Yurnetti, Yurnetti
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Penelitian Pendidikan Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Penelitian Pendidikan

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Abstrak Salah satu kompetensi dasar IPA dalam Kurikulum 2013 adalah menghargai kerja individu dan kelompok dalam aktivitas sehari-hari sebagai wujud implementasi melaksanakan percobaan dan melaporkan hasil percobaan. Dengan demikian, percobaan atau praktikum perlu diberikan dalam pembelajaran IPA, agar siswa memiliki kompetensi dasar seperti yang disarankan oleh Kurikulum 2013. Namun sangat disayangkan kebanyakan guru-guru IPA SMP belum mahir merancang modul sesuai dengan praktikum yang akan mereka berikan dalam pembelajaran IPA. Tujuan dari kegiatan yang telah dilakukan adalah:1. Memberikan pengetahuan pada guru IPA terhadap alat-alat laboratorium IPA dan cara pemakaiannya, 2. Memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pada guru IPA dalam membuat modul praktikum sendiri. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan adalah dengan pelatihan dan workshop yang dilaksanakan di SMP N 25 Padang, dengan respondennya adalah guru-guru IPA SMP yang tergabung dalam base camp 2 Kota Padang. Data diperoleh dari angket yang disebar pada saat kegiatan dan dianalisis secara statistik. Diperoleh bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan dapat menambah pengetahuan dan wawasan (92,9%) dan menambah motivasi (64,3%) guru IPA SMP terhadap alat laboratorium IPA dan cara merancang serta membuat modul praktikum IPA sendiri. Katakunci:inkuiri, kurikulum 2013, metode ilmiah, modul praktikum, pem- belajaran IPA. Abstract One of the basic competencies in the science Curriculum 2013 is to appreciate the work of individuals and groups in their daily activities as a form of implementation carrying out experiments and reported experimental results. Thereby, experiments or practicum needs to be given in science teaching, so that students have the basic competencies as suggested by the Curriculum 2013. Unfortunately, most junior high science teachers are not adept at designing the modules according to their practicum that will provide in science teaching. The purpose of these activities that have been done are: 1. Giving a knowledge of the science teachers about science laboratory tools and how to use it, 2. Giving the knowledge and skills making his own lab module. Methods of implementation of these activities are training and workshops are held in SMP N 25 Padang, with respondents were junior high science teachers who are members of the base camp 2 Padang. Data obtained from the questionnaire that has been distributed at the time of activity and statistically analyzed.Obtained that the activities carried out has increased the knowledge (92.9%) and increase motivation (64.3%) of the junior high school science teachers to design and create their own lab module. Keyword: curriculum 2013, inquiry, practicum module, scientific method, science teaching. 
Development of E-Module Problem Based Learning Models on Temperature and Heat Physics Materials Sari, Nadya Endah; Yurnetti, Yurnetti
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/13905171074


The 2013 curriculum requires students to have 4C skills, namely: creative thinking, critical thinking and problem solving, communication and collaboration. Physics problem solving skills, especially temperature and heat materials are still low, so a model of problem based learning is needed to increase these skills. To support the process of learning, materials of teaching in consist  of modules are needed. Along with the use of technology, e- modules are made so that students are more interested and enthusiastic to take part in learning. This research purpose to find out how the validity of the product of making e-module physics material is temperature and heat. This research includes development research with the plomp model. This limited research stage to the expert review stage. The first stage, namely preliminary research, obtained initial data in the form of an analysis of student needs from several journals and an analysis of the KD 3.4 curriculum on temperature and heat material. The second stage is an expert review, the e-module is validated by 5 validators. The data collection instrument in the research was a validation questionnaire. The data analysis in the research used the Aiken's V index. The validation data analysis result obtained that the PBL physics e-module model on temperature and heat material was very valid. The validity test sheet consists of three assessment components. The first component is the material and language aspects with an average value of 0.88 in categories was very valid. The second component is the characteristics of the e-module with an average value of 0.90 in category was very valid. The third component is the PBL model with an average value of 0.86 in category was valid. So, the average result of these three components is 0.88 in the very valid category. From the validation results, it is concluded that the PBL model e-physics module on temperature and heat material is valid.
Pengaruh Penerapan Model Belajar Reading Terhadap Keterampilan Literasi Sains Siswa Kelas VII SMPN 10 Payakumbuh Febliandi, Tarisya; Yurnetti, Yurnetti; Arif, Khairil; Zahra, Firda Az
Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal Vol. 5 No. 4 (2024): Indo-MathEdu Intellectuals Journal
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/imeij.v5i4.1689


Scientific literacy is a very important competency to pay attention to so that students can use science in their lives. The results of teacher interviews stated that scientific literacy learning at SMP Negeri 10 Payakumbuh was still not being implemented optimally. There needs to be a learning model that supports students' scientific literacy, one of which is the Reading to Learn (R2L) model. This research aims to determine the effect of the Reading to Learn learning model on the scientific literacy of students at SMP Negeri 10 Payakumbuh on Ecology and Biodiversity material. The type of research used in this research is quasi-experimental with a quantitative approach. The research design used was Posttest Only Control Group Design. This research design involves two groups, namely the experimental group which will receive treatment applying the R2L model in learning and the control group which will receive conventional learning. The data obtained were analyzed using normality tests, homogeneity tests, and hypothesis tests. 
Development of Practicum Guide Based on Science Process Skill Approach For Grade 7th of Junior High School Ningsih, Tri Wahyu; Yurnetti, Yurnetti
Universe Vol 4 No 2 (2024): Journal of Science Education Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Department of Science Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/universe.v4i2.609


Praktikum ialah kegiatan pengajaran melalui bertemu muka yang menitikberatkan terhadap aspek psikomotorik. Panduan praktikum merupakan satu diantara pelengkap terjalankannya kegiatan praktikum pada proses belajar. Jenis dari penelitian ini termasuk pada penelitian pengembangan, metode penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Model yang dipakai pada penelitian yakni model 4-D yang mempunyai sejumlah tahapan yaitu mendefinisikan, merancang, mengembangkan, dan menyebarluaskan. Tahapan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Tahap pendefinisian (define) mencakup atas lima tahap, yakni: melakukan analisis awal akhir, mengmanalisis peserta didik, menganalisis tugas, menganalisis konsep dan tujuan praktikum. (2) Tahap perancangan (desain) mencakup atas tiga tahap yakni: memilih media, memilih format, rancangan awal. (3) Tahap pengembangan (develop). Penelitian ini memakai kuesioner sebagai instrumen validasi dan kepraktisan.Panduan praktikum pembelajaran IPA untuk kelas VII SMP/MTS yang sudah dilakukan pengembangan bisa dikategorikan valid dan praktis, yang dihasilkan lewat tahapan untuk mendefinisikan (define), merancang (design), dan mengembangkan (develop). Panduan praktikum pada proses belajar IPA untuk kelas VII SMP/MTS, melalui uji validasi diraih nilai validitas 86.83% dalam kategori yang valid. Pada uji praktikalitas oleh guru diraih nilai praktikalitas 84.36% dalam kategori yang praktis dan uji praktikalitas oleh peserta didik diraih nilai praktikalitas 83.2% dalam kategori yang praktis. Dilihat melalui hasil penelitian yang sudah dilaksanakan ada sejumlah saran dimana guru bisa memakai panduan praktikum pada proses belajar IPA untuk siswa kelas VII SMP/MTS menjadi satu diantara inovasi panduan praktikum pada proses belajar dan melaksanakan praktikum. Peserta didik bisa panduan praktikum proses belajar IPA untuk siswa dari kelas VII SMP/MTS ini untuk menambah serta memudahkan melaksankan praktikum serta memahami materi pembelajaran.
Development Of Integrated Science Teaching Materials Based On Problem Based Learning For Grade 8th Junior High School fadila, tesya dwina; Yurnetti, Yurnetti
Universe Vol 4 No 2 (2024): Journal of Science Education Teaching and Learning
Publisher : Department of Science Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/universe.v4i2.626


The purpose of this study was to measure the validity and practicality of the Integrated Science learning module with the STEM-integrated Problem Based Learning model. This research was conducted at junior high school 1 Kota Solok in grade 8.H and grade 8. I. The type of research conducted is research and development (R&D). The research model used is the Plomp model. The plomp model consists of 3 stages, namely Preliminary research (initial investigation stage), Prototyping stage (prototype formation), and Assessment stage. The instrument used in this study is by using a questionnaire to test the validity and practicality. The validity test was carried out by an expert validator while the practical test was carried out by science teachers and eighth grade junior high school students. The results showed that the Validation Test obtained a validity value of 0.93 in the valid category. In the practicality test, the teacher achieved a practicality value of 0.89 in the practical category and the practicality test by students in the small group test achieved a practicality value of 0.89 in the practical category and the practicality test by students in the large group test (Field Test) the value achieved by practicality is 0.83 in the practical category. The results of the research carried out there are several suggestions where teachers and students can use these modules as additional teaching materials to support the learning process so that students play an active role in learning.
Development Of An Integrated Science E-Module Oriented Problem Based Learning On Organ Systems Material For Class VIII SMP Wahyuni, Setio Putri Ayu Sri; Yurnetti, Yurnetti; Lestari, Tuti; Putri, Azza Nuzullah
Universe Vol 5 No 1 (2024): Journal of Science Education Teaching and Learning, Vol 5. No. 1, 2024
Publisher : Department of Science Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/universe.v5i1.748


The Kurikulum Merdeka provides freedom for schools, educators and students to innovate, learn creatively and independently. Then, along with the technology development, teachers are also demanded to innovate materials for teaching to help the process of learning in related with the curriculum. The results of observations in the field shown that the material for teaching used have few practice questions related to daily life and the material is quite dense, so teaching materials are needed that contain more questions related to daily life. To overcome this problem, the innovation provided is an Integrated Science E-module Oriented to Problem Based Learning. The research aims are to produce an Integrated Science E-Module Oriented to Problem Based Learning on Organ System Material that is has validity and practicality to use for class VIII SMP students. The research type used is research and development (R&D), using a 4-D model which have 4 phases, that are define, design, develop and disseminate. However, the research just conducted until the development phase. The instruments in this research were a validation questionnaire sheet and a practicality questionnaire sheet. The test of validity results obtained a value of 83.43% in the category in very valid. The test of practicality results by the teacher obtained a score of 98.61% in the category in very practical and the test of practicality results by students obtained a score of 89.51% in the category in very practical. According on these results, the conclusion that the Integrated Science E-Module with Problem Based Learning Orientation on Organ System Material has met the valid and practical category for use by class VIII SMP students.