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Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Jiwa Kewirausahaan (Entrepreneurship) Pemilik Rumah Makan Pringsewu Group di Wilayah Tegal Nurlaela, Nurlaela; Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika; Soesilowati, Etty
Journal of Economic Education Vol 6 No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v6i2.19294


___________________________________________________________________ Sukses mengelola rumah makan tidaklah mudah terbukti banyak usaha rumah makan yang tidak mampu bertahan lama, untuk itu diperlukan jiwa kewirausahaan bagi pemilik rumah makan. Sikap dan perilaku yang mengandung nilai-nilai kewirausahaan (percaya diri dan optimis, berorientasi pada tugas dan hasil, berani mengambil resiko kepemimpinan, keorisinalitasan, dan orientasi pada masa depan) perlu dimiliki oleh pengusaha yang ingin sukses. Salah satu contoh pengusaha sukses adalah pemilik rumah makan Pringsewu Group dengan 16 cabang rumah makan yang tersebar di Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat. Selain omset penjualan yang mencapai ratusan juta rupiah setiap bulan, usaha ini juga telah banyak meraih penghargaan berkat kreativitas pemilik rumah makan. Untuk mengetahui berapa besar nilai-nilai kewirausahaan dalam mempengaruhi jiwa kewirausahaan pemilik rumah makan merupakan tujuan penelitian ini. Penelitian dilakukan dengan kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 71 karyawan Pringsewu di wilayah Tegal. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa sikap yang dominan mempengaruhi jiwa kewirausahaan pemilik rumah makan Pringsewu Group adalah sikap percaya diri dan optimis yaitu sebesar 34,1%. Urutan selanjutnya adalah 31,7% untuk kepemimpinan, 27,3% keorisinalitasan, 23,8% berani mengambil resiko, 23,1% sikap orientasi ke masa depan, dan terakhir 20,1% adalah sikap borientasi pada tugas dan hasil. Untuk meningkatkan jiwa kewirausahaan melalui sikap beroreintasi pada tugas dan hasil pemilik rumah makan dituntut lebih semangat lagi dalam bekerja, berinisiatif untuk meningkatkan kreatifitas dan prestasi. Successfully managing a restaurant is not easy because many restaurant businesses are not able to last long, therefore It takes entrepreneurial spirit for the owner of the restaurant. Attitudes and behaviors that contain entrepreneurial values ​​(confident and optimistic, task-oriented and result oriented, risk-taking leadership, keorisinalitasan, and orientation in the future) needs to be owned by entrepreneurs who want to succeed. One example of successful entrepreneurs is the owner of Pringsewu Group restaurant has 16 branch restaurants spread in Central Java and West Java. In addition to the successful sales reaches hundreds of millions of rupiah every month, this business has also been awarded many thanks to the creativity of restaurant owners. To find out how much entrepreneurial value in influencing entrepreneurial spirit of restaurant owner is the purpose of this research. The study was conducted with questionnaires distributed to 71 Pringsewu employees in the Tegal area. The result of research stated that dominant attitude influence entrepreneur spirit of Pringsewu Group restaurant owner is confident and optimistic attitude that is equal to 34,1%. The next sequence is 31.7% for leadership, 27.3% onorisinalitasan, 23.8% dare to take risks, 23.1% orientation to the future, and last 20.1% is the attitude of borientasi on task and result. Task-oriented attitude can be enchanced with more enthusiasm in work, take the initiative to improve creativity and initiative to improve creativity and achievement.
Meningkatkan Penerapan Nilai Agama dan Moral Melalui Metode Demonstrasi di Kelompok B TK Karya Thayyibah Nupabomba Nurlaela, Nurlaela
Bungamputi Vol 3, No 3 (2016)
Publisher : Bungamputi

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Masalah dalam kajian ini adalah belum berkembangnya penerapan nilai agama dan moral. Upaya mengatasi masalah tersebut, telah dilakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) untuk meningkatkan penerapan nilai agama dan moral melalui metode demonstrasi. Setting dan subjeknya yaitu anak kelompok B TK TK Karya Thayyibah Nupabomba yang berjumlah 20 anak. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi dan pemberian tugas. serta dianalisis menggunakan persentase. Data pra tindakan perilaku membuang sampah 5% kategori BSB, 5% BSH, 10% MB, dan 80% BB. Perilaku berdoa 5% BSB, 10% BSH, 10% MB, dan 75% BB. Perilaku mencuci tangan 10% BSB, 10% BSH, 10% MB, dan 70% BB. Setelah dilakukan tindakan, maka terdapat peningkatan penerapan nilai agama dan moral dari siklus I ke siklus II. Perilaku membuang sampah kategori BSB, BSH dan MB dari 40% menjadi 90% (50%). Perilaku berdoa kategori BSB, BSH dan MB dari 50% menjadi 90% (40%). Perilaku mencuci tangan kategori BSB, BSH dan MB dari 45% menjadi 90% (45%). Rata-rata peningkatannya 45%, namun masih ada 20% kategori BB. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode demonstrasi dapat meningkatkan penerapan nilai agama dan moral anak kelompok B TK Karya Thayyibah Nupabomba.Kata Kunci: Nilai Agama dan Moral; Metode Demonstrasi
AGROTEKBIS Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : AGROTEKBIS

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The agricultural sector is the primary sector encouraging and driving the national economy. The agricultural sector also has functions of providing food for the society and also contributing foreign exchange as well as providers of employment and raw materials for the industrial sectors. Indonesian people who live in rural areas make agriculture as the main livelihood and food crops are the superior commodity in Indonesia. This research was conducted in Soulove village, SigiBiromarusub district, Sigiregency. This research used 30 respondents selected from 90 farmers using a simple random sampling method.Data analysis used a Cobb-Douglas production function and price efficiency which was NPM = Pxi. The purposes of this research were to determine the production input influence on sweet corn production and to determine the level of efficiency of input production used on sweet corn farming system in Soulove Village, Sigi Biromaru District, Sigi Regency. The analysis results of the research shows that land area size, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and labors simultaneouslyaffected the production of sweet corn significantly, at α level of 1%. The results of efficiency analysis showed that the use of land area (x1) by the sweet corn farmers had not been efficient while the use of seed (x2), fertilizer (x3), pesticide (x4) and labor (x5) by sweet corn farmers was inefficient. Keywords: Analysis Efficiency, Cobb-Douglas, Sigi Regency, Sweet Corn.

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This research was conducted to find out that the capital structure can improve financial performance at PT. Semen Tonasa Pangkep. The method of research is field research (field research) and library research (library research). The data used is derived from the financial statements. Semen Tonasa 2011-2015. The results showed that each year has increased its capital structure which in 2011 amounted to 13.87%, 2012 amounted to 19.75%, 2013 by 50.57%, 2014 to 110.56%, and in 2015 amounted to 137.16%. This gives a picture that the investor invested capital is returned in accordance with the time. Current ratio in 2011-2015 was in good condition because it is above the minimu standard, in 2014-2015 the condition is not good. Quick ratio PT. Semen Tonasa be in good shape for being above the common standard of 100%. Debt to Asset Ratio in 2011-2013 were in good condition, in 2012-2015 the condition is not good because it is above the general standard of 50%. Debt to Equity Ratio PT. Semen Tonasa the year 2011 in good condition because it is below the general standard of 50%, in 2012 to 2015 are in poor condition. Return On Investment PT. Cement 20011-2012 Tonasa year the situation is quite good because of increased However the years 2014-2015 decreased which indicates the situation is less good. Return On Equity Company in 2011-2013 are in a good state because of an increase but in 2014-2015 has decreased. Total Asset Turnover PT. Semen Tonasa good condition for the period 2011-2012 had more than 1 time turnover per year, but the year 2013 to 2015 are considered unfavorable. 2011-2013 Year Fixed Asset Turnover condition PT. Semen Tonasa are in good condition, but the years 2014-2015 Fixed Asset Turnover condition is considered unfavorable because the total turnover of fixed assets of less than 1 time per year

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This research was conducted to find out that the capital structure can improve financial performance at PT. Semen Tonasa Pangkep. The method of research is field research (field research) and library research (library research). The data used is derived from the financial statements. Semen Tonasa 2011-2015. The results showed that each year has increased its capital structure which in 2011 amounted to 13.87%, 2012 amounted to 19.75%, 2013 by 50.57%, 2014 to 110.56%, and in 2015 amounted to 137.16%. This gives a picture that the investor invested capital is returned in accordance with the time. Current ratio in 2011-2015 was in good condition because it is above the minimu standard, in 2014-2015 the condition is not good. Quick ratio PT. Semen Tonasa be in good shape for being above the common standard of 100%. Debt to Asset Ratio in 2011-2013 were in good condition, in 2012-2015 the condition is not good because it is above the general standard of 50%. Debt to Equity Ratio PT. Semen Tonasa the year 2011 in good condition because it is below the general standard of 50%, in 2012 to 2015 are in poor condition. Return On Investment PT. Cement 20011-2012 Tonasa year the situation is quite good because of increased However the years 2014-2015 decreased which indicates the situation is less good. Return On Equity Company in 2011-2013 are in a good state because of an increase but in 2014-2015 has decreased. Total Asset Turnover PT. Semen Tonasa good condition for the period 2011-2012 had more than 1 time turnover per year, but the year 2013 to 2015 are considered unfavorable. 2011-2013 Year Fixed Asset Turnover condition PT. Semen Tonasa are in good condition, but the years 2014-2015 Fixed Asset Turnover condition is considered unfavorable because the total turnover of fixed assets of less than 1 time per year
Pemikiran Pendidikan Ibn Tufail: Studi Atas Kitab Hay Ibn Yaqzan safitri, Lis; Nurlaela, Nurlaela; Huda, Ulul; Kuntarto, Kuntarto; Chamadi, Muhammad Riza
Matan: Journal of Islam and Muslim Society Vol 1 No 1 (2019): Matan: Journal of Islam and Muslim Society Vol 1 (No 1) 2019
Publisher : Assosiaction of Islamic Education Lecturer of Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

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Abu Bakr ibn Tufail, known as great Islamic philosopher, meanwhile his education idea can be found in Hayy ibn Yaqzan, his magnum opus. He lived at the golden age of Andalusia in middle age, but his education idea appropriates as a contemporary teaching model. This paper has been written by analyzing and comparing Hayy ibn Yaqzan with contemporary teaching models. Ibn Tufail used rationality and intuition as a major source of human knowledge, both represent equal knowledge. His teaching model has the same characteristics as personal method teaching with a scientific approach. He hammered at the development of self creativity of problem-solving. Discovery method and inquiry methods used as his teaching method with neuro language program of metaphor and analyze case study as a technique of learning.
Evaluasi Keamanan Sistem Informasi Akademik Menggunakan ISO 17799:2000 (Studi Kasus Pada Peguruan Tinggi X) Mokodompit, Mona Permatasari; Nurlaela, Nurlaela
JSINBIS (Jurnal Sistem Informasi Bisnis) Vol 6, No 2 (2016): Volume 6 Nomor 2 Tahun 2016
Publisher : Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.176 KB) | DOI: 10.21456/vol6iss2pp97-104


The security of an information system in a college is important since the strength of the security system will have a direct impact on the sustainability of the college. Academic information system in college is used in order to meet academic need, and therefore it’s security must be maintained in order to provide useful information for its users. Assessment standard for management information system information security that is internationally recognized is ISO 17799:2000. The research aims to evaluate the security academic information system of University X based on ISO 17799:2000 and to give recommendations to improve the security. This study was conducted using interview techniques, observation and giving questionnaires to managers and users of academic information system of university X. The questionnaire used is a closed questionnaire, which is a broke-down result of ten control clauses of ISO 17799:2000. Answers gathered were then assessed based on established criteria. The results showed that the academic information system security of University X included in the category of less secure, where the result presentation obtained was 59%. In order to increase the security, University X must give special attention to work on the security policy, security organization, personnel security, physical and environmental security, communication and operation management, access control and compliance.
Didaktik : Jurnal Ilmiah PGSD STKIP Subang Vol. 6 No. 1 (2020): Volume 6, Nomor 1, Juni 2020
Publisher : STKIP Subang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (533.901 KB) | DOI: 10.36989/didaktik.v6i1.116


Kemampuan pemahaman konsep merupakan salah satu tuntutan kurikulum yang perlu dicapai. Rendahnya pemahaman dan penguasaan konsep-konsep matematika salah satunya disebabkan oleh faktor siswa hanya menghafal konsep bukan dipahami dan metode yang digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran terkesan kurang menyenangkan bahkan membosankan. Melalui model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Teams Geams Tournaments siswa diharapkan tidak hanya menghafal konsep matematika tetapi betul-betul memahami konsep yang sedang dipelajari. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui pencapaian kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa setelah menggunakan kooperatif tipe TGT lebih baik daripada yang menggunakan pembelajaran cara konvensional, 2) mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yang memperoleh pembelajaran dengan model kooperatif tipe TGT dan yang memperoleh pembelajaran konvensional, 3) mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT. Data dikumpulkan dari tes kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa berupa soal uraian dan angket siswa. Angket diberikan kepada seluruh siswa kelas eksperimen dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuasi eksperimen dengan desain kelas eksperimen yaitu Pretes-Treatment-Postest sedangkan kelas kontrol yaitu Pretest-Postest. Dari hasil analisis data dengan taraf signifikan α = 0,05 menunjukan bahwa pencapaian kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran dengan kooperatif tipe TGT lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Peningkatan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran matematika dengan kooperatif tipe TGT lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran konvensional. Peningkatan pemahaman konsep matematika siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran matematika dengan kooperatif tipe TGT teramasuk kategori sedang, sedangkan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran konvensional peningkatannya termasuk kategori rendah. Berdasarkan hasil analisis respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TGT menunjukan bahwa siswa bersikap positif terhadap pembelajaran matematika dengan kooperatif tipe TGT.
The Implementation of Kahoot in Improving Students’ Tenses Understanding in Higher Education Nurlaela, Nurlaela; Nawir, Syahrianti M
International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies Vol 2, No 11 (2020): November 2020
Publisher : Universitas Malikussaleh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/ijevs.v2i11.3004


Tense is a part of English grammar that becomes something difficult to understand by students. Therefore, it needs interesting and creative learning media to face that problem. This research purposes to evaluate and analyze the implementation of Kahoot as a digital learning media in improving students’ understanding about tenses in higher education. There were 15 students in Civic Department of Education Faculty in Universitas Tompotika Luwuk as the sample of this research. Mix method in concurrent embedded strategy design was chosen as methodology of research. Quantitative data was collected through test, while qualitative data was collected by observation and interview. Hypothesis testing and descriptive analysis was conducted as analyzing technique. The quantitative result found that there was the improvement of students’ study result about tenses from pretest to posttest. The value of t-count (9,5176) which is greater than the value of t-table (2,048) is the proof. Moreover, quantitative result was supported by qualitative analysis result. It was proved by students’ achievement towards understanding indicators, namely translation, interpretation, and extrapolation. This research expected becomes contribution for the teachers and learners for implemented Kahoot as an interesting and creative learning media.
JFT : Jurnal Fisika dan Terapannya Vol 5 No 2 (2018): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jft.v5i2.16108


Research has been conducted in Maliwowo village, Angkona sub-district, East Luwu district, which aims to determine the mineral content and crystal structure of the soil in Maliwowo village, Angkona sub-district, East Luwu district. The method used in this study is the sampling technique carried out with five different points with a depth of 90 cm each. The results of X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis showed that the minerals contained in sample A were 54,5% ,ite kaolinite 24,2% and 21,3% merrilite with successive crystal structures, namely monoclinic, triclinic and trigonal. The sample point B is illite 43,7%, albite 39,8% and merillite 16,5% with successive monoclinic, triclinic and trigonal crystal structures. The sample point C illite 47,9%, kaolinite 28,6% and feldspar 23,5% with crystal structures mononlinic, triclinc and monoclinic respectively. The point D sample was 53.7% ,ite albite 33.9% and 12.4% feldspar with monoclinic, triclinic and monoclinic crystal structures. The sample point E illite 54.4%, feldspar 27.7% and merrilite 17.9% with successive crystalline structures namely monoclinic, triclinic and trigonal.
Co-Authors , Andi Tenri Uleng Akal Abdul Rohman Abdullah, Muhammad Arafat Achmad Romadin Akhsan Akhsan Aminuddin, Amin Amran, Arman Anwar Anwar Arafat, Andi Arifuddin Akil Asep Idin, Asep Ashari, Imam Astina Astina, Astina Chair, Ummul Chamadi, Muhammad Riza Dedi Hadian Djuanda Djuanda, Djuanda Edy Herianto Etty Soesilowati Euis Anih Fani Tuti Handayani, Fani Tuti Farikha, Siti Fauziah, Anisa Fitri Fitri Ginting, Rosalina Br. Gumilar, Ridwan Hadisaputra, Prosmala Hamka, Buya Haryono, Sugeng Haslindah, Haslindah Herman, Fitriani I Made Antara Jabbar, Firmasyah Bin Abd Jumarni Jumarni Kaimuddin Kaimuddin, Kaimuddin Kansil, Yoo Eka Yana Karim, Ikawati Kiki Ismanti Komariah, Lilis Kuntarto, Kuntarto M. Zuhri marwan, iis Millah, Haikal Mona Permatasari Mokodompit, Mona Permatasari MUAINI, MUAINI Muh. Said L Muhammad Arsyad Muhammad Haristo Rahman Muhsin, Muhsin Z Mulawarman, Ade MUNASIB MUNASIB, MUNASIB Nafsih, Thoharoh Laili Nawir, Syahrianti M Ngurah Ayu Nyoman Murniati Noor Asyik Nur Adyla S Nurbaeti, Dewi Nurfaizi, Nurfaizi Nurmadina, Nurmadina Nuryawati, Lina Siti Pramono, Ashar Purnama, Ryana Budi Purnama, Selly Putri, Dwi Ahrisa Rahim, Amirudin Rahmat, Alit Saddia, Andi safitri, Lis Sakina, Irene Virda Sasmita Sasmita Saula, Lely Sulfiani Setyowati, Raden Roro Nanik Sotyania Wardhianna, Sotyania Sri Wahyuni Nur Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika Prajanti Ulul Huda Usman, Herlina Wahyudin Wahyudin Wijayanti, Andi Ridha Yayank Wildan Wildan Yarmi, Gusti Yoga Yuniadi Yulianti Kalaba Zaki, M. Zakiyah, Wildani Zulkifli, Muh.