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DOMESTIC COMPONENT LEVEL ASSESSMENT FOR A SALT FACTORY AND A SALT PRODUCTION Febijanto, Irhan; Adiarso; Ati Widiati; Dharmawan; Dadang Rosadi; Ermawan Darma; Gatyo Angkoso; Karnadi; Kusrestuwardhani; Mohamad Soleh Iskandar; Nurus Sahari Laili; Priyambodo Darmoyuwono; M.Rosjidi; Sunengsih
Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): Majalah Ilmiah Pengkajian Industri
Publisher : Deputi TIRBR-BPPT

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The TKDN (Domestic Component Level) assessment of goods and services is a method to determine local manufacturers/industrie’s capability to create quality products internationally standardized. This study assessed the salt factory's TKDN to increase the NaCl content, based on cost-based analysis stipulated at the Minister Industry Regulation No.16/M-IND/PER/2/2011. Meanwhile, the TKDN of salt production was assessed based on process-based analysis stipulated in Minister Industry Regulation No.16/2020. According to the cost-based analysis results, the goods and services at the pilot project stage had the TKDN value of 27.4%. However, due to an increase in the number of main domestic components at the commercial stage, this value increased to 70.9%. Meanwhile, according to the processed-based analysis results, the salt production had the same processes at the pilot project stage and commercial stages. The TKDN value of 85.5% was obtained for the two stages. The value is relatively high because the raw material is produced locally with the local labor and used work tools owned by the local industry. The cost-based analysis was found to be highly dependent on the equipment component’s origin, while the process-based analysis depends on the origin of labor, works tool, and material owner. Keywords: domestic component level; process-based analysis; cost-based analysis; salt factory; salt product.
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2 (2021): PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT - SNPPM2021
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Jakarta

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Abstract The economy of the community, especially the PKK women in Babakan Jaya Village, Parung Kuda Sukabumi District, during the covid 19 pandemic, was in a very bad state. Therefore, efforts were needed to improve the community's economy. In connection with that, we from the UNJ Lecturer team did community service through waste utilization training. rice to improve the economy of PKK women in this region. The purpose of this Community Service is to empower the community, especially PKK mothers to improve their economy. This Community Service Method provides knowledge through webinars and the practice of making wedding deliveries based on rice waste. The implementation of P2M activities is carried out by (1) Identifying needs for PKM targets through Focus Group Discussions. (2) Implementation of P2M Activities through the provision of theory and practice (3) Evaluation in the process and at the end of skills activities. (4) The follow-up is the delivery of delivery products to stakeholders in Sukabumi. The final result of the training is that PKK women become skilled at making skill products of economic value and in the end the economy of PKK women has increased after PKK women sold skills products that were made to stakeholders. Abstrak Perekonomian masyarakat khususnya ibu-ibu PKK Desa Babakan Jaya Kecamatan Parung Kuda Sukabumi dimasa pandemic covid 19 ini sangat terpuruk.Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat tersebut.Sehubungan dengan itu, kami dari tim Dosen UNJ melakukan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat melalui pelatihan pemanfaatan limbah padi untuk meningkatkan ekonomi ibu-ibu PKK di wilayah ini. Tujuan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat khususnya ibu-ibu PKK untuk peningkatan ekonomi mereka. Metode Pengabdian Kepada Masyaarakat ini pemberian pengetahuan melalui webiner dan praktek membuat hantaran pengantin berbasis limbah padi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PKM dilakukan dengan (1).Identifikasi kebutuhan terhadap sasaran PKM melalui Focus Group Discussion. (2)Pelaksanaan Kegiatan P2M melalui pemberian teori dan praktek (3)Evaluasi di dalam proses dan diakhir kegiatan keterampilan. (4)Tindak lanjut yakni pengiriman produk hantaran ke pihak stakeholder yang ada di Sukabumi.Hasil akhir pelatihan, ibu-ibu PKK menjadi terampil membuat produk keterampilan bernilai ekonomi dan akhitnya perekonomian ibu-ibu PKK mengalami peningkatan setelah ibu-ibu PKK menjual produk keterampilan yang dibuatnya ke stakeholder.
Information system sales and repair handphone services on pika cell Al Amalul Khoir Amalul; Karnadi
International Journal Cister Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): International Journal Cister - 01 August 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Rafisqy Arfadhia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1047.737 KB) | DOI: 10.56481/cister.v1i02.97


Pika Cell is a counter that serves cellphone sales and services. In sales and service activities it is still not computerized or still written, where all the processes are from inputting data, and storing data in writing. The obstacles that occur are errors in managing the stock of cellphones and delays in handling cellphones that will be serviced. Therefore, the author provides a solution by creating a sales information system (e-commerce) and service delivery using the PHP programming language, MySQL database management system. This information system was developed using the Extreme Programming method, in that method there are still other stages, while the research itself uses a qualitative approach by coming directly to Pika Cell. The purpose of this final project is to create a sales information system (e-commerce) and mobile phone service where customers can order cell phones and get information on the estimated cost of cell phone damage online, so that the company's revenue can be achieved maximally and make it easier for customers to transact
The design of information systems the village office of Silaberanti Abi ardiyanto Saiful; Karnadi
International Journal Cister Vol. 1 No. 02 (2022): International Journal Cister - 01 August 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Rafisqy Arfadhia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (937.394 KB) | DOI: 10.56481/cister.v1i02.135


On when searching for a letter that has been made before. The process of collecting data on incoming and outgoing letters from the village office is also still manual. So prone to errors and data loss. The Silaberanti Village Office requires a more secure and faster mail processing. Based on the existing background, the Silaberanti Wanting Village Office can handle these problems, such as processing letters so as to produce appropriate mail processing reports. So that it can accelerate the performance of the Village Office employees Silaberanti records incoming and outgoing letters
Analysis of the Local Area Network (LAN) at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Palembang City Muhammad Rafliansyah Ibrahim Heriansyah; Karnadi
International Journal Cister Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): International Journal Cister - 01 Desember 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Rafisqy Arfadhia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56481/cister.v1i3.89


At this time the development of Information and Communication Technology is very advanced in the community. While in developing countries, it only appears in urban areas and in industrial areas. This was also implemented by the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of the City of Palembang, as for problems that arose such as slow internet connections due to the uneven distribution of bandwidth. To overcome the existing problems the author suggests adding a proxy router that aims to block sites and manage bandwidth. The result is that all clients can get the same bandwidth and cannot open sites that are not allowed to be visited. A structured Local Area Network (LAN) is the best solution to solve the problems that exist in this agency, as well as with a structured Local Area Network (LAN) can achieve an effective and efficient job in supporting activities in this agency and can maintain confidential company data. The method used during this research the author uses the action research method.
Web-Based Design Of Admission Information System In Sma Negeri 1 Tulung Selapan Muhammad hafis imthihan anjasman Imthihan; Karnadi
International Journal Cister Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): International Journal Cister - 01 Desember 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Rafisqy Arfadhia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56481/cister.v1i3.99


SMK N 1 Tulung Selapan is one of the senior high schools in the Tulung Selapan area which is engaged in education. From year to year prospective new students always increase. For now, the selection process for new admissions is still using the manual system by registering directly to the school. In today's increasingly developing era, the registration process can actually be done without having to come directly to school, so that it can make it easier for parents or prospective students to register new students more quickly and effectively. Based on this, an online registration information system was designed for web-based new student admissions.