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Systematic Literature Review: Pengaruh Pola Makan Kariogenik pada Anak Sekolah Terhadap Status Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut Priandini, Aulia; Larasati, Ratih; Hadi, Sunomo; Prasetyowati, Silvia
Barongko: Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): Barongko : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan (Maret)
Publisher : Asosiasi Guru dan Dosen Seluruh Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59585/bajik.v2i2.324


The maintenance of dental health in school-aged children is crucial as their dental condition will impact their oral health in adulthood. Consumption habits of cariogenic foods such as sugar can increase the risk of dental caries. Therefore, regulating dietary patterns to avoid excessive sugar consumption is important in reducing this risk. The aim of this study is to elucidate the cariogenic dietary patterns in school children concerning the status of dental and oral health through article reviews. The research strategy employed was a literature review obtained from academic databases including Google Scholar, ProQuest, and Science Direct, focusing on publications within the last 5 years. Keywords used were "Cariogenic food," "Cariogenic," "School Children," and "Oral Hygiene," searched using Boolean method, yielding 4 articles for analysis. Two journals were found addressing oral health maintenance behaviors, one focusing on brushing time, five discussing cariogenic snacking patterns, one examining dental visits, and two exploring dental caries and brushing frequency. The majority of journals utilized a cross-sectional study design, with one employing descriptive analytics study design. The sample sizes varied from 40 to 550 respondents.From the results of this research, it is concluded that the consumption pattern of cariogenic foods, such as biscuits and donuts, has a significant impact on the incidence of dental caries among elementary school children and junior high school students in various regions.
The Role of Parents and Teachers In Maintaining Oral Health With Dental Caries in Children With Down Syndrome Pusponegoro, Mira Indah; Larasati, Ratih; Marjianto, Agus
International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 3 (2024): June
Publisher : Forum Ilmiah Teknologi dan Ilmu Kesehatan (FORITIKES)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijahst.v4i3.323


Down syndrome it is also called trisomy 21 because it has three chromosomes on chromosome 21, whereas normal people only have two. This occurs because chromosome 21 cannot separate during the cell division process, resulting in individuals with 47 chromosomes. The physical and psychological limitations experienced by children with down syndrome cause a lower ability to maintain oral and dental health and result in a higher risk of dental caries compared to normal children. Several recent studies explain that the role of parents and teachers is needed to improve oral health maintenance in order to reduce the risk of dental caries in children with down syndrome. This research aims to determine the relationship between the role of parents and teachers in keeping oral health and dental caries in children with down syndrome in the North and East Surabaya areas. This type of research is a cross sectional analytical research with 37 down syndrome children, parents and teachers as respondents. The data collection instruments used were questionnaire sheets and DMF-T examination sheets. The technical data analysis uses the Spearman rank test and multiple regression. The results of the research show that there is a significant relationship between the role of parents and teachers in maintaining oral health and dental caries in children with down syndrome. Conclusion: More active role of parents and teachers is needed in reducing the rate of dental caries in children with down syndrome.
Effect of Singing Method Counseling on How to Brush Teeth on Debris Index Values in Visually Impaired Children Afifa, Marselin Nainil; Hidayati, Sri; Hadi, Sunomo; Larasati, Ratih
International Journal of Advanced Health Science and Technology Vol. 4 No. 3 (2024): June
Publisher : Forum Ilmiah Teknologi dan Ilmu Kesehatan (FORITIKES)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35882/ijahst.v4i3.350


Visually impaired children are children with special needs who experience partial or total blindness, visually impaired children themselves have limitations to receive stimulation from their senses. The impact of these obstacles is that they pay less attention to dental health and neglect their dental care, one of which is brushing their teeth. One of the efforts that can be done is to conduct counseling with the singing method on how to brush teeth. The problem in this study is the high value of debris index in blind children at SDLB-A YPAB Surabaya is still in the poor category. This study aims to determine the effect of the singing method on how to brush teeth on the value of the debris index in visually impaired children at SDLB-A YPAB Surabaya. This type of research is Quasy Experiment design with pre post design, with a population of 34 visually impaired children. The data collection instrument used is an observation sheet. The data analysis technique uses the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that there was a significant effect of singing method counseling on how to brush teeth on the value of the debris index in blind children at SDLB-A YPAB Surabaya in 2024.
Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut (JKGM) Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Kesehatan Gigi dan Mulut (JKGM)
Publisher : Jurusan Kesehatan Gigi, Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36086/jkgm.v4i1.823


Background: The majority of the Indonesian population already have good brushing behaviour, namely brushing their teeth every day. However, from this percentage only 2.8% brushed their teeth at the right time, namely at least twice after breakfast and before going to bed. Objective: To explain the knowledge and behaviour of brushing teeth in elementary school age children. Method: A literature review study of journal articles. The literature search was conducted from August to September 2020. Conclusions: The knowledge of brushing teeth for elementary school age children is in the sufficient category, which shows that elementary school age children have known the importance of brushing their teeth and brushing behaviour in elementary school age children, most children have brushed their teeth twice a day, but there are still children who brush their their teeth in the wrong time is at the same time as taking a bath because it is considered an easy and practical thing.
Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Gigi Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi Poltekkes Kemenkes Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37160/jikg.v2i2.707


Keterampilan menyikat gigi yang baik dan benar merupakan suatu kegiatan yang paling mendasar yang perlu dimiliki setiap orang, termasuk anak tunagrahita. Masalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu rendahnya  kemampuan menyikat gigi anak tunagrahita, karena keterbatasan tingkat kecerdasan yang dimilikinya mempengaruhi pemahaman dalam proses pembelajaran menyikat gigi. Anak tunagrahita membutuhkan media yang menarik dan sederhana sehingga mampu untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar serta memudahkan pemahamannya terhadap materi yang disajikan. Peneilitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan jenis media visual dan media audio visual pendidikan menyikat gigi terhadap kemampuan menyikat gigi pada anak tunagrahita. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Systematic Literature Review. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan menyikat gigi anak tunagrahita ditinjau dari penggunaan jenis media visual dan media audio visual pendidikan menyikat gigi.
Membangun Generasi Cerdas di Desa BINANGUN: Menuju Masa Depan Gemilang dengan Gizi Seimbang dan Bebas Stunting Mu’tafi, Ali; Firdaus, Zakiyah; Romadhona, Farid; Mubarok, Imam Subhi; Agung, Amin Hidayatullah; Wahyuni, Ayu Nur; Larasati, Ratih; Nurhidayat, Yustisiana Kusuma Hapsari; Ma’arif, Samsul; Aufa, Azhar; Farida, Nur; Faizah, Fitriatul; Anam, Khaerul
CENDEKIA : Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Ilmiah Vol. 1 No. 9 (2024): CENDEKIA : Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pengkajian Ilmiah, September 2024
Publisher : Lembaga Pendidikan dan Penelitian Manggala Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.62335/2vj5v880


Masalah stunting di Desa Binangun, Watumalang, Wonosobo, masih menjadi tantangan kesehatan masyarakat yang signifikan, dengan dampak yang berpotensi menghambat perkembangan fisik dan kognitif anak. Stunting tidak hanya mempengaruhi pertumbuhan fisik, tetapi juga dapat menurunkan kecerdasan, yang berakibat pada rendahnya kemampuan belajar dan produktivitas di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, upaya pencegahan stunting sangat penting untuk menciptakan generasi yang cerdas dan sehat, menuju masa depan yang gemilang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara gizi seimbang, pencegahan stunting, dan peningkatan kecerdasan anak di Desa Binangun. Metode yang digunakan meliputi survei gizi, analisis data kesehatan, dan wawancara serta pelaksanaan program penyuluhan seperti workshop dan sosialisasi dengan orang tua sampai tenaga kesehatan setempat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa intervensi gizi seimbang, edukasi tentang pentingnya nutrisi sejak dini, serta peningkatan akses terhadap layanan kesehatan memiliki peran krusial dalam menurunkan prevalensi stunting. Program "Ciptakan Anak Cerdas, Menuju Masa Depan Gemilang" yang berfokus pada gizi seimbang dan pencegahan stunting, berhasil menegaskan pentingnya sinergi antara masyarakat, pemerintah, dan pihak terkait dalam mengatasi masalah stunting melalui pendekatan holistik yang mencakup edukasi terkait perbaikan pola makan, dan peningkatan layanan kesehatan. Dengan demikian, diharapkan Desa Binangun dapat mencapai tujuan jangka panjang untuk memberantas stunting, meningkatkan kualitas hidup anak-anak, dan menciptakan masa depan yang lebih baik bagi generasi mendatang.