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Implementasi Data Mining Untuk Penyusunan Tata Letak Data Obat-Obatan Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma K-Harmonic Means Pada Apotek Inti Fada Sidamanik Syahra, Yohanni; Ginting, Rico Imanta; Yetri, Milfa
Journal of Technopreneurship and Information System (JTIS) Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Journal Techoprenership and Information System
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36085/jtis.v3i1.718


Abstrack–Apotek Inti Fada Sidamanik is engaged in community service. The rapid development of technology, requires humans to apply in all fields in order to achieve technological progress. Including one of them in the pharmaceutical field. The high level of diversity of drugs requires people to be able to manage them more thoroughly so that their use is more easily classified. With the existence of a good management or medication list management, the information sought will be more easily obtained so that it can shorten the time used. The use of computers is very accurate and fast. Computerized data processing is very necessary to get information, which can be used to produce solutions to existing problems, such as drugs can be neatly arranged according to the shelf and dosage of each drug. The purpose of this research is to build a system of drug data management information at the Pharmacy Core Fada Sidamanik in order to facilitate and streamline information systems that are not well structured.Keywords: Data Mining, K-Harmonic Means Algorithm, Arrangement of Drug Data Layout. Abstrak–Apotek Inti Fada Sidamanik bergerak dalam bidang pelayanan masyarakat. Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat, menuntut manusia untuk melakukan penerapan disegala bidang guna mencapai kemajuan teknologi. Termasuk salah satunya pada bidang farmasi. Tingginya tingkat keragaman obat-obatan menuntut orang–orang agar dapat mengelolanya lebih teliti sehingga dalam penggunaannya lebih mudah diklasifikasikan. Dengan adanya suatu manajemen atau pengelolaan daftar obat yang baik, maka informasi yang dicari akan lebih mudah diperoleh sehingga dapat mempersingkat waktu yang digunakan.Penggunaan komputer sangat akurat dan cepat. Pengolahan data secara komputerisasi sangat diperlukan untuk mendapatkan informasi, yang dapat digunakan untuk menghasilkan solusi-solusi dari masalah yang ada, seperti obat dapat tersusun rapi sesuai dengan raknya dan dosis masing–masing obat. Maksud dari penelitian ini adalah membangun sistem informasi pengelolaan data obat pada Apotek Inti Fada Sidamanik guna mempermudah dan mengefesiensikan sistem informasi yang belum tersusun dengan baik.Kata Kunci: Data Mining, Algoritma K-Harmonic Means, Penyusunan Tata Letak Data Obat-Obatan.
Perbandingan Metode Certainty Factor dan Theorema Bayes dalam Mendiagnosa Penyakit Kandidiasis pada Manusia Menggunakan Metode Perbandingan Eksponensial Panjaitan, Zaimah; Hafizah, Hafizah; Ginting, Rico Imanta; Amrullah, Amrullah
Publisher : STMIK Budi Darma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30865/mib.v5i3.3078


Candidiasis is an infectious disease caused by the fungus candida. Research on this fungus has been widely carried out until several types of candida fungi are found that can attack and cause infections in humans. Types of candidiasis also vary, but can be classified in general into three types, namely attacking the mouth (Candidiasis Thrush), vagina (Vulvoginal Candidiasis), and skin (Cutaneous Candidiasis). Candidiasis is very susceptible to infection and infection, therefore a study is needed to diagnose candidiasis. Today, expert systems are often used to diagnose diseases. There are several methods commonly used in expertise, including the Certainty Factor method and the Bayes Theorem. However, the problem faced in implementing an expert system in any field is uncertainty. This is caused by the user's hesitation in answering questions during the consultation session or even the inaccuracy of the methods used in building the system. Therefore, it is necessary to study and compare the methods that can be used to build the system. Exponential is a simple comparison that can reduce bias in the analysis process. This study aims to apply and analyze both methods and the results compare with an exponential comparison in detecting candidiasis in humans. The results of this study showed that both methods achieved the same results, namely the lowest percentage level was Candidiasis Truth, then Vuvoginal Candidiasis, and the highest was Candidiasis Cutaneous. Of these two methods, Certanty Factor is more accurate in diagnosing candidiasis.