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Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Journal of Indonesian Tourism, Hospitality and Recreation
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jithor.v3i1.23439


ABSTRAKBerbagai macam aktivitas yang ada di Pulau Bali, menyebabkan seluruh elemen masyarakat bergerak dalam berbagai bidang pekerjaan yang tersedia. Hampir sebagian besar aktivitas masyarakat menimbulkan sampah baik skala rumah tangga maupun skala industri salah satunya di industri pariwisata. Pada industri pariwisata di bali yang merupakan salah satu penopang utama kehidupan masyarakat bali, sampah ini hampir ditemui hampir disemua objek wisata seiring dengan makin masifnya kegiatan pariwisata. Meningkatnya penumpukan sampah ini bukannya tidak disadari oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat, tetapi perlu ditingkatkan gerakan dalam pengelolaan sampah yang ada. Hal ini terlihat dari adanya Peraturan Gubernur Bali nomor 97 tahun 2018 tentang pembatasan timbulan sampah plastik sekali pakai yang menunjukkan bagaimana pemerintah peduli akan permasalah sampah yang sudah lama terjadi selama ini terutamanya dalam menjaga citra pariwisata bali. Meskipun masih cukup tinggi timbulan sampah yang sering ditemui di beberapa tempat. Penelitian ini akan mencari beberapa gerakan masyarakat baik yang terorganisir seperti pada komunitas Trash Hero Indonesia maupun yang belum dalam mengurangi timbulan penggunaan sampah untuk menjaga citra pariwisata bali. Sehingga didapatkan beberapa tindakan alternatif yang mendukung Peraturan Gubernur Bali nomor 97 tahun 2018 yang mampu secara efektif dalam mengurangi resiko pencemaran lingkungan dengan adanya sampah plastik tersebut. Diharapkan tindakan alternatif ini dapat menjaga dan memberikan warisan yang positif bagi generasi berikutnya. Kata Kunci : Citra Pariwisata, Plastik, SampahABSTRACTVarious kinds of activities that exist on the island of Bali, causing all elements of society to move forward in various fields of work. Most of the community's activities cause garbage both in household scale and industrial scale, one of which is in the tourism industry. In the tourism industry in Bali which is one of the main pillars of the life of the Balinese people, this waste is almost found in almost all tourism objects along with the increasingly massive tourism activities. Increasing the accumulation of waste is not realized by the government and the community, but it needs to be improved in the management of existing waste management. This is evident from the existence of the Bali Governor Regulation number 97 of 2018 concerning restrictions on the generation of disposable plastic waste that shows how the government cares about the long-standing waste problem especially in maintaining the image of Bali tourism. Although it is still quite high, waste generation is often found in several places. This research will look for some well-organized community movements such as the Trash Hero Indonesia community and those who have not reduced the use of waste to maintain the image of Bali tourism. So that there are several alternative actions that support the Bali Governor Regulation number 97 of 2018 which is able to effectively reduce the risk of environmental pollution in the presence of plastic waste. It is hoped that these alternative actions can maintain and provide a positive legacy for the next generation. Keywords: Waste, Plastic, Tourism Image
Publisher : Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25078/pba.v6i2.2916


Industri perhotelan merupakan salah satu bagian dari dunia Pariwisata yang memegan peranan penting dimanapun berada. Peran industri perhotelan ini tidak hanya sebagai tempat untuk singgah dan beristirahat, melainkan menjadi sebuah awal dari kegiatan perekonomian dari industri lain. Datangnya virus covid-19 di awal tahun 2020, tak pelak memukul segala sektor industri yang ada didunia tidak terkecuali industri perhotelan. Selama hampir 3 bulan, masyarakat di dunia dipaksa untuk hidup berada dalam ketakutan akan virus covid-9. World Health Organization (WHO) pun menyerukan adanya “New Normal” sebagai bentuk adaptasi baru bagi seluruh masyarakat di dunia terhadap virus ini sampai ditemukan obatnya.Berdasarkan adanya virus tersebut, industri pariwisata yang memiliki berbagai macam akomodasi ikut menyambut “New Normal” dengan mengikuti aturan-aturan ketat yang berlaku mengikuti anjuran pemerintah setempat. Pada penelitian ini akan mencoba mengetahui bentuk protokol “New Normal” pada beberapa akomodasi dan restoran di Bali yang merupakan salah satu daerah yang terdampak secara signifikan. Sehingga didapatkan langkah-langkah yang tepat untuk diterapkan bagi daerah lain dengan mengikuti kebiasaan yang berlaku di daerah tersebut.
Kajian Sosioreligius Barong Landung Dalam Pemujaan Sasuhunan Prawelan Bhatara Galungan Kuningan I Nyoman Temon Astawa; Ni Komang Sudarningsih; Ni Made Rai Kristina
Jurnal Penelitian Agama Hindu Special Issue Budaya & Pendidikan
Publisher : Jayapangus Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (252.373 KB) | DOI: 10.37329/jpah.v0i0.1623


The worship of Barong Landung as Sasuhunan Prawalen Bhatara Galungan Kuningan is an effort to create a sense of security, tranquility, peace and inner and outer prosperity in social life. Nowadays, the Barong Landung worship procession becomes a quite interesting phenomenon. The reality faced by society is that there are still many people who do not understand the essence of worshiping Barong Landung with various rituals and the uniqueness contained in it. The existence of Sasuhunan Prawalen Bhatara Galungan Kuningan is understood with various perceptions and beliefs of the community, so that in the procession of worshipers it is seen that the enthusiasm of the community, especially the youth, is scrambling to get back, nyolahang Ida Bhatara, in addition to other uniqueness. The worship of Barong Landung in Sasuhunan Prawalen Bhatara Galungan Kuningan is believed by the community as a place to ask for safety and prevent the community from mrana. The Mythology of the Worship of Barong Landung, apart from being the embodiment of Sasuhunan Prawalen Bhatara Galungan Kuningan, is also believed to be a medium to invoke healing for the illness suffered by krama. Prawalen Bhatara Galungan and Kuningan who reside in Barong Landung, apart from being the center of worship, also Ida Bhatara Ngemargiang Matetambaan or Ngemargiang Usada (treatment) is believed to be very effective in getting rid of gering mumps. Socio-Religious Hindu values ​​in worshiping Sasuhunan Prawalen Bhatara Galungan Kuningan include the value of God, the value of kinship, and the value of solidarity.
Pemulihan Fungsi Alam Pariwisata Ditengah Pandemi Covid-19 I Gusti Ketut Indra Pranata Darma; Ni Made Rai Kristina
Khasanah Ilmu - Jurnal Pariwisata Dan Budaya Vol 11, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Khasanah Ilmu - September 2020
Publisher : Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.688 KB) | DOI: 10.31294/khi.v11i2.8480


Abstrak Industri pariwisata merupakan salah satu industry yang cukup tergantung terhadap ketersediaan alam. Bertebarannya destinasi wisata yang menggunakan alam sebagai objeknya menunjukkan bagaimana peran alam terhadap perkembangan pariwisata. Eksploitasi terhadap alam juga tidak jarang kita jumpai pada beberapa objek wisata tertentu. Adanya pariwisata secara tidak langsung akan mendatangkan wisatawan dari berbagai Negara, sehingga terjadi suatu perjalanan wisata. Perjalanan wisata dengan berbagai macam moda transportasi berperan serta dalam mencemari alam dan sekitarnya. Hingga pandemi covid-19 yang merubah hampir seluruh jenis kegiatan industry di dunia tidak terkecuali industry pariwisata. Berbagai sektor industry yang berhenti beroperasi selama lebih dari 2 bulan, diikuti dengan turunnya tingkat polusi yang ditimbulkan. Berdasarkan data dari IQAir salah satu aplikasi pemantauan kualitas udara  terjadi penurunan indeks polusi dibawah 50 selama masa covid-19 ini. Penurunan tersebut menjadi suatu hal yang menarik. Permasalahan polusi yang mengalami penurunan selama pandemic covid menjadi suatu hal yang dikaji pada penelitian kali ini. Pada kajian ini, bertujuan untuk menggali tingkat pemulihan fungsi alam pariwisata ditengah pandemi covid yang terjadi. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan kajian literature serta membandingkan dengan pengambilan data-data menggunakan aplikasi IQAir. Diharapkan mendapatkan hasil mengenai tingkat perbaikan dari adanya penurunan polusi kendaraan selama masa awal pandemi covid. Kata Kunci : Pariwisata, Alam, Covid Recovery Of Natural Tourism Function In The Middle Of Pandemi Covid-19 Abstract The tourism industry is one industry that is quite dependent on the availability of nature. The spread of tourist destinations that use nature as an object shows how the role of nature in the development of tourism. Exploitation of nature is also not uncommon we find in certain tourist attractions. The existence of tourism will indirectly bring tourists from various countries so that a tour will occur. Travel tours with various modes of transportation play a role in polluting nature and its surroundings. Until the co-19 pandemic that changed almost all types of industrial activity in the world was no exception the tourism industry. Various industrial sectors have stopped operating for more than 2 months, followed by a decrease in the level of pollution they have caused. Based on data from IQAir, one of the air quality monitoring applications, there was a decrease in the pollution index to below 50 during the covid-19 period. This decline is an interesting thing. The problem of pollution which has decreased during the Covid pandemic is one thing that was studied in this research. In this study, it aims to explore the rate of restoration of the natural functions of tourism amid the Covid pandemic that has occurred. In this study, using a literature review and comparing it with data collection using the IQAir application. It is expected to get results regarding the level of improvement from the decrease in vehicle pollution during the initial period of the Covid pandemic. Keywords: Tourism, Nature, Covid
Pengelolaan Timbulan Sampah Untuk Menjaga Citra Industri Pariwisata Pada Daya Tarik Wisata di Bali Ni Made Rai Kristina; I Gusti Ketut Indra Pranata Darma; Heny Ratnaningtyas
Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Vol 25 No 3 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30647/jip.v25i3.1351


This research aims to community movements both spontaneously and in an organized manner, such as the Trash Hero Indonesia community and other community activities that care about the high waste generation. In addition to the Trash Hero community, in-depth interviews were conducted with the Waste Bank and tourist attraction in knowing the management of waste generation. It is hoped that alternative activities will be obtained to help reduce the generation of plastic waste that supports the implementation of Bali Governor Regulation number 97 of 2018. Activities from the community are expected to be able to maintain and provide a positive legacy for future generations. The purpose of this research is to find movements made by the community to help reduce the generation of plastic waste on the island of Bali. The results of this study are expected to increase public awareness of waste management both organic and non organic. Keywords : Waste; Plastic; Tourism Image
Pengembangan Wisata Edukasi Pada Daya Tarik Ekowisata Bukit Cemeng di Desa Adat Sidembunut, Kelurahan Cempaga, Kecamatan Bangli Kabupaten Bangli I Ketut Arta Widana; I Gede Sutarya; Ni Made Rai Kristina; I Gusti Ketut Indra Pranata Darma; Ida Anuraga Nirmalayani
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Pariwisata Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Pemberdayaan Pariwisata
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat STP Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1034.783 KB) | DOI: 10.30647/jpp.v3i2.1581


Kegiatan pengembangan wisata edukasi pada daya tarik ekowisata Bukit Cemeng di Desa Adat Sidembunut, Kelurahan Cempaga, Kecamatan Bangli Kabupaten Bangli. Bukit cemeng merupakan hasil pemikiran masyarakat sekitar dalam mengembangkan area perbukitan yang dikemas secara gotong royong. Banyaknya jenis tanaman yang terdapat di Bukit Cemeng sering menjadi bahan diskusi serta pertanyaan baik anak-anak, remaja hingga orang dewasa mengenai nama serta manfaat dari setiap tanaman terlebih ekowisata selalu identik dengan keaslian maupun keasrian lokasi wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan dalam mengenalkan manfaat berbagai macam tanaman kelapa untuk edukasi kepada wisatawan. Model edukasi kepada wisatawan nantinya berbentuk petunjuk pada setiap tanaman kelapa yang ditanam dengan beragam jenis. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh Prodi Industri Perjalanan dilaksanakan dengan metode kualitatif dan diskusi. Pengenalan jenis kelapa menjadi salah satu simbol sakral bagi masyarakat Bali pada khususnya sehingga diharapkan mampu menambah pengetahuan langsung bagi para wisatawan dari segala kalangan. Pada kegiatan tersebut, pengelola DTW mendapatkan pengetahuan baru tentang berbagai macam tanaman upakara untuk dapat dimanfaatkan serta menjadi bekal dalam mengedukasi wisatawan. Kata Kunci: Edukasi; Ekowisata; Kelapa
Pemulihan Ekonomi Pariwisata Bali di Era New Normal Ni Made Rai Kristina
Cultoure: Jurnal Ilmiah Pariwisata Budaya Hindu Vol 1, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Hindu Negeri Mpu Kuturan Singaraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (383.574 KB) | DOI: 10.55115/cultoure.v1i2.828


Tourism is a very important sector in the income of the Indonesian economy in general and Bali in particular. Bali is a contributor to more than one third of the number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia each year. Nature, customs and culture are the main factors that attract tourists to visit Bali. This greatly affects the economy of the Balinese people, because most of them are engaged in the tourism industry. The Covid-19 pandemic in all parts of the world, and also hit Indonesia, has an impact on the economic sector of Bali's tourism. The decline in Bali's tourism economy and the steps being taken to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic are very interesting to study. This study aims to explore the economic recovery of Bali's tourism in a new normal era. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study indicate that it takes a long time to improve the tourism economy of Bali, so that recovery steps are needed. Starting July 9, the Provincial Government of Bali implemented the New Normal policy. This policy is implemented in collaboration with all components of Balinese society. Keywords : Tourism Economy, New Normal
Tatanan Kehidupan Baru pada Daya Tarik Wisata Bukit Cemeng Sidembunut Bangli I Gusti Ketut Indra Pranata Darma; Ni Made Rai Kristina; Md Yudyantara Risadi; Ni Luh Puttu Uttari Premananda; I Ketut Arta Widana
Jurnal Pemberdayaan Pariwisata Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pemberdayaan Pariwisata
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat STP Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30647/jpp.v4i1.1608


Ekowisata Bukit Cemeng menjadi salah satu daya tarik wisata baru yang terdampak adanya pandemi Covid-19. Pada masa pandemi yang berlangsung dua tahun, dampak yang terlihat nyata seperti mulai tidak terawatnya ekowisata, pengelolaan yang mulai tidak konsisten mulai tampak semenjak tahun 2021. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kepada masyarakat tentang pengembangan ekowisata Bukit Cemeng secara lebih lanjut yang perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dalam mempersiapkan dalam menghadapi kunjungan pasca pelonggaran masa pandemi Covid-19. Pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan metode wawancara, berkontribusi langsung ke lokasi untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diharapkan. Jumlah peserta pengabdian ini berjumlah 25 orang.. Pengabdian yang dilakukan pada ekowisata Bukit Cemeng diharapkan mampu membantu dalam memotivasi pengelola menyambut kunjungan wisatawan domestik serta membuat prosedur terbaru dalam bentuk panduan yang mampu bermanfaat bagi ekowisata Bukit Cemeng. Kata Kunci: Bukit Cemeng; Covid-19; Ekowisata
Pengelolaan Timbunan Sampah untuk menjaga Citra Industri Pariwisata pada daya tarik Wisata di Bali I Gusti Ketut Indra Pranata Darma; Ni Made Rai Kristina
Pusaka: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, Travel and Business Event Vol 3 No 1: Februari – Juli 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (690.976 KB) | DOI: 10.33649/pusaka.v3i1.75


Bali is one of the islands with tourism potential that has grown rapidly. The fame of Bali Island tourism is well known to all corners of the world. Many of the people's daily activities become a tourist attraction for both domestic and foreign tourists. Every activity, especially those that give rise to this tourist attraction, produces waste both on a household and industrial scale. The waste produced is almost found in all sectors of activity, one of which is the tourism industry which is currently very much still moving. The increase in waste generation has prompted the government of Bali through the issuance of the Governor of Bali Regulation number 97 of 2018 concerning the limitation of single-use plastic waste, which shows the seriousness of the waste problem. Waste generation, especially in tourist attraction, has the potential to change the view of tourists on the image of Bali tourism. This research explores community movements both spontaneously and in an organized manner, such as the Trash Hero Indonesia community and other community activities that care about the high waste generation. It is hoped that alternative activities will be obtained to help reduce the generation of plastic waste that supports the implementation of Bali Governor Regulation number 97 of 2018. Activities from the community are expected to be able to maintain and provide a positive legacy for future generations.
Pengaruh Penerapan Cleanliness, Health, Safety, & Environmental Sustainable Pariwisata New Normal di DTW Tanah Lot, Desa Beraban, Kabupaten Tabanan Astrid Krisdayanthi; Ni Made Rai Kristina
Dharma Duta Vol 19 No 2 (2021): Dharma Duta : Jurnal Penerangan agama Hindu
Publisher : Fakultas Dharma Duta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33363/dd.v19i01.749


During the Covid-19 pandemic, maximum efforts are needed to maintain the health and safety of tourists. The Clean, Health, Safety & Environment Certification Program is the process of granting certificates to tourism businesses, other related businesses/facilities, the community environment, and tourism destinations issued by the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy to provide a sense of security and comfort, as well as a guarantee to tourists and the surrounding community. that the place has complied with health protocols. DTW Tanah Lot is one of 6 DTWs that have obtained the CHSE certificate. The implementation of CHSE at Tanah Lot DTW greatly affected the number of visits from the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021 before the implementation of PPKM. Travelers during the Covid-19 pandemic are more selective in determining which DTW to visit and prefer to visit a certified DTW. In addition to obtaining a CHSE certificate, Tanah Lot DTW has implemented a Health protocol that is in accordance with the guidelines for organizing tourist attractions in order to provide a sense of security and comfort for visiting tourists.