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WOLIO FORTRESS, BUTON : BETWEEN ITS DEFENSE AND SYMBOLIC FUNCTIONS Supriadi, Supriadi; Nasution, Isman Pratama; Wahyudi, Wanny Rahardjo
International Review of Humanities Studies Vol. 6, No. 2
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Wolio Fortress is a heritage of Buton Sultanate that functioned as its centre of government and capital city. Several researchers who conducted research on Wolio Fortress did not discuss its defense and symbolic aspects, leaving a knowledge gap in them. Therefore, the discussion of Wolio Fortress should be broadened. It is now thought that a fortress may provide information not only on its function as a defense facility, but also on the social, political, economic, and ideological life when it was being built.The research methodology consisted of three stages, i.e. data collection, data processing, and data interpretation. Data were collected by describing Wolio fortress in terms of its materials, shapes, and sizes, including relicts in the fortress. The collected data were processed by identifying and classifying them into data related to the fortress’s defense function and its symbolic function. The data interpretation was conducted by synthesizing archaeological and historical data. Results of the research show that besides its main function as a defense fortress, Wolio Fortress had a symbolic function. The defense function refers to the concept of the defense of Buton Sultanate, the key parts of the fortress, i.e. its bastions and cannons, and its strategic position from the defense point of view. The symbolic function encompasses ideological indoctrination through the fortress’s plan, its function as a city landmark, its function as the border between the nobles and the lower class’ settlements, and its sturdiness and greatness representing the military power and economic prosperity of the sultanate.
Lanskap Permukiman Tradisional Masyarakat Kerinci dalam Kajian Memori Kolektif Sya'adah, Nurul Afni; Wahyudi, Wanny Rahardjo
Satwika : Kajian Ilmu Budaya dan Perubahan Sosial Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): April
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/satwika.v8i1.31951


Memori atau ingatan manusia yang tidak bertahan lama dituangkan dalam wujud benda sehingga kegiatan mengingat dan melupakan terwujud dalam bentuk budaya material. Ingatan bersama (memori kolektif) kelompok masyarakat tertuang dalam budaya material yang menjadi identitas mereka. Permukiman tradisional masyarakat Kerinci masih mempertahankan kondisi lanskap budaya secara tradisional. Hal ini menarik untuk ditelusuri lebih dalam perihal bagaimana pengetahuan tersebut masih digunakan pada pola permukiman masyarakat Kerinci sehingga tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana pengetahuan tersebut terus berlanjut secara turun temurun dalam masyarakat Kerinci. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas bagaimana permukiman tradisional masyarakat Kerinci saat ini masih mengikuti pola permukiman masa lalu. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut maka metode yang digunakan berupa tahapan dalam studi arkeologi berupa pengumpulan data utama yang dilakukan dengan deskripsi dan dokumentasi. Tahapan selanjutnya berupa analisis data yang dilakukan dengan analisis morfologi dan analisis konteks yang melihat secara makro keadaan temuan untuk melihat gejala yang muncul. Tahapan akhir berupa penafsiran data dengan memadukan hasil analisis dan teori yang digunakan. Dari hasil analisis disimpulkan bahwa permukiman tradisional masyarakat Kerinci merujuk pada pola permukiman kuno masa megalitik yang telah mengalami adaptasi terhadap islmamisasi yang terjadi di Kerinci dan masih digunakan hingga masa kini.   Memory does not exist for a long time, it is transformed into objects so the activities of remembering and forgetting are realized by material culture. The collective memory is contained in the material culture that becomes an identity of society. The Kerinci traditional settlements still maintain traditional cultural landscape conditions. It is interesting to explore how this knowledge is still used in the pattern of Kerinci traditional settlements. This research aims to look at how this knowledge continues from generation to generation in Kerinci society.  This article will discuss how the Kerinci traditional settlement still follows the settlement patterns of the past. To answer this question, the stages of archaeological studies are used as the method such as data collection to primary sources carried out by description and documentation. Data analysis is carried out using morphological analysis and context analysis to look for the symptoms that appear in macro conditions. Data interpretation by combining the results of the analysis and the theory used. From the results of the analysis, the Kerinci traditional settlement refers to the ancient settlement patterns of the megalithic tradition which have adapted to the Islamization that occurred in Kerinci and are still used today.
Berkala Arkeologi Vol. 44 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : BRIN

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55981/jba.2024.5051


This article discusses the use and function of raadhuis buildings, as well as water towers in Palembang City. This building has a multi-story structure with a concrete frame. The mayor of d'Armandville initiated the design of this building, a concept that Lissa Nessel, the subsequent mayor, carried forward. In this article, we will discuss buildings and non-buildings in the form of reinforced concrete from the construction of raadhuis and water tower buildings during that period, including notes on the development of the Palembang city hall complex, which has not been widely disclosed. Using archaeological and historical data, the aim of writing this article is to examine the development of the use, function, and expert design of this building complex, both during the colonial period and today. We conducted the research in four stages of archaeological-historical study: data collection, data analysis, data processing, and data writing. We cannot separate the results of the study of multi-story structures with concrete frames from the presence of the elite contractor Hollandsche Beton Maatschapij NV (HBM), based in Talang Jawa, Palembang. HBM was an early investor in the city of Palembang, which developed reinforced concrete as a structural material that was able to properly distribute construction loads evenly. So, architect S. Snuyf's design of Palembang City Hall can accommodate various structural elements. The presence of reinforced concrete from the Raadhuis construction triggered the construction of other reinforced concrete buildings in the city of Palembang.