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Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics and Business Vol. 6 No. 2 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Islamic Economics and Business
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN STS Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/ijoieb.v6i2.776


Transportation is the movement of people or goods from one place to another using a vehicle driven by humans or machines. Transportation is used to make it easier for humans to carry out their daily activities. One type of transportation in Indonesia is a motorcycle taxi. More and more ojegs are emerging. Along with the development of technology, conventional motorcycle taxis are starting to compete with online ojek transportation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of online motorcycle taxis on conventional motorcycle taxis in Jambi city. The use of online motorcycle taxis, which are now widely used people, has resulted in reduced interest in using conventional ojek. The convenience offered by online ojek seems to drown out the existence of conventional ojek. The results showed that online motorcycle taxis had an impact on reducing the income of conventional motorcycle taxis. This research is expected to contribute to increasing knowledge in the world of education about the impact of the existence of online motorcycle taxis on conventional motorcycle taxi income.
Sistem Manajemen Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Dipengaruhi oleh Politik Sri Sudiarti; Kasful Anwar US; Ahmad Syukri Saleh
Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol 8 No 1 (2020): Tadbir: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30603/tjmpi.v8i1.965


Respons negara terhadap kebutuhan umat Islam dengan memasukkan lembaga pendidikan Islam baik pada tingkat madrasah sampai pada tingkat pendidikan tinggi Islam sebagai pendidikan yang sama dengan sekolah umum dan pendidikan tinggi umum dalam sistem pendidikan nasional merupakan upaya pemerintah dalam memajukan pendidikan umat Islam di Indonesia. Perlu disadari bahwa kebijakan yang diambil terhadap pendidikan seharusnya tidak di intervensi oleh politik dan tekanan pihak manapun. Sehingga kebijakan tersebut dapat menghasilkan sebuah aturan yang berorientasi pada tujuan pendidikan serta melahirkan generasi yang baik.
Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Demokratis dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Dosen Pada STAI Ibnu Sina Batam Kepulauan Riau Rosnawati Rosnawati; Lias Hasibuan; Kasful Anwar Us
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Publikasi Nobel Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37476/akmen.v18i2.1718


This study aims to determine and analyze: The Effect of Democratic Leadership and Work Motivation on Lecturer Performance at STAI Ibnu Sina Batam, Riau Islands. This research approach uses survey research. The time of the research was carried out starting in March 2021. The research population was 31 lecturers who taught at STAI Ibnu Sina Batam, Riau Islands. The sample selection in this study was carried out using the census method where the population acted as a sample. The results show that: 1) There is a positive and significant influence of democratic leadership individually (partial) on the performance of lecturers at STAI Ibnu Sina Batam, Riau Islands, with tcount = 3.936 > ttable = 1.99. 2) There is no positive and significant effect of work motivation individually (partial) on the performance of lecturers at STAI Ibnu Sina Batam, Riau Islands, with tcount = 0.195 < ttable = 1.99. 3) There is a simultaneous (simultaneous) influence of democratic leadership and work motivation on the performance of lecturers at STAI Ibnu Sina Batam, Riau Islands, where Fcount = 12.841 > Ftable = 2.73. Based on the results of the study, the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.478 or (47.8%). This shows that 47.8% of lecturers' performance is influenced by democratic leadership and work motivation. While 52.2% is influenced by other variables that are not included in this research model.
Pengaruh Administrasi Pendidikan dan Supervisi Akademik Terhadap Kinerja Guru pada MAN 1 Bintan Kepulauan Riau Saripuddin Saripuddin; Lias Hasibuan; Kasful Anwar Us
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Publikasi Nobel Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37476/akmen.v18i2.1719


This study aims to determine and analyze: the effect of educational administration and academic supervision on teacher performance at MAN 1 BintanRiau Islands. This research approach uses survey research. The time of the research was carried out starting in March 2021. The research population was 30 lecturers who taught at MAN 1 Bintan Kijang, Riau Islands. The sample selection in this study was carried out using the census method where the population acted as a sample. The results showed that: 1) There was no positive and significant effect of education administration individually (partial) on teacher performance at MAN 1 BintanRiau Archipelago, with tcount = 0.258 < ttable = 1.99. 2) There is a positive and significant effect of individual (partial) academic supervision on teacher performance at MAN 1 BintanRiau Islands, with tcount = 2.397 > ttable = 1.99. 3) There is a simultaneous (simultaneous) effect of education administration and academic supervision on teacher performance at MAN 1 BintanRiau Islands, where Fcount = 15,467 > Ftable = 2.73. Based on the results of the study, the coefficient of determination (R2 ) was 0.534 or (53.4%). This
Kebijakan Pendidikan Pemerintah Indonesia Era Orde Baru Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Sasmita Hasdiana; Nurazizah Alamsyah; Kasful Anwar US; Sya'roni Sya'roni
ALFIHRIS : Jurnal Inspirasi Pendidikan Vol. 2 No. 4 (2024): Oktober: Jurnal Inspirasi Pendidikan
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Nurul Qarnain Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59246/alfihris.v2i4.950


This paper discusses the Indonesian government's education policy in the New Order era and its influence on Islamic education in Indonesia. This paper aims to find out how education policy in Indonesia in the New Order era was and its influence on Islamic education in Indonesia. The New Order provided a new style for Islamic religious education policy, because the influence of communism shifted towards strengthening Pancasila through a sustainable national development plan. Education is the main pillar of the founding of a nation. Education is an effort to design the future of humans as a generation that will advance a nation. The concept of education applied in Indonesia has never been separated from political elements and government policies. Education during the New Order era was a short-term education system or, in other words, centralization, making the quality of Indonesian education increasingly worse. Thus, education during the New Order era was not aimed at improving people's standard of living, let alone improving Indonesia's human resources, but prioritized political orientation so that all people always obeyed every government policy. Education is a link in the process of guiding and cultivating good human abilities. Apart from that, education is an introduction to humanity to a greater or higher civilization based on the balance of human life, the environment and the Creator. Education is a field which is related to human life. The general aim of Islamic education is to make the personality of every believer have advanced thinking, ready to legalize every truth of his knowledge, and expert in implementing the knowledge he has. The goals of Islamic education can be realized if it is carried out according to the correct basics, namely the Koran and Hadith. One of these government regulations is regulations. Regarding the nine-year compulsory education program, namely elementary school and junior high school or equivalent. Therefore, Islamic education has existed since the Old Order era until the Reformation era, where the quality of education has increasingly improved and experienced good changes.
The Effectiveness of the Performance of Supervisors in Tsanawiyah Madrasah (Islamic Junior High School) in Improving the Implementation of the Duties of the Head of the State Tsanawiyah Madrasah (Mtsn) in the Province of Jambi Abd. Rahman; Ahmad Syuki; Kasful Anwar Us
International Journal of Educational and Life Sciences Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): November 2023
Publisher : MultiTech Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59890/ijels.v1i3.835


         Based on the researcher's grand tour of Tsanawiyah Madrasahs in the province of Jambi, it was found that firstly, the supervisor's program does not align with the madrasah's needs. Secondly, supervision is only fulfilling obligations without going beyond. Thirdly, the organization of time, work tools, and facilities are not yet optimal. This qualitative research employs a qualitative case approach. The subjects of this study are supervisors of Madrasahs Tsanawiyah, representatives from the Ministry of Religious Affairs Regional Office, and the Head of the Madrasah. Data collection involves observation, interviews, and documentation techniques. Data analysis utilizes the Miles and Huberman model, comprising data reduction, data display, and data conclusion. The research results indicate that the performance of Tsanawiyah Madrasah supervisors in the supervision process in the province of Jambi includes: a) Developing a supervision work program for each semester and each year for the madrasahs under their guidance, b) Providing guidance and assistance to the madrasah head regarding managerial processes, and c) Conducting assessments and monitoring the implementation of education in the supervised Madrasah Tsanawiyah, offering advice and considerations to the madrasah on addressing educational implementation-related issues.
Kebijakan Pendidikan Pemerintahan Orde Lama Serta Pengaruhnya terhadap Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Sismawati Sismawati; Muhammad Taraki; Kasful Anwar US; Sya'roni Sya'roni
Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol. 2 No. 5 (2024): September : Jurnal Manajemen dan Pendidikan Agama Islam
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Pendidikan Agama dan Filsafat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/jmpai.v2i5.543


This paper discusses the education policies of the Old Order government and their influence on Islamic education in Indonesia. This paper aims to find out in depth about the Old Order government, the education policies of the Old Order government and the influence of Old Order education policies on Islamic education in Indonesia. During the Old Order era, Islamic education began to be fought for reform with the publication of various policies regarding the improvement of Islamic education, including compulsory Madrasah Learning (MWB). Indonesia became independent from Dutch colonial rule on August 17, 1945. The period of President Soekarno's reign, which spanned from 1945 to 1966, was referred to as the Old Order to differentiate it from the subsequent Order led by President Soeharto. In particular, the Old Order government's policy of paying attention to Islamic boarding schools and madrasas only began when the Central Indonesian National Committee Working Body (BP KNIP) 22 on December 27 1945 submitted recommendations to the government. The aim of this research is to understand the concept of government during the Old Order, and its influence on education in Indonesia. The research method used is a basic theory method that uses data from materials that are library research, where the author reads and studies books or literature related to the problem being studied. Regardless of the aspect The positive and negative sides of all the policies issued, it can be said that the development of madrasas is a brave effort by Islamic education to maintain its existence and identity while metamorphosing with the times.
Kapitalisasi Pendidikan Serta Dampaknya Bagi Pendidikan Islam Rahmah Rahmah; Kasful Anwar US; Sya'roni Sya'roni
Jurnal Budi Pekerti Agama Islam Vol. 2 No. 5 (2024): Oktober : Jurnal Budi Pekerti Agama Islam
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Agama dan Filsafat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/jbpai.v2i5.555


This study discusses the capitalization of education and its impact on Islamic education, with a discussion of what is the definition of capitalization of education, Islam's view of capitalization of education, and the impact of capitalization of education on Islamic education. Education is an effort to educate humans to become a complete human being. Education is a forum to provide assistance to students to become more mature. Islamic education is a conscious guidance or leader by educators towards the physical and spiritual development of students towards the formation of their main personality (insan kamil). Capitalism in education means the capitalization of education, which is the process of capitalizing on education. Where the principles of the market economy, such as competition, profitability, and privatization, have a significant effect on the education system. In this context, education is seen as a market where a commercial approach is applied to manage, finance, and provide educational services.
Pengaruh Kebijakan Politik Etis Pemerintah Kolonial Belanda Terhadap Keberadaan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam di Nusantara Suci Karlina Aziz; Lidin Wiwah Jaya Putra; Kasful Anwar US; Sya'roni Sya'roni
Jurnal Budi Pekerti Agama Islam Vol. 2 No. 5 (2024): Oktober : Jurnal Budi Pekerti Agama Islam
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Agama dan Filsafat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/jbpai.v2i5.556


The study of this paper discusses the ethical political policy of the Dutch colonial government towards the existence of Islamic educational institutions in the archipelago, the discussion of the research of this paper to find out how the history of the existence of Islamic educational institutions in the archipelago, the ethical politics of the Dutch colonial government, and the influence of ethical political policies on Islamic educational institutions. Islamic education in Indonesia has emerged and developed in various forms of various institutions, such as Islamic boarding schools, madrasas, surau, and musholah. In its development, Islamic education in Indonesia is characterized by the emergence of various educational institutions gradually, ranging from very simple ones, to stages that are considered modern and complete. The goal is not only to enrich the treasures of science with Islamic nuances, but also as a reference and comparison material for Islamic education managers in the following periods. This is in line with the principle generally adopted by the Indonesian Islamic community, which is to maintain the good traditions of the past and take new good traditions again. In this way, the efforts to develop Islamic educational institutions will not be radically rooted in their culture. The ethis politics or the politics of revenge of the Dutch colonial government to the Indonesian colonial people is a policy of the Dutch royal government to repay the sacrifices of the Indonesian people during the implementation of the cultuur stelsel or forced planting system. the people of the archipelago.
Gagasan-Gagasan Baru dalam Pendidikan yang Menumbuhkan Sikap Kritis Samsu Alam; Kasful Anwar US; Sya'roni Sya'roni
Jurnal Budi Pekerti Agama Islam Vol. 2 No. 5 (2024): Oktober : Jurnal Budi Pekerti Agama Islam
Publisher : Asosiasi Riset Ilmu Pendidikan Agama dan Filsafat Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61132/jbpai.v2i5.557


This research discusses new ideas in education that foster critical attitudes with the aim of knowing the benefits of critical thinking and knowing the steps in critical thinking. Given the importance of critical thinking in students, teachers are obliged to develop students' critical thinking skills. To develop critical thinking in students cannot be taught through the lecture method, because critical thinking is an active process. The learning carried out is student-centered. Intellectual skills from critical thinking including analytical thinking, synthetic thinking, reflective thinking, and so on must be learned through actualization of performance.Critical thinking skills are a demand in learning with the 2013 Curriculum. Critical thinking skills in students do not come by themselves, critical thinking skills in students are obtained through innovative activities of teachers. With the steps as above, the ability to think critically will grow and develop in students. To realize this, teachers are obliged to develop teachers' paedagogic and professional competencies for mastery of learning method strategies that stimulate the growth and development of critical thinking in students.