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Jurnal Basicedu Vol. 3 No. 3 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v3i3.181


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1)  motivasi belajar siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar, (2) hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar (3) korelasi antara motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA di kelas IV sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif korelasional. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV  43 Sungai Sapih Padang yang berjumlah 73 orang siswa. Teknik  pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling dengan banyak jumlah sampel yaitu 49 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner. Dari 30 butir soal yang di uji coba, terdapat 28 soal yang valid. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata motivasi belajar siswa sebanyak 74,1 dan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebanyak 71,5 terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas IV SDN 43 Sungai Sapih Padang dengan nilai uji korelasi 0,323 dan nilai koefesien rendah.
Fenomena Pembelajaran Tematik Di Sekolah Dasar Prananda, Gingga
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling (JPDK) Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan dan Konseling
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Seorang guru dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar tidak hanya dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan dalam pengalaman teoretis tapi juga harus memiliki kemampuan praktis. Kedua hal ini sangat penting karena seorang guru dalam pembelajaran bukanlah sekedar menyampaikan materi semata tetapi juga harus berupaya agar mata pelajaran yang sedang disampaikan menjadi kegiatan pembelajaran yang menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami bagi siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk melihat fenomena pembelajaran tematik di kelas II Sekolah Dasar. Pendekatan kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini bermaksud mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan secara rinci tentang Masalah-Masalah Pembelajaran Tematik di Sekolah Dasar Di SDN 07 Ulak Karang Selatan. Pengajaran tematik perlu memilih materi beberapa mata pelajaran yang mungkin saling terkait. Dengan demikian, materi-materi yang dipilih dapat mengungkapkan tema secara bermakna. Pengajaran tematik tidak boleh bertentangan dengan kurikulum yang berlaku, tetapi sebaliknya pembelajaran tematik harus mendukung pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang termuat dalam kurikulum. Pembelajaran tematik memiliki arti penting dalam membangun kompetensi peserta didik untuk lebih menekankan pada keterlibatan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran secara aktif dalam proses pembelajaran, sehingga siswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman langsung dan terlatih untuk menemukan sendiri berbagai pengetahuan yang dipelajarinya.
The Problems of Broken Home toward Students' Mental and Achievement at Grade IV SDN 23 Lolong Padang Utara, Padang City Maharani, Indah; Efendi, Nofriza; Rokif, Ismul; Putriah, Neli; Prananda, Gingga
The Future of Education Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2023): May
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Yayasan Pendidikan Tumpuan Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (931.485 KB) | DOI: 10.61445/tofedu.v2i2.25


This study aims to analyze how the Problems of Broken Home on Mental and Student Achievement in Grade IV at Public Alementary School 23 Lolong, North Padang District, Padang City. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive type. The subjects of this research are fourth grade teachers and students. This research was conducted at Public Alementary School 23 Lolong, North Padang District, Padang City in July 2022. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. . The results showed that the problems of broken homes in students caused differences in interest in learning, which came from broken home families, but it cannot be denied that there are also some children who have a high interest in learning even though they come from broken home families. Parents and teachers have an important role in the mental and learning achievements of children, namely teachers must pay more attention to the learning of children who experience broken homes and parents must be able to establish good relationships with children even though they are divorced from their husbands or wives, because students who experience the impact of a broken home looking for someone or a friend who can provide motivation to be more enthusiastic in living life, and to have an interest in learning and learning achievement that is increasing than before and getting achievements in school
The Strategy for Preparation of Educational Research Proposal for Students of PGSD UNU Sumbar Program Efendi, Nofriza; Oktira, Yona Syaida; Burhan, Kristian; Prananda, Gingga
The Future of Education Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Yayasan Pendidikan Tumpuan Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1036.404 KB) | DOI: 10.61445/tofedu.v2i1.61


Research is channeling human curiosity about a problem by using certain treatments such as examining, investigating, studying and studying carefully and formulating hypotheses on a problem so that an achievement of correct answers to problems is obtained, development of science and so on. The purpose of this study is to see how the strategy for preparing educational research proposals for PGSD study program students is. This type of research is a literature study from several previous services. This webinar activity received a good response from the public and enthusiastic participants. With this activity students are able to write and make educational research proposals according to the steps and strategies that have been understood and can be applied properly and correctly
Implementation of the Kurikulum Merdeka in Improving the Critical Thinking Ability of Class IV Students at SD Negeri 14 Belanti Barat Syaputra, Arryal; Azwar, Rica; Efendi, Nofriza; Prananda, Gingga
The Future of Education Journal Vol 3 No 2 (2024): May
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan dan Publikasi Ilmiah Yayasan Pendidikan Tumpuan Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61445/tofedu.v3i2.151


The purpose of this research is to determine the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in improving the critical thinking abilities of Grade IV students at SD Negeri 14 Belanti Barat. The Merdeka Curriculum is a curriculum with diverse intracurricular learning where the content will be more extensive so that students have enough time to explore concepts and strengthen competencies. This research uses qualitative methods by taking the object of SD Negeri 14 Belanti Barat. Data collection techniques are carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. Respondents in this research were the principal, class teacher and class IV students. The results of this research show that the implementation of learning for grade IV students using the Independent Curriculum has been implemented well and is supported by the school. Students have different critical thinking abilities. With differentiated learning in the independent curriculum, students' critical thinking abilities can increase. Then the obstacles found were that teachers did not receive enough training, and some teachers did not follow technological developments
Sosialisasi Penggunaan Media Sosial Tik Tok DI SDN 13 Lolong Kota Padang Efendi, Nofriza; Wati, Lesma; Prananda, Gingga; Barkara, Refli Surya
Jurnal Masyarakat Mengabdi Nusantara Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Maret : Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Pastoral Tahasak Danum Pambelum Keuskupan Palangkaraya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58374/jmmn.v3i1.241


This study examines approaches to social media use of TikTok in elementary schools, focusing on safety, education, and positive impact. In an increasingly digitally connected environment, children face increased opportunities and risks associated with social media use. The aim of this study is to develop appropriate approach strategies to help students understand how to use her TikTok in a balanced and safe manner. Research methods include literature research on children's social media use and analysis of educational policies related to social media in elementary schools.The results demonstrate the need for educational approaches that focus on positive creativity, digital awareness, and online safety. The proposed approach includes educational sessions, workshops, and training sessions involving students, teachers, and parents. Public relations takes into account age restrictions, privacy settings, and the positive and negative effects of online activity.  The role of teachers and school staff in monitoring and supporting students in the digital world will also be strengthened. The implementation of this outreach strategy aims to create a supportive, educational and safe environment for the u. se of the social media TikTok among primary school children, thereby bridging the gap between technological development and child protection
Jurnal Basicedu Vol. 3 No. 3 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/basicedu.v3i3.181


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1)  motivasi belajar siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar, (2) hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas IV sekolah dasar (3) korelasi antara motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA di kelas IV sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif korelasional. Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV  43 Sungai Sapih Padang yang berjumlah 73 orang siswa. Teknik  pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling dengan banyak jumlah sampel yaitu 49 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner. Dari 30 butir soal yang di uji coba, terdapat 28 soal yang valid. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah korelasi product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata motivasi belajar siswa sebanyak 74,1 dan rata-rata hasil belajar siswa sebanyak 71,5 terdapat korelasi yang signifikan antara motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar IPA siswa kelas IV SDN 43 Sungai Sapih Padang dengan nilai uji korelasi 0,323 dan nilai koefesien rendah.
THE DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS: A LITERATURE REVIEW Prananda, Gingga; Judijanto, Loso; Asiyah, Dewi; Cahyono, Didik; Aristanto, Aristanto; Salahuddin, Amar
Dharmas Education Journal (DE_Journal) Vol 5 No 2 (2024): DE_Journal (In Progress)
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Univesitas Dharmas Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56667/dejournal.v5i2.1297


The aim of this research is to provide information about the developmental psychology of elementary school students. The type of research used in this research is library research, namely research carried out by collecting data or scientific writing aimed at research objects or library data collection, or research carried out to solve a problem which is basically focused on critical and in-depth review of relevant library materials. The data sources for this research are books, articles and websites related to the selected topic. The data source for this research consists of 30 references regarding the developmental psychology of elementary school students. The development phases of elementary school children are divided into 5 phases, namely, the prenatal phase (while in the womb), the infant phase, the early childhood phase, the late childhood phase and the adolescent phase. Estimated time is determined at each stage to obtain a time picture from the beginning to the end of the stage. Each individual child must go through a developmental phase, because behavior is formed as a reaction to growth given by both the family environment and the external environment. Therefore, parents or teachers need to collaborate to understand what should be given to children when going through the development phase so that children have psychological and physical readiness to develop their own potential