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The Impacts of PETI on the Batang Hari River to the Decline of Water Quality, Land Transfer Function, Socio-Cultural Life and the Community Economy Desrizal, Desrizal; Carlo, Nasfryzal; Syah, Nurhasan
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 3 No 1 (2019): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education (SJDGGE)
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.214 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v3i1.182


One of the Batang Hari watersheds flows in the Jorong Gasing area of Nagari Lubuk Ulang-Aling, Sangir Batang Hari. In this area, for generations, people use river water for various activities such as irrigating rice fields, transportation facilities, inland fisheries, and toilet washing facilities. But a few years ago there began to be an Unlicensed Gold Mining (PETI) activity. As a result, the condition of the Batang Hari river is alarming, as the level of turbidity is very high, damage to the right-left border of the river, destruction of forest areas, and even affect the social and economic life of the community. Therefore, this research was conducted to describe and prove the full impact of the PETI activity. The results showed a decrease in the quality of Batang Hari Hari river, specifically TSS parameters. The over function land was very significant where land cover in 2000 was 61.22 ha of secondary dryland forest to 25.18 ha in 2017. There was evidence of changes in socio-economic life with 63% of the surrounding community no longer utilizing river water, mutual cooperation activities are decreasing, conflicts often occur, as well as an increase in the economy but its growth is unpredictable.
Implementation of Setting and Infrastructure (SI) At Politeknik Negeri Medan Based on UI GreenMetric Guideline 2023 Dary, Rhini Wulan; Subhan, Muhammad Ari; Sitompul, Mizanuddin; Nofriadi; Carlo, Nasfryzal
International Journal of Research in Vocational Studies (IJRVOCAS) Vol. 3 No. 4 (2024): IJRVOCAS - Special Issues - International Conference on Science, Technology and
Publisher : Yayasan Ghalih Pelopor Pendidikan (Ghalih Foundation)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53893/ijrvocas.v3i4.249


Campus is the right place to promote the concept of sustainable development to the academic community and the surrounding community. The application of the green campus concept is a sustainable effort to reduce carbon that occurs on the Medan State Polytechnic campus. Based on the UI GreenMetric Guideline 2023, we will find out how much scoring from the existing conditions achieved for the setting and infrastructure (SI) category from the maximum scoring of 15% of the total. By knowing the scoring of the existing conditions, the researcher seeks to be able to increase the scoring of the SI indicator based on the UI GreenMetric Guideline 2023 which will be outlined in the final landscape of Medan State Polytechnic to get the maximum score of the SI indicator based on the UI GreenMetric Guideline 2023. The method used is quantitative using primary data and secondary data. Primary data was obtained by conducting surveys while secondary data was obtained from the Medan State Polytechnic agency. From the results of the scoring calculation for the setting and infrastructure (SI) category, the Politeknik Negeri Medan campus received a score of 440 out of 1500 points or 29.33%. For efforts to increase scoring, the maximum value is 575 points out of 1500 points. Only 9% can be maximized for additional scoring that can be done on the Politeknik Negeri Medan. So that the final score obtained is 38.33%. The researcher hopes that the research can be useful for Politeknik Negeri Medan as a sustainable effort to implement the green campus concept at Politeknik Negeri Medan.
Indonesian Mining Journal Vol 26 No 2 (2023): Indonesian Mining Journal, October 2023
Publisher : Balai Besar Pengujian Mineral dan Batubara tekMIRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30556/imj.Vol26.No2.2023.1488


Sebuku Tanjung Coal, a mining company, has a blasting location close tobuilding structures. This building is included in the Class 2 building on SNI 7571:2010 with a maximum peak vector sum (PVS) value of 3 mm/s or peak particle velocity (PPV) value of 3 - 7 mm/s at the frequency of 0-100 Hz. Several critical areas are located between 200 and 700 meters from the blasting location. The used initiation system is Hanwha Electronic Blasting System 2nd Generation (HEBS II), which uses HiMex 70 (emulsion) as an explosive type. In this paper, the tie-up design of blasting uses segment and non-segment methods to compare the results of blasting using the two methods. Based on 16 compared data points, the vibration results obtained using segment and non-segment had a value range of 2,767-15,102 mm/s. The average result of the digging time using the segment method is 10.9 seconds, while the non-segment method takes 10.3 seconds. The average size of fragmentation (D80) with the segment method is 49.1 cm, while the non-segment method is 45.4 cm.
Kelayakan Aksesibilitas Kaum Disabilitas di Bangunan Rumah Sakit MH. Thalib Kota Sungai Penuh Dinata, Tm Marta; Carlo, Nasfryzal; Y. Jumas, Dwifitra
Arsitekta : Jurnal Arsitektur dan Kota Berkelanjutan Vol. 6 No. 01 (2024): Arsitekta: Jurnal Arsitektur dan Kota Berkelanjutan
Publisher : Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Tanri Abeng

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47970/arsitekta.v6i01.634


Berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 2016 tentang Penyandang Disabilitas, ditindak lanjuti dengan Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat nomor 14/PRT/M/2017 tentang Persyaratan Kemudahan Bangunan Gedung. Peraturan Menteri PUPR tersebut memberikan acuan dalam penyediaan fasilitas pada bangunan rumah sakit untuk para disabilitas. Rumah sakit MH.Thalib merupakan rumah sakit klasifikasi C di Kota Sungai Penuh, telah berupaya untuk memenuhi fasilitas disabilitas, akan tetapi belum semuanya memenuhi standar dan kelayakan serta aksesibiliatas. Oleh sebab itu, dilakukan penelitian dengan pendekatan deskritif evaluatif untuk mengetahui fasilitas disabilitas apa saja yang sudah ada dengan kelayakan dan standar yang sesuai dan. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui observasi dengan melakukan pengukuran lapangan. Disamping itu, diadakan FGD dengan nara sumber dari Dinas PUPR dan pihak rumah sakit M.H Thalib untuk menjustifikai dan mengklasifikasi temuan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa fasilitas untuk para disabilitas yang sudah ada terdiri dari fasilitas yang menghubungan secara horizontal antar ruang atau antar bangunan meliputi pintu, selasar, koridor dan jalur pemandu. Fasilitas yang menghubungkan secara vertikal antar lantai dalam bangunan gedung meliputi tangga dan ram. Penyediaan kelengkapan fasilitas prasarana dan sarana pemanfaatan bangunan gedung umum meliputi ruang ibadah, ruang laktasi, toilet, fasilitas komunikasi dan informasi, ruang tunggu, rambu dan marka dan tempat parkir. Dari kesemua fasilitas yang ada separuh diantaranya sudah memenuhi standar dan kelayakan serta aksesibilitas dari peraturan yang ada. Selanjutnya, disarankan pihak rumah sakit MH. Thalib untuk dapat memenuhi fasilitas para disabilitas dengan standard dan kelayakan yang sesuai dan mudah dalam aksesibilitasnya.
Scoring Setting and Infrastructure di Kampus Politeknik Negeri Medan Berdasar UI GreenMetric Taufiq, Muhammad; Carlo, Nasfryzal; Y Jumas, Dwifitra; Rita, Eva; Utama, Lusi
Structure Vol 6, No 1 (2024): STRUCTURE (JURNAL SIPIL)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/civil.v6i1.11133


Abstract - Green Campus is a concept that supports sustainable and environmentally sounddevelopment by involving the academic community in the campus environment. Campus Strategic Planof Medan State Polytechnic (Polmed) proclaims to be a green campus in 2025. One of Polmed's effortsto participate in sustainable development is by participating in the UI GreenMetric World UniversityRanking program. One of the assessment categories is Setting and Infrastructure. This researchfocuses on the Setting and Infrastructure indicator with the assessment criteria being the ratio of openspace to campus area, total campus area covered by forest vegetation, total campus area covered byplant vegetation, total campus area for water absorption, total open space area to campus population,percentage of campus budget for sustainable efforts, percentage of building operation andmaintenance activities in one year, campus facilities for the disabled, special needs, security and safetyfacilities, health infrastructure, conservation programs. The results showed that the score obtainedfrom the Polmed campus is currently 440 out of 1500 expected. To increase the score, a vertical gardenor rooftop garden can be implemented on the criteria of plant vegetation, making biopore infiltrationholes and replacing paving blocks with grass blocks on the criteria of water catchment areas, installingguiding blocks and making ramps for the criteria of facilities for the disabled, and blocking
Strategi Mewujudkan Kampus Hijau Melalui Transportasi Berkelanjutan Menurut UI GreenMetric Di Kampus Politeknik Negeri Medan Hubbig, Afdhal; Hasan, Alizar; Anif, Bahrul; Carlo, Nasfryzal; Fuadi, Al-Busyra
Structure Vol 6, No 1 (2024): STRUCTURE (JURNAL SIPIL)
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Tangerang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31000/civil.v6i1.11127


Abstrak— Politeknik Negeri Medan (Polmed) sebagai salah satu institusi pendidikan vokasi yang ada di Sumatera Utara diharapkan akan terus berkembang menjadi perguruan vokasi yang unggul dan sudah harus mengambil kebijakan pengembangan kampus yang berwawasan lingkungan dan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan, Renstra Polmed mencanangkan menjadi kampus hijau pada tahun 2025. Penelitian ini mengkaji kesiapan Polmed sesuai dengan indikator UI GreenMetric pada kategori transportasi, dengan pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder yang dilakukan analisis dengan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dengan luas lahan ± 84.420,74 m² dan jumlah total penduduk kampus sebanyak 6.748 orang dengan sebaran data kepegawaian dan akademik Polmed jumlah keseluruhan mahasiswa sebanyak 6.270 orang dan jumlah Dosen, Tenaga kependidikan, dan Staff administrasi sebanyak 478 orang pada tahun 2022/2023, menghasilkan hasil penelitian berdasarkan indikator UI GrreenMetric masih rendahnya ketersediaan sistem transportasi ramah lingkungan di kawasan kampus Polmed yaitu belum tersedianya kebijakan kendaraan bebas emisi dan  belum adanya inisiatif pengurangan kendaraan pribadi di kawasan kampus Polmed. Program pembatasan atau pengurangan area parkir di kampus selama 3 tahun terakhir menghasilkan penurunan area parkir sebesar 10 - 30%. Walaupun sudah tersediah jalur pejalan kaki hanya beberapa area yang sudah dikatakan aman dan nyaman, tetapi belum ramah bagi penyandang disabilitas, dari keseluruhan indikatornya nilai yang didapat 725 dari 1.800 atau sebesar 40,28% dalam kategori transportasi. Untuk meningkatkan persentase dapat dilakukan upaya menerapkan penggunaan kendaraan listrik, meredesain jalur pejalan kaki yang aman, nyaman dan dapat diakses bagi penyandang disabilitas dan meredesain lahan parkir dengan membuat parkir bertingkat atau ground parking.
Kajian Kelayakan dan Pengembangan TPS3R menggunakan GIS di Kota Sungai Penuh Eka Friyadi, Yep; Carlo, Nasfryzal; Y Jumas, Dwifitra
Prosiding TAU SNARS-TEK Seminar Nasional Rekayasa dan Teknologi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Prosiding TAU SNARS-TEK Seminar Nasional Rekayasa dan Teknologi 2024
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik dan Teknologi - TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47970/snarstek.v2i1.564


Upaya pengelolaan sampah di Kota Sungai Penuh telah dibangun 5 unit TPS3R pada tahun 2022. Sejauh ini TPS3R ini belum berfungsi dan pemerintah setempat merencanakan untuk menambah beberapa unit TPS3R lagi guna memenuhi kebutuhan tempat penampungan sampah sementara sebelum dibuang ke lokasi disposal. Berdasarkan prediksi jumlah penduduk untuk sepuluh tahun mendatang dilakukan penelitian guna mengevaluasi penempatan TPS3R yang sudah ada dan merencanakan jumlah TPS3R yang sesuai dengan sebaran jumlah penduduk. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan melakukan observasi lapangan, analisis proyeksi penduduk, analisis jumlah timbulan sampah, analisis penentuan lokasi TPS3R dan menetukan koordinat TPS3R yang sesuai melalui aplikasi ArcGis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dengan jumlah penduduk 109.287 jiwa dibutuhkan 55 unit TPS3R yang tersebar pada delapan kecamatan yang ada di Kota Sungai Penuh.
Analisis Faktor-Faktor Kinerja Sistem Keselamatan Kerja Konstruksi Proyek Bangunan Gedung Dinas Pendidikan Kota Sungai Penuh Safwan, Safwan; Carlo, Nasfryzal; Putra, Wahyudi Utama
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 7, No 1 (2024): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v7i1.345


The Indonesian government through the minister of Public Works and Public Housing has recently issued regulation Number 10 of 2021 concerning guidelines for construction safety management systems. The SMK3 Occupational Health and Safety Management System is part of the company's overall management system in order to control risks related to work activities in order to create a safe, efficient and productive workplace. The Construction Safety Management System is required to be implemented during construction because it is also part of the planning and control of the BPSDM PUPR project, 2021. In fact, in Sungai Full city in 2019-2021 experienced labor accidents, one of the projects was a school construction project at the Sungai Full City Education Office which could not be separated from the risk factors for accidents to its workers. Based on secondary data related to work accident information at the Sungai Full City education office School Building Construction Project, information was obtained that there had been 68 accident cases during 2019 – 2021. The purpose of this study is to identify the dominant factors and factors in the Implementation of Improving Performance Aspects of the Work Safety Management System of the Education Building Project in Sungai Full City, as well as providing solutions to improve the Performance of the Work Safety Management System. This study used quantitative methods by distributing questionnaires to respondents. The results of the research conducted there are 6 factors in the Work Safety Management System (SMKK) implemented in the implementation of the Education Building Project in Sungai Full City, consisting of Commitment factors, Project Managerial factors, K3 Regulations and Procedures factors, Worker Communication factors, Worker Competence factors, Work Environment factors, and Worker Involvement factors in K3.
Efektifitas Pelaksanaan Program Bantuan Stimulan Perumahan Swadaya (BSPS) di Kecamatan Pantai Cermin Kabupaten Solok Pangestu, Yangga; Suherman, Hendra; Mulyani, Rini; Carlo, Nasfryzal
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v7i2.584


One important step in an effort to meet the housing needs of the community is the construction of housing and settlements whose main goal is to prepare prosperous housing with adequate and affordable infrastructure, facilities and utilities. This study aims to be able to see the extent of the effectiveness of the implementation of the self-help housing stimulant assistance program which refers to technical guidelines. The analysis uses a descriptive qualitative approach, by taking assessment indicators about habitable houses based on technical instructions for the implementation of activities, After that, questionnaires were distributed to 26 houses receiving aid, 14 houses in Nagari Surian and 12 houses in Nagari Lolo Sampling take with using a Likert Scale using a Scale of 5, starting from Very Unsuitable (STS) to Very Suitable (SS), so that the implementation process can run optimally to be able to see threats that occur and also see opportunities to be able to optimize the implementation process is carried out also analysis using the SWOT MethodThe results of the study show that the application of assessment indicators taken from technical implementation guidelines falls into the "appropriate" category where for Nagari Surian it is at 4.14 out of a maximum scale of 5 and for Nagari Lolo it is at 4.16. However, in the aspect of assessing access to adequate tap water in Nagari Lolo is included in the "Quite Appropriate" category, this is because not all houses can be reached by water from Water Suplly Company, so people still rely on tap water from residents' wells or spring sources. The results of the analysis for the value of self-help are also very good because the value of community self-help is 83% - 94%, The role of the facilitator is also very influential on the implementation of the self help housing stimulant assistant program because it can help the community to understand the purpose of the BSPS program itself.
Studi Kelayakan Pengembangan Bandar Udara Depati Parbo Kerinci Kurniyadi, Amri; Mulyani, Rini; Khadavi, Khadavi; Carlo, Nasfryzal; Utama, Lusi
Jurnal Talenta Sipil Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/talentasipil.v7i2.523


To support the current tourism sector, Kerinci Regency has an airport called Depati Parbo. The development of this airport really needs to be implemented, considering that this airport is the only airport in Jambi province that has the potential to be developed and improved. The problem in this research is what parameters need to be reviewed to assess the feasibility of developing Depati Parbo Airport, and what are the evaluation results and recommendations for the feasibility of developing Depati Parbo Airport. The aim of this research is to identify the parameters of the technical and financial aspects of the feasibility of developing Depati Parbo Airport, carry out a feasibility evaluation and provide recommendations for the feasibility of developing Depati Parbo Airport. This research method is a combination of qualitative and quantitative, that is, both support each other, in order to obtain maximum results. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the NPV (Net Present Value) was 12,441,161,179.80, BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) 9.70%, IRR (Internal Rate of Return) 41%, although this is sufficient, there is still a need to optimize the dealer's income Depati Parbo Airport, so there is no need to increase the capacity of Depati Parbo Airport, but it is necessary to optimize Depati Parbo airport revenue.