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Syariah: Jurnal Hukum dan Pemikiran Vol 20, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Antasari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18592/sjhp.v20i1.3493


AbstractOne of the reasons for the broken marriage is a talaq as a husband's prerogative right. However, in some conditions the talaq is not done by the husband even though the marriage relationship has lost its essence and has gone bad. It is called at-tafrîq al-qadhâ'i which is a way out for the husband's arbitrariness that the Judge is given the authority to terminate the marriage relationship even without the husband?s willingness. This research used a library research method. This research was normative juridical law research and it was analyzed using descriptive-analytic methods. From this research it was found that the Judiciary was authorized to break the rope of marriage through at-tafriq al-qadha?i under certain circumstances to protect the wives? rights. The authority was not only legally valid in the state law but also had its legitimacy regulated in fiqh.Keywords: tafriq, authority, divorce, judge, the religious courtAbstrakDiantara sebab terputusnya tali pernikahan adalah dikarenakan talak yang merupakan hak prerogatif suami. Namun dalam beberapa kondisi, ternyata talak tidak kunjung dijatuhkan oleh suami meski hubungan pernikahan telah hilang kemaslahatannya bahkan membawa kepada kemudharatan. At-tafri?q al-qadha??i yang merupakan jalan keluar dari kesewenangan suami dimana Hakim diberi kewenangan untuk memutuskan hubungan pernikahan tersebut meski tanpa adanya kerelaan dari pihak suami. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka (library research). Sedangkan bila dilihat dari sifatnya, penelitian ini termasuk penelitian hukum yuridis normatif yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Dari penelitian ini dapat dinyatakan bahwa Peradilan berwenang untuk memutus tali pernikahan melalui at-tafriq al-qadha?i dalam keadaan tertentu dalam rangka melindungi hak-hak istri. Bahwa kewenangan tersebut selain sah secara hukum negara ia juga memiliki legitimasinya sendiri yang diatur dalam fikih.Kata kunci: tafriq, kewenangan, perceraian, hakim, pengadilan agama 
Determination of Auspicious Days in Wedding Traditions in Mandar, West Sulawesi: Perspective of Islamic Law Sadat, Anwar; Tahmid Nur, Muhammad; Sadik, M.; Baharuddin, A. Zamakhsyari
Samarah: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga dan Hukum Islam Vol 7, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Islamic Family Law Department, Sharia and Law Faculty, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/sjhk.v7i3.17864


Determination of auspicious days is a discourse that still causes polemics and is often considered to be contrary to Islamic law. This study aims to discuss the determination of auspicious days in the Mandar wedding traditions in the context of Islamic law. This empirical legal study used a multiapproach framework that included the theory of social change and the theory of Islamic law, especially al-'urf (social tradition) and al-maslahah (public interest). Data were collected by means of in-depth interviews and literature reviews of scientific articles, textbooks, and books on Islamic law. The data were then analyzed through data display using the aforementioned theories. The results of the study revealed that determining auspicious days, practiced by the majority of the Mandar people prior to organizing a marriage, has been considered a custom and in accordance with Islamic law. Further, the Qur’an and hadith, as the sources of Islamic law, have also indicated that there are auspicious times and days e.g., Friday, known as sayyid al-ayyām (leader of the days). The determination of auspicious days in marriage has been adjusted to follow social changes, government policies, and Islamic laws, especially ‘urf and maslahah. Such a custom can be categorized as ‘urf shahih (good) and not 'urf fasid(deviating), with the values of public interest being for safety and blessing. The argument of this study is that in the context of Islamic law if the determination of the auspicious day does not deviate from the provisions of Islamic law, it can be accommodated as a legal consideration; yet, if it deviates from Islamic law, guidance is necessary. This is in accordance with the rules of fiqh: “preserving old things that bring benefits, and accommodating new things that are more beneficial.”
التظاهر بالشعارات القومية في شعيرة الحج والعمرة Baharuddin, A. Zamakhsyari
Jurnal Adabiyah Vol 20 No 2 (2020): December (Islamic Studies)
Publisher : Faculty of Adab and Humanities - Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/jad.v20i2a2


يهدف هذا البحث إلى التعرف على مدى شرعية التظاهر بالشعارات القومية والطائفية في شعيرة الحج والعمرة، فالبحث ما هو إلا محاولة لإبراز معالم الوحدة الإسلامية التي تجلت في أكبر تجمع بشري ديني بغض النظر عن الأجناس والألوان والأوطان بما يضمن بقاء الأمة الإسلامية واستمرارها، وذلك من خلال المنهج الوصفي التحليلي الذي يعبر عن الظاهرة المدروسة في ظل الظروف التي تتواجد فيها تعبيرا كميا وكيفيا بل يتعدى ذلك إلى تحليلها وكشف العلاقات بين أبعادها المختلفة من أجل توضيحها والوصول إلى الحكم الشرعي فيها، وقد أنتجت هذه الدراسة إلى أن كل مظهر من مظاهر قومية وطائفية من أفعال وأقوال في شعيرة الحج "الأكبر والأصغر" بما فيه تفريق وتفكيك لوحدة المسلمين ليس مشروعا بل رفضه الإسلام، وأن الأخوة الإسلامية فاقت أخوة النسب والقبيلة والوطن، فإذا أريد الاجتماع لها وقصد بها على معان أو شعارات أخرى غير الانتماء إلى الدين والانتساب إلى الملة كان الاجتماع باطلا منافيا للمقصود الذي من أجله شُرع وهو جمع المسلمين تحت اسم الإسلام لا غير. This study aims to determine the legitimacy of the demonstration of the sectarian (national) slogan in the Hajj and Umrah rituals. This research is an attempt to highlight the milestones of Islamic unity that are manifested in the largest religious congregation regardless of race, color, and country so as to ensure the survival of ummah, through descriptive and analytical approaches related to the phenomena studied based on its circumstances. The study found that every national and sectarian aspect of akctions in the Hajj and Umrah rituals, including the separation and disintegration of the unity of the Muslims, is not legitimate but rejected by Islam, and that Islamic brotherhood transcends the brotherhood of lineage, ethnicity and homeland, then if the meeting is intended for a meaning or slogan other than religion, then the meeting is invalid and contrary to the stated purpose, namely gathering Muslims in the name of Islam only.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui legitimasi demonstrasi slogan sektarian (nasional) dalam ritual Haji dan Umrah. Penelitian ini merupakan upaya untuk menyoroti tonggak-tonggak persatuan Islam yang terwujud dalam pertemuan umat beragama terbesar tanpa memandang ras, warna kulit, dan negara sehingga menjamin kelangsungan hidup dan keberlangsungan umat, melalui pendekatan deskriptif dan analitis terkait fenomena yang dikaji berdasarkan keadaannya, studi ini menemukan bahwa setiap aspek nasionalisme dan sektarianisme dalam ritual haji dan umrah yang dapat memecahkan persatuan ummat tidak dibenarkan, dan bahwasanya persaudaraan Islam itu melampaui persaudaraan garis keturunan, suku, dan tanah air, jadi jika pertemuan itu dimaksudkan pada makna atau slogan selain agama maka pertemuan itu tidak sah dan bertentangan dengan tujuan yang ditetapkan, yaitu pertemuan umat Islam dengan nama Islam semata.
Safeguarding Consumers: The Role of Industry and Trade Office in Countering Monopolistic Practices and Ensuring Business Protection Diab, Ashadi L.; Iswandi, Iswandi; Yaqub, Andi; Muthalib, Lian M.; Baharuddin, A. Zamakhsyari
Volksgeist: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum dan Konstitusi Vol. 6 Issue 2 (2023) Volksgeist: Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Dan Konstitusi
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Profesor Kiai Haji Saifuddin Zuhri Purwokerto, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24090/volksgeist.v6i2.9065


This research investigates (1) the significance and function of the consumer protection and anti-monopoly division within the Industry and Trade Office in supporting business entities, and (2) the measures that the Industry and Trade Office should adopt moving forward to address regulatory needs, particularly concerning anti-monopoly and business competition, in Kendari. This study employs Conflict Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory as its theoretical framework. The findings reveal that (1) the relevant division plays a crucial role in conducting Consumer Protection Socialization as a program managed by the Industry and Trade Office of Southeast Sulawesi Province, involving business entities, consumers, community members, and university students; (2) activities centered around consumer protection and anti-monopoly implemented by the relevant division are as described by the Head of the Consumer Protection and Trade Order Division: The Consumer Protection Monitoring System serves as a medium for consumer complaints and information related to consumer protection to be integrated into the system at the Provincial Office responsible for trade, aiming to enhance service to consumers in lodging complaints from those who feel wronged.
The Fulfillment of Women's and Children's Rights Post-Divorce in Judicial Decisions of the Unaaha Religious Court Suriani, Suriani; Aini, Nurul; Marlin, Marlin; Fitriadi, Muh.; Darwis, Rizal; Baharuddin, A. Zamakhsyari
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah Vol 22, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/jis.v22i1.2904


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the decisions of the Unaaha Religious Court in guaranteeing the rights of children and women after divorce and to examine the constraints of the panel of judges of the Unaaha Religious Court in guaranteeing the rights of women and children in case decisions. This research is a normative-empirical research. Data collection techniques and legal materials are document studies and interviews. While the process of data analysis is carried out in three steps, namely: first, identification of legal facts. secondly, examining or and seeking legal norms related to legal facts. Third, applying legal norms to legal facts. The results of this study show that: First, in the period from July 2021 to June 2022 the Unaaha Religious Court decided 493 divorce and divorce cases. Of the 493 cases that have been decided, only 22 cases involving the fulfillment of the rights of wives or children. Where the reasons for fulfilling these rights can be made into four (4) typologies. First, because it was requested in the convention as many as 12 cases. Second, because of an agreement in mediation in 8 cases. Third, because the posita of the application is 1 case. Fourth, because of the posita lawsuit of 1 case. From the four typologies it can be concluded that the judges have not exercised their rights ex-officio in order to fulfill the rights of women and children. Therefore, it can also be concluded that the judges have not fully implemented the Letter of the Director General of Badilag Number 1669/DJA/HK.00/5/2021 Concerning Guarantees for the Rights of Post-Divorce Women and Children. Second, the constraints faced by judges in fulfilling the rights of women and children in case decisions, namely: 1) the financial ability of the husband or father, 2) the ability of the parties in the evidentiary process, 3) the presence of the parties (wife or husband) in the trial , 4) there is no coordination and cooperation between the Religious Courts and related agencies in the case of parties who work as ASN/PNS.