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Otopro Vol 16, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/otopro.v16n2.p29-33


Solar power is considered as the most essential renewable energy in human life, particularly for daily activities. The application of solar water heater is significantly able to reduce the electric load of water heating so that this method is indirectly able to save energy needs. The biggest challenge is increasing the energy density of warm water storage. The best storage medium is paraffin, but it is constrained by the low thermal conductivity of the paraffin and also the wrapping media. This study focuses on efforts to improve thermal conductivity of paraffin as a heat storage medium by using nickel mixture at a ratio (volume) of 10 - 50%. Samples of paraffin and nickel paraffin mixture are inserted into the wrapper of aluminum 6063 material and then tested for heat absorption and release process. The best heat absorption is shown by the sample with the most nickel content, while in the heat release process the best performing sample is shown with a nickel mixture between 20–40%. These results are directly related to the power rate of each sample. The results of this study can be used as a reference for increasing the thermal capacity of warm water storage from solar water heaters.
Studi Pengaruh Kecepatan dan Temperatur Fluida Kerja Pada Pompa Gerotor Dibyo Setiawan; Abdul Kayi; Rohadi Yusuf; Rani Anggrainy
Teknobiz : Jurnal Ilmiah Program Studi Magister Teknik Mesin Vol 11 No 3 (2021): Teknobiz
Publisher : Magister Teknik Mesin Universitas Pancasila

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35814/teknobiz.v11i3.2908


Inovasi dan pengembangan perlengkapan riset harus dilakukan seiring dengan berkembangnya cabang penelitian, khususnya pada bidang rekayasa terkait dengan energi terbarukan. Pemanfaatan Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) sebagai penyedia panas harus dilengkapi dengan fluida pemindah panas untuk mendistribusikan energi termal dari sumber ke beban. Salah satu komponen terpenting adalah pompa alir yang digunakan untuk memindahkan fluida kerja. Karakteristik khusus dibutuhkan untuk pompa yang digunakan karena adanya tuntutan operasi temperatur yang tinggi dan fluida yang kental. Pompa trochoid atau gerotor pilihan tepat untuk diaplikasikan pada pompa fluida pemindah panas. Studi ini membahas hubungan antara kapasitas pemompaan terhadap temperatur dan kecepatan pompa. Melalui studi eksperimen, diperoleh bahwa kapasitas pemompaan dipengaruhi oleh temperatur dan kecepatan pompa. Pada kecepatan 750 RPM, kapasitas pemompaan berkisar antara 91–98 cc untuk rentang temperatur antara 30–100 °C. Kecepatan pompa yang lebih tinggi sebesar 1150 RPM, sehingga mampu menghasilkan kapasitas yang lebih tinggi sebesar 127–158 cc pada rentang temperatur yang sama.
Otopro Vol 16 No 2 Mei 2021
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26740/otopro.v16n2.p29-33


Solar power is considered as the most essential renewable energy in human life, particularly for daily activities. The application of solar water heater is significantly able to reduce the electric load of water heating so that this method is indirectly able to save energy needs. The biggest challenge is increasing the energy density of warm water storage. The best storage medium is paraffin, but it is constrained by the low thermal conductivity of the paraffin and also the wrapping media. This study focuses on efforts to improve thermal conductivity of paraffin as a heat storage medium by using nickel mixture at a ratio (volume) of 10 - 50%. Samples of paraffin and nickel paraffin mixture are inserted into the wrapper of aluminum 6063 material and then tested for heat absorption and release process. The best heat absorption is shown by the sample with the most nickel content, while in the heat release process the best performing sample is shown with a nickel mixture between 2040%. These results are directly related to the power rate of each sample. The results of this study can be used as a reference for increasing the thermal capacity of warm water storage from solar water heaters.
Effect of gasoline vaporizer tube (GVT) with magnetic field on spark-ignition engine: Investigation, discussion, and opinion Rani Anggrainy; Wegie Ruslan; Dede L. Zariatin; Ramón A. Gilart; Thaer Syam
Mechanical Engineering for Society and Industry Vol 2 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31603/mesi.7075


Applying magnetic fields to improve the arrangement of hydrocarbon molecules in fuel lines have been continuously studied in recent decades. However, scientific reports regarding the application of a magnetic field integrated with a gasoline vaporizer tube (GVT) on engine performance have not been widely discussed. Therefore, this article presents an investigation of the application of GVT with magnetic field on a single cylinder gasoline engine with three different fuel qualities, including RON88, RON92, and RON98. Torque, power, emissions and fuel consumption have been tested for scientific opinion. The results of our present investigation seem to confirm the claims of GVT inventors, where GVT increases engine torque and power, reduces CO and HC content in exhaust gases, and reduces fuel consumption. However, without considering the supply of gasoline and air from the GVT to the engine is an unfair analysis. In fact, although the established theories reveal the benefits of applying a magnetic field to the fuel line, in this case, only a small part of the fuel is induced by the magnetic field, outside the main line from the tank to the injectors. Finally, the results of this investigation provide new insights for potential users of GVT, which is currently commercially available.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education Vol 9, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jmee.v10i2.52725


This study aims to (1) find out the difference in improving student learning outcomes between those who use the jigsaw-type cooperative model and students who use the lecture model, and (2) find out the increase in student learning outcomes   after applying the cooperative learning model with jigsaw type. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental. The experimental method is used to look for a causal relationship between two factors that the researcher deliberately caused. The population in this study was all Class XI students majoring in Motorcycle Business Engineering at one of the State Vocational Schools in Bandung totaling 5 classes. The research samples were taken in two classes, namely one experimental class and one control class, the sampling technique was carried out random sampling cluster. The instruments used are test instruments and obsrvation sheets. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the learning outcomes of students who used a jigsaw-type cooperative model and students who got learning with a lecture model. The average final score of learners using the jigsaw-type cooperative model was higher than those using lectures. The N-Gain value index of the jigsaw type cooperative model category is quite effective and the lecture model of its N-Gain index category is ineffective.Keywords: Learning Model; cooperative; jigsaw; Experimental; N-Gain
Rancang Bangun Mesin Refill Cat Semprot Rani Anggrainy; Ahmad Lubi; Mohammad Rizqi Dwi Febrianto; Reynaldi Ramadhan; Ardi Candra Fatkhurrohman; Yunita Sari Yunita Sari; Ferry Budhi Susetyo
Jurnal Ilmiah Giga Vol 26, No 1 (2023): Volume 26 Edisi 1 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47313/jig.v26i1.2058


The big environmental problems faced today are caused by used packaging that is increasingly piling up.  Unfortunately, not all of this waste can be easily decomposed, one example is used paint cans. The design of this spray paint refill machine aims to reduce paint can waste that is rampant in the community. In addition, this tool also serves to replenish liquid and also compressed air in spray paint cans which can later be reused in the painting process. The spray paint refill machine has a frame size with a length of 275 mm, a width of 250 mm, and a height of 440 mm using hollow iron measuring 20x20 mm which is carried out static load testing on the affected part of the working force of 15 N. Based on the results of static load analysis, it shows that the design of the engine frame is strong enough to withstand the force exerted and the test results of this tool the spray paint refill machine can work optimally and there are no obstacles when filling into the spray paint packaging.
Pengaruh Konsentrasi NaOH terhadap Sifat Termal Komposit Eceng Gondok dan Carbon Nanotube (CNT) dalam Matriks HDPE Anggrainy, Rani; Riza Wirawan; Siska Titik Dwiyati
Jurnal Permadi : Perancangan, Manufaktur, Material dan Energi Vol 3 No 1 (2021): JURNAL PERMADI: PERANCANGAN, MANUFAKTUR, MATERIAL DAN ENERGI
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.929 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/permadi.v3i1.43


This study aims to determine the effect of alkali concentration on the thermal properties of HDPE composites with water hyacinth and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The method used in this study is the experimental method. Composites made of natural fiber filler, the alkali treated water hyacinth. The water hyacinth was also filled was treated in alkali solution at various concentration (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8%). In addition to using water hyacinth fiber, the carbon nanotube (CNT) in a matrix of high-density polyethylene (HDPE). The composites were made using Rheomix OS machine. Furthermore, thermal testing of composite specimens using machine Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) were conducted. The results obtained from testing the thermal properties is the thermal resistance value. Thermal resistance of composites with alkali treatment of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, and 8% were 258,9 0C, 259,5 0C, 260,3 0C, 264,0 0C, and 265,9 0C, respectly. Based on these results it can be concluded that the concentration of NaOH improves the thermal resistance of the composite.
SINTESIS CAT EPOXY DENGAN VARIASI SUHU PENGERINGAN UNTUK BODI KENDARAAN Anggrainy, Rani; Ferry Budhi Susetyo; Teguh Wibowo; Ridwan Setianto; Dani Ramdani
Jurnal Permadi : Perancangan, Manufaktur, Material dan Energi Vol 5 No 2 (2023): JURNAL PERMADI : PERANCANGAN, MANUFAKTUR, MATERIAL DAN ENERGI
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/permadi.v5i2.101


Pengecatan adalah salah satu upaya untuk menjaga penampilan bodi kendaraan, dikarenakan pengecatan memiliki fungsi untuk melindungi material dari terjadinya karat. Oleh sebab itu, dilakukan penelitian terkait sintesis cat epoxy dengan variasi suhu pengeringan agar diperoleh komposisi yang tepat untuk mendapatkan karakteristik yang baik. Penelitian yang sudah banyak dilakukan hanya berfokus pada temperatur oven pengeringan saja, namun pada penelitian ini waktu pengeringan oven menjadi salah satu hal yang juga diperhatikan. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini adalah semakin tinggi temperatur pengeringan dengan waktu pengeringan yang sama dapat menurunkan nilai penampilan dan kemampuan daya kilap serta ketebalan lapisan cat. Berlawanan dengan hal tersebut, ternyata tingginya suhu pengeringan tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap kemampuan daya lekat cat apabila dilakukan waktu pemanggangan yang sama, yaitu 20 menit.
Pengaruh Parameter Pemotongan Pembubutan Konvensional Terhadap Kekasaran Permukaan Baja ST41 Ahmad Rifai; Syaripuddin; Anggrainy, Rani; Agung Premono; Ferry Budhi Susetyo
Jurnal Permadi : Perancangan, Manufaktur, Material dan Energi Vol 5 No 2 (2023): JURNAL PERMADI : PERANCANGAN, MANUFAKTUR, MATERIAL DAN ENERGI
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/permadi.v5i2.109


The turning process is essential in the manufacturing industry to produce a product. The quality of a product is greatly influenced by the turning process, which produces varying roughness characteristics of the product's surface. The selection of suitable cutting parameters greatly influences the surface roughness of the product from the turning process. Therefore, a study was carried out on the cutting parameter's effect on the workpiece's surface roughness. In this research, the material used was ST 41 steel with a diameter of 25.4 mm. The turning process uses a conventional lathe. Variation in this study is the cutting speed and feeding depth. The results showed that the higher the cutting speed, the smaller the surface roughness value. On the contrary, the greater the feeding depth, the greater the surface roughness value.