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Empowering Students: Human Resource Management for Fostering an English Language Environment in Vocational Schools Marlin, Marlin; Alamsyah, Jaya; Barasa, Larsen; Laksamana, Boy; Permana, Aji
Indo-Fintech Intellectuals: Journal of Economics and Business Vol. 4 No. 2 (2024): Indo-Fintech Intellectuals: Journal of Economics and Business
Publisher : Lembaga Intelektual Muda (LIM) Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54373/ifijeb.v4i2.1116


This study examines the critical dimension of Human Resource Management (HR) in vocational schools, with a particular focus on the active role of students in shaping and maintaining an English-speaking environment. Using a literature review methodology, this study examines empirical evidence and scientific discussions related to students' contributions in shaping the English-speaking environment in vocational education institutions. The results reveal a nuanced perspective on human resources in vocational schools, where students go beyond passive recipients of language instruction, emerging as proactive agents shaping the linguistic landscape. The research covers a wide range of aspects of human resources, including student recruitment, training, motivation, and evaluation, all in the context of their involvement in developing an English-speaking environment. In addition, this study emphasizes the critical role of educators, policymakers, and administrators in facilitating student-driven HR initiatives. It emphasizes the need for a collaborative approach among these stakeholders to effectively empower students in their efforts to achieve English language proficiency. The synthesis of literature emphasizes the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive educational ecosystem that promotes student autonomy and leadership. Paradigm shift in viewing students as dynamic contributors in shaping the English-speaking environment in vocational schools
Perspektif Hukum Pidana Terhadap Implementasi Undang-Undang Tentang Perbankan Marsilan, Marsilan; Agus, Agus; Hijriani , Hijriani; Marlin, Marlin
Sultra Research of Law Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Sultra Research of Law
Publisher : Pascasarjana Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54297/surel.v5i2.68


Perbankan merupakan salah satu sektor penting dalam perekonomian Indonesia, yang berperan sebagai lembaga intermediasi keuangan yang menghimpun dana dari masyarakat dan menyalurkannya kembali dalam bentuk kredit atau bentuk lainnya. Namun, di sisi lain, perbankan juga rentan terhadap berbagai macam tindak pidana, baik yang dilakukan oleh pihak internal maupun eksternal bank. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menguraikan bagaimana karakteristik dan ruang lingkup pertanggungjawaban pidana bagi pelaku tindak pidana perbankan dan tindak pidana di bidang perbankan di Indonesia, serta menganalisis solusi terhadap terjadinya tindak pidana perbankan yang dapat diberikan dalam perspektif Undang-Undang tentang Perbankan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif, dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil dari penelitian mengemukakan karakteristik tindak pidana perbankan dan tindak pidana di bidang perbankan bersifat beragam serta upaya solutif terhadap terjadinya tindak pidana perbankan dalam perspektif Undang-Undang Perbankan, meliputi: melakukan revisi dan harmonisasi undang-undang tentang perbankan dengan undang-undang lainnya yang berkaitan dengan tindak pidana perbankan dan tindak pidana di bidang perbankan, meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas sumber daya manusia yang terlibat dalam penegakan hukum pidana terhadap tindak pidana perbankan dan tindak pidana di bidang perbankan, meningkatkan koordinasi dan kerjasama antara lembaga-lembaga penegak hukum pidana, meningkatkan partisipasi dan kesadaran masyarakat dalam mencegah dan melaporkan adanya indikasi atau dugaan tindak pidana perbankan dan tindak pidana di bidang perbankan, memberikan perlindungan hukum bagi para saksi, korban, maupun pelapor dari ancaman atau gangguan yang mungkin timbul, serta meningkatkan penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam proses penegakan hukum pidana.
Penyuluhan Tentang Imunisasi Dasar Lengkap Pada Ibu Balita : Counseling about complete basic immunization for mothers of toddlers Masulilli, Fitria; Jurana, Jurana; Irsanty, Collein; Pangaribuan, Helena; Baiq Emy, Nurmalisa; Supirno, Supirno; Ayu, Sri Manika; Marlin, Marlin
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Lentora Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): SEPTEMBER 2023
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33860/jpml.v3i1.3317


Introduction Complete national routine immunization coverage is currently slowly increasing again after the COVID pandemic from 84% in 2019 to 94.9% in 2022. Indonesian children have been immunized. This increase was given a good score but not enough, because there are still around 5% or 240,000 Indonesian children who have not received additional protection from complete basic immunization, meaning these children are still at high risk of contracting diseases that can be prevented by immunization (PD3I). The Ministry of Health targets 100 percent of babies to receive complete basic immunization (IDL) by 2023. This community service aims to provide knowledge to mothers of toddlers about complete basic immunization (0 to 11 months). This service method takes the form of counseling and giving leaflets to mothers of toddlers. This community service activity was carried out at Latulip Posyandu, Layana Village, Talise Health Center working area on June 21 2023. The target audience for this community service activity was all mothers with toddlers who live in Layana Village as the Talise Health Center Working Area, 18 mothers of toddlers. The results of the activity were the knowledge of mothers of toddlers about complete basic immunization after counseling, namely the majority with good knowledge, 15 participants (83.3%) and 3 participants (16.7%) with sufficient knowledge. The conclusion is that this community service activity can provide understanding to mothers of toddlers about complete basic immunization. Suggestions to the Talise Community Health Center to continue to increase community knowledge and provide motivation for mothers of toddlers to support the success of achieving complete basic immunization coverage according to the national target of 100 percent.
Upaya Pencegahan Resiko Penularan Tuberkulosis di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Talise Melalui Program Edukasi : Efforts to Prevent the Risk of Tuberculosis Transmission in the Talise Health Center Working Area Through Education Programs Nurmalisa, Baiq Emy; Pangaribuan, Helena; Masulilli, Fitria; Collein, Irsanty; Jurana, Jurana; Ismunandar, Ismunandar; Marlin, Marlin
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Lentora Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): MARET 2024
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Palu

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Introduction: In 2022, the number of people newly diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) worldwide will reach 7.5 million. The discovery of TB cases (suspects) in the Talise Community Health Center work area from 2023 to May 2023 was 273 cases. This has increased significantly compared to the discovery of TB cases (suspected) in 2022, which amounted to 343. This community service aims to provide education to prevent the risk of spreading TB in the Talise Health Center working area. This activity method takes place in the waiting room of the Talise Health Center Polyclinic, Palu City, targeting all visitors to the Polyclinic. The activity was held on June 27 2023 with a total of 30 participants. The activities start from the preparation stage, conducting a pre-test, providing education and discussion, and finally conducting a post-test. Results Based on the pretest scores, it shows that the number of participants who have knowledge about TB is in the low category as many as 15 people or 50%, in the sufficient category there are 7 people or 23.3%, and in the high category there are 8 participants or 26.7%. After the discussion and question and answer process, a post test was carried out where the results obtained showed that the number of participants who had knowledge about TB was 2 people or 6.7% in the low category, 12 people or 40% in the sufficient category, and 16 people or 53 in the high category .3%. The conclusion was that there was an increase in participants' knowledge after being given education. Suggestions require sustainable community service activities so that people can apply them in their daily lives.
Legal Implications For Victims Of Telegram Fraud In The Jurisdiction Of The South Sumatra Polda Marlin, Marlin; Mahfuz, Abdul Latif
DE LEGA LATA: JURNAL ILMU HUKUM Vol 9, No 1 (2024): January-June
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30596/dll.v9i1.18514


Digital fraud is the most common cybercrime and is a global problem. Cases of fraud committed by online media using Telegram accounts are increasing from year to year. The problem in this investigation is the legal implications for victims of criminal acts of wire fraud in the jurisdiction of the South Sumatra Regional Police. The research method used is a standard legal research method that uses secondary data resulting from library research. A study of the legal implications for legal protection for victims of wire fraud in the jurisdiction of the South Sumatra Regional Police shows that although the victims' rights have been fulfilled, the victims have not received complete justice. Victims are in a vulnerable position in providing legal protection by reporting a criminal incident, explaining who the perpetrator of the crime is, and/or providing evidence, both physical and non-evidence. Physical suffering and material and non-physical losses - material losses for law enforcement officers
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Luwuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32529/glasser.v8i1.3213


This study aims to examine and analyze the principal's strategy in improving the quality of teaching staff during the pandemic at Sambalagi Elementary School from the principal's strategy, the quality of teaching staff and the principal's policy regarding the pandemic. The object of this research is the principal and teachers at Sambalagi Elementary School. This research uses qualitative research. Data collection methods were carried out by means of observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis through the process of collecting informants, reducing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions and verification and testing data validity through data triangulation (sources, techniques and time). The results showed that: 1) the principal's strategy is carried out by carrying out quality improvement of teaching staff in three months once a week followed by two teaching staff (teachers): 2) the current quality of teaching staff at Sambalagi Elementary School still needs to be improved: 3) the principal's policy regarding the covid-19 pandemic is to continue carrying out activities by complying with health protocols, namely wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining physical distancing
The Fulfillment of Women's and Children's Rights Post-Divorce in Judicial Decisions of the Unaaha Religious Court Suriani, Suriani; Aini, Nurul; Marlin, Marlin; Fitriadi, Muh.; Darwis, Rizal; Baharuddin, A. Zamakhsyari
Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah Vol 22, No 1 (2024)
Publisher : IAIN Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30984/jis.v22i1.2904


The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the decisions of the Unaaha Religious Court in guaranteeing the rights of children and women after divorce and to examine the constraints of the panel of judges of the Unaaha Religious Court in guaranteeing the rights of women and children in case decisions. This research is a normative-empirical research. Data collection techniques and legal materials are document studies and interviews. While the process of data analysis is carried out in three steps, namely: first, identification of legal facts. secondly, examining or and seeking legal norms related to legal facts. Third, applying legal norms to legal facts. The results of this study show that: First, in the period from July 2021 to June 2022 the Unaaha Religious Court decided 493 divorce and divorce cases. Of the 493 cases that have been decided, only 22 cases involving the fulfillment of the rights of wives or children. Where the reasons for fulfilling these rights can be made into four (4) typologies. First, because it was requested in the convention as many as 12 cases. Second, because of an agreement in mediation in 8 cases. Third, because the posita of the application is 1 case. Fourth, because of the posita lawsuit of 1 case. From the four typologies it can be concluded that the judges have not exercised their rights ex-officio in order to fulfill the rights of women and children. Therefore, it can also be concluded that the judges have not fully implemented the Letter of the Director General of Badilag Number 1669/DJA/HK.00/5/2021 Concerning Guarantees for the Rights of Post-Divorce Women and Children. Second, the constraints faced by judges in fulfilling the rights of women and children in case decisions, namely: 1) the financial ability of the husband or father, 2) the ability of the parties in the evidentiary process, 3) the presence of the parties (wife or husband) in the trial , 4) there is no coordination and cooperation between the Religious Courts and related agencies in the case of parties who work as ASN/PNS.
Karakterisasi Morfologi Bawang Merah Cekaman Salinitas pada Konsentrasi Letal 20 (LC20) dan 50 (LC50): Morphology Characteristic of Shallots to Salinity Stress at Lethal Concentrations of 20 (LC20) and 50 (LC50) Anugrah, Diana Eureka; Marlin, Marlin; Sudjatmiko, Sigit
Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (JHI) Vol. 15 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia
Publisher : Indonesian Society for Horticulture / Department of Agronomy and Horticulture

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jhi.15.2.100-111


Efforts to optimize non-productive soil using saline soil are an important issue related to the salt content that affects the growth and development of salt-sensitive shallots. The morphological response as a form of sensitivity and tolerance of shallot to salinity is considered to be a characteristic of varieties that can be cultivated on refined soil. The objective of the study was to determine the lethal concentration values of 20 and 50 and the morphological response of shallot plants to salinity excretion. The research was carried out at the research was carried out in the greenhouse of the Agricultural Cultivation Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, using 2-factor Complete Randomized Block Design. The first factor of concentration of NaCl are S1: 100 mM, S2: 150 mM, S3: 200 mM, and S4: 250 mM. The second factor are shallot varieties V1: Birma Padang, V2: Bauji, V3: Thailand, V4: Tituk, V5: Solok Sakato, V6: Surian, and V7: Batu Ijo Medan, with Wick System hydroponic tray planting methods. The results showed that seven shallots varieties have different LC20 and LC50 values, and morphological characterization showed a decrease in plant height, leaf number, tiller number, root length, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, shoot dry weight, and root dry weight.Keywords: NaCl concentration, salt tolerance, tolerant varieties, Wick system hydroponic