Jannah, Syarifah Rauzatul
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Hubungan Karakteristik Individu dengan Perilaku Proaktif Perawat dalam Melaksanakan Handover di RSUD Zainal Abidin Banda Aceh Jannah, Syarifah Rauzatul; Mardhiah, Elvi; Fithria, Fithria; Darmawati, Darmawati; Husna, Cut; Wardani, Elly
Window of Health : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 5 No 01 (January 2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33368/woh.v0i0.732


Individual characteristics such as gender, age, education, and tenure can affect nurses' performance, including nurses' proactive behavior in implementing handover. This article aims to determine the relationship between nurses' characteristics, consisting of gender, age, education, and tenure, with nurses' proactive behavior in intensive care rooms in carrying out handovers at Zainal Abidin Hospital Aceh Province. This study used a quantitative descriptive model with a cross-sectional study design. The research sample was all nurses who served in the intensive room, amounting to 124 people. The data was collected online with the Google Form application help and then analyzed using the Spearman Rank test with the SPSS application's help. Based on the results of the study, the majority of nurses working in the intensive care room of Zainal Abidin Hospital were female (68.5%) aged 31-40 years (60.5%), had a Bachelor degree (53.2%), working period 0- 5 years (40.3%)), and has a high proactive behavior category with a percentage of 80.6%. Then, based on the results of the tests carried out, it was found that the variables of age and tenure of nurses were not related to the proactive behavior of nurses in making handovers. In contrast, the education and gender variables have a significant relationship with nurses' proactive behavior in carrying out handovers in the intensive care room of Zainal Abidin Hospital, Aceh.