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Penerapan Prinsip Ekofeminisme dalam Menjaga Lingkungan pada Perempuan Pekerja Savira Ala Rohmi; saipiatuddin
Edukasi IPS Vol 6 No 1 (2022): EDUKASI IPS
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPS Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/EIPS.006.01.04


Abstract This study aims to determine the application of the principle to women workers in koperasi pemulung berdaya. The research method used is qualitative method. Researchers conducted interviews with women workers in koperasi pemulung berdaya and cooperative heads. Data collection techniques used are observation, literature review, interviews, documentation and field notes. The results of this study indicate that Koperasi pemulung berdaya applies the principle of the integrity of the biosphere by saving air and electricity, the principle of cosmic solidarity is carried out by saying that the destruction of nature but still using products that are not environmentally friendly, the principle of harmony of nature is still found deviations such as burning garbage and using single-use plastic bags, the principle of establishing relationships is carried out by caring for and protecting animals and plants, and a simple principle is carried out by saving the use of natural resources such as electricity and air sparingly. The conclusion of the study shows that the majority of workers in the Koperasi pemulung berdaya have implemented ecofeminism principles such as being responsible for the integrity of the biosphere, natural solidarity, simplicity and caring. For other principles, most of the workers still make deviations. Deviations occur in the principle of maintaining natural harmony and maintaining equal relations. The deviation from the two principles is that most of the workers still use plastic for their daily activities and burn waste. Keywords : Ecofeminism Principe, Ecofeminism Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan prinsip pada perkerja perempuan di koperasi pemulung berdaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode kualitatif. Peneliti melakukan wawancara dengan perempuan pekerja di koperasi pemulung berdaya serta ketua koperasi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, kajian pustaka, wawancara, dokumentasi dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan para pekerja di Koperasi Pemulung Berdaya menerapkan prinsip keutuhan biosfer dengan menghemat air dan listrik, prinsip solidaritas kosmis dilakukan dengan mengatakan menentang kerusakan alam tetapi masih menggunakan produk tidak ramah lingkungan, prinsip keselarasan alam masih ditemukan penyimpangan yang dilakukan seperti membakar sampah dan memakai kantong plastik sekali pakai, prinsip menjalin relasi dilakukan dengan cara merawat dan melindungi hewan dan tumbuhan, serta prinsip kesederhanaan dilakukan dengan cara menghemat pemakaian sumber daya alam seperti listrik dan air secara hemat. Kesimpulan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas para pekerja di koperasi pemulung berdaya telah melakukan penerapan prinsip ekofeminisme seperti bertanggung jawab terhadap keutuhan biosfer, solidaritas alam, kesederhanaan dan kepedulian. Untuk prinsip lainnya kebanyakan dari pekerja masih melakukan penyimpangan. Penyimpangan terjadi pada prinsip menjaga keselarasan alam dan menjaga relasi setara. Bentuk penyimpangan pada kedua prinsip adalah kebanyakan dari pekerja masih menggunakan plastik untuk kegiatan sehari-harinya dan melakukan pembakaran sampah. Kata kunci : Prinsip Ekofeminisme, Ekofeminisme
PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PAPAN LUKIS KARAKTER KARTUN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR IPS SISWA KELAS VIII-6 SMP NEGERI 42 BEKASI (Penelitian Tindakan di Kelas VIII-6 SMP Negeri 42 Bekasi Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019) Fitri Tyas Sari; desy safitri; saipiatuddin
Edukasi IPS Vol 4 No 1 (2020): EDUKASI IPS
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPS Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/EIPS.004.1.01


The main purpose of this research is to know does the use of cartoon character art board as a media could could be increasing the Score and activeness the Social Studies learning result of 41 students in the class of VIII-6, SMP Negeri 42 Bekasi, 2nd semester, education year of 2018/2019. This research was done from March to May 2019. The applied method in this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) Method. which was done by a collaboration with social science teachers at SMP Negeri 42 Bekasi. 3 stages was applied during the research, they were: Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting. This research found the increase of learning result in every stage that was applied. In the 1st stage, there were 51% (21 students) who had score for learning result above the minimum standardize score which is 75. 2nd stage found there were 73% (30 students) who had score for learning result above the minimum standardize score which is 75. And in the 3rd stage, there were 85% (35 students) who had score for learning result above the minimum standardize score which is 75. Moreover, cartoon character art board media able to increase students’ activity to learn as well. Active level percentage in the first cycle was 12%. In the second cycle was increasing to 38%. And in the third cycle significantly increased to 54%. The conclusion of the research is the using of cartoon character art board as a media could increase the Social Studies learning result and the active level of the students, therefor the students could get a better score for social studies subject which is above the minimum standardize score 75. Keywords: Class acted research, Cartoon character art board, Social Studies Learning Outcomes, Students’ activeness.
PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN COOPERATIVE TIPE PAIRED STORYTELLING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR IPS (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Pada Siswa Kelas VIII-3 di SMP Negeri 28 Tangerang) Meyga Fernanda Abdull; Eko siswono; saipiatuddin
Edukasi IPS Vol 4 No 1 (2020): EDUKASI IPS
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPS Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/EIPS.004.1.03


This research is airned at potraying the improvement of students learning outcome and activeness in social science subject using Cooperative Tipe Paired Storytelling model instruction. The research method used in this study was Classroom Action Research conducted collaboratively with social studies teacher. This research is conducted in VIII-3 Public Middle School 28 Tangerang with the total participants is 35 students. This research uses three cycles, in which each cycle consists of four stages, namely: Planning, Acting, Observation, and Reflection. The findings of this research showed that there is an improvement of students learning outcome and activeness in social science subject. In cycle I, 37% or 13 students scored above KKM 72. In cycle II, 60% or 21 students scored above KKM 72. In cycle III, 89% or 31 students scored above KKM 72. The percentage of the improvement of students skill in asking questions, answering, giving opinions, and solve the problem. In conclusion, the implementation of Cooperative Tipe Paired Storytelling model instruction can improve the students learning outcome and activeness, especially in VIII-3 Public Middle School 28 Tangerang. Therefore, the implementation of Cooperative Tipe Paired Storytelling model instruction is recommended to be used by all of the social science teachers in creating the enjoyable learning atmosphere and improving the students learning outcome and activeness. Key Words : Classroom Action Research, Cooperative Tipe Paired Storytelling Model, Learning Outcome, Students Activeness.
Edukasi IPS Vol 5 No 1 (2021): EDUKASI IPS
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPS Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/EIPS.005.1.02


Abstract This research aims to determine (1) know the social conformity behavior of Hallyu Up! Edutainment Bandung on the growth of K-Pop music culture (2) find out the youth of Hallyu Up! Edutainment Student Activity Unit makes K-Pop music a form of social identity. The research methodology used is a qualitative approach with data techniques used are interviews, literature study, and observation. The method in data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate (1) social conformity behavior by teenagers. Hallyu Up! Edutainment Student Activity Unit is cohesiveness, agreement and obedience in a group to the development of K-Pop music, (2) cause of teenagers Hallyu Up! Edutainment Student Activity Unit makes K-Pop music a form of social identity in society, is (a) internal factors, including motivational factors, in-group attractiveness, interests and talents, and agreement in achieving the same goal, (b) external factors, including the influence of friendship groups and social media. Keywords: Social Conformity, Social Identity and K-Pop Music Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) mengetahui perilaku konformitas sosial remaja Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Hallyu Up! Edutainment terhadap perkembangan budaya musik K-Pop (2) mengetahui remaja Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Hallyu Up! Edutainment menjadikan musik K-Pop sebagai bentuk identitas sosial. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kegiatan wawancara, studi pustaka, dan observasi. Metode dalam analisis data yang digunakan adalah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) perilaku konformitas sosial yang dilakukan remaja Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Hallyu Up! Edutainment yaitu kekompakan, kesepakatan dan ketaatan dalam sebuah kelompok terhadap perkembangan musik K-Pop, (2) penyebab remaja Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Hallyu Up! Edutainment menjadikan musik K-Pop sebagai bentuk identitas sosialnya di masyarakat, yaitu (a) faktor internal, diantaranya faktor motivasi, daya tarik in-group, minat dan bakat, dan kesepakatan dalam mencapai tujuan yang sama, (b) faktor eksternal, diantaranya pengaruh keompok pertemanan dan media sosial. Kata Kunci: Konformitas Sosial, Identitas Sosial, dan Musik K-Pop
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Geografi Vol 7, No 4 (2022): Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Geografi Volume 7 No. 4 Oktober 2022
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36709/jppg.v7i4.26188


Muaragembong coastal topography is classified as a sloping topography, which allows water from the Java Sea to more easily enter the mainland when sea level rises. As a result of the tidal flood, it is very important to know the level of community knowledge about preparedness attitudes so that if there is a tidal flood, the community is more ready to save themselves. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of knowledge and the coastal community's tidal flood preparedness in the sub-district of Muaragembong, Bekasi Regency, West Java. The approach used is cross sectional, which is measuring data only at one time, but that does not mean that the measurements are only carried out on the same day or time, but that the variables are measured only once, so there is no follow-up on the variables studied. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling with a total sample of 121 respondents. There are 48 respondents who have a good level of knowledge have a good level of preparedness, while 20 respondents with a low level of knowledge have a low level of preparedness. Knowledge is the main factor of tidal disaster preparedness. The results of the relationship between knowledge and preparedness for tidal floods have a value of p = 0.000 (p<0.05) so that there is a relationship between knowledge and preparedness for tidal floods, besides that it can be said that if the level of knowledge is good, the level of disaster preparedness is also good.
Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Remaja dalam Penelitian Sosial di Masa Pandemi Nandi Kurniawan; Saipiatuddin Saipiatuddin; Achmad Hidayaht
Satwika: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 1 (2021): SATWIKA: Volume 1, Number 1, June 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.877 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/satwika.010105


This article is the result of community service activities that aim to increase adolescent knowledge in social research, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. The form of activity is in the form of webinars which are expected to be one solution to overcome the low interest of adolescents in social research. This community service activity was carried out in the youth scientific group (KIR) of SMAN 24 which consisted of 15 student members. The webinar activity was carried out in two sessions of material, among others about the urgency of social research and types of social research. The material is provided with an interactive lecture and discussion model so that the activities are two-way. Data collection was carried out in the form of an open questionnaire and pre-test-post-test. Data analysis with descriptive statistics and analysis of answers from open questionnaires. The results of the activity show that KIR member students have understood the urgency of social research and are able to express ideas to be developed into social research. Social research can be a positive activity for teenagers during a pandemic as a medium for self-development. In conclusion, this activity has been able to increase students' knowledge and understanding in social research. In addition, this activity has also developed critical thinking skills. ABSTRAK Artikel ini merupakan hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan remaja dalam penelitian sosial terutama di masa pandemic Covid 19. Bentuk kegiatan berupa webinar yang diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi rendahnya minat remaja dalam penelitian sosial. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada kelompok ilmiah remaja (KIR) SMAN 24 yang terdiri dari 15 siswa anggota. Kegiatan webinar dilaksanakan dalam dua sesi materi antara lain tentang urgensi penelitian sosial dan jenis - jenis penelitian sosial. Materi diberikan dengan model ceramah interaktif dan diskusi agar kegiatan bersifat dua arah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan berupa angket terbuka dan pre test-post test. Analisis data dengan statistik deksriptif dan analisis jawaban dari angket terbuka. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan siswa anggota KIR telah memahami urgensi penelitian sosial dan mampu mengungkapkan ide untuk dikembangkan ke dalam penelitian sosial. Penelitian sosial dapat menjadi kegiatan positif bagi remaja pada saat pandemi sebagai media pengembangan diri. Kesimpulan dari kegiatan ini telah mampu menigkatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa dalam penelitian sosial. Selain itu kegiatan ini juga telah mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis.
Lingkungan pembelajaran daring, Hubungan Lingkungan Pembelajaran Daring dengan Kejenuhan Belajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan IPS Rita Purnama Sari; Dian Alfia Purwandari; Saipiatuddin Saipiatuddin
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pendidikan IPS Vol. 17 No. 2 (2023): Oktober
Publisher : Direktorat Pascasarjana Universitas PGRI Kanjuruhan Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21067/jppi.v17i2.7189


This study aims to determine correlation online learning environment with study burnout of Social Studies Education students, Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Jakarta. The method in this study uses a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. The population used in this study was the Social Studies Education students of the 2019-2021 class as many as 254 students and the total sample was 155 respondents. Based on the analysis of the product moment value of sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 is less than 0.05 and Rcount (-0.416). The results of this study can be concluded that there is a negative correlation the online learning environment with student study burnout of Social Studies Education. The result reflect contrary of online learning environment to get down study burnout so it had the online learning environment better.
Pengaruh Fenomena Cashless Society Terhadap Gaya Hidup Masyarakat di Jakarta. Made Adhiya Wikannanda Vidya Yasmiartha; saipiatuddin
Edukasi IPS Vol 3 No 2 (2019): EDUKASI IPS
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPS Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/EIPS.003.2.02


ABSTRAK Made Adhiya Wikannanda, Pengaruh Fenomena Cashless Society terhadap Gaya Hidup Mahasiswa di Jakarta. Skripsi. Jakarta : Program Studi Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2019. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis fenomena Cashless Society sebagai model baru dalam menganalisis gaya hidup mahasiswa di Jakarta. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dengan memberikan kuesioner kepada mahasiswa di Universitas Negeri Jakarta dengan total responden sebanyak 80 orang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Kriteria yang digunakan dalam pemilihan sampel ini adalah responden yang mempunyai aplikasi pembayaran secara cashless (Go-Pay) dan menggunakannya minimal 1 (satu) kali dalam seminggu. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan persamaan regresi linier sederhana Y = 29.850 + 0,670X. Persamaan regresi ini memiliki pengertian bahwa terjadi kenaikan (1) pada gaya hidup maka cashless society akan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,670. Sedangkan jika cashless society mengalami penurunan (0) maka gaya hidup akan memiliki penurunan sebesar 29.850.Koefisien determinasi diperoleh senilai 61,3% yang artinya semakin tinggi pengguna cashless berarti akan semakin mempengaruhi gaya hidup penggunanya. Sedangkan nilai 38,7% yang tersisa adalah nilai yang mempengaruhi gaya hidup dari faktor-faktor lainnya. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t (two tail) didapatkan nilai hasil sebesar 11,127. Maka taraf siginifikansi dari thitung > ttabel maka hipotesis H1 diterima dan H0 mengalami penolakan. Kata kunci : Cashless Society, Gaya Hidup Mahasiswa, Theory Of Planned Behaviour. ABSTRACT Made Adhiya Wikannanda, Influence of the Cashless Society Phenomenon on Student Lifestyle. Bachelor, Thesis. Jakarta: Program Study Education of Social Science. The Faculty of Social Sciences, State University of Jakarta, 2019. This research aims to analyse the phenomenon of Cashless Society as a new model in analyzing the student's lifestyle in Jakarta. The data used in this research is primary data by providing questionnaires to students at the Jakarta State University with a total of 80 respondents. The method used is a quantitative approach method. Sampling is performed using the purposive sampling technique. The criteria used in this sampel selection are respondents who have a cashless payment application (Go-Pay) and use it at least 1 (one) time a week. The conclusion of this study suggests a simple linear regression equation Y = 29,850 + 0, 670X. This regression equation has the sense that there is an increase (1) in the lifestyle then the cashless society will experience a rise of 0.670. Whereas if the cashless society has decreased (0) then the lifestyle will have a decrease of 29,850. The coefficient of determination is achieved at 61.3% which means the higher the cashless users will be increasingly affecting the user's lifestyle. While the remaining 38,7% value is a value that affects the lifestyle of other factors. Based on the results of the hypotheses test calculation using T (two tail) test obtained a result value of 11.127. Then the level of Siginifikansi from tcount > ttablel it make hypothesis means H1 accepted and H0 suffer rejection. Keyword : Cashless Society, Student Lifestyle, Theory Of Planned Behaviour.
Guru Dalam Pembentukan Sikap Pluralisme Eka Supriyanti; saipiatuddin
Edukasi IPS Vol 3 No 2 (2019): EDUKASI IPS
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPS Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/EIPS.003.2.04


This study aims to (1) Know why teachers must form a pluralism attitude in students in West Jakarta's Tzu Chi Loving Middle School? (2) How do teachers shape pluralism in the Tzu Chi Loving Middle School? provide an overview of the teacher in forming a pluralism attitude at the Cinta Tzu Chi Middle School, West Jakarta. The research method used is descriptive, with data collection techniques through closed questionnaires (questionnaires), observation, interviews and documentation. The subject of this study was the Tzu Chi love junior high school teacher and the Tzu Chi Loving Middle School Student. The results showed that (1) the Tzu Chi Loving Middle School is a school that has religion, as the spearhead in the world of education, teachers have a significant role in the process of developing, directing, and motivating students to become useful human beings for the nation and state . (2) How the teacher in forming the pluralism attitude of students can be seen from how the teacher makes planning and learning processes in the classroom, such as at the beginning the teacher gives advice and motivational sentences to students, then by using the learning method. However, both schools play an important role in the formation of pluralism in the Tzu Chi Loving Middle School so that the process of forming pluralism in diverse schools can work well. Keywords: Pluralism, Tzu Chi Loving Middle School, Tolerance
INTERAKSI SOSIAL PEKERJA ANAK (Studi Kasus Anak yang Bekerja Sebagai Buruh Bangunan di RW.05 Desa Kalimukti Kabupaten Cirebon) Muhammad Helmi Helmi; saipiatuddin
Edukasi IPS Vol 3 No 1 (2019): EDUKASI IPS
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPS Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/EIPS.003.1.06


This research aims to: (1) Know the factors cause children to prefer working as builder rather than go to school. (2) Know the social interaction of child labourers in builder at the work environment (3) Knowing the changes lifestyle of child labourers after working as builder. This researched in RW.05 Kalimukti Village, Pabedilan District, Cirebon Regency more than three month since March to May 2019. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and documentation. Data sources in this research are key informants and core informants consist of the chairperson of RW.05, head of a village 03, head of builder and parents of child laborers as key informants and four child laborers as builder as core informants. The results of research are conclude that (1) Factors underlying children who choose to work as builder rather than go to school are less of motivation to learn; Environment; Self-will (independent); Economic crush (2) There are forms of social interaction on child labourers in the form of cooperation, accommodation and obstacles in the form of conflicts that occur in child labourers in the work environment. As for the things that become barriers to child labor such as adaptation to the new environment (3) There is a change in lifestyle on the better habits in children after they are work as builder. As well as changes in the appearance and economic independence caused by the income received after work.