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Integrasi Autonomous Learning dalam Pembelajaran Berbasis Digital di SMK Yapim Siak Hulu Khulaifiyah, Khulaifiyah; Suryanti, Nunuk; Ahmad, Arimuliani
Abditeknika Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): April 2024
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/abditeknika.v4i1.3110


Kegiatan ini dilatar belakangi oleh pentingnya autonomous learning dalam pengajaran untuk menciptakan athmosphere belajar yang kondusif dimanapun siswa/I belajar, yang mengharuskan peneliti mengusulkan solusi dari permasalahan kekhawatiran para guru akan pengaruh media digital yang dipergunakan selama pembelajaran. Pendampingan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar (Autonomous Learning) agar pembelajaran yang dilakukan secara digitalisasi di dalam maupun di luar kelas dapat terwujud. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan oleh siswa kelas XI TKJ sebanyak 15 orang siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode yang dipilih dalam melakukan pendampingan siswa SMK Yapim Siak Hulu  yaitu mentoring dan consulting. Tim pengabdian membagi kegiatan kedalam 2 sesi, yang pertama tim PkM melakukan sesi wawancara terhadap beberapa siswa untuk menceritakan kegiatan belajar sehari-harinya, kemudian sesi kedua Tim PkM memberikan survey kepada siswa dalam bentuk Google Form yang berisi tentang pertanyaan-pertanyaan terkait sikap dari kemandirian belajar siswa. Kegiatan penyampaian Pengukuran kemandirian belajar pada penelitian ini berdasarkan pada faktor internal (dari dalam diri) siswa yaitu percaya diri, disiplin, motivasi, inisiatif dan tanggung jawab. Pengisisan survey terdiri dari 25 pertanyaan dengan rentang pilihan dari rentang 1 s/d 10. Dari hasil penelitian melalui sesi wawancara dan survey, Tim PkM memperoleh hasil dari siswa Kelas XI SMK Yapim Siak Hulu bahwa kemandirian belajar siswa cukup tinggi. Dari hasil survey, sebagian besar siswa persantese yang cukup tinggi yaitu berada pada level menengah keatas dengan rentang 5 s/d 10.   The implementation of this service is motivated by the importance of autonomous learning in teaching to create a conducive learning atmosphere wherever students learn, which requires researchers to propose solutions to the problem of teachers' concerns about the influence of digital media used during learning. This assistance aims to increase learning independence (Autonomous Learning) so that digitized learning inside and outside the classroom can be realized. This activity was carried out directly by XI TKJ class students as many as 15 students. This PKM activity uses the method chosen in assisting students of SMK Yapim Siak Hulu, namely mentoring and consulting. The service team divided the activity into 2 sessions, the first PkM team conducted an interview session with several students to tell about their daily learning activities, then the second session of the PkM Team gave a survey to students in the form of a Google Form containing questions related to the attitude of student learning independence. The activity of delivering learning independence measurements in this study is based on internal factors (from within) students, namely self-confidence, discipline, motivation, initiative and responsibility. From the results of the research through interview sessions and surveys, the PkM Team obtained results from Class XI students of SMK Yapim Siak Hulu that students' learning independence was quite high. From the survey results, most students have a fairly high percentage, which is at the upper middle level with a range of 5 to 10.
Pelatihan Multiliterasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Melalui Pameran Media berbasis Teknologi di SMKS YAPIM Siak Hulu Etfita, Fauzul; Alber; Ahmad, Arimuliani; Wahyuni, Sri; Asnawi; Fanjani, Salwa
AJAD : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): DESEMBER 2023
Publisher : Lembaga Mitra Solusi Teknologi Informasi (L-MSTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59431/ajad.v3i3.226


The limited knowledge of students and teachers in multiliteracy-based learning media is one of the obstacles in language learning. Through this community service activity, it is hoped that both parties, teachers, and students, can be more motivated to improve language multiliterate skills. This activity was carried out as a training activity in the form of an exhibition, where several technology-based learning media that could help increase students' multiliteracy were exhibited on banners. This activity was carried out at SMKS YAPIM Siak Hulu Vocational School, with students and language teachers participating. The results of the activity evaluation show that this training is very useful in helping teachers be able to explore ideas, analyze learning needs, design learning models, design learning models, and present learning models. So, in the end, multiliteracy learning can be implemented by utilizing a variety of learning resources and critical literacy stimulation to motivate students.
Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Multimedia Interaktif sebagai Supportive Learning untuk Menghadapi Era Digital di SMK Yapim Siak Hulu Ahmad, Arimuliani; Rezki; Etfita, Fauzul
AJAD : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): APRIL 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Mitra Solusi Teknologi Informasi (L-MSTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59431/ajad.v4i1.266


The implementation of this workshop was motivated by the importance of utilizing interactive learning media in teaching to create more effective and varied teaching and learning activities. The researcher proposed a solution to the main problem experienced by students at SMK Yapim, which is the lack of time spent learning English at school. This results in a gap in English language skills among students. The objective of this training is to train students' independence in utilizing interactive multimedia as one of the additional learning alternatives at SMK Yapim Siak Hulu and to assist teachers and students in facing the challenges of an increasingly advanced digital era by utilizing interactive multimedia technology as an effective learning tool. This assistance will use training and tutoring methods. Afterward, The workshop team will assist students in the preparation stage and writing workshop. The material presentation activity by the PkM team begins with an introduction to interactive multimedia, starting from the concept of speaking, how to access Kahoot, how to use Quizziz, and how to use Nearpod. There was a positive response from class X Ak / TKJ students to take part in this training activity by following the activity session from start to finish. Students are asked to access the 3 applications to follow the directions and learn through this application. Therefore, at the end of the activity, the PkM team distributed questionnaires to students related to learning activities, namely the media used by students while studying at SMK
Pendampingan Pengembangan Bahan Ajar berbasis Artificial Intelligence Ahmad, Arimuliani; Khulaifiyah; Rugaiyah
AJAD : Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): APRIL 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Mitra Solusi Teknologi Informasi (L-MSTI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59431/ajad.v4i1.307


The need for innovation in the development of teaching materials is increasingly urgent with the advancement of information and communication technologies. In an effort to improve the quality of learning, an approach based on artificial intelligence has become a highlight in modern education. This article deals with a community service project that aims to provide support in the development of AI-based teaching materials to educators. This includes training in the use of AI, the integration of technology into the learning process, and the creation of content that matches the curriculum needs. With the help of this accompaniment, educators can harness the potential of AI to improve learning effectiveness and provide a more interesting and relevant learning experience for students. The results of this accompaniment showed that the partners were satisfied with the accompanying. It's also supported ole interaction during very conducive activities. It is expected to make a positive contribution to improving the quality of education at school and college level.
Designing the Flipped Classroom Strategy in Teaching Grammar Johari, Johari; Ahmad, Arimuliani; Salsabila, Intan Syazwina
Journal of English Language and Education Vol 9, No 4 (2024)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jele.v9i4.548


This study provides a simple design of a flipped learning instructional model to teach Basic English grammar at a Private University in Riau. Bloom's taxonomy of educational objectives was utilized as an underpinning to develop a top-down flipped learning model. To support student learning outside of the classroom, Google Classroom, an LMS, was used as a platform to disseminate pre-class video lectures. Moreover, this study employed a design-based research (DBR) approach for instructional technology, which provided several phases, namely; planning, designing, formative evaluation, revising, re-designing, and summative evaluation. Researchers suggest watching, summarizing, and taking notes as the three main tasks that can be done outside the classroom; while discussions and presentations are the main activities that occur in class. The findings of this study have consequences for authorities who should take into account flipped classrooms as the current method of instruction for providing grammar and other disciplines in any higher education institution in Indonesia.
Enhancing EFL Students’ Writing Skill Through LSP (Learn Social Platform): A Case Of Indonesian Students Ahmad, Arimuliani; Satriani, Estika; Etfita, Fauzul; Alber
International Journal of Language Pedagogy Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Language Pedagogy Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ijolp.v1i1.25


In the industry revolution 4.0 era, the Indonesian government also strives to socialize the education change to increase the quality and effort to build up the students of higher education learning style more autonomously. This research aimed to explore the effectiveness of using Learn Social Platform toward students’ writing skills and explore students’ perspectives of using this platform in one of the private universities in Riau, Indonesia. This research was a mixed-method approach. There are 38 undergraduate students as the sample of this research. The researchers used two kinds of instruments such as writing test for analyzing quantitative data and interview for qualitative data. The result showed that the use of this platform can give a significant effect on students’ writing skill which was revealed by students’ post-test was higher than pre-test. In addition, interview data reveal that students felt enthusiastic to use this platform because it is very helpful to increase their English skills which complete material and tasks. In a practical case, the students expected to get feedback as soon as possible on the same day from their lecturer.
The Practical Used of Essay Writing Material based PjBL through Padlet in Higher Education Ahmad, Arimuliani; Mukhaiyar; Atmazaki; Johari, Afrizal
International Journal of Language Pedagogy Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Language Pedagogy Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ijolp.v3i2.43


Mastering essay writing skill is crucial for students who majoring in English Language Department to enhance their language proficiency development, critical thinking, effective communication, and prepares them for academic and professional demands. Meanwhile, many problems still occur in mastering this skill. Hence, the requirement for innovation in teaching essay writing, especially for Essay Writing course is needed. This research used survey method to investigate the practical used of of Essay Writing material-based Project-based Learning through Padlet for teaching Essay Writing course. There were 50 students and 3 lecturers who were involved in the initial investigation of this study. Then, 3 students for limited trials, and 63 students involved in wide trials. The practicality result shows that the teaching material are categorized as Very Practical (85.8%) from teachers’ perspective and Very Practical (84.1%) from students’ perspective. Addressing that explanation about this research finding, it can be concluded that this Instructional Material based PjBL through Padlet is effective to be applied in higher education with independent students to enhance their creative, innovative and critical thinking in expressing ideas about authentic problem in their environment and world- wide environment.