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Perancangan Alat Pengontrol Ketinggian Air Dan Penyiraman Tanaman Secara Otomatis Berbasis Arduino Pada Media Tanam Hidroponik Rizal; Rahmat Inggi
Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Sistem Komputer Vol 5 No 2 (2020): Juli 2020
Publisher : STMIK Bina Bangsa Kendari

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Alat Pengontrol Ketinggian Air dan Penyitaman Tanaman Secara Otomatis Berbasis Arduino pada Media Tanam Hidroponik dengan Studi Kasus Rumah Hidroponik di KotaKendari adalah alat yang dibuat untuk memudahkan petani hidroponik khususnya pada Rumah Hidroponik Kendari, untuk mengontrol kondisi ketinggian air dan penyiraman tanaman pada wadah tanaman hidroponik. Apabila ketinggian air 5 – 30 cm yang disesuaikan dengan ukuran wadah tanaman hidroponik alat tidak akan menyiram dan apabila ketinggian air di bawah 5 cm maka alat akan melakukan penyiraman tanaman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah merancang alat pengontrol ketinggian air dan penyiraman tanaman secara otomatis berbasis Arduino pada media tanam hidroponik serta menguji alat pengontrol ketinggian air dan penyiraman tanaman secara otomatis berbasis Arduino pada media tanam hidroponik. Metode penelitian yang digunakan, penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian kuantitatif yang dilakukan adalah metode penelitian eksperimental. Dengan melakukan pengujian terhadap variabel-variabel kontrol untuk menganalisis keluaran yang dihasilkan. Dengan menggunakan pengujian black box maka hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa alat pengontrol ketinggian air dan penyiraman tanaman secara otomatis berbasis arduino pada media tanam hidroponik mampu berjalan dengan baik dari segi logika dan fungsi sehingga dapat diimplementasikan berdasarkan tujuannya.
Pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan dan budaya organisasi terhadap peningkatan kinerja pns pada dinas penanaman modal, pelayanan terpadu satu pintu, tenaga kerja Dan transmigrasi kabupaten soppeng Mansur; Rizal; Fadli Kahairan
Jurnal Ilmiah METANSI ”Manajemen dan Akuntansi” Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah METANSI ”Manajemen dan Akuntansi”
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Lamappapoleonro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.198 KB) | DOI: 10.57093/metansi.v4i1.123


Tujuan penelitian ini Untuk mengetahui pengaruh budaya organisasi terhadap peningkatan kinerja PNS pada Dinas Penanaman Modal, Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Soppeng. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survei. Penelitian survei adalah penelitian yang dilakukan pada populasi yang besar maupun kecil, tetapi yang dipelajari adalah data dari sampel yang diambil dari populasi tersebut, sehingga ditemukan kejadian-kejadian relatif, distribusi dan hubungan hubungan antara variabel. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang ada pada Dinas Penanaman Modal, Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kab. Soppeng, khususnya bagi pegawai dari seluruh jenjang pangkat dan golongan dengan jumlah 33 orang. Dari hasil analisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pegawai negeri sipil pada Dinas Penanaman Modal, Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Kabupaten Soppeng , hasil pengujian menunjukkan nilai R=0,780 artinya terdapat hubungan yang kuat yakni antara gaya kepemimpinan, dan budaya organisasi terhadap kinerja pegawai negeri sipil mempunyai kontribusi 78,0 % sisanya sebesar 22,0 % dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor lain
Pengaruh pelaksanaan seleksi dan Pengembangan Karir terhadap prestasi kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Pegadaian KCP Watansoppeng Surianti; Hj. Andi Adawiah; Rizal
Jurnal Ilmiah METANSI ”Manajemen dan Akuntansi” Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah METANSI ”Manajemen dan Akuntansi”
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Lamappapoleonro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (682.28 KB) | DOI: 10.57093/metansi.v4i2.138


Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh Pelaksanaan Seleksi dan pengembangan karir serta Pengaruh Pengembangan Karir secara simultan terhadap Prestasi Kerja Karyawan pada PT. Pegadaian KCP Watansoppeng. Pada PT Pegadaian KCP Watansoppeng dalam menyeleksi calon karyawan di dasarkan atas hubungan keluarga yang memiliki suatu jabatan didalam perusahaan tersebut, bukan berdasarkan hasil dari seleksi yang sudah didapat karena sebuah proses seleksi karyawan pada umunya. selain itu dalam pengembangan karir terdapat masalah seperti kurangnya pelatihan yang di berikan perusahaan kepada karyawan, penilaian kerja yang kurang objektif dan adil terhadap karyawan, dan tidak sesuainya tingkat pendidikan dan tugas yang diberikan perusahaan sehingga dapat menurunkan prestasi kerja karyawan. Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan Berdasarkan Uji T, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada taraf signifikan 0,05 diperoleh hasil t hitung 4,219 > t tabel 1,96 maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara Seleksi terhadap Prestasi Kerja. Diharapkan agar Pihak PT. Pegadaian KCP Watansoppeng, hendaknya lebih memperhatikan Sistem Seleksi yang diterapkan, dan lebih menekankan pada Hasil Kerja dan karakteristik pribadi karyawan agar prestasi kerja karyawan dapat lebih meningkat
Transparansi dan Akuntabilitas Desa dalam Pengelolaan Dana Desa di Kecamatan Bulawa Kabupaten Bone Bolango Rizal; Hendra Gunibala
Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Economic, Business, and Adminsitration (JEBA)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.4 KB) | DOI: 10.47918/.v1i1.9


Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui transparansi dan akun-tabilitas pengelolaan dana desa serta faktor-faktor penghambat transparansi dan akuntabilitas dalam pengelolaan dana desa di Kecamatan Bulawa Kab. Bone Bolango. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran yang detail mengenai suatu gejala atau feno-mena. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif adalah suatu bentuk penelitian yang di-tujukan untuk mendeskripsikan fenomena-fenomena yang ada, baik fenome-na alamiah maupun fenomena buatan manusia. Jenis penelitian ini menjelas-kan fakta yang nampak bagaimana trasnparansi dana akuntabilitas desa da-lam pengelolaan keuangan dana desa di Kec. Bulawa Kab. Bone Bolango. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data maka dapat disimpulkan transparansi dan akuntabilitas pengelolaan dana desa masih kurang baik, hal tersebut ter-lihat dari keterlibatan masyarakat, pengendalian administrasi desa dan keter-sediaan laporan yang belum mudah diakses oleh masyarakat. Akuntabilitas proses dan akuntabilitas program sudah berjalan dengan baik, yang masih kurang adalah asas disiplin dan asas kepatuhan serta faktor-faktor peng-hambat yang sangat menonjol dalam pemenuhan transparansi dan akunta-bilitas adalah ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana penunjang administrasi di kantor desa dan ketersediaan sarana untuk pemberian saran dari masyarakat. Saran Peneliti adalah kepala desa harus mampu melakukan pengenda-lian kepada pengelola keuangan desa, senantiasa melakukan pelatihan-pela-tihan kepada aparat desa, dapat memperhatikan fasilitas penunjang adminis-trasi di kantor desa serta memperhatikan sarana untuk saran dari warga desa
State Civil Service Placement System (ASN) through Analysis based Selection (BERLIAN) in the Government of Gorontalo Regency Rafif Rabbani; Ismet Sulila; Rizal
Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Journal of Economic, Business, and Adminsitration (JEBA)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (214.729 KB) | DOI: 10.47918/jeba.v2i3.239


The objectives of this study are: 1) knowing and analyzing the process of placing state civil servants through an analysis-based selection of positions within the Gorontalo District government; 2) knowing and analyzing the determining factors in the process of placing state civil servants through an analysis-based selection of positions within the government. Gorontalo District. This research is a research with a qualitative descriptive approach, namely examining, analyzing and decrypting data. Results of the study: 1) the system of placing state civil servants through a selection based on job analysis in the Gorontalo District government is seen from the placement in one SKPD has been implemented properly, however, there are still some ASN who still have limitations in terms of expertise and skills in positions that are held. just occupied. Judging from the placement between SKPD has been carried out in accordance with the process, however, there are several ASN that have not met the requirements to be transferred. Furthermore, from the point of view that moving in and out of the region has been running according to the provisions, but it does require a fairly long process and takes quite a long time; 2) the determining factors in the placement of ASN are: Education, Work Experience, Work Knowledge, Work Skills.
International Interdisciplinary Conference on Sustainable Development Goals Vol 1 No 1 (2018): Proceedings of International Interdisciplinary Conference on Sustainable Developm
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo

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This research aims at finding out the influence of reward and punishment system towards quality advancement in the office of the National Health and Social Care Security of Gorontalo Province. Data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interview and documentation. Whereas, the Analysis method of this research is quantitative by obtaining primary and secondary data as sources. This research applies deductive approach. The population of this study is entirely employees of the office of the National Health and Social Care Security of Gorontalo Province in which 42 people as respondents. The samples are taken by applying saturated sampling technique. Based on the result analysis, it is seen that t count from a variable of reward obtained t count 5,419 > ttable1,682 and by significant level 0,000 <0,05. Thus, the hypothesis of Ha1, in this case, is accepted, in which the Reward makes significant influence towards quality advancement in the office of the National Health and Social Care Security of Gorontalo Province. Meanwhile, giving punishment does not significantly influence towards quality advancement in the office of Health BPJS of Gorontalo Province. It is proved from t count 0,311 is lower than the value of table 1,682 and shows that the value of significance level is 0,757 for which the value is higher than 0,05. Therefore, the hypothesis of Ha2 is rejected, which means that the system of punishment does not significantly influence towards quality advancement in the office of the National Health and Social Care Security of Gorontalo Province. Based on the result of the ANOVA test, it is obtained the value of Fcount is 10,535 with significant level is 0,000. Value of Fcount compares to the value of Ftable is 3,23. Thus, it is obtained that Fcount> Ftable or by paying attention to significance level F=0,000 which means > 0,05 that means there is influence simultaneously between Reward and Punishment towards quality advancement in the office of the National Health and Social Care Security of Gorontalo Province. It is expected that the National Health and Social Care Security for always giving opportunity in learning and development for employees to advance their competency, and an effort of doing the jobs, employees need to improve the working quality and giving service for customers, keep their politeness, and be equipped by adequate facility and infrastructure
Analysis of the Impact the Application of the Online Single Submission in the Department of Investment and One Stop Services at Gorontalo Regency Rion Rinaldi Ibrahim; Titin Dunggio; Rizal
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis Vol. 9 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen dan Bisnis (JIMB)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.668 KB)


ABSTRACT In increasing the efficiency of business activities by accelerating business implementation, the government has issued Government Regulation Number 24 of 2018 concerning Electronically Integrated Business Licensing Services. Based on this policy, all business licensing services are integrated by the center through 1 (one) Electronically Business Licensing System of Online Single Submission (OSS). This research was conducted at the Department of Investment and One-Stop Services, Gorontalo Regency. The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the effect of Implementing Online Single Submission at the Department of Investment and One-Stop Services, as well as the inhibiting factors. The analysis method used in this research is the qualitative data analysis method, by using interactive models. The data collection used in this research through observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the research results indicate that Online Single Submission System Implementation whether seen from the aspect of regulatory compliance, coordination, and socialization has not been maximally carried out. Likewise, the inhibiting factors identified in this study, such as the apparatus readiness factor, commitment factor, and supporting facilities that hinder the Implementation of the Online Single Submission System at the Department of Investment and One-Stop Services.
Governance: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): Governance: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik (JIAP)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo

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The present study aims to: (1) determine the evaluation of the implementation of the performance accountability system in the assembly of Pohuwato Regency. (2) Determine the supporting and inhibiting factors of the implementation of the performance accountability system in the assembly of Pohuwato Regency. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation in collecting the data. Moreover, the data analysis technique was carried out through three stages namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. As the results, the current study shows that: 1) the evaluation of the implementation of the performance accountability system in the assembly of Pohuwato Regency has not been going well. It can be seen from three aspects. First, planning.The formulation does not involve the sections and sub-sections. Each stage is not accompanied by supporting documents and is not published on the official website. Second, the process of monitoring and observing which is the implementation of its main tasks and functions has not been implemented optimally, therefore, the agreed performance targets have not been used to measure the success of achieving performance. Third, evaluation indicating that the performance indicators that do not fully meet the SMART criteria, weak monitoring, and no action plan document, no SOP work mechanism and data improvement. 2). in implementing the performance accountability system in the assembly of Pohuwato Regency, there are 2 supporting factors, namely infrastructure and budget. However, there are three inhibiting factors, namely leadership, where the low and middle managers tend to ignore the aspects of administrative responsibility. In addition, the leading Managers also lack focus and consistency in monitoring the implementation of the performance accountability system. In relation to human resources, most of the quality and understanding of civil servants on their main duties and functions are still low and they are not responsible for the assigned task. Management Control Methods and Policies have not been implemented a hierarchical system or procedure. There is no SOP including performance data management, so in general, the work system has not been distributed properly and evenly.
Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Economic, Business and Administration (JEBA)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47918/jeba.v4i2.438


ABSTRACT Habibah U. Abuba. NPM. 1320192002. 2021. Analysis of Factors Affecting Purchasing Behavior through E-commerce among Buyers in the East Wongkaditi Village of Gorontalo City. Undergraduate Thesis, Advisor I: Rizal S.E., M.Si., and Advisor II: Ismail Tahir S.Pd., M.Pd. Bachelor of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics and Business of Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo. This research aims to analyze factors that influence people's behavior in making purchases online or through E-commerce in the community of Wongkaditi Village East of Gorontalo City. The method in this study uses a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with 7 people as respondents in the study, with some questions to find out the factors that can influence people's buying behavior online. Data analysis techniques in this study use univariate analysis which is an analysis that is done by analyzing each variable from the research framework. The results showed that people who choose to make purchases online or through E-commerce because it is influenced by the ease and price of goods offered by online sellers that are different from the price of goods purchased directly at the nearest store. Other factors that also affect online buying behavior in the community are the state of the environment around the community and information provided by online sellers that can attract people to make online purchases.
Journal of Economic, Business, and Administration (JEBA) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Journal of Economic, Business and Administration (JEBA)
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Bina Mandiri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47918/jeba.v4i2.470


The study aims to describe the management of BOS (School Operational Assistance) funds in fulfilling the operations of private Islamic schools as Sabirin Bubaa, Paguyaman Pantai sub-district, Boalemo regency. The method used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach, through the techniques of interview, observation, and documentation. The informants in this study were the Head of Madrasah, Treasurer, and Honorary Teacher. The result of the study shows that: 1) The planning of BOS funds has not gone well, because in the preparation of the RKAM teachers and school committees are not involved. 2) The implementation of BOS funds are following technical guidelines, although every year the BOS fund budget increases/decreases. 3) In the form of reporting BOS funds have not gone well, because the Private Islamic School AsSabirinBubaa is required to use all-digital (EMIS Data) and experience unstable network problems. 4) The accountability of Islamic School BOS funds is evidenced by the preparation of a report, although in making the LPJ there is evidence of the purchase of goods and scattered receipts. And to minimize this problem, the school coordinates with the shop. Keywords: Management, BOS, and Operational.