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JENTRE Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): JENTRE: Journal of Education, Administration, Training and Religion
Publisher : Balai Diklat Keagamaan Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.38075/jen.v5i1.485


The post-COVID-19 education transformation has accelerated the adoption of digital solutions, giving rise to the concept of digital citizenship as an essential dimension of responsible citizenship. Islamic Higher Education Institutions (PTKI) in Indonesia have undergone significant changes with the integration of technology in learning. Challenges of privacy, security, and responsible digital behavior need to be addressed holistically. Digital competencies, including data literacy, communication, digital content creation, and problem-solving, are key to shaping digital citizenship. In-depth research on the relationship between digital competencies and digital citizenship among PTKI students is necessary to formulate effective strategies in education. This study aims to analyze the relationship between digital competencies of Indonesian Islamic higher education students developed through the educational process and their capabilities in responsible digital citizenship. The study involves 200 PTKI students obtained through convenience sampling. Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling analysis technique is employed. The research highlights the crucial role of problem solving, data literacy, communication, collaboration, digital content creation, and digital learning policy in shaping digital citizenship among PTKI students. Integrating these skills into the curriculum is vital for cultivating a meticulous, skilled, and responsible digital generation. Challenges of data privacy and security necessitate a holistic approach with clear digital learning policies. The study underscores the need for students and education stakeholders to adapt to digital competencies and citizenship. The DigComp digital competency framework serves as a crucial reference, while effective learning includes online module training, cybersecurity workshops, and ethical digital behavior campaigns. In conclusion, PTKI and the Ministry of Religious Affairs need to synergize to strengthen religious education in the digital era
Education Enthusiast : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Keguruan Vol 4, No 1 (2024): Februari
Publisher : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Jabal Ghafur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak Penelitian yang berjudul Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Salbian Konveksi di Kecamatan Pidie Kota Sigli, Pembahasan dalam Penelitian adalah terkait dengan pengembangan usaha yang ada di Salbian Konveksi sejak berdirinya pada tahun 2014 hingga sekarang. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif, yang menekankan pada pemahaman mendalam tentang fenomena sosial atau bisnis. Dalam konteks Salbian Konveksi, metode kualitatif dapat digunakan untuk memahami perspektif pemilik usaha, pengalaman mereka dalam menjalankan bisnis konveksi, tantangan yang mereka hadapi, serta strategi pengembangan yang telah diterapkan. Sumber data utama dalam penelitian ini akan berupa wawancara mendalam dengan pemilik UMKM Salbian Konveksi di Kecamatan Pidie Kota Sigli. Wawancara tersebut akan difokuskan pada topik-topik seperti sejarah pendirian usaha, proses produksi, pemasaran produk lokal, kendala-kendala yang dihadapi oleh para pelaku usaha tersebut serta upaya-upaya strategis dalam mengembangkan bisnis mereka. Selain itu, peneliti juga dapat melakukan observasi langsung terkait operasional dan lingkungan kerja dari salbian konveksi tersebut. Pemahaman mendalam tentang aspek-aspek ini akan memberikan gambaran yang lebih komprehensif mengenai UMKM Salbian Konveksi di Kecamatan Pidie Kota Sigli.  Kata Kunci: Strategi Pengembangan, UMKM
Investigating The Intentions Of Sustainable EntrepreneurshipAmong Gen Z In The Vision Of The Green Economy In TheMetropolitan Area Of Malang Alfarizi, Muhammad
PANGRIPTA Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): Pangripta Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Perencanaan Pembangunan
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Kota Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (94.091 KB) | DOI: 10.58411/j4rc0g20


Sustainable entrepreneurship is vital in today's business landscape, particularly concerning social and environmental responsibility. This study focuses on Generation Z entrepreneurs in the Metropolitan Area of Malang, exploring the impact of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) education and Green Economy knowledge on their self-efficacy and intention for sustainable entrepreneurship. Surveying 250 respondents, the research identifies significant positive effects of SDGs education and Green Economy knowledge on Generation Z's entrepreneurial aspirations. Additionally, it highlights the moderating roles of information technology infrastructure and local government support in shaping these relationships. The study emphasizes the need for integrating SDGsprinciples and Green Economy education into educational curricula and local economic policies in Malang. It recommends collaborative efforts among businesses, universities, and schools to promote sustainable practices and proposes equalizing technology infrastructure to ensure equitable access to education and entrepreneurial opportunities. Moreover, it underscores the importance of the local government's support in providing resources and networking opportunities for environmentally and socially responsible businesses. Further research is suggested to evaluate the effectiveness of SDGs in preparing Generation Z for entrepreneurship.
Determinasi Green Knowledge Economy Terhadap Kinerja UKM Indonesia Berkelanjutan Alfarizi, Muhammad; Arifian, Rafialdo
Publikasi Penelitian Terapan dan Kebijakan Vol 7 No 1 (2024): Publikasi Penelitian Terapan dan Kebijakan
Publisher : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46774/pptk.v7i1.576


Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) Indonesia berada dalam paradoks kontribusi pertumbuhan ekonomi dan implikasi negatif lingkungan hidup yang masif. Pemilik bisnis didorong bertransformasi menjalankan bisnis dengan mengedepankan keberlanjutan lingkungan hidup dan sosial kemasyarakatan. Konsep green knowledge economy mendorong seluruh sektor mengembangkan pengetahuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat dan ekologi melalui kapabilitas bisnis. Namun selama ini konsep green knowledge economy hanya ditekankan pada sektor skala besar. Sehingga studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh green knowledge economy terhadap kinerja bisnis UKM berbasis SDGs, dengan fokus khusus pada potensi manfaat dan tantangan yang terkait dengan fenomena ini. Lima dimensi green knowledge economy (green industry 4.0 technologies, green education-HRM, circular economy practices, green economic incentives-institutional system, and green innovation) diusulkan terhubung dengan dimensi SMEs sustainable development dengan 20 usulan hipotesis. Studi ini memilih pendekatan kuantitatif dengan melaksanakan survei yang melibatkan 337 pemilik UKM Indonesia dengan teknik penarikan purposive sampling. Data yang didapatkan dianalisis dengan teknik pemodelan Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hipotesis yang menghubungkan Green Industry 4.0 Technologies, Green Education and HRM, Circular Economy Practices, Green Economic Incentives and Institutional System, serta Green Innovation, Research and Development dengan dimensi keberlanjutan (Ecological, Institutional, Socioeconomic, dan Community Sustainable) secara signifikan diterima, kecuali pengaruh praktik ekonomi sirkular yang tidak mempengaruhi institutional sustainable. Dalam mencapai kontribusi keberlanjutan UKM maksimal, diperlukan strategi kebijakan pemerintah yang mendukung UKM bertransformasi berkelanjutan dengan peningkatan kapabilitas pengetahuan ekonomi hijau. Kolaborasi riset penopang transformasi dibutuhkan dalam mendukung pengembangan praktik bisnis yang berkelanjutan dan inovatif di kalangan UKM. Penting untuk mengintegrasikan konsep green knowledge economy ke dalam program pelatihan, pendidikan, dan bantuan keuangan yang disediakan bagi UKM guna memastikan kesinambungan ekonomi yang berdampak positif secara sosial dan lingkungan.
An-Nisbah: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol 9 No 2 (2022): An-Nisbah
Publisher : UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21274/an.v9i2.5982


Abstrak: Situasi Pandemi Covid-19 dan Digitalisasi Revolusi 4.0 mendorong adopsi pembayaran zakat melalui platform transaksi digital khususnya FinTech.Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi penerimaan FinTech dalam pembayaran zakat secara digital. mengeksplorasi penerimaan FinTech dalam pembayaran zakat secara digital. Penelitian berbasis survei kuantitatif pada populasi pengguna FinTech beragama Islam dengan SEM PLS dilakukan dengan penetapan teknik purposive sampling. Model penelitian ini dapat mengidentifikasi teori UTAUT, TPB, Tren Keuangan dan Pengetahuan Islam dalam keputusan kepercayaan Fintech dan metode digitalisasi zakat terhadap niat pembayar zakat untuk mengadopsi FinTech yang inovatif dalam pembayaran zakat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan signifikansi pada tiga dimensi toeri UTAUT, TPB, Tren Keuangan dan Pengetahuan Islam meskipun pada hipotesis harapan usaha terhadap kepercayaan dan keputusan penerimaan teknologi FinTech tidak mendapat dukungan signifikansi statistik PLS. Penguatan infrastruktur IT, keseragaman aturan pembayaran zakat digital dan kajian promotif digitalisasi zakat direkomendasikan kepada Provider FinTech dan Pembuat Kebijakan untuk semakin mengoptimalkan penghimpunan zakat untuk meningkatkan dana zakat untuk mustahiq yang membutuhkan agar semakin menumbuhkan perekonomian Islam dan Indonesia yang inklusif dan berkelanjutan sesuai Tujuan SDGs. Kata kunci: FinTech; Islam; SDGs; Teknologi; Zakat Abstract: The Covid-19 Pandemic situation and the digitalization Revolution 4.0 have encouraged the adoption of zakat payments through digital transaction platforms, especially FinTech. This study aims to explore the acceptance of FinTech in digital zakat payments. explore the acceptability of FinTech in digital zakat payments. Quantitative survey-based research on a population of Muslim FinTech users with SEM PLS was carried out by establishing a purposive sampling technique. This research model can identify the theory of UTAUT, TPB, Financial Trends and Islamic Knowledge in Fintech trust decisions and zakat digitization methods on the intention of zakat payers to adopt innovative FinTech in zakat payments. The results of this study show a significant relationship on the three theoretical dimensions of UTAUT, TPB, Financial Trends and Islamic Knowledge although the hypothesis of business expectations on trust and decisions to accept FinTech technology does not have PLS statistical significance. Strengthening IT infrastructure, uniformity of digital zakat payment rules and a study on promoting the digitization of zakat are recommended for FinTech Providers and Policy Makers to further optimize zakat collection to increase zakat funds for mustahiq who need it in order to further grow an inclusive and sustainable Islamic and Indonesian economy according to the SDGs Goals Keywords: FinTech; Islam; SDGs; Technology; Zakat
Fuel Usage Towards UINSU Tuntungan Campus using Greedy Algorithm Alfarizi, Muhammad; Hasugian, Abdul Halim
Sistemasi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 13, No 4 (2024): Sistemasi: Jurnal Sistem Informasi
Publisher : Program Studi Sistem Informasi Fakultas Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32520/stmsi.v13i4.4284


Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara (UINSU) is one of the growing higher education institutions in Tuntungan, Medan. As a university that continues to improve the quality of education and facilities for its students. Inefficient use of fuel can lead to waste of resources, increased operational costs, as well as a negative impact on the environment. This research aims to develop and implement greedy algorithm in determining efficient travel routes for students, lecturers, and administrative staff to UINSU Tuntungan campus. The results showed that the Greedy algorithm proved effective in determining the shortest route between several points, the test results showed that this application was able to generate the optimal route quickly. Users can easily determine the shortest path and estimate fuel requirements for travel to campus so that this application is very helpful in efficient travel planning.