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Journal : Journal of Social Work and Science Education

The Effect of Speed Training on The Results of The Long Jump in Class X IPS Students of SMAN 1 OKU DN, Asry Romadoni; Manullang, Jujur Gunawan; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.532


This study aims to determine how much influence speed training has on increasing long jump results in class X IPS students at SMA N 1 OKU. This research is experimental research using a pretest-posttest control group design with the independent variable speed training, the dependent variable the long jump result. The subjects in this study were male students of class X IPS students who were selected by the sampling technique, to determine the experimental and control groups the researcher used a simple random sampling technique with an ordinal pairing system. The data collection method used is a test. In each group, the test was given at the beginning before treatment and at the end after being given treatment. The treatment in the experimental group was in the form of speed training (30-meter sprint), After being given treatment for 5 weeks with a frequency of exercise 4 times a week. Based on data analysis by means of the t-test statistic with a significant level α = 0.05, it is obtained t count = 16.42 and t table = 1.771, if t-count > t-table then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Thus, the truth that was proposed by Ha can be accepted, that speed training has an effect on long jump results in class X students at SMA N 1 Ogan Komering Ulu.
The Effect of Arm Muscle Explosion and Student’s Learning Motivation on Volleyball Service Ability of Students Dahlia, Dahlia; Kristina, Putri Cicilia; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.541


The purpose of this study was to find out how much influence the explosive power of the arm muscles and students’ learning motivation had on the ability to serve in volleyball. The method used in this research is literature review. The relationship between student learning motivation and student learning outcomes in volleyball games and the explosive power of the arm muscles that support the ability to serve volleyball as well as the instruments commonly used to measure learning motivation and the explosive power of the arm muscles. The results showed increasing students’ learning motivation towards volleyball games really needs to be improved because volleyball games can indirectly have many benefits for students, including good for physical fitness, can form good personality or behavior because volleyball games require good mentality, can form character and foster a quick mindset in making decisions. The low learning outcomes of students in physical education subjects, especially in big volleyball games, are suspected to be due to poor upper serve skills, where when doing the top serve there are still many students who serve unable to cross the net, have not been able to land the ball at target, the ball often comes out and concerns the net. Service is a very important technique in volleyball game because service is the beginning of the game. In this study, we will discuss about the top serve in volleyball because high school/vocational high school students in volleyball games should use the top serve. To support the ability to serve over in volleyball, arm muscle explosive power is needed. The explosive power of the arm muscles is a very important physical condition needed in mastering the volleyball serve.
Effects of Training Medicine Ball Throw on Results Throw in a Football Game in Class X at SMA Negeri 4 Palembang in the Academic Year of 2012/2013 Ardiansyah, Ari; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma; Handayani, Widya
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.552


Football is one of the most popular game sports around the world, the development of football is so rapid throughout the world, a soccer player must master the technique of playing soccer. One technique of playing soccer is throw in is a way of restarting the game after the ball out, that is, the ball leaves the field of play over the side line. Form of training Medicine Ball Throw is a form of exercise that aims to improve throw-in results. Based on observations made by researchers and information obtained from Physical Education teachers at SMA Negeri 4 Palembang, they complained that there were still many student mistakes in carrying out the movements throw in. One way to overcome this is to improve the throw-in motion. The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not there was a significant effect of medicine ball training on results throw in a soccer game for class X students of SMA Negeri 4 Palembang in the 2012-2013 academic year. The method used in this research is the category experimental method pre-test and post-test, namely by conducting pre-test and post-test with a population of 277 students. From this population, the sample taken was 30 male students who took part in extracurricular activities. The sample was divided into two groups, namely the experimental group and the control group with 15 students in each group. The data collection technique used in this research is the test technique throw in, the data obtained from the tests, were analysed using t-test statistics. From the results of data analysis and hypothesis testing obtained tcount by 12 while ttable using a significant level of α 0.05 and obtained ttable 1.70 until tcount> ttable or 12 > 1.70. So, the percentage of research success is 12%. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that there is a significant effect of medicine ball training on results throw in in a soccer game for class X students of SMA Negeri 4 Palembang in the 2012-2013 academic year.
Anxiety Factors in Doing Floor Gymnastics (Front Roll) for Class V Students Muhammadiyah 18 Palembang Elementary School Winata, Fembi; Handayani, Widya; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.568


This study aims to determine the anxiety factor in doing floor exercise (front roll) for fifth grade students at SD Muhammadiyah 18 Palembang. The focus of this study was to evaluate the student’s anxiety factor in doing the front roll floor gymnastics who still experience a lot of doubts, or excessive anxiety in doing the front roll movement. This study uses the CIPP model which includes three indicators as follows: context, input, process, product. The interviews included fifth grade students at Muhammadiyah Elementary School and two sports teachers. Direct observation of the school and the infrastructure used by these students. This research was the cause of failure due to students’ anxiety in doing the floor gymnastics practice and there were also those who did not want to participate at all. So that it results in a student learning system that is not as expected. The results of context research are 59% input 40% process 40% product 48%.
Students’ Interest in Participating the Extracurricular Public High School Basketball in Ilir Barat 1 District Mulyaniarti, Gusti; Rahman, Andi; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.573


This study was to determine students’ interest in extracurricular activities of public high school basketball in Ilir Barat 1 sub-district. This research is qualitative descriptive research. This study uses a qualitative approach to obtain information about interest in participating in extracurricular basketball in students of SMA Negeri 1 Palembang, SMA Negeri 10 Palembang, and SMA Negeri 2 Palembang. This study uses a type of descriptive research, which is research that seeks to describe or explain the survey of extracurricular interest in basketball in students. The research was carried out using an instrument in the form of questionnaires of student interest in extracurricular basketball. The overall data that have been researched related to students’ interest in extracurricular basketball fit into the strong criteria. For the overall percentage at SMA Negeri 1 Palembang which is 75.84%, for the overall percentage at SMA Negeri 10 Palembang which is 63.20%, for the overall percentage at SMA Negeri 2 Palembang which is 69.12%. From the results of the data analysis, it was concluded that the strongest interest in participating in extracurricular basketball was SMA Negeri 1 Palembang, followed by SMA Negeri 2 Palembang, and finally SMA Negeri 10 Palembang. For the total overall results, students’ interest in participating in extracurricular public high school basketball in Ilir Barat 1 sub-district is 69.27% or can be categorized as strong interest.
The Effect of Hitting Ball Practice on the Ability of Jump Service Athletes of Men Excludes of Xaverius 3 Palembang High School Ana, Marcelina Garcia; Manullang, Jujur Gunawan; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.580


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hanging ball hitting practice on the ability to jump service in male athletes at Xaverius 3 Palembang extracurricular high school. The formulation of the problem in this study is whether there is an effect of hanging ball practice on the jump service ability of male athletes at Xaverius 3 Palembang High School. This research was conducted on male extracurricular athletes from Xavier 3 Palembang High School. The research method used is Quasi Experimental Design, namely by using a pretest-posttest design group plan, this research is objective, namely because the athlete sample is 20 people so that it is a sample of the entire population (total sampling). The results of the calculated significance data of 0.000 proved to be less than 0.05, and the results of the t test showed that the t value was 8.335 greater than t table; then the hypothesis is accepted that there is a significant effect of hanging ball hitting practice which can increase the ability to jump service in male athletes at Xaverius 3 Palembang extracurricular high school.
Descriptive Analysis of Long Pass Results in Football Games Marsyanurdin, Muh; Kristina, Putri Cicilia; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.609


The low results of students' long pass at the BBSA soccer school cannot be separated from the training process that is being held. The purpose of this research is to increase the long pass results of BBSA Betung soccer school students through plyometric exercises through a demonstration approach. Implementation of the long pass with plyometric training through the demonstration method approach, is to follow the five stages of the demonstration cycle, namely ask (ask), invest (investigate), create (produce), discuss (discussion), and reflect (reflection). The research method used is the research method. This research is included in experimental research using sports action research (PTO) or commonly called PTK with actions carried out in two cycles. The research instruments used were pre-test/post-test sheets and educators/students. The research subjects were 18 BBSA football school students. The results showed that the results of plyometric training had increased after applying plyometric training through a demonstration approach. The results of the ability of the BBSA football school students to practice plyometrics using the demonstration approach increased.
Analysis of Student’s Interest Following Passing Material on Futsal Extracurricular at SMP Negeri 03 Muaradua Kisam Rio, Muhammad Eka; Manullang, Jujur Gunawan; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.611


Futsal is a team sport where each team has 5 players. There are so many factors that affect students’ interest in futsal sports such as factors from within themselves and from outside themselves in the form of encouragement from the closest people, as well as the environment. This study aims to determine the extent of students’ interest in participating in extracurricular futsal at SMPN 03 Muaradua Kisam. This research is quantitative descriptive research with a questionnaire approach. The population in this study was all futsal extracurricular students, while sampling in this study was by using the Saturated sampling method, where all members of the population were used as samples, totaling 30 people. The analysis technique in this study is a descriptive analysis technique with a quantitative approach, then the research data is analyzed by statistical methods, while the calculation of questionnaire data uses percentages with tables and graphs. From the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the interest of students in participating in extracurricular futsal at SMPN 03 Muaradua Kisam from a population of 30 students who got Very High scores amounted to 16 students with a percentage (53%), High scores amounted to 10 students with a percentage (33%), Medium grades amounted to 2 students with a percentage (7%), Low grades amounted to 1 student (3%), Very Low student grades amounted to 1 student with a percentage (3%).
Literature Study: The Effectiveness of Inquiry Learning Models with Visual Media in the Material of Healthy, Nutritious and Balanced Diets on Students’ Cognitive Learning Outcomes in Junior High Schools Anggraeni, Nevy; Rahman, Andi; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.618


The purpose of this study is to know the effectiveness of inquiry learning models with visual media on PJOK subject. One of the materials in PJOK subject is on healthy, nutritious and balanced diets. The method that is used in this research is Qualitative Research which is a literature study, in which the data are collected from various related literatures. The data collecting technique in this research uses literature study technique. The stages of the research are conducted from collecting the articles, article reduction, discussion and conclusion. The data sources of the research are articles of national and international journals. The obtained data are analyzed and centralized efficiently and basically further will be described. Based on some researches that have been analyzed, it can be concluded that the inquiry learning models can improve the student learning development on PJOK subject on the material of healthy, nutritious and balanced diets. The result of literature study shows that the inquiry learning models can support the learning activeness, improve the scientific thinking of the students, and also can improve the learning outcomes.
The Effect of Shuttle-Run and Zig-Zag Exercises on Ball Dribbling Ability in Students of Public Junior High School 27 Palembang Apraja, Putu Surya; Manullang, Jujur Gunawan; Putri, Siti Ayu Risma
Journal of Social Work and Science Education Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Social Work and Science Education (Special Issue)
Publisher : Yayasan Sembilan Pemuda Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52690/jswse.v4i3.633


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Shuttle-Run and Zig-Zag exercises on ball dribbling skills in SMPN 27 Palembang. This research was conducted on students of SMP Negeri 27 Palembang. The sample of this research was students of class VII.2 and VII.3 with a total of 58 people. The sampling technique uses total sampling. Data collection was carried out by carrying out a dribbling test in a soccer game. The research method uses the experimental method, while the analytical method used is the t test with the SPSS for Windows version 23.00 program. The conclusions of this study are: (1) there is an effect of shuttle-run training on ball dribbling skills in students of SMP Negeri 27 Palembang; (2) there is an effect of zig-zag training on the ball dribbling ability of students at SMP Negeri 27 Palembang.