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Pemikiran Ibnu Taimiyah Tentang Talak Tiga (Kajian Kitab Al-Fatawa Al Qubro) Ayu, Diyan Putri; nafiah, Nafiah; Fathoni, Khoirul
AL-MANHAJ: Jurnal Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2023): Hukum dan Pranata Sosial Islam
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/almanhaj.v5i1.2274


This article aims to find out how Ibn Taimiyah thought about the triple divorce in one word contained in the book al-Fatawa al-Qubra, where this opinion differs from the opinion of several other madhhab scholars, and to find out the istinbath used by Ibn Taimiyah. about triple divorce in one word. This research method uses descriptive analysis method, where the author in this case tries to describe Ibn Taimiyah's opinion about triple talaq at once by using primary data sources, namely the book of al-Fatawa al-Kubra by Ibn Taimiyah. From these problems, it can be analyzed that Ibn Taymiyya argued that in dropping three divorces one time, the divorce law only fell one divorce. This opinion is stronger than the opinion of the Imam Madzhab scholars who say that three divorces are punishable by three divorces. Because Ibn Taimiyah's opinion is considered more authentic, the hadiths used are less mafsadah due to the divorce compared to the opinion of the Imam Madzhab scholars. Thus, the arguments used by Imam Madzhab scholars are considered weak by Ibn Taimiyah and his group, some are mujmal due to ambiguity. So according to Ibn Taimiyah, the arguments used by Imam Madzhab scholars are not appropriate to be used as reasons for the law of divorce in three words
Kebijakan Ekonomi Khalifah Umar Ibn Khatab Khamidiyah, Lailun Nurul; Syafi'i SJ, Ahmad; Ayu, Diyan Putri
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Vol 1 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.979 KB) | DOI: 10.37680/ijief.v1i1.878


Economics is an activity that can be said to be the same as human existence on this earth, so that then economic motives arise, namely a person's desire to fulfill his life needs. Economic principles are steps taken to meet needs with certain sacrifices to obtain maximum results. During the reign of Caliph Umar, the issue of zakat was not an issue. Even because there are many people who pay zakat, they can form councils, including military councils, social security for providing wages to employees. In this paper contains three problems. How was the economic condition of the people during the leadership of Caliph Umar, what were the forms of economic policy of Caliph Umar, and how was the influence of Umar's economic policies?. This research uses library research method (library research). The data sources used by the author are mainly primary and secondary sources. Then the author will analyze the data using a descriptive method, which is to determine the interpretation of the data collected in the form of rich words, not numbers. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the economic life of the Islamic community during the reign of Caliph Umar was the majority of economic activities with trade, agriculture, and industry. The policies of Caliph 'Umar bin al-Khathtab in the economic field include: the establishment of baitul mal, land ownership, Zakat, usyur, currency, sodaqah for non-Muslims, classification and allocation of state income. and The influence of 'Umar's economic policy cannot be separated from several factors: 'Umar's concern about economic issues, using deliberation in making every policy that is set, prioritizing the benefit of the people, and 'Umar is a responsible and ascetic person.
The Conception of Sharia Fintech Lending and Its Regulatory Preparedness in Indonesia Fikriawan, Suad; Ayu, Diyan Putri; Nafi'ah, Nafi'ah
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Vol 3 No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ijief.v3i1.2468


This study aims to describe the concept of Sharia Fintech Lending and its regulatory readiness in Indonesia. Along with the development of technology and online lending issues that are troubling the public, sharia fintech lending grows and develops. However, the challenges of online lending make this industry little known to the public, so its development tends to be slow. In quantitative terms, this industry is not as much as conventional fintech. Therefore the government (OJK) initiated regulations for this industry supported by the DSN MUI Fatwa. However, after it was implemented, it turned out that there were many obstacles that hindered the growth of sharia fintech lending. Based on the research findings, OJK needs to review this regulation to make it more flexible and support the development of Islamic banking fintech more rapidly
Peningkatan Inovasi Produk Keripik Tempe "Cipta Rasa" di Ketawang Madiun Ulya, Husna Ni'matul; Shadruddin, Renaldin; Ayu, Diyan Putri
Amalee: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Amalee: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement
Publisher : LP2M INSURI Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/amalee.v3i1.1290


The small industrial sector is one alternative form to support economic growth in long-term development in Indonesia. Development of an industry must be supported by cooperation between industries in an effort to increase the volume of production. This research was conducted in Ketawang Village, Dolopo Subdistrict, Madiun Regency. Devotional activities are carried out with research-based aimed at increasing the volume of tempeh chips production in Ketawang, Madiun regency. The method used in this devotion is the ABCD method which consists of inculturation, discovery, design, define, and reflection activities. Data is collected through interview methods, observations and documentation. The results of the analysis obtained from the results of the study said that the taste variant on the product has a significant influence on the increase in production volume and economic growth in small industries, which can help the economy in Ketawang because of the main constraints of the lack of income of these chips, namely due to the lack of production volume. Sektor industri kecil merupakan salah satu bentuk alternatif untuk mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam pembangunan jangka panjang di Indonesia. Perkembangan suatu industri harus didukung dengan kerjasama antar industri dalam upaya meningkatkan volume produksi. Pengabdian dilakukan di Desa Ketawang, Kecamatan Dolopo, Kabupaten Madiun. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan berbasis penelitian yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan volume produksi keripik tempe di Ketawang, Kabupaten Madiun. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengabdian ini adalah metode ABCD yang terdiri dari kegiatan inkulturasi, discovery, design, define, dan reflection. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya inovasi varian rasa dan pengemasan pada produk dapat memberikan sumbangan terhadap peningkatan volume produksi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi pada industri kecil, sehingga dapat membantu perekonomian di Ketawang dari kurangnya pendapatan keripik tempe ini, yaitu kurangnya inovasi pada produk.
PELAKSANAAN BIMBINGAN PERKAWINAN BAGI CALON PENGANTIN PERSPEKTIF MASLAHAH MURSALAH (Studi Kasus di Kantor Urusan Agama Kecamatan Balerejo Kabupaten Madiun) Qomariah, Siti; Kadenun, Kadenun; Ayu, Diyan Putri
Social Science Academic Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v1i2.2941


The existence of the pre-marital marriage guidance process is very important for the formation of the samawa family, the purpose of marriage and the importance of the perspective of maslahah mursalah in the marriage and the realization of a harmonious, peaceful and prosperous society both materially and spiritually, so that the problem formulation in this thesis is: 1 ) How is the implementation of Marriage Guidance for prospective brides at KUA, Balerejo District, Madiun Regency? 2) What is the perspective of maslahah mursalah on the implementation of Marriage Guidance for prospective brides at KUA Balerejo District, Madiun Regency? This study used a descriptive qualitative approach, with the type of research being case study research, located at the Office of Religious Affairs, Balerejo District, Madiun Regency. The data used were obtained from interviews, observation and documentation using qualitative data analysis techniques and checking the validity of the data obtained. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that: 1) the implementation of marriage guidance for prospective brides of marriageable age is divided into 2 types, namely indirect guidance and face-to-face guidance (regular) conducted for 6 hours of lessons for 1 day with a minimum number of participants 10 pairs of prospective brides. 2) From the maslahah mursalah perspective on implementation From the maslahah mursalah perspective on the implementation of Marriage Guidance for prospective brides and grooms at KUA Balerejo District, Madiun Regency, in terms of law in Indonesia and according to the Shari'a and its continuity is relevant and in accordance with the rules and laws in our country.
Tinjauan Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif Tentang Praktik HIT and RUN dalam Jual Beli Online di Sosial Media Pada Toko Madina Moslem Wear di Ponorogo Restiani, Restiani; Fikriawan, Suad; Ayu, Diyan Putri
Social Science Academic Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v1i2.3273


Hit and run can also be interpreted as consumers who have questions about goods or have ordered goods nd promised to pay at a predetermined time,but at maturity they still do not pay and eventually disappear without confirmation, some block sellers from being billed for payment. In general, this can cause losses that vary depending on the type of business sector and the product or service offered and the system used. So, entrepreneurs must prepare tactics to overcome, or prevent such customers. The motives underlying hit and run actions by customers cannot be ascertained clearly. However, business actors can only provide analysis or evaluate things that happened and the reasons a person took such actions. Ordering goods online with a pre order system at the Madina Moslem Wear store is done using the Instagram and Whatsapp applications by filing in the format specified by seller, such as filling in the name of the customers who ordered, ordered goods, whatsapp number and instagram account name. Then the seller gives the option to the customers to place an order for goods and a make a payment in advance or may also make a payment when the goods are available but with conditions not hit and run.
Study Komparatif Tentang Hukum Jual Beli Sistem ‘Urbun Atau Down Payment Menurut Madzhab Syafi’i dan Madzhab Hambali Albadii, Loudri Fitria; Syafi'i, Ahmad; Ayu, Diyan Putri
Social Science Academic Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v1i2.3718


Bay 'urbun, otherwise known as buying and selling with an advance payment system. In the Al-Qur'an and Hadith, there is not much explanation regarding the terms of buying and selling with an 'urbun' or down payment system. The Syafi'i school prohibits buying and selling with advance payments, while the Hanbali school allows this system. The purpose of discussing this research is to find out the opinions of the two schools of thought regarding buying and selling of the 'urbun or down payment system and also the istinbath method used in. In this study using the research method library research, which comes from books, scriptures or pure essays. The aim is to provide information that can be researched about individuals, conditions, or other symptoms. The results of the discussion conclude that first, Imam Syafi'i's opinion absolutely does not allow buying and selling using the 'urbun system', besides that it also includes buying and selling that is fasid (damaged) and consumes rights in vain. Second, according to Imam Hanbali, the sale and purchase of the urbun system is permissible because both parties have agreed. Imam Shafi'i uses the hadith of Amr Ibn Syu'aib as the method of istinbath, while the Hambali School da'if it, they prefer hadiths originating from the narrations of Nafi' Ibn Harith and Umar Ibn Khattab as the legal basis.
Hukum Distribusi Daging Kurban Kepada Non Muslim Menurut Pandangan Mazhab Hanafi dan Mazhab Syafii Muhammad, Ilham Akbar; SJ, Ahmad Syafi'i; Ayu, Diyan Putri
Social Science Academic Vol 1 No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v1i2.3856


Sacrifice is one of the worship activities in the Islamic religion which is prescribed by Allah SWT. Ulama have agreed that as a devout Muslim you should also carry out sacrifices and distribute the meat from the slaughter to the community. In practice, the implementation of sacrifice also has problems that need to be examined. One of these issues is regarding who is entitled to benefit from the slaughter, considering that in civil society life is not only inhabited by Muslims, but there are also people from non-Muslim groups. There are differences of opinion among Islamic school scholars, especially the Hanafi and Syafii schools, regarding the law on distributing sacrificial meat to non-Muslims. The Hanafi school of thought is of the opinion that it is permissible to give them meat, but there are quite a few opinions among the Shafii school of scholars who expressly forbid it. With the method of library research, which examines data based on material information obtained from the library, be it arguments, books, books, or other library works that are in the library or outside it. The approach used in this writing is a normative approach based on the theory of Thâriqâh Lafziyah and Thâriqâh Ma'nawiyyah. Based on the research conducted, there are similarities and differences that the author finds in the Hanafi and Shafii madhhabs. Both of them allow non-Muslims to get meat from sacrifices with certain conditions. While the differences in opinion that exist between the two are in the methods used. The Hanafi school emphasizes the 'urf method approach by holding the value of muamalah, while the Shafii school approaches it by expanding the meaning of the text.
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Oleh Tutor di Pendidikan Non Formal Hirzulloh, Muhammad Faiq; Fikriawan, Suad; Ayu, Diyan Putri
Social Science Academic Vol 2 No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v2i1.4771


Merdeka Curriculum emerged as an effort to create interactive, efficient, and certainly more productive learning. This curriculum has many benefits for tutors, one of which is that tutors can have more freedom to create teaching materials so that students can develop optimally. The focus of this research is the development of PAI teaching materials by tutors at PKBM Daarul Ahkaam. This research discusses the objective condition of PAI teaching materials, the problems faced by PAI Tutors, and the steps taken by PAI Tutors to develop the teaching materials. The approach used in this research is qualitative with the type of case study. The results obtained are the objective conditions of teaching materials in accordance with Merdeka Curriculum, Tutors are responsible for preparing lesson plans while the principal PAI material that has been determined is developed by the Tutors themselves. The problems faced by Tutors are determining teaching materials that are relevant to the competency standards and basic competencies, lack of infrastructure, and problems that arise from students who do not understand the material coupled with limited teaching material sources. The steps in developing teaching materials are relevant to process standards, Tutors have selected teaching materials in accordance with competency standards, used varied strategies and applied learning evaluations in accordance with the independent curriculum.
Pendekatan Interdisipliner dalam Studi Islam: Metodologi dan Implikasinya di Indonesia Ayu, Diyan Putri; Nurrohman, Dede
Social Science Academic Vol 2 No 2 (2024)
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/ssa.v2i2.5542


Correct understanding reveals the true path of faith and belief in the true teachings of Islam. An incomplete perception arises when the Islamic approach is less comprehensive, giving rise to various situations. This approach is used to generate a complete and complete understanding of Islam in order to help Muslims face and answer various difficulties related to Islamic teachings. Efforts to study religion, especially Islam, are not only carried out by Muslims, but also by people outside the Muslim community. Islamic studies carried out among Muslims are of course very different in purpose and motivation from those carried out by those outside the Muslim community. This research takes the form of qualitative research, this method is very suitable for understanding social phenomena, problems or symptoms in humans by collecting as many in-depth facts as possible, the data is presented in verbal form, not in numerical form. This research produces conclusions. An interdisciplinary approach is one that uses an integrated evaluation of several related scientific views to solve problems. An interdisciplinary approach is a study that uses various methodologies or views. In research, for example, using philosophical, sociological, historical and normative perspectives at the same time.