunar; Arqom Kuswanjono
Jurnal Filsafat "WISDOM" Vol 31, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Filsafat, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jf.62046


Knowledge and science are central issues in epistemological debates. The paradigm of knowledge will imply on the methods and means that are used to achieve truth. The social contexts which influence the tradition of thought have also a strong impact on the construction of scientific paradigms. Different social contexts is the reason why the western and eastern scientific paradigms are considered to have different characteristics. In the tradition of eastern thought there are various opinions on scientific paradigm. One of which is from the perspective of Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul. By using the hermeneutic method, the author attempts to answer the question how is the concept of science and its characteristics from the perspective of Suhrawardi and what are the methods and the orientation of science that used by the perspective of Mazhab Al-Isyraqiyyah that Suhrawardi Al-Maqtul created.  The paper proposes that the concept of science in Suhrawardi’s thought resulted from syncretism of various previous eastern thoughts. Suhrawardi understood the plurality of methods that can be used, namely the burhani method with ratio and evidence, as well as the irfani method that comes from intuition. The method must be suitable for the objects of study, which is Suhrawardi’s, encompasses not only aspects of the physical world but also the non-physical supra-worldly. The orientation of this thought is not only to achieve the validity of knowledge but to achieve the perfection of knowledge or the transformation from the dark to the light of knowledge.     
Study of Religious Philosophy on Tapa Brata (Javanese Asceticism Practice) to Overcome the Social Anxiety During COVID-19 Pandemic Era John Abraham Ziswan Suryosumunar
FIKRAH Vol 9, No 2 (2021): December 2021
Publisher : Prodi Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, Jurusan Ushuluddin, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.905 KB) | DOI: 10.21043/fikrah.v9i2.9854


The COVID-19 pandemic, which is global disaster, has an impact on all aspects of human life. Indonesia is one of the countries that has a high rate of COVID-19 transmission, this has an effect on various policies in suppressing transmission rates by limiting social mobility. In the midst of this pandemic, people are faced with uncertain conditions that result in levels boredom, fear and even public anxiety increased. The author is interested in exploring the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic by seeing that there is a relationship between public anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic and awareness of the need for spirituality in facing the various changes that have occurred. Using the philosophical hermeneutic method, this qualitative research was conducted by trying to discuss one of the spiritual practices of Javanese society, namely Tapa Brata, and to relate it to public anxiety that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the discussion carried out are: (1) anxiety in the people during the pandemic period is caused by awareness of an uncertain and constantly changing reality. (2) Tapa brata is the mental practice of forming a self that is calm and wise in accepting all changes. (3) Tapa brata is an inner practice that is personal and can overcome public anxiety during a pandemic and has a physiological effect in increasing immunity during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Konsep Kepribadian dalam Pemikiran Carl Gustav Jung dan Evaluasinya dengan Filsafat Organisme Whitehead John Abraham Ziswan Suryosumunar
Sophia Dharma: Jurnal Filsafat, Agama Hindu, dan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 1 (2019): SOPHIA DHARMA
Publisher : Program Studi Filsafat Agama Hindu IAHN Gde Pudja Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (229.646 KB)


Perdebatan tentang pemaknaan terhadap manusia sangatlah beragam dan seakan tidak pernah mengalami kemandekan sejalan dengan perkembangan peradaban umat manusia yang terus mengalami perubahan. Penulis berupaya berpijak pada pemikiran dua tokoh yang berusaha menjelaskan aspek-aspek terdalam dari diri manusia. Pertama, Carl Gustav Jung yang merupakan tokoh psikoanalisis, terkait pemikirannya tentang collective unconsciousness dan kemudian filsafat organisme Alfred North Whitehead yang berusaha menyingkap karakter-karakter alamiah dari diri manusia. Penulisan ini berusaha mengkomparasikan pemikiran kedua tokoh tersebut untuk mencapai suatu pemahaman yang mendalam tentang konsep mendasar dari diri manusia.
Sanggah Kamulan sebagai Media Pemujaan pada Masyarakat Hindu di Kota Mataram: Sebuah Kajian Filsafat John Abraham Ziswan Suryosumunar; I Ketut Narwadha
Sophia Dharma: Jurnal Filsafat, Agama Hindu, dan Masyarakat Vol 4 No 1 (2021): SOPHIA DHARMA
Publisher : Program Studi Filsafat Agama Hindu IAHN Gde Pudja Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (836.98 KB) | DOI: 10.53977/sd.v4i1.325


Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk melakukan kajian tentang sanggah kemulan yang digunakan sebagai media untuk melakukan pemujaan oleh masyarakat Hindu di Kota Mataram dalam perspektif filsafat. Penelitian ini dirancang dalam penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ada tiga temuan penelitian. Pertama, bentuk sanggah kamulan yang ada pada masyarakat Hindu di Kota Mataram ada yang berupa bangunan rong tiga saka dua, ada rong tiga saka nem, rong tiga turus lumbung, dan ada berupa rong kalih. Bentuk-bentuk tersebut sangat erat kaitannya dengan keyakinan (sraddha) dari umat Hindu sebagai media pemujaan terhadap Manifestasi Ida Sang Hyang Widhi maupun Hyang Dewa Pitara/Leluhur. Kedua, fungsi sanggah kamulan berupa rong tiga adalah sebagai stana Ida Sang Hyang Widhi (Tuhan) wujud sebagai Sang Hyang Tri Atma : Atma-Siwatma-Paratma. Wujud sebagai Sang Hyang Tri Purusa: Siwa-Sada Siwa-Parama Siwa. Sesuai pula dengan Brahma-Wisnu-Iswara. Siwa berfungsi sebagai Guru, maka Hyang Kamulan juga disebut Batara Guru : Guru Purwam (Parama Siwa), Guru Madyam (Sada Siwa), Guru Rupam (Siwa). Dengan demikian sesungguhnya yang dipuja pada Sanggah Kamulan adalah Ida Sang Hyang Widhi dalam wujud sebagai Sang Hyang Tri Atma, Sang Hyang Tri Purusa (Bhatara Guru) dan Sang Hyang Tri Murti disamping juga sebagai media pemujaan Hyang Dewa Pitara/Leluhur. Ketiga, makna filosofis sanggah kamulan berkaitan dengan hakikat dasar yang menjadi landasan dalam pembangunan pelinggih sanggah kamulan yakni sebagaimana gagasan Mpu Kuturan yang telah meminit palinggih Sanggah Kamulan Rong Tiga merupakan manifestasi Ida Sanghyang Widhi dimana Brahma sebagai pencipta dengan lamak warna merah, Wisnu sebagai pemelihara dengan lamak warna hitam dan Iswara sebagai pemralina dengan lamak warna putih dinamakan Sanghyang Tri Murti.
ANALISIS PERILAKU ETIS AUDITOR DENGAN PERSPEKTIF FILOSOFI TRI KAYA PARISUDHA Ni Putu Ari Aryawati; Ni Made Chandri Aryawati; John Abraham Ziswan Suryosumunar; Dewa Oka Ayu Oki Astarini
Sophia Dharma: Jurnal Filsafat, Agama Hindu, dan Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2021): SOPHIA DHARMA
Publisher : Program Studi Filsafat Agama Hindu IAHN Gde Pudja Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (224.244 KB)


This study examine the philosophy of tri kaya parisudha on auditor’s ethical behavior. Tri kaya parisudha is one of Hindu’s ethics philosophy on Sarasamuccaya Sloka 74-76. Ethics value on auditing world be a focus and must be regulated by a code of ethics. The research background by phenomenon of bribery cashes and added corruption list in Indonesia. Auditor’s code ethics be the fundamental for carry out the task of auditing process for force dilemma heave in sight on judgment and decision of audit result. Data collection by book study and interview to university’s internal auditor. The simultan results show that tri kaya philosophy has an ability on auditor’s ethical behavior. Parsial results are manacika parisudha has positive effect on auditor’s ethical behavior; wacika parisudha has positive effect on auditor’s ethical behavior; and kayika parisudha has positive effect on auditor’s ethical behavior. The moral and ethical values ​​contained encourage auditors to act in accordance with the code of ethics and auditing principles while maintaining their integrity. The dilemma that occurs when the auditor make a decision and statement becomes distorted after the individual adheres to the values ​​of the tri Kaya parisudha. Interconnection link from tri kaya parisudha be a ethical fundamental for thinking , speaking and acting.
Komersialisasi Vaksin Covid-19 dan Tes PCR di Indonesia pada Masa Pandemi sebagai Implikasi dari Kerancuan Wacana Demokrasi : Komersialisasi Vaksin Covid-19 dan Tes PCR di Indonesia pada Masa Pandemi sebagai Implikasi dari Kerancuan Wacana Demokrasi Rieka Yulita Widaswara; John Abraham Ziswan Suryosumunar; Fuad Noorzeha
Metalanguage: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Vol 4 No 04 Oktober (2022): Etnolinguistik dan Bungah Rempah Sastra Indonesia
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia IKIP WIDYA DARMA

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This paper was conducted by authors based on research about the reality of the policy for handling the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia, which has many pros and cons in the Indonesian people. Especially related to the existence of paid vaccinations and the issue of the PCR test business which is indicated to involve the political elite. Based on this background, the authors conducted a literature study to uncover the link between the commercialization of medical devices during the pandemic with the confusion of democratic discourses understood through a teleological perspective. The philosophical hermeneutic method is used by authors to be able to analyze in depth the implications of the confusion of democratic discourse on the existence of paid vaccines and the PCR test business. The discussion in this study resulted in conclusions, namely: (1) teleological theory is a theory that refers to purposes-oriented understanding. Its main basis is the doctrine of concequencialsm and welfarism which leads to general happiness. (2) Democracy is a discourse that describes a system of governance that idealizes social justice and people's sovereignty, but the implementation of democracy seen from a teleological perspective has always never reached its ideal purposes because it is based on public representation that does not really represent it as a whole. (3) The business issue of PCR testing and paid vaccines explains the implications of the confusion of democratic discourse, because democracy is considered as a proposition that explains the final truth and tends to be potentially used as a tool of political hegemony that reduces the interests of the people
Sanjiwani: Jurnal Filsafat Vol 13 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.605 KB) | DOI: 10.25078/sanjiwani.v13i2.1204


The Javanese are one of the largest ethnic groups in Indonesia, whose presence spreads not only throughout Indonesia, but also dominates the population in several areas in other countries, such as in Suriname and New Caledonia. Javanese ethnic culture is basically centralized from the past kingdoms which are still standing today, namely Surakarta and Yogyakarta. The Javanese cultural character that upholds social and spiritual harmony is one of the factors why this ethnic group is easy to adapt to local communities from various regions. It is interesting for the writer to explore the practice of Javanese traditions that still survive to this day which is a symbol of the harmony of the macrocosm and microcosm, one of which is the kirab pusaka from the Kasunanan Surakarta Palace. The author, using the method of philosophical hermeneutics, tries to analyze the tradition in the Deontology ethical perspective of Immanuel Kant. This analysis can be useful for understanding the correlation of the implementation of the kirab pusaka with the basic obligations held by the indigenous people of the Surakarta Kasunanan Palace in carrying out the kirab pusaka tradition.