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PENGEMBANGAN BISKUIT MP-ASI DENGAN BAHAN DASAR KULIT PISANG AMBON (Musa Acuminata Colla) DAN PENAMBAHAN UBI JALAR MERAH (Ipomoea Batatas) UNTUK ANAK USIA 6-24 BULAN Swamilaksita, Prita Dhyani; Noviyanti, Anugrah; Astuti, Rina Puji
Jurnal Nutrire Diaita (Ilmu Gizi) Vol 11, No 01 (2019): NUTRIRE DIAITA
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Unversitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/nut.v11i01.2749


Banana skin contains nutrients that are high enough, especially in vitamins and minerals so that they can be used as raw material for food by processing it into flour. Banana skin flour can be used as a variety of processed foods. This study aims to develop snack alternatives for children aged 6-24 months in the form of MP-ASI biscuits with basic ingredients of Ambon banana peel and the addition of sweet potatoes in the hope that in addition to increasing nutritional value it can also increase the added value of the waste. This study uses experimental design carried out in March to November 2018. The flow of research includes (1) First Phase, namely the proposition research and (2) The second stage, namely the main research. Preliminary research includes preparation of tools and materials, then making basic ingredients namely banana peel flour and red sweet potato flour, as well as determining biscuit formulations. While the main research includes organoleptic tests (hedonic quality and acceptability), nutritional value tests (proximate test for macro nutrients and β-carotene test using HPLC), and tests of TPC (Total Plate Count) microbial contamination. The results showed that biscuits made from banana peel and red sweet potato met the SNI standard for MP-ASI so that it can be recommended for food for infants aged 6-24 months, but the temperature of storage, processing and packaging must be considered to be able to meet the requirements for food safety.Keywords: banana skin ambon, red sweet potato, mp-asi biscuits, baby food
SARAPAN SEHAT MENUJU GENERASI SEHAT BERPRESTASI Sitoayu, Laras; Wahyuni, Yulia; Angkasa, Dudung; Noviyanti, Anugrah
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AbdiMas Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat AbdiMas
Publisher : Universitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/abd.v3i1.1662


AbstractGood food for school children is a food that contains many varieties and in accordance with the recommended dietary allowance, one through breakfast habit. In fact, not all school children have breakfast habits. Only 10.6% of the children breakfast sufficient energy (>30%) and still very lack of breakfast with diverse food. Breakfast habit is important not only taught at home, but also need to be socialized at school. Teacher, as parent in the school need to understand the importance of a healthy breakfast habit and are able expected to socialize. This activity is one of the implementation of the Circular of Kementerian Dalam Negeri No. 444/1123/ PMD dated 4 February 2013 to the Governor throughout Indonesia, to support and implement the Week Breakfast National or Pekan Sarapan Nasional (PESAN) with campaigning and encouraging people to adopt a healthy breakfast behave through seminars. This event aims to disseminate a healthy breakfast for any teacher PAUD/ kindergarten for a whole West Jakarta through seminars, conducted in Ballroom Kemala Esa Unggul University. Socialization is done with providing counselling and using comics "Come Breakfast" or “Ayo Sarapan” as a medium of education. A total of 302 teachers early childhood /kindergarten throughout West Jakarta attended and participated in this well. Understanding and socialization reinforced by educational media used and given to participants, so easy to understand and can be applied in everyday life. Events like this are important to do every year to different participant, so socialization healthy breakfast can be achieved with good.Keywords : healthy breakfast, teacher, schoolAbstrakMakanan yang baik untuk anak sekolah adalah yang beraneka ragam jenisnya dan sesuai dengan kecukupan gizi yang dianjurkan, salah satunya melalui kebiasaan sarapan. Pada kenyataannya, tidak semua anak sekolah mempunyai kebiasaan sarapan. Hanya 10.6% dari sarapan anak yang mencukupi energi (>30%) dan masih sangat kurangnya sarapan dengan makanan yang beranekaragam. Kebiasaan sarapan tidak hanya penting diajarkan di rumah namun juga perlu disosialisasikan di sekolah. Guru, sebagai pengganti orang tua siswa di sekolah perlu memahami pentingnya kebiasaan sarapan sehat dan diharapkan mampu mensosialisasikannya. Kegiatan ini merupakan salah satu implementasi dari Surat Edaran Kementerian Dalam Negeri Nomor 444/1123/PMD tanggal 4 Febuari 2013 kepada Gubernur di seluruh Indonesia, untuk mendukung dan melaksanakan Pekan Sarapan Nasional (PESAN) dengan mengampanyekan dan mendorong masyarakat agar menerapkan perilaku sarapan sehat melalui seminar. Kegiatan ini bertujuan mensosialisasikan sarapan sehat kepada Guru PAUD/TK se-Jakarta Barat melalui seminar, yang dilakukan di Ballroom Kemala Universitas Esa Unggul. Sosialisasi dilakukan dengan memberikan penyuluhan dan menggunakan media komik “Ayo Sarapan” sebagai salah satu media edukasi. Sebanyak 302 Guru PAUD/TK se-Jakarta Barat hadir dan mengikuti kegiatan ini dengan baik. Pemahaman dan sosialisasi diperkuat dengan adanya media edukasi yang digunakan serta diberikan pada peserta sehingga mudah dipahami dan dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan seperti ini penting dilakukan setiap tahun dengan target sasaran yang berbeda-beda, sehingga sosialisasi sarapan sehat dapat tercapai dengan baik.Kata Kunci : sarapan sehat, guru, sekolah