Astrid Athina Indradewi
Program Studi Hukum Universitas Pelita Harapan Kampus Surabaya

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Transaksi Keuangan Mencurigakan dari Uang Elektronik Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Suspicious Financial Transactions from Electronic Money During the Covid-19 Pandemic Ginting, Yuni Priskila; Indradewi, Astrid Athina
Seminar Nasional Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang Vol. 7 No. 2 (2021): Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi Hukum: Berintegritas dan Berbasis Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/snhunnes.v7i2.724


The development of technology in the era of globalization accompanied by lifestyle changes has brought a lot of influence in the human civilization system. Especially in the field of economics, which originally only used banknotes or cash to transact is now available some merchants, e-commerce, and online transportation as a provider of digital payment instruments that offer the use of electronic money. During the coronavirus disease 19 or Covid-19 pandemic, there is also an increasing trend towards electronic money transactions. Due to the emergence of the Covid-19 virus, the World Health Organization warned that banknotes may be able to spread coronavirus. This electronic money is very easy to transfer or transfer. This then raises a question about the possibility of money laundering crimes with increasing electronic money transactions during the covid-19 pandemic. The type of research used is Normative Juridical by conducting library studies that use various legal theories and laws and regulations. The problem approaches that the author takes are statutes approach and doctrinal approach. Transactions through electronics are prioritized during pandemics whose settings have not been specifically regulated coupled with the modus operandi that existed during the pandemic. Nevertheless, it remains attached to criminal responsibility for perpetrators of money laundering crimes. In this case, harmonization and cooperation between institutions are needed to be able to monitor and eradicate suspicious financial transactions.
Jurnal Hukum Magnum Opus Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Agustus 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30996/jhmo.v4i2.5294


Abstract This research aims to find a legal certainty regarding liability of an intermediary trader towards final consumer. All of these times, there is a legal vacuum regarding the legal relationship which occurs between, sellers, intermediaries, and consumer. Acts No. 8 Year 1999 regarding Consumer Protection classifies intermediary traders, distributors, or agents as mere business actors and not distinguish the role of each of these intermediary parties. The method use for this scientific research is Normative Juridical. The researcher used Statutes Approach, Doctrinal Approach, and Case Approach. This paper will discuss about the legal vacuum which happened during Consumer Protection Law, regarding the relationship status of intermediary traders, there is no clear regulation surrounding the accountability of said middleman and its consumer. Furthermore, the paper will examine differences between various intermediary during the distribution process. The multitude number of intermediary traders has caused many branches of law relationships between intermediaries, businessman, and end consumer. From these relationships, this paper can further explain the type of liability that applies to each party. In conclusion, this research argues that responsibility between each party (producers, intermediary traders, and final consumers) are tiered and must be adjusted accordingly to its type of relationship and the transaction that has occurred. The final consumer cannot meddle or demand accountability from the intermediary trader, if the intermediary itself in the distribution channel only acts as a middleman. Business owners who own intermediary actors cannot resolve themselves from the liability of consumers, whereas the intermediary only acts for them.Keywords: consumer protection; intermediary trader; liabilityAbstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan secara pasti tentang tanggung gugat perantara perdagangan kepada konsumen akhir. Selama ini  terdapat kekosongan hukum mengenai hubungan hukum yang terjadi di antara penjual, perantara, dan konsumen. Undang-Undang No. 8 Tahun 1999 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen menggolongkan pedagang perantara, distributor atau agen sebagai pelaku usaha semata dan tidak membedakan kedudukan dari masing-masing para pihak perantara ini. Tipe penelitian ini menggunakan Yuridis Normatif. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Statutes Approach, Doctrinal Approach dan Case Approach. Penelitian ini pertama-tama membahas mengenai kekosongan hukum yang terjadi dalam UUPK mengenai status hubungan perantara perdagangan, belum adanya pengaturan mengenai tanggung gugat yang jelas bagi perantara perdagangan ini membawa kerugian bagi perantara perdagangan dan juga bagi konsumen akhir. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan membahas mengenai berbagai macam jenis Pedagang perantara yang dikenal dalam jalur distribusi. Banyaknya jenis pedagang perantara ini juga melahirkan banyaknya jenis hubungan hukum yang terjadi di antara pedang perantara, pelaku usaha dan konsumen akhir. Dari jenis-jenis hubungan hukum yang tercipta maka barulah dapat di pahami mengenai jenis tanggung gugat yang berlaku bagi masing-masing pihak. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa tanggung jawab yang terjadi antara Produsen, pedagang perantara dan konsumen akhir adalah tanggung jawab berjenjang, yang harus disesuaikan dengan tipe dan jenis hubungan hukumnya dalam setiap transaksi yang terjadi. Konsumen akhir tidak bisa serta merta secara mutlak meminta pertanggung jawaban dari pedagang perantara apabila dalam jalur distribusi pedagangan perantara hanya bertindak sebagai perantara perdagangan. Pelaku usaha yang menggunakan jalur pedagang perantara tidak bisa membebaskan dirinya secara mutlak dari tanggung gugat kepada konsumen akhir, manakala pedagang perantara itu bertindak untuk dan atas nama pelaku usaha tersebut.
Indonesian State Law Review (ISLRev) Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Indonesian State Law Review
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/islrev.v4i1.49842


This research paper discusses the Child labor protection law, specifically in culinary business. The Author raises a phenomenon regarding a Child with initials JS who built Tang Kitchen culinary business along with his brother in Surabaya. Research method used is a Normative Juridical method, that processes legal material collected through literature review. This study aims to discover applicable law (legal protection) towards Children working in culinary business, particularly based on Act No. 13 year 2003 concerning Employment, Art No. 23 year 2002 concerning Children Protection and Art No. 35 year 2014 regarding Amendment of Art No. 23 year 2002 concerning Children Protection (Art No. 35 year 2014). The research result shows that JS and his Brother who are still classified as Children, have received a protection from Indonesian applicable law protection based on Article 69 and 71 of Act No. 13 year 2003 regarding Employment. Moreover, JS’ job in Tang Kitchen culinary is not considered as a job that endangers Children as regulated under KEPMENAKERTRANS 235/2003, and has complied with JS’ talents and interests as regulated under KEPMENAKERTRANS 115/2004.
Perspektif Vol 26, No 3 (2021): Edisi September
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v26i3.808


Terbatasnya lahan di Indonesia telah menyebabkan pengembang properti berbondong-bondong membangun sistem perumahan secara vertikal atau bertingkat. Kondotel lahir dari konsep penggabungan antara kondominium dan hotel. Status kepemilikan unit kondotel secara hukum berkaitan dengan bentuk perlindungan hukum yang dapat diterapkan terhadap pemilik unit kondotel dalam kasus wanprestasi oleh pengembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian normatif ini adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan, doktrin dan kasus. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa mekanisme penyelenggaraaan kondotel serta dasar hukum status kepemilikan kondotel yang mengacu pada Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2011 tentang Rumah Susun memberikan bukti alas hak atas kepemilikan unit kondotel pada pemilik kondotel berupa Sertifikat Hak Milik atas Satuan Rumah Susun. Dalam kaitannya dengan kasus wanprestasi oleh pengembang maka pemilik kondotel sekaligus konsumen memiliki hak untuk menuntut ganti rugi atas kerugian yang dideritanya pada pengembang. Konsumen yang telah melaksanakan asas iktikad baik (good faith) dan penuh tanggung jawab berhak memperoleh perlindungan hukum. Oleh sebab itu, penyelenggaraan kondotel kedepannya memerlukan aturan baru yang secara khusus mengatur mengenai mekanisme penyelenggaraan kondotel.The limited land condition in Indonesia has caused property developers build vertical or multi-storey housing systems. Condotel was born from the concept of merging between condominiums and hotels. The legal status of the condotel unit ownership relates to the form of legal protection that can be applied to the owner of the condotel unit in the case of default by the developer. The research method used in this normative research is the approach to legislation, doctrine and cases. This study concludes that the condotel management mechanism and the legal basis for the condotel ownership status which refers to Law Number 20 of 2011 concerning Flats provide evidence of the right to ownership of the condotel unit to the condotel owner in the form of a Certificate of Ownership of the Flat Unit. In relation to the case of default by the developer, the owner of the condotel as well as the consumer has the right to claim compensation for the losses suffered by the developer. Consumers who have implemented the principle of good faith and are full of responsibility are entitled to legal protection. Therefore, future condotel operations require new rules that specifically regulate the condotel operation mechanism.
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/julr.v4i2.3912


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan hukum antar perusahaan dalam sistem perusahaan grup ditinjau dari Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas dan untuk mengetahui peran serta tanggung jawab perusahaan induk dalam kegiatan operasional anak-anak perusahaannya. Fenomena perusahaan grup ini menimbulkan celah hukum terkait dengan kekosongan norma dalam pelaksanaan perusahaan induk dan perusahaan anak sebab konsepsi mengenai perusahaan grup tidak berada dalam ranah hukum karena perusahaan grup lebih mengacu kepada realitas bisnis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Yuridis Normatif dengan melakukan studi pustaka yang menggunakan berbagai teori hukum dan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa Undang-Undang No. 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas tidak mengenal adanya hubungan khusus antara induk perusahaan dan anak perusahaan. Dalam sebuah perusahaan grup hubungan antara perusahaan induk dan perusahaan anak tidak lebih dan tidak kurang adalah hubungan sebagai perusahaan dan pemegang sahamnya saja. Hak dan kewajiban kedua jenis perusahaan sebatas apa yang telah diperjanjikan dalam Anggaran Dasar atau perjanjian-perjanjian shareholder agreement yang telah di tandatangani. Segala perbuatan dari anak-anak perusahaan adalah perbuatan mandiri dari perusahaan itu sendiri. Jadi dapat dipahami bahwa perusahaan induk tetap memiliki prinsip tanggung jawab terbatas sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab pemegang saham dalam sebuah perusahaan.
Tinjauan Kewajiban Dan Perlindungan Hukum Oleh Penyelenggara Platform Equity Crowdfunding Dalam Aplikasi LandX Astrid Athina Indradewi; Carissa Amanda Siswanto; Jeffrey Hadi Soejono; Leonardo Caesar Haryono; Meyfa Angelita Elisabeth Mangkang
Ajudikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): Ajudikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Serang Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30656/ajudikasi.v6i1.4680


The presence of internet technology has provided many benefits and conveniences in human life. Technological advancements in the financial sector are also inevitable. One of the digital financial innovations in the financial services sector is crowdfunding. Equity crowdfunding is an activity to raise funds from the public using the internet as the media. Equity Crowdfunding or Information Technology-Based Crowdfunding Service has been regulated in POJK Number 57/POJK.04/2020 concerning Crowdfunding Services Through Information Technology-Based Stock Offerings. This mechanism provides opportunities and alternatives for entrepreneurs to obtain funding for their businesses. One of the providers of equity crowdfunding platforms in Indonesia is PT. Numex Technology Indonesia is a legal entity because it has fulfilled the requirements of POJK Number 57/POJK.04/2020 and registered with the Ministry of Communication and Information through the LandX application as well as is licensed and supervised by OJK and the Ministry of Communication and Information with the list number 001199.01/DJAI.PSE/07/2021. Through the LandX application, the financier and the property developer can meet in civil legal relations to buy and sell shares. When it can be proved that the organizer violated the financier's rights, then the organizer can also be liable based on default or tort law as stipulated in the Indonesian Civil Code. The high enthusiasm of Indonesian citizens for investment supported by the ongoing national and global economic recovery must inevitably be supported by protection for the risks that may arise. This research aims to analyze the mechanism of use, obligations, and legal protections by equity crowdfunding platform providers in LandX applications. This research uses normative juridical methods with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach.
Perlindungan Konsumen Terhadap Pembelian Obat Mengandung Psikotropika Pada Online Marketplace Carissa Amanda Siswanto; Astrid Athina Indradewi; Ketzia Xavier Emmanuella Pallo; Anandita Zefanya Purba
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/julr.v5i2.5337


This research aims to analyze the form of legal protections for consumers against the purchase of drugs containing psychotropic substances on the online marketplace. the rapid development of e-commerce in recent years when the internet was introduced. With the internet, transactions in trade no longer see national boundaries. This ease of accessing the internet makes consumers of e-commerce increase, one of which is in the online marketplace, due to the ease of payment systems, practicality, short time to make it more efficient, as well as the many attractive promos provided. The implementation of transactions from this rapidly growing online marketplace also needs to be balanced with strict supervision. The research method used is normative juridical and then analyzed with secondary data in the form of primary and secondary legal materials. The results of this study indicate that the form of legal protection for consumers against the purchase of drugs containing psychotropic substances on the online marketplace can be in the form of delivering complete and accurate information about products that are traded online. Nowever, there must still be the responsibility from the online marketplace or business actors to consumers. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalis bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen terhadap pembelian obat mengandung psikotropika pada online marketplace. Hadirnya teknologi internet mengakibatkan transaksi dalam perdagangan tidak lagi melihat batas-batas wilayah negara. Kemudahan dalam mengakses internet menimbulkan peningkatan konsumen e-commerce, salah satunya pada online marketplace. Terdapat berbagai fasilitas dalam sistem pembayaran, praktis, banyaknya pilihan produk, singkatnya waktu sehingga membuat lebih efisien, serta berbagai macam promo menarik yang diberikan. Tentunya pelaksanaan transaksi dari online marketplace yang berkembang pesat ini juga perlu diimbangi dengan adanya pengawasan yang tegas terutama terkait beredarnya obat-obatan yang mengandung psikotropika. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif kemudian dianalisa dengan data sekunder berupa bahan hukum primer dan sekunder. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bentuk perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen terhadap pembelian obat mengandung psikotropika pada online marketplace dapat berupa penyampaian informasi yang lengkap dan akurat mengenai produk yang diperjualbelikan secara online. Namun, tetap saja harus ada tanggung jawab dari online marketplace atau para pelaku usaha kepada konsumen. 
Transfer Period Of Land Rights Ownership By Foreign Citizen Due To Inheritance Andyna Susiawati Achmad; Astrid Athina Indradewi
Widya Yuridika Vol 6, No 1 (2023): Widya Yuridika: Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Universitas Widya Gama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/wy.v6i1.3916


Land is an essential natural resource that is very important for the life and livelihood of all living things. Recognizing the importance of the primary need for the land, it is not uncommon for disputes or disputes to arise because of this. The Basic Agrarian Law stipulates that the highest and strongest ownership of land rights, namely property rights, can only be owned by Indonesian citizens. If there are foreign nationals who have ownership rights to land in Indonesia by accident due to inheritance, then within one year the person concerned is required to relinquish his rights. The mechanism of transfer of land rights ownership by foreigners is not really clear enough. Thus, this paper aims to justify and emphasize when the duration starts to be calculated because the laws and regulations do not provide any explanation regarding this. This study uses a normative juridical legal research method based on a literature study on various legal theories and laws and regulations. The problem approach used is the statutory and doctrinal approach. The results of this study are the period of transfer of ownership of land rights by foreign citizens due to inheritance, starting from one year since the acquisition of these rights or the loss of citizenship. Foreign heirs have a period of 1 (one) year since the process of changing the name on the land certificate is not counted since the inheritance is opened or since the inheritance certificate has been issued.
Jurnal Privat Law Vol 10, No 1 (2022): JANUARI-JUNI
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/privat.v10i1.60634


Pembuatan surat wasiat merupakan suatu perbuatan hukum yang dilakukan seseorang semasa hidupnya. Isi dari surat wasiat adalah pernyataan yang mengutarakan keinginannya mengenai harta kekayaan pada masa yang akan datang ketika ia meninggal dunia. Wasiat menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari hukum waris diatur dalam Buku Kedua Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata atau Burgerlijk Wetboek. Seiring dengan majunya perkembangan zaman, seorang Warga Negara Indonesia dapat membuat surat wasiat atau testament di luar negeri. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut terdapat perbedaan formalitas-formalitas hukum di negara dimana pewaris Warga Negara Indonesia tersebut sedang berada saat itu, persyaratan pembuatan surat wasiatnya, dan akibat hukum dari surat wasiat terhadap ahli waris yang telah menjadi Warga Negara Asing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti mengenai akibat hukum terhadap ahli waris Warga Negara Asing atas pembuatan wasiat oleh pewaris Warga Negara Indonesia di luar negeri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan doktrinal dan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini adalah surat wasiat yang dibuat oleh pewaris Warga Negara Indonesia di luar negeri akan tetap sah dan berlaku selama isi atau esensi dari surat tersebut sesuai dan sejalan dengan sistem hukum. Terhadap ahli waris Warga Negara Asing tidak mengakibatkan hilangnya hak atas isi dari surat wasiat tersebut.
Perspektif Vol. 26 No. 3 (2021): Edisi September
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services (LPPM) of Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30742/perspektif.v26i3.808


Terbatasnya lahan di Indonesia telah menyebabkan pengembang properti berbondong-bondong membangun sistem perumahan secara vertikal atau bertingkat. Kondotel lahir dari konsep penggabungan antara kondominium dan hotel. Status kepemilikan unit kondotel secara hukum berkaitan dengan bentuk perlindungan hukum yang dapat diterapkan terhadap pemilik unit kondotel dalam kasus wanprestasi oleh pengembang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian normatif ini adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan, doktrin dan kasus. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa mekanisme penyelenggaraaan kondotel serta dasar hukum status kepemilikan kondotel yang mengacu pada Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2011 tentang Rumah Susun memberikan bukti alas hak atas kepemilikan unit kondotel pada pemilik kondotel berupa Sertifikat Hak Milik atas Satuan Rumah Susun. Dalam kaitannya dengan kasus wanprestasi oleh pengembang maka pemilik kondotel sekaligus konsumen memiliki hak untuk menuntut ganti rugi atas kerugian yang dideritanya pada pengembang. Konsumen yang telah melaksanakan asas iktikad baik (good faith) dan penuh tanggung jawab berhak memperoleh perlindungan hukum. Oleh sebab itu, penyelenggaraan kondotel kedepannya memerlukan aturan baru yang secara khusus mengatur mengenai mekanisme penyelenggaraan kondotel.The limited land condition in Indonesia has caused property developers build vertical or multi-storey housing systems. Condotel was born from the concept of merging between condominiums and hotels. The legal status of the condotel unit ownership relates to the form of legal protection that can be applied to the owner of the condotel unit in the case of default by the developer. The research method used in this normative research is the approach to legislation, doctrine and cases. This study concludes that the condotel management mechanism and the legal basis for the condotel ownership status which refers to Law Number 20 of 2011 concerning Flats provide evidence of the right to ownership of the condotel unit to the condotel owner in the form of a Certificate of Ownership of the Flat Unit. In relation to the case of default by the developer, the owner of the condotel as well as the consumer has the right to claim compensation for the losses suffered by the developer. Consumers who have implemented the principle of good faith and are full of responsibility are entitled to legal protection. Therefore, future condotel operations require new rules that specifically regulate the condotel operation mechanism.