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Exploration of Frugal Living in Facing the Flexing Phenomenon in the Millennial Generation (Sharia Economic Concept) Lusiana, Lusiana; Fathimah, Ema; Daulay, Wasti Indah Haryani
MUAMALATUNA Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023): Juli-Desember 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37035/mua.v15i2.9651


This research aims to explain the exploration of Frugal living as an alternative in dealing with the flexing phenomenon in the millennial generation, with a sharia economic approach. The flexing phenomenon, which reflects the behavior of showing off or displaying wealth proudly, has become a trend among millennials, especially on social media. This can lead to overconsumption, financial imbalance, and neglect of ethical financial principles. This research uses qualitative data type, using a phenomenological approach to understand the subjective meaning of various phenomena of the millennial generation who tend to flex. Rendom data collection is from scientific articles, understanding and information from various online media. The data collected will be analyzed from the perspective of Islamic economics, which includes the principles of justice, empowerment, and financial balance. The research shows that it is a meaningful alternative for the millennial generation in dealing with the flexing phenomenon. The application of Islamic economic principles in providing a deeper understanding of economic benefits and the importance of managing finances wisely can also strengthen awareness of balanced economic benefits and have a positive impact on the financial well-being of individuals and society as a whole. It is hoped that this research can serve as a foothold for policy measures in mitigating excessive flexing practices and promoting more ethical and sustainable consumption behavior in the millennial generation
FiTUA: Jurnal Studi Islam Vol 5 No 1 (2024): June
Publisher : STIT Sunan Giri Bima

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47625/fitua.v5i1.553


Developed countries, a sexual recession has become a new trend among the community, manifested in the form of concerns about family responsibilities. The high regard for the legality of marriage by all religions is gradually shifting with the times. The institution of marriage is considered incompatible with the current lifestyle of society, especially in some non-Muslim majority developed countries. This article aims to examine and analyze how a sexual recession can occur, and what are the factors and implications of the sexual recession in the era of disruption. This research is qualitative and descriptive, collecting data through library research and observing phenomena by obtaining evidence through the internet and various social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Google, and others. The article shows that sexual recession is prevalent in some developed countries such as Japan, the United States, South Korea, China, and so on. This is due to a decline in interest in sex, marriage, and having children. Sex and religion, especially Islamic law, seem to act as constraints on individual freedom, leading to a decline in population from all aspects of life This serves as evidence that the sexual recession in some countries, especially developed ones, is heavily influenced by religious dogma and free association. Therefore, a study is needed that confronts the epistemology of religious dogma, especially when confronted with Islamic law and individual freedom within marriage.
Tinjauan Hukum Pidana Islam dan Pasal 44 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana Terhadap Pelaku Pencurian Pengidap Kleptomania (Studi Putusan Nomor : 32/Pid.B/2018/PN.Kpg) Fikri, Ikhwan; Fathimah, Ema; Tiara, Bunga Putri
Muqaranah Vol 7 No 2 (2023): Muqaranah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/muqaranah.v7i2.19553


One of the cases that needs to be anticipated and followed up in criminal cases is theft, which often disturbs the public. An example is the case of a criminal act of theft committed by a kleptomania sufferer by a housewife who lives in Kupang City in 2017. This research discusses the analysis of jinayah fiqh or Islamic criminal law and positive law on the application of criminal sanctions for theft based on KUPANG District Court Decision Number 32/Pid.B/2018/PN Kpg. The research method used by researchers is a normative research method which is carried out by examining laws and regulations that are directly related to the crime of theft. The results of the research that have been studied by researchers are that according to article 44 paragraph of the Criminal Code concerning the responsibility of perpetrators of criminal acts of theft who experience mental disabilities such as sufferers of kleptomania, the judge has the authority to decide on an order and send the perpetrator of the crime to a mental hospital for the longest possible time. one year, while the crime of theft by a person suffering from kleptomania according to Islamic law is not subject to a had sentence but rather a ta'zir punishment as ta'dib or teaching in the form of a rehabilitation sentence and a fine which is accountable to the victim.
Nurani Vol 18 No 2 (2018): Nurani: jurnal kajian syari'ah dan masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v18i2.1905


Problematika kemiskinan telah lama ada sejak dahulu kala. Pada masa lalu umumnya masyarakat menjadi miskin bukan karena kurang pangan, tetapi miskin dalam bentuk minimnya kemudahan atau materi. Peran dan kedudukan perempuan di masyarakat dahulu masih berkisar di dalam rumah tangga dan berkutat dengan 3M, yaitu Masak, bersolek, melahirkan anak. Namun, dengan adanya pergerakan kaum perempuan mendorong terjadinya perubahan yang membuat perempuan kini mampu mengekpresikan dirinya tidak hanya di ranah domestik tetapi di ruang publik. Banyak perempuan bekerja bermunculan dengan adanya kesetaraan gender. Keterlibatan perempuan dalam bekerjaa, dipengaruhi oleh beberapa sebab, yaitu:tekanan ekonomi, lingkungan keluarga yang mendukung. Dari permasalah diatas dari rendahnya pendapatan suatu keluarga mendorong kaum perempuan yang tinggal di daerah TPA Sukawinatan Palembang, untuk turut membantu perekonomian keluarga. Hal ini dilakukan dengan berbagai cara termasuk dengan menjadi pemulung perempuan. Disinggung diatas adanya fungsi religius bagi perempuan pemulung yaitu fungsi keagamaan, para pemulung perempuan perluh adanya pendidikan agama pemulung perempuan itu harus ada peran pembimbing agama didalamnya. Karena bisa jadi pemulung tersebut kurang memperhatikan menegenai masalah kewajiban sebagai seorang Perempuan muslimah, seperti melaksanakan ibadah sholat, puasa maupun zakat, yang memang itu sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi setiap muslim. Disinilah tenaga pembimbing agama berperan penting untuk merubah pola pikiran pemulung melalui intraksi yang baik antara pembimbing agama dengan pemulung perempuan dalam hal ibadah dan muamalah. Berdasarkan pandangan peneliti merasa tertarik melakukan penelitian terhadap masalah di atas dan menuangkannya pada penelitian ini yang berjudul “Peran Pembimbing Agama Pada Pemulung Perempuan Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Agama Di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Sukawinatan Palembang. Metode penelitian jenis penelitian lapang (Field reseach. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di TPA Sukawinatan Kecamatan Sukarame Palembang. Sumber data diantaranya, pembimbing agama dan pemulung perempuan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu; observasi, wawancara, dokumentasidan analisis data kualitatif adalah upaya yang dilakukan dengan bekerja pada data, mengorganisasi data, memilah-milahnya menjadi satuan yang dapat dikelola, mensintesiskannya, mencari dan menemukan pola. Berdasarkan hasil dan analisis penelitian penulis dapat disimpulkan bahwa, Peran pembimbing agama dalam menanamkan pengetahuan keagamaan Pada pemulung perempuan dalam sebagai teladan, memberikan pemahaman, menanamkan rasa percaya diri perempuan pemulung, penyelenggara edukasional, pembangkit kesadaran masyarakat, membangun kedekatan emosional dan advokatif, dengan materi keagamaan yang diberikan meliputi aqidah, syariah dan akhlak. Bimbingan agama terhadap pemulung dalam meningkatkan pengamalan agama bisa dikatakan berhasil dilakukan walaupun tidak terlalu signifikan dikarenakan masih banyak warga pemulung yang masih belum tergerak hatinya untuk meningkatkan pengamalan agama mereka. Pemulung perempuan tetap menjalankan tugas mereka sesuai perannya dalam keluarga, perempuan pemulung memberikan konstribusi yang baik dalam hal bekerja dan membantu keperluan keluarga.
Nurani Vol 20 No 1 (2020): Nurani: jurnal kajian syari'ah dan masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Fatah Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19109/nurani.v20i1.6063


Along with the development of culture and technology, selling and buying of goods was in the form of exchange of one item for another, and the medium of transaction is by using money and the sellers and buyers meet in one assembly or face to face. However, with current technological developments, transactions are no longer face to face or meet in one place. With the internet network, transactions are easily carried out. One of the phenomena of transactions in the economic field is the selling and buying transactions using electronic media. This is called online transactions or e-commerce, which is transactions carried out through internet services and internet technology. Since the two parties do not meet and face to face in this online transaction, it is very prone to fraud or cheating between the two. Based on this background, the researcher is interested in examining the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law that governs the concept of khiyar which is then applied to e-commerce. The results of this study indicate that khiyar stipulated in the Compilation of Sharia Economic Law is the khiyarof condition, in which the sellers and buyers may specify the terms of the transaction, which is for 3 days. Khiyarnaqdi, in practice, is a deferred payment. In khiyarru’yah, one of the parties when shopping online may first look at pictures presented by the online store. In khiyar ‘aib, there isa suffrage of the goods, so that when the goods have been received and there isa defect in the goods, it may be cancelled or continued. And the last is khiyarghabn and taghrib, which is the suffrage when finding something wrong about the quality of the goods sold if it does not in accordance with the picture or explanation of the sellers. Keywords: Khiyar, e-commerce, Compilation of Sharia Economic Law.