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Existence of Sundanese Manuscripts as a Form of Intellectual Tradition in the Ciletuh Geopark Area Darsa, Undang Ahmad; Sumarlina, Elis Suryani Nani; Permana, Rangga Saptya Mohamad
Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun Vol 8 No 2 (2020): Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
Publisher : SCAD Independent

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1151.887 KB) | DOI: 10.26811/peuradeun.v8i2.369


The variety of Sundanese manuscripts are still scattered in individual communities, as well as those already stored in various libraries and museums in West Java. The Sundanese script is still stored in the Ciletuh Geopark, Sukabumi District. This research is interesting because of the discovery of several manuscripts around the southern Sukabumi area, especially at Surade, Ciemas, and Jampang Kulon areas. Descriptive method of comparative analysis that was used trying to describe the data in detail and thoroughly, analyze it carefully, and compare those target accurately between several texts studied. While the method of the study in the form of text critique method, referred to the method of a single script, through the standard edition. The method of content review used the method of cultural studies, which reveals the existence and function of the script pragmatically in the community, especially in the Ciletuh Geopark. The results of the research can be considered as "the documents and local wisdom of Sundanese culture", which deserves to be addressed wisely in the hope that the content contained in it is able to reveal the history of the life of Ciletuh Geopark, either through written tradition, folklore, and culture.
Tata Ruang Kosmologis Masyarakat Adat Kampung Naga berbasis Naskah Sunda Kuno Sumarlina, Elis Suryani Nani; Permana, Rangga Saptya Mohamad; Darsa, Undang Ahmad
LOKABASA Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Vol. 11 No. 1, April 2020
Publisher : UPI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jlb.v11i1.25163


Cosmologically, humans are seen as the microcosm of the universe whose entire life must always carry out all the torments or teachings of the Sanghyang Darma. That is the ideal human who can reach eternal heaven or nirvana according to the Sanghyang Raga Dewata (SRD) manuscript, one of the lontar manuscripts and the ancient Sundanese language of the sixteenth century AD. The cosmological concept of spatial Sundanese society, based on several Sundanese manuscripts of the XVI century AD, is triad, triune or triumvirate. Sundanese people have a view of parallels between the macrocosm and the microcosm, between the universe and the human world. This order seeks to find the meaning of the world according to its existence. This paper presents the cosmological layout of the Kampung Naga indigenous people, based on the Ancient Sundanese XVI century AD, which is examined through descriptive analysis research methods, and philological and cultural studies methods. The cosmological concept of the Kampung Naga community is closely related to the concept known as Tri Tangtu Di Bumi, which includes ‘tata wilayah', 'tata wayah', and 'tata lampah', all of which are interconnected with one another, according to their customs and traditions. AbstrakSecara kosmologis, manusia dipandang sebagai mikrokosmosnya jagat raya, seluruh kehidupannya harus selalu menjalankan segala siksa atau ajaran Sanghyang Darma.  Itulah manusia ideal yang kelak dapat mencapai surga abadi atau nirwana menurut naskah Sanghyang Raga Dewata (SRD), salah satu naskah lontar beraksara dan berbahasa Sunda kuno abad ke-16 Masehi. Konsep tata ruang masyarakat Sunda secara kosmologis, berdasarkan beberapa naskah Sunda abad  ke-16 Masehi, bersifat tiga serangkai, tritunggal atau triumvirate. Masyarakat Sunda memiliki pandangan tentang kesejajaran antara makrokosmos dan mikrokosmos, antara jagat raya dan dunia manusia. Dalam tatanan ini, berupaya mencari makna dunia menurut eksistensinya. Tulisan ini menyajikan kosmologis tata ruang masyarakat adat Kampung Naga, berbasis naskah Sunda Kuno abad ke-16 Masehi, yang dikaji melalui metode penelitian deskriptif analisis, dan kajian filologi dan budaya. Konsep kosmologis masyarakat Kampung Naga seperti itu, berkaitan erat dengan konsep yang dikenal dengan sebutan Tri Tangtu di Bumi, yang meliputi ‘tata wilayah’, ‘tata wayah’,  dan‘tata lampah’, yang ketiganya saling berhubungan satu sama lain, sesuai dengan adat dan tradisi mereka.