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Aspek Psikologis Suami Istri Sebagai Maqashid dalam Syariat Iddah dan Ihdad Nashrullah, M. Faiz; Al Wafi, Abdul Rohim; Wahyudani, Zulham
Rayah Al-Islam Vol 8 No 1 (2024): Rayah Al Islam Februari 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Bahasa Arab Ar Raayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37274/rais.v8i1.918


Iddah merupakan tradis warisan pra islam yang eksistensinya tetap berlanjut hingga saat ini. Islam merekonstruksi tradisi iddah masyarakat jahiliyah pra islam menjadi lebih adil dan mengedepankan maslahah. Al-Qur’an dan hadis telah mengatur teknis pelaksaan iddah secara rinci. Meskipun demikian, belum ditemukan secara jelas didalamnya maqashid dari syariat iddah. Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap maqashid atau tujuan yang ada dalam syariat iddah, kemudian menghubungkannya dengan ilmu psikologi keluarga. Para ulama salaf menyatakan bahwa maqashid umum dari iddah adalah untuk menjaga keturunan (hifdz al-nasl), khususnya dalam aspek pembebasan rahim (baraatur rahim). Namun seiring berjalannya waktu tujuan tersebut dianggap kurang relevan karena dapat digantikan oleh teknologi kedokteran yang lebih canggih. Sementara aspek psikologi dalam iddah dapat dapat ditemukan secara tersirat dalam beberapa ayat yang menjelaskan konsep iddah, misalnya dalam iddah perempuan hamil yang ditinggal mati suami dan perempuan steril (perawan) yang ditinggal mati oleh suami. Aspek psikologi dalam iddah hanya bersifat asumsi yang kebenarannya tidak bersifat mutlak, maka dari itu aspek ini tidak dapat digunakan untuk merubah atau menghapus beberapa ketentuan dari iddah yang telah disebutkan secara jelas dalam al-Qur’an dan hadis. Iddah is a pre-Islamic tradition whose existence continues to this day. Islam reconstructs the iddah tradition of pre-Islamic jahiliyah society to be fairer and prioritize maslahah. The Qur'an and hadith have regulated the technical implementation of iddah in detail. However, there has not been a clear maqasid found in the Iddah Shari'a. This research seeks to reveal the maqashid or goals contained in the iddah law, then connect it with the science of family psychology. Salaf scholars state that the general maqashid of iddah is to protect offspring (hifdz al-nasl), especially in the aspect of liberation of the womb (baraatur rahim). However, as time goes by, this goal is considered less relevant because it can be replaced by more sophisticated medical technology. Meanwhile, the psychological aspects of iddah can be found implicitly in several verses that explain the concept of iddah, for example in the iddah of pregnant women whose husbands die and sterile (virgin) women whose husbands die. The psychological aspect of iddah is only an assumption whose truth is not absolute; therefore this aspect cannot be used to change or delete several provisions of iddah which have been clearly stated in the Qur'an and hadith.
Pemimpin Perempuan dalam Sejarah Yogyakarta Hadiningrat dan Relevansinya terhadap UUK DIY Al Wafi, Abdul Rohim; Rahtikawati, Yayan; Nurmila, Nina
Tasyri' : Journal of Islamic Law Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Tasyri'
Publisher : STAINI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53038/tsyr.v2i2.79


Indonesia is a democratic country with a unitary state system and uses a republic form. This has been stated in Indonesia's main constitution, namely the 1945 Constitution. As a consequence of using the above system, Indonesia has several regions under it which have their own autonomy. One of the autonomy that exists in Indonesia is the special status attached to the province of Yogyakarta. The privileges of Yogyakarta have long been legitimized by related laws, namely Law Number 2 of 1948. Apart from that, the privileges of Yogyakarta have also been strengthened by institutionalizing the form of the Sultanate and standardizing the highest regulations for the area; paugeran, into national regulations, namely Law No. 13 of 2012. So this research focuses on the extent to which paugeran is accommodated by Law no. 13 of 2012, specifically on the aspect of female leaders. This research is an analytic normative research using two theoretical approaches, namely stipulative theory and genealogical theory. It was found that Law no. 13 of 2012 was unable to fully accommodate the paugeran owned by the Sultanate of Yogyakarta. This is evidenced by the existence of several nomenclatures that are not in line with paugeran. In fact, paugeran is the spirit and spirit of the formation of Law no. 13 of 2012