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Evaluation of Laboratory Waste Management at Medan State Polytechnic Utami, Citra; Septiningtyas, Dina Tri; Fauzi, Indra; Alfiani; Mulyani, Rini; Rita, Eva; Siregar, Gabriella
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 3 No. 4 (2024): IJRVOCAS - Special Issues - International Conference on Science, Technology and
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v3i4.209


The notion of a sustainable campus (green campus) may be used to execute higher education's strategic role in contributing to sustainable development. The Strategic Plan of Medan State Polytechnic, at Strategic Objective Point 7 concerning Improving the Quality of Management of Tridharma Implementation, states that one of Medan State Polytechnic's strategic efforts is to implement sustainable development in the form of a green campus. The scoring evaluation based on categories and waste indicators (WS) based on the UI GreenMetric Guideline World University Rankings 2023 received 75 points out of a possible 1800 points, or 4.3%. Furthermore, efforts are made to improve the waste category's scoring by constructing stabilization ponds comprised of anaerobic ponds, facultative ponds, and maturation ponds for wastewater generated from cleaning laboratory equipment, while the remaining concrete material is used as a mixture of Cement Treated Base (CTB).
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Riau Kepulauan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33373/sigmateknika.v7i1.6010


Program IPDMIP (Integrated Participatory Developmnet Program) yang dilaksanakan oleh Kabupaten Pasaman dinilai sukses oleh pemerintah pusat. Tujuh daerah irigasi yang mendapatkan bantuan dana dari Program IPDMIP mengalami peningkatan indeks kinerja sistem irigasi dari tahun 2020 sampai tahun 2022. Akan tetapi, berdasarkan Permen PUPR No.12/PRT/Tahun2015 peningkatan kinerja irigasi dari enam daerah irigasi mendapatkan kategori kinerja kurang baik dan satu daerah irigasi dengan kategori kinerja baik. Daerah irigasi kategori kinerja baik (DI Batang Petok) dan daerah irigasi kategori kinerja kurang baik dengan nilai terendah (DI Simpang Dingin Barilas) menjadi perhatian penulis dalam penelitian evaluasi kinerja irigasi pada program IPDMIP berbasis EPAKSI di Kabupaten Pasaman ini. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kombinasi (mix mehods), dimana evaluasi kinerja irigasi berbasis EPAKSI selanjutnya dilakukan wawancara dan dilakukan analisis SWOT untuk mendapatkan strategi untuk tahun selanjutnya. Dalam menentukan sumber data digunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil observasi lapangan didapatkan peningkatan tertinggi dari DI Batang Petok adalah pada komponen organisasi personalia dan sarana penunjang yang saling berkaitan, sedangkan hasil observasi lapangan rendahnya peningkatan DI Simpang Dingin Barilas terlihat pada bangunan intake bendung dimana terjadi penurunan debit air masuk ke saluran karena banyaknya sedimen yang menumpuk pada pintu bendung tersebut.
Kajian Kinerja Pelaksanaan Pengurusan Persetujuan Bangunan Gedung (PBG) pada Dinas PUPR Kabupaten Padang Pariaman Rino, Rino; Mulyani, Rini; Khadavi, Khadavi
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v7i2.558


In 2022, the implementation of PBG processing which has been carried out by the Padang Pariaman DPUPR in the field of Human Settlement does not comply with the time period based on the established regulations. In this regard, the author conducted research on the factors that influence its implementation, the obstacles faced, as well as potential improvements or recommendations to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the process. The research method used is a qualitative method by distributing questionnaires and interviews with informants. The dominant factor is timeliness in implementing PBG arrangements; facilities and infrastructure; HR; and initiative. In the Likert Scale assessment, the highest result was obtained in the Disagree assessment, namely 5.57%. The results of the identification of indicators and evaluation results have been validated with experts so that the author provides recommendations to the field of creative work of the Padang Pariaman Regency DPUPR to increase the number of human resources capable of carrying out PBG implementation in accordance with applicable regulations. The Padang Pariaman Regency DPUPR Job Creation Sector must have the facilities and infrastructure to carry out the duties of implementing PBG in serving the community. And the Cipta Karya sector must have the initiative to provide information to the public about PBG and provide licensed experts to help the community complete the PBG requirements.
Efektifitas Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya (BSPS) di Kecamatan Pantai Cermin Kabupaten Solok Pangestu, Yangga; Suherman, Hendra; Mulyani, Rini; Carlo, Nasfryzal
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v7i2.584


One important step in an effort to meet the housing needs of the community is the construction of housing and settlements whose main goal is to prepare prosperous housing with adequate and affordable infrastructure, facilities and utilities. This study aims to be able to see the extent of the effectiveness of the implementation of the self-help housing stimulant assistance program which refers to technical guidelines. The analysis uses a descriptive qualitative approach, by taking assessment indicators about habitable houses based on technical instructions for the implementation of activities, After that, questionnaires were distributed to 26 houses receiving aid, 14 houses in Nagari Surian and 12 houses in Nagari Lolo Sampling take with using a Likert Scale using a Scale of 5, starting from Very Unsuitable (STS) to Very Suitable (SS), so that the implementation process can run optimally to be able to see threats that occur and also see opportunities to be able to optimize the implementation process is carried out also analysis using the SWOT MethodThe results of the study show that the application of assessment indicators taken from technical implementation guidelines falls into the "appropriate" category where for Nagari Surian it is at 4.14 out of a maximum scale of 5 and for Nagari Lolo it is at 4.16. However, in the aspect of assessing access to adequate tap water in Nagari Lolo is included in the "Quite Appropriate" category, this is because not all houses can be reached by water from Water Suplly Company, so people still rely on tap water from residents' wells or spring sources. The results of the analysis for the value of self-help are also very good because the value of community self-help is 83% - 94%, The role of the facilitator is also very influential on the implementation of the self help housing stimulant assistant program because it can help the community to understand the purpose of the BSPS program itself.
Studi Kelayakan Pengembangan Bandar Udara Depati Parbo Kerinci Kurniyadi, Amri; Mulyani, Rini; Khadavi, Khadavi; Carlo, Nasfryzal; Utama, Lusi
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v7i2.523


To support the current tourism sector, Kerinci Regency has an airport called Depati Parbo. The development of this airport really needs to be implemented, considering that this airport is the only airport in Jambi province that has the potential to be developed and improved. The problem in this research is what parameters need to be reviewed to assess the feasibility of developing Depati Parbo Airport, and what are the evaluation results and recommendations for the feasibility of developing Depati Parbo Airport. The aim of this research is to identify the parameters of the technical and financial aspects of the feasibility of developing Depati Parbo Airport, carry out a feasibility evaluation and provide recommendations for the feasibility of developing Depati Parbo Airport. This research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative, that is, both support each other, in order to obtain maximum results. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the NPV (Net Present Value) was 12,441,161,179.80, BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) 9.70%, IRR (Internal Rate of Return) 41%, although this is sufficient, there is still a need to optimize the dealer's income Depati Parbo Airport, so there is no need to increase the capacity of Depati Parbo Airport, but it is necessary to optimize Depati Parbo airport revenue.
Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Rendahnya Kualitas Pekerjaan Konstruksi Jalan di Pasaman Regency Zulhanif, Zulhanif; Hasan, Alizar; Mulyani, Rini
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v7i2.641


In an effort to meet the needs for optimum road facilities and infrastructure, through the Public Works and Spatial Planning Department, every year there are road construction and improvement activities in Pasaman Regency. The quality of road construction and improvement projects in Pasaman Regency is relatively low, so researchers conducted an analysis of the things that influence this low quality. The aim of this research is to identify factors that influence the low quality of road improvement and construction projects in Pasaman Regency and analyze the dominant factors. The data collection technique was carried out using a quantitative method, namely distributing questionnaires to respondents. Next, data processing was carried out by testing validity, reliability and factor analysis using SPSS. The results of the research conducted showed that there were 6 factors that influenced the low quality of road improvement and construction projects in Pasaman Regency, namely environmental and technical factors 16.686%, work method factors 12.047%, equipment factors 10.971%, labor factors 10.039%, managerial factors 8.648%, and external factors 7.999%. The dominant factors influencing the low quality of construction work in road improvement and construction in Pasaman district are environmental and technical factors, which consist of the response of the surrounding environment regarding project safety; existing and physical characteristics of buildings around the location; natural disasters; material prices; and funding at the contractor.
APPLICATION OF INTERACTIVE LEARNING STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (Pre-Eksperimen Pada Mata Pelajaran PKn Kelas XI MIPA di MA Al-Barokah Kecamatan Malangbong Kabupaten Garut) Mulyani, Rini; Melati, Prima; Hermansyah; Darojat, Arik
Journal Civics And Social Studies Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Civicos Vol 8 No 1 Tahun 2024
Publisher : Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31980/journalcss.v8i1.1075


This study aims to determine the application of interactive learning strategies in improving student learning outcomes in the subject of Citizenship Education (PKn) class XI MIPA MA Al-Barokah Malangbong. The place of this research is in Al-Barokah MA, Malangbong subdistrict, Garut regency. This type of research uses a quantitative method in the form of a pre-experimental design type of one group pretest-posttest design. The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes, as evidenced by the jump from the average pretest score of 58.77 in the category below the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) to the posttest average score of 80.90 in the category beyond the Completeness Criteria Minimum (KKM). In addition, a gain value of 0.51 was obtained through the normalized gain test which placed this interpretation in the medium category with the percentage of student learning outcomes 36.7% indicating a high increase, 13.3% indicating no increase or being in a fixed category, 40% showed a moderate increase and 10% showed a low increase. Therefore, the application of interactive learning strategies can improve student learning outcomes.
PELATIHAN DAN PEMANFAATAN ANALISIS BUTIR SOAL DI KKG PAI PONTIANAK TIMUR Qalam, M. Nuzurul; Herlina, Sri; Mulyani, Rini; Masruji, Masruji; Fatimah, Siti; Nugraha, Muhamad Tisna
Jurnal Pengabdian Kolaborasi dan Inovasi IPTEKS Vol. 2 No. 3 (2024): Juni
Publisher : CV. Alina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59407/jpki2.v2i3.722


Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan proses pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berbasis karya ilmiah yang diadakan oleh Pascasarjana IAIN Pontianak. Melalui kegiatan pelatihan dan pemanfaatan analisis butir soal di KKG PAI yang berlokasikan di SDN 21 Pontianak Timur. Latar belakang kegiatan ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas soal yang dibuat oleh guru PAI terkait validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran, daya beda, efektivitas pengecoh. Sehingga, diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas butir soal sehingga benar-benar dapat mengukur keberhasilan tujuan pembelajaran. Laporan kegiatan ini ditulis secara kualitatif melalui pendekatan deskriptif.. Setelah data terkumpul, maka dilakukan analisis. Yakni melalui penyajian data, kondensasi data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat diketahui bahwa pelatihan dan pemanfaatan analisis butir soal dapat menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan guru-guru PAI tentang bagaimana cara menganalisis butir soal dengan menggunakan microsoft excel dan SPSS. setelah memberikan evaluasi, serta bagaimana meningkatkan kualitas butir soal agar tujuan pembelajaran dapat dicapai dengan baik. Dengan begitu guru-guru dengan mudah menerapkannya secara mandiri pada satuan tempat mengajarnya masing-masing.
Green Campus Initiative Assessing Waste Management at a Technical Polytechnic Bismoko, Adityo Haryo; Mulyani, Rini; Rita, Eva; Carlo, Nasfryzal; Utama, Lusi
Academia Open Vol 9 No 2 (2024): December
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/acopen.9.2024.8591


Background: Effective waste management is pivotal for establishing eco-friendly educational environments, guided by global sustainability standards. However, many institutions face challenges in aligning their practices with these environmental benchmarks. Knowledge Gap: Research often highlights the necessity of holistic waste strategies but lacks specific assessments of waste management within the context of Green Campus initiatives, especially in vocational education settings. Aims: This study aims to evaluate current waste management practices at a technical polytechnic, assessing their effectiveness and compliance with established green standards. Results: The evaluation reveals that the institution's waste management initiatives are significantly lacking, with a total score of only 75 out of a possible 1800 points. The polytechnic performs poorly in recycling and processing various waste types, although there is modest progress in reducing paper and plastic use. Novelty: This research introduces a novel application of global sustainability standards to assess waste management practices at a vocational higher education institution, highlighting specific areas of inefficiency and their broader implications. Implications: The findings emphasize the critical need for comprehensive recycling programs, improved waste segregation, and increased community involvement in sustainability efforts. These improvements are crucial for both environmental benefits and enhancing the institution's standing in global educational rankings that prioritize sustainability. Highlights: Enhance Recycling: Implement robust recycling programs to meet global sustainability standards. Improve Segregation: Develop better waste segregation and processing practices. Boost Community Involvement: Engage the campus community actively in sustainability efforts. Keywords: Waste Management, Green Campus, Recycling, Environmental Education, UI GreenMetric