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Urgensi Gagasan untuk Mengurangi Kewenangan Presiden di Dalam UUD 1945 Sebelum Amandemen Tungga, Benyamin; Nurani, Juli; Tungga, Alexsander Frengklin
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Urgensi Gagasan Untuk Mengurangi Kewenangan Presiden Di Dalam Uud 1945 Sebelum Amandemen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Urgensi gagasan untuk mengurangi kewenangan presiden di dalam UUD 1945 sebelum amandemen, dapat dilihat pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto terjadi penyimpangan terhadap UUD 1945 atau dapat dikatakan bahwa meskipun UUD 1945 dilaksanakan secara murni dan konsekuen, tetapi Presiden Soeharto memanfaatkan kelemahan-kelemahan yang terdapat dalam UUD 1945 untuk melanggengkan kekuasaannya. Selama praktik penyelenggaraan negara baik pada masa pemerintahan Soekarno maupun Soeharto digunakan sebagai dasar hukum untuk memperluas dan mempertahankan kekuasaannya. Dengan demikian dalam UUD 1945 sebelum perubahan belum sepenuhnya menerapkan faham konstitusionalisme karena tiadanya pembatasan masa jabatan Presiden yang sangat terkait dengan kekuasaan Presiden. Ketentuan lainnya yang dapat memperluas kekuasaan presiden adalah Pasal 5 ayat (1) UUD 1945 sebelum perubahan yang menyatakan bahwa Presiden memegang kekuasaan membentuk undang-undang dengan persetujuan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR). Presiden secara bersama-sama menjalankan kekuasaan eksekutif (executive power) dan kekuasaan legislatif (legislative power).
Aspek Kriminologis Tentang Peranan Masyarakat Dalam Pengendalian Sosial Di Desa Sekarwangi Kecamatan Cibadak Kabupaten Sukabumi Srijadi, Yana Kusnadi; Abadi, Iwan; Zulkarnaen, Iskandar; Denatara, Eskar Tri; Budiati, Anik; Nurani, Juli; Sunjaya, Triana; Endrow, Steven
Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): Special Issue (December 2023)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Publikasi (LPPMP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31599/t0910772


In social control, society plays a crucial role in preventing crime and ensuring criminal justice. To explain the phenomenon of crime, there are three schools of thought in criminology: classical criminology, positivism, and critical criminology. Crime is viewed as a social problem that can be understood not only from a legal perspective but also through scientific study. Sanctions are a normative aspect of the social control system, and sociologically, they cannot be equated from one region to another. The potential for social control of crime can be achieved through problem-oriented policing and community policing by analyzing various aspects related to public satisfaction with the performance and quality of police services. The way society responds to various criminal acts can be studied from criminological and sociological perspectives, and the role of judges in dealing with offenders is essentially one form of social control by society.
Peningkatan Ketahanan Pangan Berbasis Security Menggunakan Metode Eco-Enzyme Pada Perkebunan Sayuran Zulkarnaen, Iskandar; Denatara, Eskar Tri; Budiati, Anik; Nurani, Juli; Srijadi, Yana Kusnandi; Abadi, Iwan; Iswahyudi, Pujo; Praja, Argya Satyadini Mangku
Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): Special Issue (December 2023)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian, Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dan Publikasi (LPPMP)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.037 KB) | DOI: 10.31599/3nf7yk66


The accumulation of rubbish in temporary dumps in market areas poses a threat to the surrounding environment. The market waste that accumulates is in the form of organik and non-organik waste that comes from leftover market traders. Organik waste in the market has become waste because vegetables and fruit are no longer suitable for consumption. This research aims to make organik fertilizer that is environmentally friendly and provides food security for farmers on vegetable plantations. This research method uses a security-based eco-enzyme method for utilizing organik waste into organik fertilizer in the form of liquid. This research has found a way to make eco-enzyme organik fertilizer which was carried out for 1 month from the fermentation process to testing at the local laboratory. 904 kg of organik waste that has been sorted for 7 days has produced 50 liters of liquid organik fertilizer. This research has resulted in food security as community independence in providing organik fertilizer derived from organik vegetable and fruit waste. The increase in food security that has been produced in each green mustard harvest is 14%. So that the use of organic waste in the form of vegetables and fruit into environmentally friendly organic fertilizer, can preserve the local environment and reduce air pollution.
Urgensi Gagasan untuk Mengurangi Kewenangan Presiden di Dalam UUD 1945 Sebelum Amandemen Tungga, Benyamin; Nurani, Juli; Tungga, Alexsander Frengklin
Jurnal Pendidikan Tambusai Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, Riau, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/jptam.v6i1.3434


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Urgensi Gagasan Untuk Mengurangi Kewenangan Presiden Di Dalam Uud 1945 Sebelum Amandemen. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan data sekunder yang berupa bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tersier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Urgensi gagasan untuk mengurangi kewenangan presiden di dalam UUD 1945 sebelum amandemen, dapat dilihat pada masa pemerintahan Presiden Soeharto terjadi penyimpangan terhadap UUD 1945 atau dapat dikatakan bahwa meskipun UUD 1945 dilaksanakan secara murni dan konsekuen, tetapi Presiden Soeharto memanfaatkan kelemahan-kelemahan yang terdapat dalam UUD 1945 untuk melanggengkan kekuasaannya. Selama praktik penyelenggaraan negara baik pada masa pemerintahan Soekarno maupun Soeharto digunakan sebagai dasar hukum untuk memperluas dan mempertahankan kekuasaannya. Dengan demikian dalam UUD 1945 sebelum perubahan belum sepenuhnya menerapkan faham konstitusionalisme karena tiadanya pembatasan masa jabatan Presiden yang sangat terkait dengan kekuasaan Presiden. Ketentuan lainnya yang dapat memperluas kekuasaan presiden adalah Pasal 5 ayat (1) UUD 1945 sebelum perubahan yang menyatakan bahwa Presiden memegang kekuasaan membentuk undang-undang dengan persetujuan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR). Presiden secara bersama-sama menjalankan kekuasaan eksekutif (executive power) dan kekuasaan legislatif (legislative power).
Acitya Wisesa: Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 Issue. 3 (2023)
Publisher : jfpublshier

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56943/jmr.v2i3.401


The default act leads to the right for the injured party to file a lawsuit against the defaulter to provide compensation in order to ensure that there is no one who is legally prejudiced by the default. Unlawful acts are caused by infringement of obligations that come from a contract between the parties involved, such as the default that occurred between PT Haspra Konsulting and PT Baja Bahagia Sejahtera. Therefore, this research aims to determine the default of the cooperation agreement. The research method used is a normative juridical research method, a type of legal research that examines library materials or secondary data of legal material. Meanwhile, the data collection method used is literature research and law study. The research findings indicated that the default that occurred in the cooperation contract related to Decision No. 523/Pdt.G/2022/PN/JKT. SEL, it was found that the judicial decision consisted of granting the Plaintiff’s claim for some part, stating that the Defendant had committed a default by not complying with its obligations in accordance with Cooperation Contract Number P-008/BBS/HAlSPRA/RHS-WFQ/XI/20 on 16 November 2020, punishing the Defendant to compensate the losses suffered by the Plaintiff with the details of payment for Invoice number 045_IV/22/BBS/RHS/HAlSPRA on 19 April for IDR 122,100,000 (one hundred and twenty-two million one hundred thousand rupiah) and to charge the Defendant to pay compensation of IDR 3,755,000 (three million seven hundred fifty five thousand rupiah).
The Copyright Infringement in Using Famous Artists Names as Fan-Fiction Novels' Characters: A Juridical Analysis Nurani, Juli; Kartika Sari, Nuraini
Yuris: Journal of Court and Justice Vol. 1 Issue. 3 (2022)
Publisher : jfpublisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (223.238 KB)


Fan-fiction novel is one of the copyrighted works that already exist and are widely distributed on the internet. Generally, it is written by some fans in conveying their ideas and imagination about their idols and their ideas in the form of written works. There are many fan-fiction novels that have been commercialized or sold freely and massively in bookstores and certain application platforms throughout Indonesia. This brought some problems, one of those problems is using the artist's name as a character in its fan-fiction novel, which in its use, neither the author nor the publisher asked for permission to use their artist' names. However such actions commited by authors and publisher is a deprivation of economic and moral rights from an artist as an entertainer in Law No. 28/2014 concerning Copyright. The form of protection that can be given to famous artists and related parties can be in the form of preventive and repressive legal actions in accordance with Law No.28/2014 concerning of Copyright.