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Interaksi: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 5, No 2 (2016): July 2016
Publisher : Master of Communication Science Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Diponego

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.613 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/interaksi.5.2.201-208


Abstract            Television is the most influential mass media is important today to portray a person or public figure to the public. Television today is just a tool for personal gain, regardless of the actual roles and functions to the public. With the theory of the political economy of the media as well as to consider ethics in the mass media, through this article tries to analyze the Content Content Coverage in Mass Media Television Related to the Presidential Election of 2014. The mass media only as an instrument for the ruling class to control the contents of the news content for personal gain. The mass media are considered not to provide impartial news and in accordance with the facts, so that people who should get the news and understanding of the actual figure of the presidential candidates can not be obtained. The mass media should look at what is needed community real and must be concerned with the interests of society as a means of gain accurate information and have a good understanding and correct knowledge will be a political democracy in the country, so that the role and function of the media as an agent of a conduit of information and knowledge in educating people can run well. Keywords : the content, the mass media television, 2014 presidential election
Pola Komunikasi Keluarga Pernikahan Beda Etnis Rote dan Timor Di Kelurahan Naikoten Satu Rendy Hermanto Abraham
Cakrawala Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Vol 9 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

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This research emphasizes on how the communication patterns that occur in inter-ethnic marriages between Rote people and Timorese in the village of Naikoten Satu. By using an interpretive approach, the respondents who are the object of research methodologically will understand and describe the communication patterns that occur in families of different ethnicities. In dealing with the problem of inter-ethnic communication, in the context of inter-ethnic marriage, stereotypes can influence the extended family's assessment of someone who will become a life partner. The difficulty of inter-ethnic marriages between ethnic groups itself is sometimes based on excessive stereotypes in each ethnic group. Where in the two tribes, namely Rote and Timor, there are stereotypes that affect the views of people from other tribes towards them. For example, in the Rote people, most people think that some of the words of the Rote people cannot be trusted or are labeled a fraud, while in the Timorese most people think that the Timorese are a tribe with a low educational background. So it is interesting to study how the communication patterns that occur in the inter-ethnic marriage family. In this study the researcher used four communication patterns according to Joseph DeVito, namely Separately Balanced communication patterns, Separately Balanced communication patterns, Separate Unbalanced communication patterns and Monopoly Communication patterns. The results of this study indicate that inter-ethnic marriages between Rote and Timorese tend to use a separate balanced communication pattern. This is in accordance with the assumptions of the theory, namely that in the family the equality of the relationship is maintained, but each person has the authority and control in their respective fields. This is also supported by the findings of field data, namely the distribution of control and authority between husband and wife. One example is in terms of matters concerning the needs of the wife's child who has greater authority, whereas in terms of work or matters relating to the husband's income, it is the wife who has the authority
Pengaruh Komunikasi Virtual terhadap Komunikasi Interpersonal Remaja Gihon Joevial Linggom; Rendy Hermanto Abraham
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sains dan Humaniora Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (312.019 KB) | DOI: 10.23887/jppsh.v6i1.45828


Masalah yang melatarbelakangi penelitian ini adalah berkurangnya minat remaja berkomunikasi mengenai lingkungan sosial sekitar di tengah berkembangnya komunikasi virtual yang dnilai sangat efektif untuk membangun komunikasi interpersonal individu dalam bersosialisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguji pengaruh komunikasi virtual terhadap komunikasi interpersonal yang terjadi di kalangan remaja pemain game mobile legend. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif dengan data primer yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner online. Survei dilakukan dengan 100 responden terpilih dari para remaja pemain game mobile legend di Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat.  Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa komunikasi virtual berpengaruh positif terhadap komunikasi interpersonal dengan koefisien determinasi sebesar 9,2%.
JISOS: JURNAL ILMU SOSIAL Vol. 2 No. 5: Juni 2023
Publisher : Bajang Institute

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Watching a film by streaming has become a new digital habit for the Indonesian people. Just like films from Indonesia, films from South Korea are also never separated from the presence of advertisements. One kind of advertising strategy that is currently used by marketers is called product placement. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of product placement and packaging on Scarlett Whitening’s brand image in the Korean Drama Reborn Rich. This research method is a quantitative approach explanatory study, data was collected by distributing questionnaires to 128 respondents. The results of this research show that the effect of product placement and packaging on Scarlett Whitening’s brand image in the Korean Drama Reborn Rich is 17,4% on each variable
Jurnal Impresi Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 7 (2023): Jurnal Impresi Indonesia
Publisher : Riviera Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58344/jii.v2i7.3293


Penelitian ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan akun Instagram @desawisatabanjarejo untuk tujuan pemasaran Desa Wisata Banjarejo. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana Desa Wisata Banjarejo mempromosikan dirinya melalui Instagram dan tantangan yang terkait dengan pengelolaan media sosial Instagram. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan akun Instagram @desawisatabanjarejo sebagai unit observasi. Sedangkan pemanfaatan akun @desawisatabanjarejo sebagai sarana promosi menjadi fokus unit analisis penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Transkrip wawancara, reduksi data, dan analisis data digunakan sebagai metode analisis data. Metode triangulasi sumber digunakan dalam metode validasi data. Berdasarkan temuan penelitian ini, Desa Wisata Banjarejo telah berhasil dan berhasil mempromosikan dirinya melalui Instagram. Informasi dan kegiatan tentang Desa Wisata Banjarejo menjadi konten yang dipromosikan. Kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang kompeten di bidang desain grafis untuk mengoptimalkan kegiatan promosi terkait dengan kendala yang dihadapi Desa Wisata Banjarejo dalam memanfaatkan media sosial Instagram sebagai sarana promosi.
Pengaruh Konten "A Day in My Life" di Akun TikTok @hannysoegianto terhadap Perilaku Produktif Followers Ribka Pristia Mileniar; Daru Purnomo; Rendy Hermanto Abraham
Prologia Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Prologia
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/pr.v8i1.28707


Tiktok has a significant impact on society, people are active in creating content or videos on their Tiktok, one of the contents is a day in my life. Hanny Soegianto himself is one of the content creators who displays a day in my life content on his Tiktok account called @hannysoegianto. The content of a day in my life itself displays the daily activities carried out by an individual and provides an overview of their life. The purpose of this study is to see the effect of this content on the Tiktok @hannysoegianto account on the productive behavior of followers. This study uses a quantitative approach with an explanatory type of research, which uses non-probability sampling techniques and data collection through distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents. This study sees that the theory of media exposure also applies to Tiktok. The impact of this theory can be seen from the results of data processing from the questionnaire which shows a correlation coefficient of 0.636 which shows that the content of a day in my life has a relationship with the nature of productive behavior, namely creativity and time management. While the results of the coefficient of determination show the value of R is 0.404 or 40.4%. It can be concluded that the magnitude of the influence of the content of a day in my life and productive behavior is 40.4% while 59.6% is influenced by variables not examined. This study shows that the "a day in my life" content posted by the Tiktok @hannysoegianto account can influence the productive behavior of followers. This study shows that there is an increase in followers' understanding of social media, especially Tiktok through the content of a day in my life so that it can influence the thoughts and actions of its users. Tiktok memberi dampak yang signifikan bagi masyarakat, masyarakat pun aktif dalam membuat konten atau video di Tiktok mereka, salah satu kontennya adalah a day in my life. Hanny Soegianto sendiri merupakan salah satu konten kreator yang menampilkan konten a day in my life di akun Tiktoknya yang bernama @hannysoegianto. Konten a day in my life sendiri menampilkan kegiatan sehari-hari yang dilakukan oleh seorang individu dan memberikan gambaran tentang kehidupan mereka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pengaruh dari konten tersebut di akun Tiktok @hannysoegianto terhadap perilaku produktif followers. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan jenis penelitian eksplanatif, yang menggunakan teknik non probability sampling dan pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner sebanyak 100 responden. Penelitian ini melihat bahwa teori terpaan media berlaku juga diaplikasi Tiktok. Dampak dari teori tersebut dapat dilihat dari hasil olah data dari kuesioner yang menunjukan adanya koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,636 yang menunjukan bawah konten a day in my life memiliki hubungan terhadap sifat dari perilaku produktif yaitu kreativitas dan manajemen waktu. Sedangkan hasil nilai koefisien determinasi menunjukkan nilai R adalah 0,404 atau 40,4%. Dapat disimpulkan besarnya pengaruh konten a day in my life dan perilaku produktif adalah 40,4% sedangkan 59,6% dipengaruhi oleh variabel yang tidak di teliti. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konten “a day in my life” yang diposting akun Tiktok @hannysoegianto dapat memengaruhi perilaku produktif followers. Dengan adanya penelitian ini  menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pemahaman followers mengenai media sosial terutama Tiktok melalui konten a day in my life sehingga dapat memengaruhi pemikiran dan tindakan para penggunanya.