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Asy-Syari'ah Vol 22, No 1 (2020): Asy-Syari'ah
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sunan Gunung Djati Islamic State University of Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/as.v22i1.7700


Abstract: Islamic thought has been developing whenever so there are various streams within the legal methodology especially within the fiqh approach which emerged from the Sahabat era such as fiqh 'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud, fiqh Umar, fiqh Ibn Umar, etc and therefore the differences between the Companions has given rise to different tendencies of thought between each other both those belonging to the ahl athar or ahl ra'i groups. The obvious difference is that the tendency of thinking based on maqasidi is colored by ijtihad Umar while the tendency of thinking supported syakli (formalism) is more clearly seen within the fiqh of Abdullah Ibn Umar and these streams are created within supported the legal references employed by every group in order to do Istinbath al-hukm. So, a Fuqaha who always looks at the objectives of Islamic Sharia in conducting legal terminology is spoken as Maqasidi while jurists who always look to the form or format in legal rest are spoken as Syakli. Therefore, during this study, the author is inspired to check and analyze the thoughts of the jurists towards legal methodology supported the flow of maqasidi and also syakli.Abstrak: Pemikiran Islam terus berkembang pada setiap masanya, sehingga telah muncul berbagai macam aliran dalam bidang metodologi hukum, utamanya dalam pendekatan fiqh. Perbedaan tersebut muncul sejak masa Sahabat r.a, seperti ‘Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud, fiqh Umar, fiqh Ibn Umar dan sebagainya. Perbedaan di kalangan para Sahabat ini telah melahirkan kecenderungan pemikiran yang berbeda di antara mereka baik mereka yang tergolong dalam kelompok ahl athar atau ahl ra’i. Perbedan yang jelas terjadi adalah kecenderungan pemikiran berasaskan terhadap maqasidi yang diwarnai oleh ijtihad Umar sedangkan kecenderungan pemikiran berasaskan terhadap syakli (formalisme) lebih jelas terlihat pada fiqh Abdullah Ibn Umar dan aliran-aliran ini merupakan aliran yang dibentuk berdasarkan kepada mashâdir hukum yang digunakan oleh setiap kelompok dalam melakukan istinbath hukum. Seorang fuqaha yang senan­tiasa melihat secara objektif Syariat Islam dalam melakukan istinbath hukum disebut sebagai Maqâsidi. Sedangkan fuqaha yang senantiasa melihat kepada rupa bentuk atau format dalam beristinbat hukum disebut sebagai Syakli. Oleh karena itu, dalam artikel ini ini penulis terdorong untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis pemikiran para fuqaha terhadap metodologi hukum berasaskan aliran maqasidi dan juga syakli.
Covid-19: Tinjauan Maqasid Al-Shariah Terhadap Penangguhan Pelaksanaan Ibadah Shalat Di Tempat Ibadah (Hifdz al-Nafs Lebih Utama Dari Hifdz al-Din?) Qotadah, Hudzaifah Achmad
SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i Vol 7, No 7 (2020): Special Issue Coronavirus Covid-19
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/sjsbs.v7i7.15676


AbstractThe spread of a deadly epidemic known as Covid-19 has indeed caused several polemics such as economic, social, political and religious issues in particular. For instance, the conflicts regarding ban congregational prayers and also mass gatherings amid coronavirus or Covid-19 pandemic have led to various responses pros and cons amongst the society. The pro assumes that it is indeed a way of preventing as well as anticipate the transmission of Covid-19. Unlike those who disagree with that kind of postponement, they presume that hifdz al-Din (protection of religion) is much more important than hifdz  al-Nafs (protection of life). Furthermore, the key main objective of this research is to describe the postponement or cancelation of Friday prayers and mass gatherings due to coronavirus pandemic based on comprehensive study of maqasid al-shariah. In this research, the researcher uses full qualitative method and documentation related to the topic of this research, which then will be analyze descriptively.Keywords: COVID-19, Maqasid al-Shariah, Salat, Hifdz al-Din, Hifdz al-Nafs. AbstrakPenyebaran virus berbahaya bernama Covid-19 yang tengah terjadi saat ini telah menciptakan berbagai polemik dan persoalan di tengah kehidupan masyarakat baik persoalan ekonomi, sosial, politik maupun agama khususnya. Misalnya saja, polemik mengenai penangguhan atau larangan mengenai ibadah shalat jum’at ataupun berjamaah di masjid yang mana persoalan tersebut melahirkan berbagai reaksi pro-kontra dari kalangan masyarakat. Masyarakat yang pro menganggap bahwa hal tersebut sebagai bentuk pencegahan dan antisipasi penyebaran virus korona atau Covid-19 yang tengah mewabah. Adapun masyarakat yang kontra terhadap penangguhan tersebut memandang bahwa hifdz al-din (memelihara agama seperti ibadah shalat) lebih utama dari hifdz al-nafs (memelihara jiwa atau nyawa). Oleh sebab itu, tujuan utama penelitian ini ialah untuk menjelaskan tinjauan Maqasid al-Shariah terhadap pembatasan, penangguhan, serta larangan pelaksanaan ibadah shalat Jum’at maupun lainnya semasa terjadi sebuah wabah. Metode yang digunakan penulis dalam penelitian ini ialah dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif penuh serta data dokumentasi yang terkait dengan topik kajian penelitian ini, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif.Kata-kata kunci: COVID-19, Maqasid al-Shariah, Shalat, Hifdz al-Din, Hifdz al-Nafs.
Virtual Jumu’ah Prayer: Debates, Challenges, and Scholar Perspectives Amidst The COVID-19 Pandemic Achmad, Adang Darmawan; Qotadah, Hudzaifah Achmad
Journal of Modern Islamic Studies and Civilization Том 2 № 03 (2024): September 2024
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jmisc.v2i03.1050


Jumu’ah, regarded as the pinnacle of the weekly Islamic worship, mandates ritual purification, donning immaculate attire, and congregating at the mosque for Friday Prayer. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated adaptations in religious practices, compelling Muslims to pivot towards virtual modes of worship in compliance with directives issued by governmental and health authorities aimed at mitigating the transmission of the coronavirus. The transition to virtual or online prayer has sparked considerable theological discourse and scrutiny in light of the pandemic's challenges. Consequently, this research aims to rigorously examine the doctrinal perspectives on virtual Friday prayer. Employing a comprehensive qualitative methodology, this study undertakes a detailed descriptive analysis. Findings underscore ongoing theological debates among Muslim scholars worldwide, including in Indonesia, where divergent viewpoints exist regarding the permissibility of participating in Jumu’ah prayer remotely via broadcast or live streaming under any theological school (madhhab). Critics argue against virtual congregational prayer due to logistical challenges posed by physical distancing, asserting that the spatial and communal integrity essential to Islamic worship may be compromised. Conversely, proponents advocate for a pragmatic approach, invoking the principle of maslahat (public interest) to safeguard the continuity of Friday prayers amidst unprecedented circumstances. In conclusion, this study contributes to the scholarly discourse on contemporary Islamic jurisprudence by elucidating the multifaceted debates surrounding virtual Jumu’ah prayer during the COVID-19 pandemic, reflecting diverse interpretations and applications of Islamic law in response to evolving global challenges.
Analysis of The Correlation Between Gratitude and Emotional Intelligence Among University Students Achmad, Adang Darmawan; Qotadah, Hudzaifah Achmad; Qubro, Hanna Safira El
Journal of Education Method and Learning Strategy Том 1 № 03 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jemls.v1i03.223


People with a high level of emotional intelligence can keep their feelings under control, both towards other people and towards themselves. As a result, it has been discovered that practicing gratitude can help students improve their emotional intelligence. This research aimed to investigate the connection between being grateful and having high levels of emotional intelligence among students. The investigation utilized a quantitative method and a design based on correlation. This research was carried out with the participation of 91 total students. Two scales were used in the data collection: a 15-item Emotional Intelligence Scale and the Development and Validation of the Islamic Gratitude Scale (IGS-10), created by Ahmad Rusdi in 2021 to measure thankfulness. The analysis of the data showed that gratitude and emotional quotient are positively correlated with one another. This suggests that greater levels of gratitude are connected with greater levels of emotional intelligence; hence, this demonstrates that gratitude can increase students' emotional intelligence and should be emphasized in educational settings.
Muslim-Malay Women in Political Leadership: Navigating Challenges and Shaping the Future Ramli, Mohd Anuar; Syed Jaafar, Syed Mohd  Jeffri; Md Ariffin, Mohd Farhan; Kasa, Annuar Ramadhon; Qotadah, Hudzaifah Achmad; Achmad, Adang Darmawan; Siswanto, Siswanto
Mazahib Vol 23 No 1 (2024): VOLUME 23, ISSUE 1, 2024
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UINSI Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/mj.v23i1.7500


Women's participation in politics, particularly in leadership roles, remains a contentious topic within Muslim communities. This situation is due primarily to the prevalent interpretation that men are inherently more qualified for national leadership positions, as influenced by the patriarchal structure of society and persistent stereotypes that undermine women's capabilities. These cultural and societal barriers hinder women's ascension to the highest echelons of political power, especially in countries like Malaysia and Indonesia. This study seeks to analyze Islamic jurisprudence originating from the Quran and hadith interpretation of women's status to address the common misconception that Islam inherently supports misogyny. It then contextually puts the analysis of Malay women's obstacles in achieving political leadership in Malaysia and Indonesia. This socio-legal research is aimed at understanding the complexities of gender-based challenges in political settings caused by prevailing non-moderate interpretation of Sharia sources combined with patriarchal culture in the Malay world. It reveals that historically, in Malay, women have been entrusted with national leadership responsibilities. Similarly, from an Islamic perspective, there appears to be a misinterpretation of hadith regarding the prohibition of appointing women as national leaders. Thus, this traditional culture that permits women to hold leadership positions must be re-polished because women can utilize their liberties, including leadership, previously denied by non-moderate views.
LAW AND SOCIETY: INTERACTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS Maryati, Sri; Qotadah, Hudzaifah Achmad; Achmad, Adang Darmawan; Syafril, Syafwendi
SENGKUNI Journal (Social Science and Humanities Studies) Vol 5, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : Perkumpulan Dosen Muda (PDM) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37638/sengkuni.5.1.%p


The presence of law within society is of paramount importance, as it serves to regulate human behavior. The law necessitates subjects, or implementers, namely the members of society, creating a reciprocal relationship between law and society. Consequently, law can function both passively and actively to control human actions, with the ultimate goal of guiding society toward deliberate and improved change. There are numerous objectives behind the creation of laws in societal life and the reasons why society necessitates their existence. Primarily, laws are established to foster peace, tranquility, welfare, and to provide legal certainty, ensuring that each individual can attain their rightful entitlements and justice. The comprehensive realization of these legal objectives within society, however, is contingent upon public adherence to the law. Therefore, it can be posited that a society devoid of guidelines, such as laws, would likely generate numerous disputes, resulting in a chaotic and arbitrary existence. This research adopts a qualitative approach and is analyzed descriptively The findings underscore the inherent interdependence between law and society, revealing that the efficacy of law is contingent upon its reception and implementation by society at large. Consequently, the symbiotic nexus between law and society emerges as indispensable for the attainment of societal order and justice. The symbiotic relationship between law and society is characterized by a reciprocal exchange, wherein society provides the necessary context and adherence for the efficacy of law, while law, in turn, serves as a guiding framework for societal behavior and interaction. This symbiosis is essential for fostering a cohesive and harmonious social fabric, wherein individuals coexist within a structured framework of rights, obligations, and responsibilities.
Factors Impacting Students’ Decision to Enroll in UII’S Doctoral Program in Islamic Law: An Analysis Qotadah, Hudzaifah Achmad; Mu'allim, Amir; Budiwati, Anisah; Yusdani, Yusdani; Ahmad, Muchsin; Arfaizar, Januariansyah
At-Tarbawi: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Kebudayaan Vol 10 No 2 (2023): At-Tarbawi: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Kebudayaan
Publisher : the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of the Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/tarbawi.v10i2.6795


This research aims to determine students' preferences when pursuing a doctorate in Islamic law studies at the Indonesian Islamic University (UII). The participants in this research were Islamic law students enrolled in the doctoral program (HI-PD) at the Indonesian Islamic University in Yogyakarta between 2019 and 2022. Interviews were used to gather information in this qualitative study, and 39 students from HI-PD UII participated as research informants. According to the research findings, students' preferences in selecting the HI-PD study program can be categorized according to a number of different factors, including costs, facilities, human resources, reference groups, and recommendations.