Mustaqim, Mujahidil
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EDUTECH Vol 18, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/e.v18i3.17286


This article is based on the issuance of regulations that state that there is a revision of the 2013 curriculum. This new regulation is the answer given by the government for the chaos that occurred at the beginning of the 2013 curriculum. The noise of the 2013 curriculum was illustrated by the absence of curriculum trials, then there was also no socialization and teacher training on how to implement the new curriculum as well as changes in content, approach and evaluation which are considered quite complicated than before. The government considers the 2013 curriculum changes to be better than the previous curriculum and in accordance with the conditions of need in the field. However, this is not the case with education practitioners and curriculum implementers in the field who consider that the 2013 curriculum has many technical problems and is very burdensome for teachers. In 2016, a new government regulation was officially issued to resolve the problems that arise. With the arrival of this new regulation, a quantitative study was conducted on teachers regarding the level of teacher satisfaction with the 2013 curriculum revision. The results of the study stated that 90.85% of teachers expressed satisfaction and agreed with the presence of the 2013 curriculum revision. The level of satisfaction was seen from three of the four existing improvements. in the 2013 curriculum revision, namely, First, as many as 78.27% of teachers are satisfied with the effort to restructure spiritual and social attitude competencies in all subjects. Second, as many as 94.29% of subject teachers agreed with the KI-KD coherence and document alignment. Third, the dominance of teachers expresses their satisfaction with providing creative space for teachers in implementing the curriculum in the 2013 curriculum revision regulation.Artikel ini didasari atas terbitnya regulasi yang menyatakan adanya revisi kurikulum 2013. Regulasi baru ini merupakan jawaban yang diberikan pemerintah atas carut marut yang terjadi pada awal kehadiran kurikulum 2013. Kegaduhan kehadiran kurikulum 2013 tergambar dari tidak adanya ujicoba kurikulum, kemudian berlanjut juga tidak ada sosialisasi dan pelatihan guru terhadap how to implementasikan kurikulum baru serta perubahan isi, pendekatan dan evaluasi yang dinilai cukup rumit dari sebelumnya. Pemerintah menganggap secara subtansi kurikulum 2013 perubahan lebih baik dari kurikulum sebelumnya dan sesuai dengan kondisi kebutuhan di lapangan. Namun tidak demikian halnya dengan praktisi pendidikan dan implementator kurikulum di lapangan yang menilai bahwa kurikulum 2013 banyak mengalami kendala secara teknis dan sangat memberatkan guru. Tahun 2016, secara resmi keluar peraturan pemerintah baru guna menyelesaikan persoalan yang timbul. Dengan datangnya regulasi baru ini, dilakukan penelitian kuantitatif kepada guru tentang tingkat kepuasan guru terhadap revisi kurikulum 2013. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa 90,85 % guru menyatakan puas dan setuju dengan kehadiran revisi kurikulum 2013. Tingkat kepuasaan dilihat dari tiga dari empat pokok perbaikan yang ada dalam revisi kurikulum 2013, yakni, Pertama, sebanyak 78,27 % guru puas dengan upaya penataan kembali kompetensi sikap spiritual dan sosial pada semua mata pelajaran. Kedua, sebanyak 94,29 % guru mata pelajaran menyatakan setuju dengan koherensi KI-KD dan penyelarasan dokumen. Ketiga, dominasi guru mengungkapkan kepuasan mereka dengan pemberian ruang kreatif kepada guru dalam mengimplementasikan kurikulum dalam regulasi revisi kurikulum 2013.
Publisher : Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/e.v17i2.12639


Abstract. This article would like to address a number of issues that indicate the need for increased social competence and teacher personality as the spearhead of education managers in the field. However, this enormous role is not matched by a mature debriefing of these two compe-tencies for the preparation of a professional teacher candidate. Of the 163 SKSs studied, only 26 credits were granted to form social competence and personality. Means only 16% of the propor-tion of courses for these two competencies. So on this, it needs an independent but planned effort to improve the social competence and personality of teachers, such as through pengajian pro-grams for teachers in schools. This article is formulated by using the reseacrh library approach. There are two main subjects that are studied first, the analysis of the needs of the study program on improving social competence and teacher personality. Second, the objective formulation and content of the study program on improving the social competence and teacher's personality. Abstract. This article would like to address a number of issues that indicate the need for increased social competence and teacher personality as the spearhead of education managers in the field. However, this enormous role is not matched by a mature debriefing of these two compe-tencies for the preparation of a professional teacher candidate. Of the 163 SKSs studied, only 26 credits were granted to form social competence and personality. Means only 16% of the propor-tion of courses for these two competencies. So on this, it needs an independent but planned effort to improve the social competence and personality of teachers, such as through pengajian pro-grams for teachers in schools. This article is formulated by using the reseacrh library approach. There are two main subjects that are studied first, the analysis of the needs of the study program on improving social competence and teacher personality. Second, the objective formulation and content of the study program on improving the social competence and teacher's personality.
RESTORASI PRAKTEK PENGALAMAN LAPANGAN (Studi Inovasi Manajemen Kurikulum PPL melalui Kolaborasi Pendekatan Craft, Competency dan Reflective Model) Mustaqim, Mujahidil
Publisher : Prodi Teknologi Pendidikan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/e.v16i2.6782


Abstract. This article is based on the fact that until now there has not been any serious at-tempt to improve field experience practice (PPL). This was indicated by a number of common problems that occur surrounding fiend experience practice, such as inability to maximally meet the goals of the program, ambiguity of supervisor teachers’ job description in educating student teachers, and loose and asymmetrical coordination between teachers college (LPTK) as producer and schools as industry. Thus, there needs to be restoration of field experience practice which is initiated by establishing PPL curriculum management which collaborates Craft, Competency and Reflective Models. This article presents three principal suggestions, which were obtained from literature study and data collection from observation and interview. First, there should be design innovation of PPL curriculum management using Craft, Competency and Reflective Models ap-proach by formulating success criteria and instructional plan of the program to be used as guid-ance of supervisor teachers in educating student teachers. In so doing, there will be change in the process of educating the students which is usually accidental instead of as planned. Second, it is important to formulate elaborate job description of supervisor teacher during introduction, train-ing, and evaluation periods based on the common problems that usually occur so that the role of the supervisor teacher can be optimized, which will impact the students’ teaching competency. Third, there should be simultaneous, continuous, and intensive coordination between teachers college (LPTK) and schools in order to create symbiotic relationship in establishing prospective professional future teachers.Keywords: field experience practice, curriculum management, teacher education model, Craft, Competency and Reflective ModelsAbstrak. Artikel ini didasari atas seputar distorsi praktek pengalaman lapangan (PPL) namun hingga kini belum benar-benar tersentuh oleh iktikad perbaikan. Hal ini tampak dari sepu-tar realitas lazim antara lain pada beberapa kasus disebutkan bahwa belum maksimalnya pen-capaian tujuan PPL, ketaksaan kerangka kerja (job description) guru pamong dalam mendidik ma-hasiswa PPL, dan koordinasi yang masih dinilai belum erat dan simetris antara Lembaga Pendidi-kan dan Tenaga Kependidikan (LPTK) sebagai produsen dan sekolah sebagai industri. Maka untuk menangani persoalan ini, maka perlunya restorasi kegiatan PPL sehingga kompetensi lulusan kegiatan PPL dapat lebih terstandar dari sebelumnya dan tujuan PPL dicapai dengan optimal. Selain itu, kegiatan PPL dapat memberi makna khusus dan manfaat yang mendalam bagi calon guru sebelum terjun ke dunia kerja. Sehingga, kesan yang selama ini masih berbekas bahwa guru baru tidak “well prepared” saat memasuki dunia mengajar tidak lagi muncul. Hal ini dapat tercapai dengan menginisiasi tiga hal berikut, yaitu: Pertama, perlunya sebuah inovasi yakni mendesain manajemen kurikulum PPL menggunakan pendekatan craft, competency, dan reflective model me-lalui perumusan kriteria keberhasilan PPL dan rencana pembelajaran PPL yang dimakudkan men-jadi pedoman bagi guru pamong dalam mendidik praktikan. Kedua, pentingnya rumusan deskripsi lebih lanjut tentang job description guru pamong pada masa pengenalan, pembimbingan dan eval-uasi praktikan didasarkan pada persoalan yang kerap terjadi pada kegiatan PPL. Ketiga, perlunya koordinasi antara LPTK dan sekolah secara simultan, kontinu dan intens dimana saling memberi hubungan timbal balik dalam upaya membentuk bibit calon guru yang profesional. Artikel ini di-tulis dengan menggunakan pendekatan library research dengan menelaah sejumlah literatur.Kata kunci : Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan, Manajemen Kurikulum, Model Pendidikan Guru
Strengthening Students’ Character through Tahfidz Quran in Islamic Education Curriculum Kosim, Muhammad; Kustati, Martin; Sabri, Ahmad; Mustaqim, Mujahidil
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 8 No 1 (2019): ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN SOUTHEAST ASIA
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education State Islamic University (UIN) Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jpi.2019.81.69-94


This article related to a character education model aims to link the orientation of intra-curricular activities and extra-curricular activities, which are typically conducted separately. In this context, the built model is not to reproduce what has been taught in intra-curricular activities, which leads to inefficiencies. It is also not as a substitution where extra-curricular activities replaced intra-curricular activities based on the assumption of distrust in the process of character formation in intra-curricular activities. The model in the form of extra-curricular activities has a role in strengthening character education efforts performed in intra-curricular activities. This rises within the Islamic studies subject and Tahfidz Quran extra-curricular activity. By building the spirit of character education, the model creates the Quran as the primary foundation to the life philosophy of Minangkabau people in West Sumatra, “Adat Basandi Syara, Syara Basandi Kitabullah.” This model is derived from the research conducted in two senior high schools: SMAN 1 Padang Panjang and SMAN 1 Padang. The research uses qualitative methodology, and data are collected through observation, interview, and documentation. The results of the study are thematically analyzed in three main categories: the reinforcement patterns of the curriculum of Islamic Studies through Tahfidz Quran activities; students’ efforts in memorizing the Quran; and the impacts of Tahfidz program initiation on students’ character.
Evaluasi Empat Dimensi Indeks Profesionalitas ASN Kementerian ESDM di Masa Pandemi Sedayu, Ariraya Sulistya; Redina, Wien Evayanti; Mustaqim, Mujahidil; Ramadhon, Syafril; Yono, Novi Hery
Jurnal Administrasi Pendidikan Vol 28, No 3 (2021): JURNAL ADMINISTRASI PENDIDIKAN: Volume 28 Special Issue: Forum ASN Internasiona
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jap.v28i3.39992
