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Jurnal Pengabdian UntukMu NegeRI Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Pengabdian Untuk Mu negeRI
Publisher : LPPM UMRI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3335.449 KB) | DOI: 10.37859/jpumri.v2i2.849


The community service undertaken aims to provide training to the teachers at Handayani Senior High School about the importance of producing quality scientific papers. Specifically, this training provides the opportunity for participants to practice directly how to write scientific papers using Mendeley software for reference used in the paper. Mendeley is a computer and web program developed by Elsevier to manage and share research papers, search for research data, and work together online. Posts made with Microsoft Word, Open Office or LaTex can be linked to Mendeley software so that citations and reference lists (bibliography) can be arranged automatically. To achieve the goals and targets of this community service activity (PPM), the implementers use the lecture, discussion and practicum methods so that the trainees can easily understand the material provided in the training. The activities carried out involve the teachers at Handayani Pekanbaru Senior High School as participants. The response from the participants is positive which can be seen from their active participation during the activity. They also find the training really useful to help them become more productive teachers by writing more scientific papers using Mendeley. Keywords: Community Service, Scientific Paper, Reference, Mendeley Abstract Pengabdian pada masyarakat yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan kepada para guru SMA Handayani Pekanbaru akan pentingnya menghasilkan karya tulis ilmiah yang berkualitas. Secara specifik, pelatihan ini memberikan kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk praktek langsung bagaimana menulis karya ilmiah dengan menggunakan software mendeley untuk referensi rujukan yang di gunakan dalam karya tulis. Mendeley merupakan program komputer dan web yang dikembangkan Elsevier untuk mengelola dan berbagi makalah penelitian, mencari data penelitian, dan bekerja sama secara daring. Tulisan yang dibuat dengan Microsoft Word, Open Office atau LaTex bisa dihubungkan dengan software Mendeley sehingga sitasi dan daftar referensi (bibliography) bisa disusun secara otomatis. Untuk mencapai tujuan dan target dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat (PPM) ini, maka pelaksana menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi, dan praktikum agar peserta pelatihan dapat mudah memahami materi yang diberikan pada pelatihan tersebut. Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan diikuti oleh para guru di SMA Handayani Pekanbaru. Peserta merespon kegiatan ini dengan sangat positif yang bisa dilihat dari keaktifan mereka selama kegiatan berlangsung. Lebih jauh mereka merasa pelatihan sangat berguna dalam membantu mereka menjadi guru yang lebih produktif untuk menulis lebih banyak karya ilmiah menggunakan aplikasi Mendeley.
ASSOCIATION BETWEEN AEROALLERGEN SENSITIZATION AND THE SEVERITY OF ASTHMA IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS Vivin Detriana; Agung Prasetyo Wibowo; Muchammad Fahrul Udin; Ery Olivianto; Wisnu Barlianto; HMS. Chandra Chandra
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (ICMHS)
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseasesin childhood, with increasing prevalence in the past3 decades (Nievas et al, 2013). The prevalence ofasthma in the world is approximately 7.2% (6%adults and 10% children).There are variations in the prevalence and mortalityof asthma. WHO estimates that there are currently250,000 deaths due to asthma. It is leading cause ofchildhood hospitalization and school absenteeism.Asthma is more prevalent in boys in the first years oflife, but in adolescents it predominates amongfemale subjects. Asthma affects minority and lowincomegroups disproportionately (Herzog et al,2011; Rahajoe, 2013).In Indonesia, Asthma is the top ten causes ofmorbidity and mortality. The study data ofhousehold health survey in 1986 in various provincesin Indonesia showed asthma ranks 5th of 10thcauses of morbidity. In 1992 Household HealthSurvey, asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysemaas 4th cause of death in Indonesia (5.6%). In 1995,the prevalence of asthma in Indonesia approximately13/1000, compared with chronic bronchitis is11/1000 and pulmonary obstruction is 2/1000(Guidelines for Diagnosis and Management ofAsthma In Indonesia, 2013)Asthma is a heterogeneous disorder in children thatis characterized by recurrent airway obstruction,bronchial hyper-responsiveness, and airwayinflammation. (Herzo et al, 2011).The pathophysiologic basis of asthma is not wellunderstood. It appears to have a complex,multifactorial etiology which results from aninterplay of many hereditary factors and a numberof environmental factors. Bronchial biopsies frompatients with even mild asthma have evidence ofchronic inflammation, and cytokines and othermediators of inflammation are found in bronchialwashings from asthma patients. Some families aremore prone to development of allergies, and there isa well-known association between allergies andasthma. This suggests a genetic predisposition, but itappears that a number of genes are involved.Proceeding ICMHS 2016 ISBN 978-602-60569-3-1127Figure 1. Pathophysiology of astmaSource: Busse W. & Lemanske R: N. Engl. J. Med.2001;344(5):350-362Asthma attacks is vary from mild to severe and lifethreatening. The various factors which can triggerasthma attacks, such as exercise, allergens,infections, sudden changes in air temperature, orexposure to respiratory irritants such as cigarettesmoke and others. (Rahajoe, 2013)Aeroallergen sensitization is a risk factor in thedevelopment of childhood asthma. Aeroallergensensitization occurs in most patients with asthmaand is noted in a high percentage of patients withmild and moderate asthma. The percentage of thosethat are atopic with severe asthma appears less, butstill approximates the percent seen in patients withmild and moderate asthma. The most commonlyimplicated allergens are house dust mite (HDM),cockroach, and furred animals. Aeroallergensensitization can be evaluated using skin testing. (Rajet al, 2013)House dust mites are arachnids that are microscopicin size (~0.33mm long). They are found in dust andproducts with woven material or stuffing such asmattresses, pillows, stuffed animals, and bedding.Their life cycle from egg to adult takes 3 to 4 weeksand they live for 6 to 8 weeks. Females produce 40to 80 eggs during this time.It has been shown that dust mite exposure in earlychildhood is an important determinant in asthmadevelopment. Sporik et al. showed that 16 of 17children with asthma were sensitized to dust mite.urther, the higher the level of dust mite exposure at1 year old, the earlier the first episode of wheezingoccurred. The relative risk of asthma was almost 5-times greater in the subjects who were exposed tohigh levels of dust mite allergen (>10 μg/g) (Baxi etal, 2010)They demonstrated that early exposure to housedust mite was associated with an increased risk ofasthma and late onset wheezing. They followed agroup of 440 children from birth to 7 years andfound that children exposed to high levels of dustmite allergen in their bed at 2 to 3 months old had a3-fold increase in the odds of asthma at age 7 yearsold compared with those exposed to low level dustmite allergen (Baxi et al, 2010)Skin prick testing (SPT) is an easy, cost-effective andconvenient approach to identify sensitization toallergens. SPT detects the presence of allergenspecific IgE bound to mast cells by eliciting mast celldegranulation to the specific allergen being tested(Raj et al, 2013).The purpose of this study was to determine theassociation of aeroallergen sensitization and theseverity of asthma in pediatric patients.
ASSOCIATION BETWEEN IGE SERUM LEVEL AND SEVERITY OF ASTHMA IN CHILDREN Nindy Resti Rahayu; Agung Prasetyo Wibowo; Muchammad Fahrul Udin; Ery Olivianto; Wisnu Barlianto; HMS. Chandra Kusuma
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (ICMHS)
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Asthma is an inflammatory chronic process involvingrespiratory tract wall and cause limited airflow withincreased of respiratory tract reactivity. It is arespiratory disease that is more common in children.Definition of asthma from Global Initiative Asthma(GINA), asthma is a heterogeneous disease, usuallymarked by chronic inflammation respiratory tract.Asthma causes symptoms such as wheezing,shortness of breath, chest tightness and cough thatvary over time, in their occurrence, frequency andintensity (GINA, 2016). International Consensus on(ICON) Pediatric Asthma, asthma is a chronicinflammation disorder which correlate withrespiratory tract obstruction that clinicalmanifestation wheezing, cough and shortness ofbreath (Rahajoe et al, 2015). Estimate prevalence ofasthma in the world is 7.2% (6% adults and 10%children) (Rahajoe, 2015).The pathogenesis, immunopathology, genetic,clinical manifestation, diagnosis and therapy forasthma had much progress. Therefore, it’s can’t besure which one comes first because the complexityof both factor (Rahajoe, 2015). In many case,especially children and young adult, asthma iscorrelated with manifestation of atopy in Ig-Edependentmechanism (Rahajoe, 2013). There wasno different of asthma mechanism in pediatric andadult. Although there was some problem in asthmapediatric there was not found in adult because of thepathology, lack of good scientific evidence,difficulties in determining of diagnosis and therapyand also variation of remodeling response of therapythat could not predicted before. This conditionespecially for children under five year old (Rahajoe,2015).In population, atopy factor give contribute 40%asthma patient pediatrics and adult. Atopy, thegenetic predisposition for the development of anImmunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated response tocommon aeroallergens, is the strongest identifiablepredisposing factor for developing asthma (Rahajoe,2013). Asthma has an inheritable component to itsexpression, but the genetics involved in the eventualdevelopment of asthma (Ober, 2005). The role ofgenetics in IgE production, airwayhyperresponsiveness, and dysfunctional regulationof the generation of inflammatory mediators hasappropriately captured much attention. Asthma is aneffect from histamine in bronchial muscle. Histaminerelease together with IgE which mediated mast celldegranulation and make quickly contriction andbronchioles muscle spasm (Boyce, 2003). Ig Eattaches to cell surfaces via a specific high-affinityreceptor. The mast cell has large numbers of IgEreceptors; these, when activated by interaction withantigen, release a wide variety of mediators to iniateacute bronchospasm and also to release proinflammatorycytokines to perpetuade underlyingairway inflammation (Sporik, et al. 1995). Inlaboratory findings, pediatric patients with asthmashow increased IgE serum levels compared tonormal individuals without asthma. Ig E serum levelis specific for allergic status. It is useful to identifiedrisk factor or triggers of asthma. That is Ig Eresponsible for allergic attack (Rahajoe, 2013).However, lack of evidence of the associationbetween IgE serum levels and severity of asthma inchildren. This study aims to determine theassociation between IgE serum levels and severity ofasthma in children.
The Use of Learning Logs Strategy in Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Expository Paragraph Agung Prasetyo Wibowo; Vonnysa Febrinda
Lectura : Jurnal Pendidikan Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Lectura: Jurnal Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP), Universitas Lancang Kuning

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31849/lectura.v10i2.3167


To see the difference in students' ability in writing expository paragraphs, this research uses a comparison between log learning and conventional learning strategies. Using true-experimental research, there were pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The subject of this research was the first-year students of State Senior High School 1 Selatpanjang, Meranti Island Regency. Two classes were deployed; an experimental and a control class with total of 47 students. The researchers used cluster random sampling, based on the group. In collecting data, the researchers used a test and an observation list. In assessing students’ writing, the researchers invited two raters, those who are qualified and considered as experts in teaching writing. The researchers analyzed the data by using t-test formula. The result shows that the mean score of students’ post-test in the control class was 65,5. Meanwhile, the mean score of students’ post-test in experimental class was 73,4. The result of t test sees a significant difference between students’ ability in writing expository paragraphs by using Learning Logs Strategy and those using Conventional Strategy (5.26). This result was higher than t table significant 5% (2,02) and 1% (2,69). H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted. It means that there was a significant difference in students’ ability in writing an expository paragraph using Conventional Strategy and using Learning Logs Strategy.