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UJI EFEK TONIKUM EKSTRAK ETANOL DAUN SAMBILOTO (Andrographis paniculata, Nees.) TERHADAP MENCIT JANTAN (Mus musculus L.) GALUR SWISS Endrawati, Susi; Indriyani, Feni
Sistem Informasi Vol 6 No 02 (2016): Jurnal Photon
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA dan Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau

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The tonic is a substance that can improve our body strength. It can recover the staff our body shortly. It can also make our body stronger and can stimulates our appetite. Knowing the most effective tonic effect dose variation among ethanol extract of bitter leaf on male mice (Mus musculus L.) Swiss Strain. This study is an experimental research design with True experimental design approach Posttest Pretest with control group. The ethanol extract of bitter leaf is made with bitter leaf quote using ethanol 96% with maceration method. The provision of treatment in test animals distinguished on several variations of dosage. In preparation extracts there are 5 groups, namely: group I, II, III, IV, V treated positive control caffeine 13 mg / kg, cooking oil as a negative control, the ethanol extract at a dose of 50 mg / kg, 100 mg / kg, 200 mg / kg. Data obtained tonic effect of added time the mices ability to defend itself when direnangkan. Data were analyzed by ANOVA using SPSS 18.0 for windows followed by a test post hoc test and ED50 probit analysis to determine the most effective dose as a tonic. Ethanol extract of bitter leaf at a dose of 50 mg / kg have a tonic effect of 9.2 minutes, a dose of 100 mg / kg have a tonic effect of 13.4 minutes, and a dose of 200 mg / kg have a tonic effect 23 minutes. Results yield of ethanol extract of bitter leaf maceration 7.8% b/b. The ethanol extract of bitter leaf tested in test animals male mice (Mus muculus L.) at all doses provide a tonic effect, and the effect will increase along with increasing doses of test substance preparation.
Sistem Informasi Vol 7 No 01 (2016): Jurnal Photon
Publisher : Fakultas MIPA dan Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau

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Objective Research to determine the factors that influence the decision-making simultaneously to fulfilling the nutritional needs of pregnant women anemia and the percentage of each factor, the views of factors: 1) knowledge / supply of nutrients; 2) the influence of culture / customs; 3) the economy; 4) support the family; and 5) decision-making.The study population was maternal anemia at four health centers working area of District Sukoharjo, using random sampling techniques and non-random sampling / non-probability sampling (samples are not random), using questionnaires and interviews. The results were analyzed with One Way Anova, multiple linear regression (multiple linear regretion), and Tukey HSD test Hoct Post / Post Hoct Bonfeeron.Result Analysis of One Way Anova in four health centers, the value of (p) 0.000 <0.05, which means there is simultaneously a significant influence, and which factors influence the Tukey HSD test Hoct Post / Post Hoct Bonfeeroni.The study concluded there was a significant influence on the decision-making factors fifth meeting nutritional needs of pregnant women anemia, namely: 1) the factors of knowledge / supply of nutrients ( health center Nguter 61.67%, 54.31% Sukoharjo, Tawangsari 51.67%, Weru 27.78%); 2) factors influence of culture / customs ( health center Tawangsari 37.5%, Nguter 34.17%, 25.86% Sukoharjo, Weru 20.37%); 3) factors economy ( health center Weru 48.15%, Tawangsari 43.33%, 39.66% Sukoharjo, Nguter 30%); 4) factor family support (health center Weru 36.29%, Nguter 34.67%, 33.79% Sukoharjo, Tawangsari 33.33%) and 5) factors decision making (health center Tawangsari 70%, Sukoharjo 50.58%, Weru 49.38% and 34.45% Nguter.
Pola Pengobatan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) Pasien Pediatrik Rawat Inap Di RRSUD Karanganyar Bulan November 2013-Maret 2014 Kusumanata, Mega; Endrawati, Susi
IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 1, No 2 (2014): IJMS - 2014
Publisher : IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science

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ABSTRACT: Background: Acute respiratory infection is an acute infection that attracks the respiratory tract (from nose to alveoli). It includes rhinitis, sinusitis, pharingitis, laryngitis, epiglotis, tonsilitis, otitis, bronchial infection on bronchus, broncholitis and pneumonia.Objective: The result to view description on the pattern of acute respiratory infection medication of the hospitalized pediatrict patients at the Local General Hospital of karanganyar in the month November 2013-March 2014, and determine compliance with the medication management guidelines of World Health Organization (WHO): Model Formulary for Children 2010 and the Ministry of Health of the republic Indonesia: Pharmaceutical Care for Respiratory Infection Disease 2005.Method: This research used non-experiment method with the descriptif non-analytical approach. The data of the research were the medical records of the hospitalized pediatric patients at the Local general hospital of Karanganyar who suffered from the acute respiratory infection.Result: The result of the research show that of the 32 padiatrict patient suffering from the acute respiratory infection, 53% are male and 47% are female. The therapies administered to the clients are principal therapy (antibiotics) and supportive therapy (simptomatics). The evaluation on the therapies shows that 91% the therapies are right dosage and 9% are not right dosage.Conclution: In general, the pattern of the medication administered to the pediatrict patients suffering from the ARI has been appropriate with the medication management guidelines of World Health Organization (WHO): Model Formulary for Children 2010 and the Ministry of Health of the republic Indonesia: Pharmaceutical Care for Respiratory Infection Disease 2005.Keywords: Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI), pediatrict, medication and infection. ABSTRAKSI: Latar Belakang: Infeksi saluran pernafasan akut (ISPA) adalah infeksi akut yang menyerang saluran pernafasan (hidung sampai alveoli). Infeksi saluran nafas akut meliputi rhinitis, sinusitis, faringitis, laryngitis, epiglotis, tonsilitis, otitis, infeksi pada bronkus, alveoli, bronkhiolitis dan pneumonia.Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk melihat gambaran pola pengobatan pada kasus iSPA pasien pediatrik rawat inap di RSUD Karanganyar pada bulan November 2013-Maret 2014, dan mengetahui kesesuaiannya dengan pedoman penatalaksanaan menurut World Health Organization (WHO): Model Formulary for Children 2010 dan Depkes RI: Pharmaceutical Care untuk penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan 2005.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian Non Eksperimen dengan pendekatan deskriptif non analitik dan pengumpuan data retrospektif terhadap data rekam medis pasien ISPA pediatrik.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 32 kasus ISPA pediatrik, 53 % diantaranya pasien laki-laki dan sisanya 47 % perempuan. Terapi ISPA dilakukan dengan terapi pokok (antibiotik) dan terapi suportif (simptomatik). Evaluasi terapi menunjukkan bahwa 91 % tepat dosis dan 9 % tidak tepat dosis.Kesimpulan: Secara umum pola pengobatan pasien ISPA pediatrik telah sesuai dengan pedoman penatalaksanaan dari WHO: Model formulary for Children 2010 dan Depkes RI: Pharmaceutical Care untuk Penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan 2005.Kata Kunci: Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA), Pediatrik, Pengobatan, Infeksi.
Sosialisasi Metode Ceramah Tentang Haid Dismenorea Terhadap Upaya Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Siswi Di SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo Socialization Methods Lectures About Menstruation Dysmenorrhoea Efforts to Improve Students Knowledge In SMP Negeri 1 Grogo Tri Rahmawati, Nuri; Endrawati, Susi
IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 2, No 2 (2015): IJMS 2015
Publisher : IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science

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Abstract: Young women who reach adulthood will experience menstruation (periods), the periodic and cyclic bleeding from the uterus, accompanied by the release (desquamation) endometrium. Menstruation experienced by young women sometimes cause problems, namely disminorea. Disminorea a gynecological problem, ie stiffness or spasms at the bottom of the abdomen that occurs in time before menstruation. With the onset of menstrual symptoms heaviness in the stage and pain that can interfere with learning activities, and indirectly affects the productivity and quality of life of adolescents. Lecture method can improve the knowledge about menstruation dysmenorrhea terms of cognitive learning outcomes and attitudes / affective students. This research is Kuantitatif croos sectional that is made up of two cycles, each cycle has four stages. Theyare planning, action, observation and reflection. The subjects of the study are female students class 8H and 8I. The data obtained through interviews, affective, questionnaires, and cognitive tests. The technique of data analysis is descriptive qualitative. Showed that socialization with lecture method 1) can increase the result of cognitive learning 71,3% in the first cycle to 83,7% in the second cycle or the percentage of completeness classroom 76% in the first cycle to 94% in the second cycle. 2) Can improve students affective learning outcomes. Data views of the percentage of achievement 77% in the first cycle to 80% in the second cycle. Lecture sociable about menistry dismenorhea can increase student knowledge class 8H and 8I SMP N 1 Grogol Sukoharjo. Keyword: Cross-sectional, dysmenorrhea, cognitive, affectiv  Abstrak: Remaja putri yang menginjak dewasa akan mengalami haid. Haid yang dialami remaja wanita terkadang menimbulkan masalah, yaitu disminorea. Gejala haid dengan timbulnya rasa berat di panggung dan nyeri yang dapat mengganggu aktivitas belajar, dan secara tidak langsung berdampak pada produktivitas dan kualitas hidup remaja. Metode ceramah dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang haid dismenorea ditinjau dari hasil belajar kognitif  dan sikap/afektif siswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif cross-sectional. Penelitian ini terdiri dua siklus. Setiap siklus terdapat 4 tahap yang terdiri perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Subyek penelitian siswi kelas 8H dan 8I. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara tidak terstuktur, angket afektif dan test kognitif. Teknik Analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pemberian sosialisasi metode ceramah dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif dengan ketercapaian 71.3% disiklus I menjadi 83.7% pada siklus II, atau dengan persentase ketuntasan kelas 76% pada siklus I menjadi 94% pada siklus II, 2) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar afektif siswi. Data dilihat dari persentase ketercapaian 77% disiklus I menjadi 80% pada siklus II. Metode ceramah tentang haid dismenorea dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan kognitif dan afektif siswi kelas 8H dan 8I di SMP Negeri 1 Grogol Sukoharjo. Kata Kunci:  Cross-sectional, Dismenorea, Kognitif, Afektif
Pengaruh Uji Efek Tonikum Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Temu Giring (Curcuma heyneana Val) Terhadap Mencit Wiyanti, Wiwik Rosi; - Poltekkes Bhakti Mulia, Susi Endrawati
IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 4, No 2 (2017): IJMS 2017
Publisher : IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science

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Abstract: Rhizome Rally Leads have chemical constituents of flavonoids, saponins and essential oils, efficacious as a tonic. The purpose of research, determine the effect of ethanol extract of rhizome Rally Leads to a tonic effect and dose of ethanol extract of rhizome Intersection dribbles most effective. An experimental study to test the difference in the dose of ethanol extract of the rhizome Rally Leads dose of 100 mg / kg, 200 mg / kg, and 400 mg / kg. Rhizome Rally Leads macerated with ethanol 96% and then tested on mice. Analysis of the results by observing the length of time from the start of mice exhausted tired to swim, mice were given ethanol extract and fresh again. Results yield of ethanol extract of the rhizome maceration Rally Leads 9.3225% b/b. The ethanol extract of rhizomes Rally Leads (Curcuma heyneana Val) at a dose of 400 mg / kg had a tonic effect with an average of 11 minutes, a dose of 200 mg / kg with an average of 6.25 minutes, and a dose of 100 mg / kg with an average of 3.25 minutes. Conclusion: (1) The ethanol extract of rhizomes Rally Leads (Curcuma heyneana Val) at all doses showed dose variation tonic effect on mice. (2). The ethanol extract of rhizomes Rally Leads (Curcuma heyneana Val) at a dose of 400 mg / kg showed the most effective tonic effect.Keywords: Curcuma heyneana Val, tonic effect, ethanol extract, flavonoid Abtrak: Rimpang Temu Giring mempunyai kandungan kimia flavonoid, saponin dan minyak atsiri, berkhasiat sebagai tonikum. Tujuan penelitian, mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak etanol rimpang Temu Giring terhadap efek tonikum dan dosis ekstrak etanol rimpang temu giring yang paling efektif. Penelitian eksperimental dengan melakukan uji perbedaan dosis ekstrak etanol rimpang Temu Giring dosis 100 mg/kg BB, 200 mg/kg BB, dan 400 mg/kg BB. Rimpang Temu Giring dimaserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96% kemudian diujikan terhadap mencit. Analisis hasil dengan cara observasi lama waktu lelah dari mulai mencit dilelahkan dengan berenang, diberi ekstrak etanol dan mencit segar kembali. Hasil rendemen maserasi ekstrak etanol rimpang Temu Giring 9,3225% Ekstrak etanol rimpang Temu Giring (Curcuma heyneana Val) pada dosis 400 mg/kg BB memiliki efek tonikum dengan rata-rata 11 menit, dosis 200 mg/kg BB dengan rata-rata 6,25 menit, dan dosis 100 mg/kg BB dengan rata-rata 3,25 menit. Kesimpulan: (1) Ekstrak etanol rimpang Temu Giring (Curcuma heyneana Val) pada dosis semua variasi dosis menunjukan efek tonikum terhadap mencit. (2). Ekstrak etanol rimpang Temu Giring (Curcuma heyneana Val) pada dosis 400 mg/kg BB menunjukan efek tonikum yang paling efektif.Katakunci: Curcuma heyneana Val, efek tonikum, ekstrak etanol, flavonoid
Pola Pengobatan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (Ispa) Pediatrik Rawat Inap Di Rsud Dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri Pramita, Biska Kusuma Dewi; Endrawati, Susi; Wahyuningsih - Politeknik Kesehatan Bhakti Mulia, Sri Saptuti
IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 6, No 1 (2019): IJMS 2019
Publisher : IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science

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Abstract: Acute Respiratory Infection (ISPA) is an infection that occurs in the upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract. Infection infection is also a lot of attacks all ages, but infants and toddlers are most vulnerable to infected with this disease.This study aims to see the pattern of treatment pattern in the case of ARD of pediatric patient inpatient in dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri October-December 2016, and to know the allegiance of management according to World Health Organization (WHO): Model Formulary for children 2010 and the Ministry of Health of the republic Indonesia: Pharmaceutical Care for Respiratory Infections Disease 2005. This research used Non Experimental research. Data were taken with descriptive approach and retrospective data collection.This study showed that 24 patients with pediatric ARD, among them female patients 54.16% and the remaining men 45.83%. Acute Respiratory Infection (ARI) therapy is done with basic therapy (antibiotics) and supportive therapy (symptomatic). The results of the study show 1). The pattern of treatment of ARI in pediatric patients hospitalized in RSUD dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri is in accordance with the management guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO): Formulary for children 2010 and Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Health: Pharmaceutical Care for Respiratory Tract Infections 2005, 2). Treatment of pediatric ARI uses an average of 100% antibiotic therapy. The most widely used supportive therapy drugs are gastrointestinal drugs with a percentage of 88%, 63% analgesic-antipyretic drugs, 62% use of respiratory tract medicine and 17% use of antihistamine drugs.Keywords: Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI), pediatrics, treatment, infections. Abstrak: Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) merupakan infeksi yang terdapa tpada saluran pernafasan atas maupun saluran pernafasan bawah. Infeksi infeksi ini juga banyak menyerang semua umur, tetapi bayi dan balita yang paling rentan untuk terinfeksi penyakit ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran Pola pengobatan kasus ISPA pasien pediatrik rawat inap di RSUD dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri Oktober-Desember 2016, dan untuk mengetahui kesesuaiaan penatalaksanaan menurut World Health Organization (WHO): Model Formulary for children 2010 dan Depkes  RI: Pharmaceutical Care untuk penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan 2005. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian Non Eksperimental. Data diambil dengan dari analisa data pendekatan deskriptif dan pengumpulan data retrospektif. Penelitian dari 24 pasien ISPA pediatrik, terdapat pasien perempuan 54,16 % dan  laki-laki 45,83 %. Terapi Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Atas (ISPA) dilakukan dengan terapi pokok (antibiotik) dan terapi suportif (simptomatik). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1). Pola pengobatan ISPA pasien pediatrik rawat inap di RSUD dr. Soediran Mangun Sumarso Wonogiri sudah sesuai dengan pedoman penatalaksanaan dari World Health Organization (WHO): Model Formulary for children 2010 dan Depkes  RI: Pharmaceutical Care untuk penyakit Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan 2005, 2). Pengobatan ISPA pediatrik rata- rata menggunakan terapi obat antibiotik sebanyak 100%. Obat - obat terapi suportif yang paling banyak digunakan adalah obat saluran cerna dengan prosentase 88%, obat analgetik-antipiretik  63%, penggunaan obat terapi saluran nafas  62% dan penggunaan obat antihistamin 17%.Kata kunci: Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA), pediatrik, pengobatan, infeksi.
Hubungan Kadar Kolesterol Dengan Tekanan Darah Pada Penyakit Hipertensi di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen Wahyuni, Nita; Saptuti Wahyuningsih, Sri; Endrawati, Susi
CERATA Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi Vol 7, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : CERATA Jurnal Ilmu Farmasi

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Kolesterol merupakan komponen esensial membran struktural semua sel dan merupakan komponen utama sel otak dan syaraf. Tekanan darah merupakan faktor yang dapat dipakai sebagai indikator untuk menilai sistem kardiovaskuler. Hipertensi adalah tekanan darah arterial tinggi, dimana tekanan sistoliknya melebihi 140 mmHg dan lebih dari 90 mmHg untuk diastolik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar kolesterol dengan tekanan darah pada penyakit hipertensi di Instalasi Rawat Inap RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan studi korelasi dengan desain retrospektif. Studi Korelasi yang dimaksud untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar kolesterol dengan tekanan darah pada penyakit hipertensi. Populasi diambil dari pasien hipertensi di RSUD dr. Soehadi Prijonegoro Sragen. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dengan purposif yaitu pengambilan sampel berdasarkan penilaian peneliti mengenai siapa-siapa saja yang pantas (memenuhi persyaratan) untuk dijadikan sampel. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data rekam medis. Analisis data dengan menggunakan SPSS dengan studi korelasi dan regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kadar kolesterol dengan tekanan darah pada penyakit hipertensi sejumlah 42 responden dengan nilai signifikansi 0,025 dan 0.000.Kata kunci : Kadar Kolesterol, Tekanan Darah, Hipertensi.
IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 6, No 2 (2019): IJMS 2019
Publisher : IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science

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Abstract: Rimpang Temu Kunci (Bosenbergia pandurata (Roxb) Schlecht) contained of essential oils, saponins, flavonoids. The benefits of Rimpang Temu Kunci were used to antidiarrheal, antimalarial, dry cough, intestinal worms, anti-rheumatic, and skin diseases.The aim of this research was to know that Ethanolic Extract of Rimpang Temu Kunci had tonic effect and determined the dose of Rimpang Temu Kunci extract which had tonic effect. The test of tonic used Natatory Exhaustion method. Rimpang Temu Kunci was macerated by the 96% ethanol. The treatment of group I was given per oral treatment 0.5 ml oil as a negative control. Group II, III, IV were treated by ethanol extract with dose variation 100 mg/kg BB, 200 mg/kg BB, 400 mg/kg BB. Group V was treated per oral caffeine 13mg / kg BW. The obtained data were analyzed by One Way ANOVA test followed by Post Hoc Test.Ethanol extract of Rimpang Temu Kunci had tonicum effect. The result of Post Hoc Test analysis (LSD test) between dose of caffeine 13 mg/kg BB, dose of Temu Kunci extract 100 mg/kg BB, 200 mg/kg BB, 400 mg/kg BB showed that p value (0.0001) < 0,05 referred that there was a significant difference between treatment groups. The result of increase tonic effect percentage at Rimpang Temu Kunci extract dose 100 mg/kg BB, 200 mg/kg BB, 400 mg/kg BB and caffein 13 mg/kg BB amount (27,74 ± 0,27)%, (46,20 ± 0,19)%, (76,79 ± 0,36)% and (56,37 ± 0,29)%. Keywords : Ethanol extract of Rimpang Temu Kunci, tonic effect, Male Mice. Abstrak: Rimpang temu kunci (Bosenbergia pandurata (Roxb) Schlecht) memiliki kandungan minyak atsiri, saponin, flavonoid. Khasiat dari rimpang temu kunci diantaranya sebagai antidiare, antimalaria, batuk kering, cacingan, antirematik, dan penyakit kulit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa ekstrak etanol rimpang temu kunci mempunyai efek tonikum dan menentukan dosis ekstrak rimpang temu kunci yang mempunyai efek tonikum. Jenis penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian eksperimental. Uji tonikum dengan metode Natatory Exhaustion. Rimpang temu kunci dimaserasi dengan pelarut etanol 96%. Pemberian perlakuan dengan kelompok I diberi perlakuan peroral minyak goreng 0,5 ml sebagai kontrol negatif. Kelompok II, III, IV diberi perlakuan ekstrak etanol dengan variasi dosis yaitu 100 mg/kg BB, 200 mg/kg BB, 400 mg/kg BB. Kelompok V diberi perlakuan peroral kafein 13mg/kg BB. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis uji One Way ANOVA dilanjutkan dengan uji Post Hoc Test. Ekstrak etanol rimpang Temu Kunci memiliki efek tonikum. Hasil dari analisis Post Hoc Test (Uji LSD) antara dosis kafein 13 mg/kg BB, dosis ekstrak Temu Kunci 100 mg/kg BB, 200 mg/kg BB, 400 mg/kg BB menunjukkan nilai p (0,0001)<0,05 yang menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang bermakna antar kelompok perlakuan. Hasil prosentase kenaikan efek tonikum pada ekstrak rimpang Temu Kunci dosis 100 mg/kg BB, 200 mg/kg BB, dosis 400 mg/kg BB dan kafein 13 mg/kg BB berturut-turut  sebesar (27,74 ± 0,27)%, (46,20 ± 0,19)% (76,79 ± 0,36)% dan (56,37 ± 0,29)%.Kata kunci : Ekstrak Etanol Rimpang Temu Kunci ,Efek Tonikum, Mencit Jantan
IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 7, No 1 (2020): IJMS 2020
Publisher : IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science

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Abstract: This study aims to determine the analgesic effect and determine the most effective dose proportional to the positive control arising from the administration of soursop leaf decocta in male mice (Mus musculus) Swiss strain induced with acetic acid. Test animals consisted of five treatment groups, each group consisting of five mice. The treatment of group I was given Acetosal as a positive control, group II was given aquadest as a negative control, group III was given a decocta of 1%, the treatment group IV was given a decocta of 2% and group V was given a decocta of 4% with a volume of 0 each , 5 ml orally. 30 minutes and then injected with 1% acetic acid intraperitoneally, then observed stretching generated and counted every 5 minutes for one hour. The results obtained were analyzed using the One-way ANOVA test and LSD test showed that soursop leaf decocta 1%, 2% and 4% levels with positive control (acetosal) had a significant value <0.05 then H0 was rejected, so there was a difference between levels administration of 1%, 2% and 4% with positive control. Soursop leaf decocta (Annona muricata L.) has analgesic power on experimental animals of male mice (Mus musculus) Swiss strain and at certain concentrations has analgesic power comparable to positive control. The most effective decocta as an analgesic is at 4% with analgesic power of 38.07% ± 1.07%, but it is still below the positive control analgesic power.Keywords: Analgesics, Decocta of Soursop Leaves and Male Mice. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek analgetik dan mengetahui dosis paling efektif sebanding dengan kontrol positif yang ditimbulkan dari pemberian dekokta daun sirsak pada mencit jantan (Mus musculus) galur Swiss yang diinduksi dengan asam asetat. Hewan uji terdiri dari lima kelompok perlakuan, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari lima ekor mencit. Perlakuan kelompok I diberi Acetosal sebagai kontrol positif, kelompok II diberi aquadest sebagai kontrol negatif, kelompok III diberi dekokta dengan kadar 1%, kelompok perlakuan IV diberi dekokta dengan kadar 2% dan kelompok V diberi dekokta kadar 4% dengan volume pemberian masing-masing 0,5 ml secara peroral. 30 menit kemudian disuntik dengan asam asetat 1% secara intraperitoneal, selanjutnya diamati geliat yang ditimbulkan dan dihitung setiap 5 menit sekali selama satu jam. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji One-way ANOVA dan uji LSD menunjukkan bahwa dekokta daun sirsak pada kadar 1%, 2% dan 4% dengan kontrol positif (asetosal) memiliki nilai signifikan <0,05 maka H0 ditolak, sehingga ada perbedaan antara kadar pemberian 1%, 2% dan 4% dengan kontrol positif. Dekokta daun sirsak (Annona muricata L.) mempunyai daya analgetik terhadap hewan percobaan mencit jantan (Mus musculus) galur Swiss dan pada konsentrasi tertentu memiliki daya analgetik sebanding dengan kontrol positif. Dekokta yang paling efekif sebagai analgetik yaitu pada kadar 4% dengan daya analgetik sebesar 38,07%±1,07%, tetapi masih dibawah daya analgetik kontrol positif.Kata kunci: Analgetik, Dekokta Daun Sirsak dan Mencit Jantan.
Formulasi dan Uji Stabilitas Hair Tonic Ekstrak Lidah Buaya (Aloe vera L.) dan Seledri (Apium graviolens L.) Indriyani, Fajar; Endrawati-Politeknik Kesehatan Bhakti Mulia, Susi
IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science Vol 8, No 1 (2021): IJMS 2021
Publisher : IJMS - Indonesian Journal on Medical Science

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Abstract : Aloe vera contains vitamins A, C, amino acids, Cu, Inositol, enzymes, minerals that can help reduce hair loss and strengthen hair roots. While celery contains sodium, vitamins A and B, calcium and iron which have the potential to nourish hair, black hair, and prevent hair loss. To prove that the combination of aloe vera extract (Aloe vera L.) and celery extract (Apium graviolens L.) can be formulated in hair tonic preparations, and determine the formula that best meets the stability requirements of the 1 month observation. This study is an experimental study by formulating and testing the stability of hair tonic preparations. The results of the viscosity and specific gravity tests were analyzed using ANOVA with software version 22. Organoleptic hair tonic combination of aloe vera and celery extract in the form of a solution with a characteristic aromatic odor, greenish brown color, has a pH of 4, and is homogeneous. The specific gravity of formulas 1, 2 and 3, respectively, is 0.99553 g / ml; 1.00114 g / ml 1.00661 g / ml. The viscosity of formulas 1, 2 and 3, respectively, is 3.96407 cPs; 6,77595 cPs; 11.16378 cPs. ANOVA test shows a significance value (<0.001) <(0.05) so that there are differences in viscosity and specific gravity between formulations. The combination of aloe vera and celery extract can be formulated into a hair tonic and the formula that best meets the stability requirements is formula 1 with a concentration of 15% propylenglycol.Keywords: hair tonic, stability test, aloe vera extract, celery extract Abstrak : Lidah buaya mengandung vitamin A, C, asam amino, Cu, Inositol, enzim, mineral yang dapat membantu mengurangi kerontokan rambut dan menguatkan akar rambut. Sedangkan seledri mengandung natrium, vitamin A dan B, kalsium dan zat besi yang berpotensi untuk menyuburkan rambut, menghitamkan rambut, dan mencegah kerontokan. Membuktikan bahwa kombinasi ekstrak lidah buaya (Aloe vera L.) dan ekstrak seledri (Apium graviolens L.) dapat diformulasikan dalam sediaan hair tonic, dan mengetahui formula yang paling memenuhi persyaratan stabilitas pada pengamatan selama 1 bulan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental yaitu  dengan menformulasikan dan menguji stabilitas sediaan hair tonic. Hasil uji viskositas dan bobot jenis dianalisis menggunakan ANOVA dengan software versi 22. Organoleptis hair tonic kombinasi ekstrak lidah buaya dan seledri berbentuk larutan dengan bau khas aromatik, warna coklat kehijauan, memiliki pH 4, dan bersifat homogen. Bobot jenis formula 1, 2 dan 3 berturut-turut yaitu 0,99553 g/ml ; 1,00114 g/ml 1,00661 g/ml. Viskositas formula 1, 2 dan 3 berturut-turut yaitu 3,96407 cPs; 6,77595 cPs; 11,16378 cPs. Uji ANOVA menunjukkan nilai signifikansi (< 0,001) < (0,05) sehingga ada perbedaan viskositas dan bobot jenis antar formulasi. Kombinasi ekstrak lidah buaya dan seledri dapat diformulasikan menjadi hair tonic serta formula yang paling memenuhi persyaratan stabilitas adalah formula 1 dengan konsentrasi propilenglikol 15%.Kata kunci :  hair tonic, uji stabilitas, ekstrak lidah buaya, ekstrak seledri