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Destination Country of Field Trip Analysis to Improve Student Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Ghazali, Achmad; Putranto, Nur Arief Rahmatsyah; Nuraeni, Shimaditya; Prasetyanti, Layung Anindya; Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 18, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : SBM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12695/jmt.2019.18.3.4


Abstract. Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is a type of intelligence that can affect someone performance when they work in multi-cultural context. Therefore, university should help their students in increasing their CQ. There are a lot of method that can be used in increasing students’ CQ. One of them is field trip to another country. However, to have optimal effect from this method, chose destination country is an important aspect that must be considered. This research tried to find the suitable destination country by sending students to visit three different countries which were chosen based on the level of national culture similarities based on Hofstede model. The CQ of students was measured before and after the field trips and then the result was compared. The result showed that destination country with similarities in their national culture can give more impact in increasing both students’ CQ and the cognitive aspect of CQ.Keywords: Cultural intelligence, field trip, destination country, hosftede, national culture Abstrak. Kecerdasan kultural (CQ) adalah salah satu jenis kecerdasan yang dapat memengaruhi kinerja seseorang ketika bekerja dalam kontks multibudaya. Karena itu, universitas sebagai lembaga pendidikan tinggi harus membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan CQ. Ada banyak metode yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan CQ siswa, salah satunya adalah karyawisata ke negara lain. Namun, untuk memeroleh hasil optimal dari metode tersebut, pemilihan negara tujuan menjadi komponen yang penting untuk diperhatikan. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengidentifikasi negara tujuan seperti apa yang sesuai dengan mengirimkan siswa ke tiga negara yang memiliki tingkat kultur nasional yang berbeda berdasarkan model Hosftede. CQ siswa diukur sebelum keberangkatan dan setelah keberangkan dan dilakukan komparasi terhadap hasil tersebut. Hasil pengukuran menunjukkan bahwa negara tujuan yang memiliki kemiripian kultural nasional yang serupa dapat memberikan dampak optimal pada peningkatan CQ siswa, terutama komponen kognitif.Kata kunci: Kecerdasan kultural, karyawisata, negara tujuan, hosftede, budaya nasional
The Implementation and Evaluation of Balance Scorecard in Garuda Chinese Food Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Journal of Business and Management Vol 1, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Garuda Chinese Food has a problem in implementing their strategy. Most of their marketing strategy did not work properly as planned. This condition makes Garuda Chinese Food cannot grow well. After a meeting about this situation, the board of director of Garuda Chinese food agrees that they will try to using a performance measurement system to create new strategies for their restaurant. After a big discussion about this system, the board agrees to make a test using this system and record the data about the effectiveness of this new system. Balanced Scorecard method is the strategic approach and performance management system that can translate the company vision and mission into implementation strategies. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the Balance Scorecard system and prove how this system can generate a new and better strategy then before. The Balance Scorecard is a tool to evaluate the performance of a company. With this evaluation, company can create new strategy that more effective and suitable for their situation. The new strategies that generated by evaluating via Balance Scorecard can increase the company performance. Thus, the performance evaluation of Balance Scorecard is recommended. Keywords: balance scorecard, garuda chinese food, performance management system, effectiveness
Job Analysis in Improving AHASS IRZA Motor Performance Adham, Iqbal; Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Journal of Business and Management Vol 8, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Increasingly intense competition occurs in the automotive world, especially for motorcycle products, because this product is the most dominant means of land transportation owned by the people today In Indonesia. Motorcycle products from PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM) still dominated motorcycle sales in Indonesia until April 2019. The high number of sales of Honda motorcycles is supported by the big number of Astra Honda Authorized Service Station’s (AHASS) workshops which are spread throughout Indonesia. The competition will occur between fellow AHASS, therefore every AHASS must work hard to keep customers loyal just as it does to get new customers. In the last 5 years the average revenue growth of AHASS IRZA Motor was only 6.92%, which was below the target of 10%. Those issues caused because customers feel dissatisfied because they feel the process of service provided takes a long time. The cause of the length of the servants is that the employees are confused with the work they must do because the available job description is only in the form of points explain narratively.
Analyzing Factors of Remote Leadership to Effective Communication: A Case Study of CV. Anugrah Driatama Haritsyah, Senna; Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Journal of Business and Management Vol 8, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Effective communication is essential to a firm's growth. It is something that enables executives conduct management's fundamental tasks planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling. Communication skills are the foundation of any company exercise, whether printed or verbal. Thus, efficient interaction is an organization's construction stone. Leadership interactions that are characterized by electronically-mediated communication between leaders and employees that are on different location are what is called ``remote’’ leadership. Throughout the practice of remote leadership, it is essential that a leader has the ability to develop a common vision where all the organization's employees also understand the shared vision but also accept and dedicate to it. Knowing the overall business situations is crucial to the operation of different businesses by general trading companies, and the profit and loss data is preserved for accounting purposes for each segment. countless businesses with differing features actually exist in one segment, Therefore, each company manages its business by splitting it further into smaller units. Nowadays a lot of new company implement remote leadership practice so the leaders can manage the company from a distance, one example of those aforementioned company is CV. Anugrah Driatama who runs in logistic services and general supplier industry. after the author conducted preliminary research, it is evident that the remoteleadership practice on CV. Anugrah Driatama is experiencing some communication problems. The author aimed to acknowledge the implementation of remote leadership in CV. Anugrah Driatama, to identify communication effectiveness through remote leadership in CV. Anugrah Driatama, and to investigate the most affecting factor of remote leadership towards communication effectiveness in CV. Anugrah Driatama. The author uses qualitative approach in this research by conducting interviews and focus group discussion. The analysis of the data is analysed through thematic analysis. The result of this research is that there are three variables that are born from the implementation of remote leadership and is affecting the communication effectiveness on the company. The three variables are leadership style, virtual leadership, and physical distance. It is evident that among the aforementionedthree variables, the one that have the most effect towards communication effectiveness within CV. Anugrah Driatama is virtual leadership. although the physical distance variable also get a lot of negative statements, almost all the problems always leads to the ineffective use of virtual leadership media that wasn’t able to replace the physical presence of the leader on the office.Key words: Communication Effectiveness, Leadership Style, Virtual Leadership, Physical Distance, Remote Leadership
Analysis of Employee Engagement Using Aon Hewitt's Model: Study of Mow Company Maulana, Diki; Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship Vol 4, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Journal of Innovation, Business and Entrepreneurship

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Food is one of basic human needs, so the demand of food will never stop which means there is a huge opportunity. Mow founder also very passionate about food that made Mow created to start a food entrepreneurship. After this business start running, one particular problem has arisen which is the motivation of the people engage in Mow itself. Mow participating in many trading activities, Mow encountered many problems, such as: Losses, Lack of capital, and the relationship between colleagues. From that problem, employee engagement is something that must be research to increase employee motivation problem. So this research is aim to find low score of employee engagement that can be improved in Mow company. This research used Explanatory Sequential Mixed method that involved Questionnaire as Quantitative and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) as Qualitative. he result has shown that the lowest score of employee engagement based on Aon Hewitt’s Model that found in the Mow company are Managing Performance Driver with 2.0 that indicates disengagement and also co-workers driver with 2.0 in second statement, contains close relationship between colleagues.Keywords: Employee Engagement, Motivation, Mow, Score, Variable.  
Job Analysis in Improving Employee Performance of Siliwangi Harley Davidson Putra, Miqdam Chakra Maulana; Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Journal of Business and Management Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. The employee of Siliwangi Harley Davidson feels demotivated about their work since they’re experiencing an overlapping work. They feel that they work more than they should with the same salary received. Therefore, the employee performance of Siliwangi Harley Davidson is also decreased. The purpose of this research is to analyse how are the current job description and what factor in the current job description in Siliwangi Harley Davidson, affecting the slow performance of its employees. Also, this researcher aims to redesign a suitable job description for Siliwangi Harley Davidson. The data was collected through interview both with the owner and the employee and analysed the current job description and organisational structure of Siliwangi Harley Davidson. The result shows that the company only had a job description that consists of what task the employee should do. Lack of coordination is also happened by not having a proper job description for all the employee. Therefore by implementing the job description and job specifications that made from job analysis it can help the company to regain the employee motivation to work again, places the employee in their best position, and a better workflow.Keywords: Demotivated, Employee performance, Job analysis, Siliwangi Harley Davidson, Standardisation
Comparison between formal feedback and informal feedback to increase member engagement in student organization Damayanti, Ika Melia; Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Journal of Business and Management Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. In Institut Teknologi Bandung, there are various student organizations, and most of them are in the form of a nonprofit organization. Since a nonprofit organization does not generate profit, there is no compensation and benefit system in the organization to retain the member such as salary. All of the members work voluntarily. It affects the engagement of members, as the members’ motivation could be decreasing due to the absence of compensation that motivates them. Thus, the organization could experience a human resource shortage issue. Strategic communication is a tool for increasing group engagement in the community. In student organizations, intensive communication in management level conducted by the feedback session, which is given by the head of department to their staff. This research aims to find out whether feedback could be a solution to solve member engagement issue in organization X. This research used a qualitative method with framework analysis method. Data collected with semi-structured interviews and observation among management levels that used formal or informal feedback. The result of this research shows that informal feedback implementation is more influential to increase engagement in student organization.Keywords: Formal Feedback, Informal Feedback, Member Engagement, Student Organization
Analysis Effectiveness of On-The-Job Training in Improving Performance of Marketing Division at Koja Trade Mall S, Hafsah Tazkiya; Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Journal of Business and Management Vol 9, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Journal of Business and Management

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Abstract. Koja trade mall has experienced an insolvency phase that causes income decreased also impacted their paying ability of the employees that continuously affect the employee’s performance. Therefore, the company conducted on-the-job training to increase an employee’s performance which is coaching and job rotation for the marketing division. But the on-the-job training impact did not last long on the employee so it is considered as ineffective. Therefore, this research was to determine what factors that cause ineffective on-the-job training in marketing division of Koja Trade Mall. The results of on-the-job training effectiveness show that based on four-level of Kirkpatrick training effectiveness, there are some levels that not fulfill by the marketing division of Koja Trade Mall. The research recommended to use the external parties in conducting the speciality training for the employees to improve their knowledge.Keywords: marketing division, on-the-job, training, training effectiveness, Koja Trade Mall
Relationship of Academic Self-Management and Academic Anxiety Towards Academic Achievement of First Year Students In Institut Teknologi Bandung Afifah, Rika; Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Syntax Idea Vol 3 No 8 (2021): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-idea.v6i8.1415


This study aims to find the relationship of academic self-management and academic anxiety on academic achievement in first-year students at Institut Teknologi Bandung with quantitative methods on 111 samples of the first-year students. The results of the regression analysis showed that academic self-management and academic anxiety contributed 21.4% of students' academic achievement as measured by the Grade Point Average (GPA). Academic anxiety has a significant negative relationship to academic achievement, moreover, this study also found a significant difference in academic anxiety between students with low, moderate, and high academic achievement. Students with higher academic achievement have lower academic anxiety and vice versa. In first-year students at Institut Teknologi Bandung, the highest component of academic anxiety is the patterns of anxiety-engendering mental activity which indicates low student confidence and self-esteem. The findings of this research can be the basis for PeKa TPB Ministry of KM ITB in designing the character development program for the first-year students.
Relationship of Academic Self-Management and Academic Anxiety Towards Academic Achievement of First Year Students In Institut Teknologi Bandung Afifah, Rika; Pangestu, Aria Bayu
Syntax Idea Vol 3 No 8 (2021): Syntax Idea
Publisher : Ridwan Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36418/syntax-idea.v6i8.1415


This study aims to find the relationship of academic self-management and academic anxiety on academic achievement in first-year students at Institut Teknologi Bandung with quantitative methods on 111 samples of the first-year students. The results of the regression analysis showed that academic self-management and academic anxiety contributed 21.4% of students' academic achievement as measured by the Grade Point Average (GPA). Academic anxiety has a significant negative relationship to academic achievement, moreover, this study also found a significant difference in academic anxiety between students with low, moderate, and high academic achievement. Students with higher academic achievement have lower academic anxiety and vice versa. In first-year students at Institut Teknologi Bandung, the highest component of academic anxiety is the patterns of anxiety-engendering mental activity which indicates low student confidence and self-esteem. The findings of this research can be the basis for PeKa TPB Ministry of KM ITB in designing the character development program for the first-year students.