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Keefektifan Problrm Based Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Sains Peserta Didik pada Materi Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup Rismawati, Rizki; Nur Hayati, Muriani; Widiyanto, Bayu
JPMP Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pancasakti Tegal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24905/jpmp.v5i2.1885


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik setelah diterapkannya model pembelajaran problem based learning. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian pretest-posttest control group. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik di salah satu SMP Kota Tegal tahun pelajaran 2019/2020. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel dalam penelitian ini peserta didik kelas VII A dan VII B yang masing-masing berjumlah 32 peserta didik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik yang belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran problem based learning memiliki rata-rata N-gain sebesar 56,77%. Skor presentase tersebut lebih tinggi dibandingkan peserta didik yang belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran ceramah yang memiliki rata-rata N-gain sebesar 40,59%. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran problem based learning berpengaruh pada kemampuan literasi sains peserta didik dan efektif untuk digunakan dibandingkan dengan model pembelajaran ceramah.
STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN AGROINDUSTRI TEMBAKAU NON ROKOK DI KABUPATEN JEMBER Indra Wardhana, Danu; Nurina Aulia, Anisa; Imer Rita, Asih; Rismawati, Rizki; Riskiyono, Syahroni
Jurnal Agroindustri Vol. 14 No. 1 (2024): May 2024
Publisher : BPFP Faperta UNIB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/jagroindustri.14.1.53-67


The tobacco agroindustry in Indonesia has the potential to be developed. Tobacco products and their derivatives are products of high value so that in the economic aspect they have a big involvement in the national economy as a provenience of government revenue (taxes), a foreign exchange, income for farmers, and a provider of employment in the on-farm sector. Despite of its provenience, the presence of tobacco products and their derivatives has been widely opposed by the community in line with increasing public awareness of health. Based on this, it is necessary to diversify processed tobacco products into new products other than cigarettes that have high economic value. However, efforts to develop the non-smoking tobacco agroindustry have problems including the high costs of process technology, farmers' technical knowledge, capital, competition with other regions, and the lack of government’s coordinated strategy to develop the non-smoking tobacco agroindustry. In addition, the competitiveness of the non-smoking tobacco agroindustry is still low, so this study aims to formulate a non-smoking tobacco agroindustry development strategy in Jember Regency. Analysis of research data was carried out using the Exponential Comparison Method, Interpretative Structural Modeling and Analytical Hierarchy Process. The main priority result of the selection of superior non-smoking tobacco agroindustry products is tobacco perfume. The key sub-elements to the element are facilities and infrastructure for the non-smoking tobacco agroindustry such as investment and access to capital for farmers and entrepreneurs; The key sub-elements to the constraints element are the limited capital and technology of the non-smoking tobacco agroindustry; the key sub-elements to the institutional element are local governments; and the key sub-elements in the activity elements carried out are increasing market access and partnerships for non-smoking tobacco products. Alternative strategies to increase market access and partnerships have the highest priority in selecting a development strategy for the tobacco perfume agroindustry.
Sosialisasi dan Focus Group Discussion Pencegahan Serta Penanganan Stunting Sejak Dini di Desa Sumberanyar Kabupaten Bondowoso Rismawati, Rizki; Alfianti, Siska Aula; Hasanah, Iraudatul; Riskiyono, Syahroni; Wardhana, Danu Indra; Setyowati, Trias
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i2.157


Stunting is a condition where children under 5 years of age cannot grow due to chronic malnutrition, causing them to be shorter than their age. The aim of this socialization is to identify the stunting problem in Sumberanyar village as well as present material on preventing and handling stunting in Sumberanyar village. The implementation method gathered midwives, 10 posyandu cadres, posyandu members in the PKK room at the Sumberanyar village hall. Next was the presentation of material about preventing and handling stunting, then conducting a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). In this activity, the results of the formulation of the stunting problem in Sumberanyar Village were obtained, namely, cigarette smoke, mother's knowledge, snack food, and the habit of defecating in the river. Meanwhile, activities that have been carried out by midwives and Posyandu cadres to prevent stunting include giving worm medicine, giving supplementary food (PMT), latrine building programs, classes for pregnant women and measuring children's height and weight. Based on the activities that have been carried out, it is known that 60% of posyandu cadres and posyandu members have a good level of knowledge and 40% have sufficient abilities before participating in socialization activities. Furthermore, after carrying out socialization regarding the prevention and handling of stunting, the number of posyandu cadres and posyandu members who had a good level of knowledge increased to 80% and the level of sufficient knowledge became 20%. This activity can also help posyandu cadres and members get better information that focuses on preventing and handling stunting.
Pelatihan Pemberian Makanan Tambahan dalam Pencegahan Stunting melalui Edukasi Cara Produksi Pangan Olahan yang Baik (CPPOB) Rismawati, Rizki; Alfianti, Siska Aula; Hasanah, Iraudatul; Riskiyono, Syahroni; Wardhana, Danu Indra; Setyowati, Trias
Journal of Community Development Vol. 4 No. 3 (2024): April
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/comdev.v4i3.163


Stunting is a common nutritional problem caused by various risk factors and is considered a chronic nutritional problem because it occurs over a short period of time. Several farmers in Maesan District, especially in Sumberanyar Village, grow various types of food crops, including dragon fruit, which is rarely used for making food. processed. For this reason, training and education on the use of local materials is carried out with a community empowerment approach. This activity aims to spread knowledge about nutrition and equip mothers with young children and cadres with skills in providing additional feeding (PMT) based on local food, namely dragon fruit pudding. Participants consisted of 18 people, including mothers of toddlers and Posyandu cadres, which was held at the Sumberanyar village hall. This community service consists of two activities, namely CPPOB education and training. It can be seen from the pretest results that 61% of posyandu cadres and mothers of toddlers had a good level of knowledge and 39% had sufficient abilities before participating in training activities. Furthermore, the posttest results after carrying out training in providing additional food in preventing stunting through education on Good Processed Food Production Methods (CPPOB) showed that the number of posyandu cadres and mothers of toddlers who had a good level of knowledge increased to 89% and the level of sufficient knowledge became 11%. The pretest and posttest results show that on average the training participants experienced an increase in knowledge about CPPOB. Research and community service to utilize local ingredients as a solution to nutritional problems through a community empowerment approach. And it can increase the skills of posyandu cadres and mothers of toddlers in preparing additional feeding (PMT) based on local food, namely dragon fruit pudding.
Analysis of Added Value and Financial Feasibility of the Oys-ter Mushroom Agroindustry in Jember Regency Rismawati, Rizki; Wardhana, Danu Indra; Nalawati, Ara Nugrahayu
International Applied Science Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Proceeding of International Conference of Agriculture (Semartani-3)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/ias.v3i2.637


Jember Regency is one of the oyster mushroom producing districts in Java Province East. The relatively low price of raw oyster mushrooms means that it is not enough to support the economy of oyster mushroom farmers. Efforts to get added value from oyster mushrooms are by processing oyster mushrooms into processed products. The research aims to determine the level of financial feasibility of businesses and the added value of the oyster mushroom agro-industry in Jember Regency. The research was carried out using survey methods and in-depth interviews with oyster mushroom and industry experts as well as secondary data from literature, articles, journals and data from the Central Statistics Agency. Calculating added value using the Hayami method and calculating financial feasibility analysis of products that have high added value. The results of the added value analysis using the Hayami method show that the oyster mushroom product that has the highest added value is oyster mushroom broth amounting to IDR 172,688- (profit percentage 69.08%), oyster mushroom kebab IDR 47,751 (profit percentage 59.69%) and followed by crispy oyster mushrooms amounting to IDR 40,158 (profit percentage 57.37%) followed by oyster mushroom nuggets amounting to IDR 37,048 (profit percentage 55.57%). The financial feasibility results show that the oyster mushroom agro-industry in oyster mushroom broth products is feasible to run. These eligibility criteria show that at an interest rate of 9.75% the NPV value is IDR 626,388,706, the IRR value is 43.25%, the Net B/C Ratio is 1.12 production break-even point is 22,716 units per year, return on capital is 3.86 years. Sensitivity analysis of financial feasibility with an increase in raw material prices of 10%, 20% and 30% still shows a feasible decision. In the sensitivity analysis, a decrease in the product's selling price of 5% and 10% indicates that the decision is feasible, while a decrease in the product's selling price of 15% indicates that the decision is not feasible to carry out.