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Pemetaan Landuse Skala RW di Desa Cikeusik Kabupaten Pandeglang Provinsi Banten Yundrawan Ega Wibowo; Sutoyo
Jurnal Pusat Inovasi Masyarakat (PIM) Vol. 2 No. 4 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Pertanian Bogor

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Boundaries of the village is the boundary of government administration between villages which is a series of coordinate points that are on the surface of the earth can be signs of nature such as mountains, rivers or artificial elements (roads, railroads, channels Irrigation, and boundary pillars) in the form of maps. The process of mapping the RW scale landuse in Cikesik village is done in two stages, namely the observation phase and map making stage. The observation phase is conducted for three days starting from 7 – 10 June 2019, observation is done to ensure the boundaries and potential of village in Ciagic village. The map making phase was conducted on 11 – 20 June 2019. The area of Ciagic village with scale mapping method Ciagic village is dominated by rice fields. The area covered as a tree of 47.15 hectares, a residential area of 18.95 ha, and a paddy field area of 56.73 ha differs from the area of Ciarate village, which is calculated through the RW scale mapping calculation method. The village scale mapping method gained an area of 697.31 hectares for trees, 79.72 hectares for settlements, and 572.05 ha for paddy fields. The Total area of Ciagic village has an area of 1,349.09 ha. Keywords: map, scale, spacious
Pelatihan Peningkatan Kualitas Produksi dan Pemasaran Makanan Paket Eungkout Keumamah Pada Industri Rumahan Lhokseumawe Dalam Mendukung SDGS-3 Good Health and Well Being Endang Syahriani; Yusuf A Samad; Dina Hendiani; Sutoyo; Chairul Bariah
Lentera : Jurnal Ilmiah Sains, Teknologi, Ekonomi, Sosial, dan Budaya Vol 7 No 4 (2023): LENTERA, DESEMBER 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Almuslim

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This service activity aims to increase the understanding and ability of prospective home industry entrepreneurs to produce quality production and marketing that is in accordance with input-output. Another aim is to develop synergy between universities and home industry business actors so that training and assistance is needed in forming and developing strategies that work well and are in accordance with knowledge based on empirical studies. The material presented is the concept of improving production quality, up to date marketing techniques. The results of this service can be used as input for lecturers and educational staff to increase professionalism and also as input in preparing teaching materials for managerial economics and industrial economics.
Analisis Kerentanan dan Penduduk Terdampak pada Bencana Tsunami di Pesisir Selatan Jawa, Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Cilacap Handoyo, GTPAK; Sutoyo; Syafiudin, Moh Fifik
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 8 No. 2: Agustus 2023
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University and The Institut of ENgineering Indonesia (PII), Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.8.02.77-84


Indonesia memiliki banyak daerah rawan bencana. Faktor yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya tsunami salah satunya gempa bumi yang tidak dapat dihindari mengingat posisi tata letak geografis Indonesia yang berada di Zona megathrust. Sebagian besar gempa bumi ini berpusat di dasar Samudera Hindia dan beberapa di antaranya menimbulkan gelombang laut besar (tsunami) di Pulau Jawa. Penelitian dilakukan di salah satu kabupaten yang berada di selatan Pulau Jawa yaitu Kabupaten Cilacap yang merupakan kabupaten terluas di provinsi Jawa Tengah dengan luas wilayahnya sekitar 6,2% dari total wilayah Jawa Tengah. Pemodelan tsunami dilakukan menggunakan Model Crunch untuk memprediksi tingkat risiko bencana tsunami. Metode ini merupakan hasil perkalian antara bahaya (hazard) dengan kerentanan (vulnerability). Bahaya tsunami dalam Model Crunch tersebut berupa tinggi gelombang tsunami dan luas genangan, sedangkan kerentanan berupa kepadatan penduduk, elevasi, infrastruktur, dan jarak permukiman dari pantai. Berdasarkan hasil Weighted Overlay Analysist yang dilakukan pada setiap parameter yang telah diklasifikasikan kelas kerentanannya, kerentanan wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Cilacap terhadap bencana tsunami yaitu berada pada kategori cukup rentan hingga rentan. Wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Cilacap berada pada kategori cukup rentan hingga rentan terhadap bencana tsunami, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian lanjutan seperti alur evakuasi untuk membuat jalur evakuasi jika terjadi bencana tsunami, studi ketahanan masyarakat pesisir dalam menghadapi bencana tsunami dan upaya teknis yang dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan relokasi, adaptasi, dan proteksi.
Analisis Dampak Bencana Tsunami dan Perencanaan Jalur Evakuasi (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Sukabumi) Suri, Sulih Almaudi; Sutoyo; Syafiudin, Moh Fifik
Jurnal Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol. 9 No. 1: April 2024
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, IPB University and The Institut of ENgineering Indonesia (PII), Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/jsil.9.1.11-20


Posisi geografi Indonesia berada di atas tiga lempeng aktif, yaitu lempeng Pasifik, Indo-Australia, dan Eurasia yang bergerak konstan sehingga mengakibatkan sesar. Sesar tersebar di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia, salah satunya berada di Pulau Jawa yaitu Sesar Cimandiri yang terhampar dari barat ke timur melalui Pelabuhanratu hingga Gunung Tangkubanprahu. Lokasi Sesar yang membentang di wilayah Sukabumi menyebabkan berbagai bencana, seperti gempa bumi. Sukabumi dengan garis pantai sepanjang 177 km serta potensi pergeseran sesar di wilayah pantai berpotensi menyebabkan bencana tsunami hingga ketinggian 20 m, sehingga diperlukan analisis wilayah terdampak serta jumlah penduduk terdampak. Analisis dilakukan dengan bantuan software ArcGIS dan QGIS melalui beberapa pengerjaan, seperti permodelan inundasi, permodelan kerentanan wilayah, dan analisis penduduk terdampak. Permodelan inundasi dilakukan dengan memperkirakaan ketinggian gelombang di pinggir pantai sebesar 10, 15, dan 20 meter dan kemudian dilakukan clip dengan tutupan lahan Sukabumi. Jumlah penduduk terdampak dihitung dengan data kepadatan penduduk setiap kecamatan terdampak dan dikalikan dengan luas wilayah terdampak di setiap kecamatan. Luas wilayah terdampak dengan ketinggian run-up 10 meter sebesar 6781,08 ha, pada run-up 15 meter sebesar 9703,75 ha, dan pada run-up 20 meter sebesar 12609,24 ha. Kategori tutupan yang terdampak berupa badan air, empang/tambak, hutan, lahan pertanian, lahan terbangun, lahan terbuka, perkebunan, dan semak belukar. Jumlah penduduk terdampak dengan skenario 10m, 15m, dan 20m sebanyak 74.000 hingga 135.000 jiwa. Permodelan dan analisis tersebut diharapkan memberikan informasi mengenai luasan wilayah terdampak, jenis tutupan lahan terdampak, serta jumlah penduduk terdampak sehingga penelitian dapat dikembangkan. Penelitian mengenai dampak bencana tsunami diharapkan berkembang dengan adanya perencanaan konstruksi bangunan shelter yang memenuhi standar mitigasi.
International Conference on Health Science, Green Economics, Educational Review and Technology Vol. 5 No. 1: IHERT (2023) FIRST ISSUE: International Conference on Health Science, Green Economics,
Publisher : Universitas Efarina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54443/ihert.v5i1.394


This study aims to analyze the influence of product quality and service quality on consumer purchasing decisions at Investor Jeunieb Clothing Store in Bireuen. The research was conducted at Investor Jeunieb Clothing Store in Bireuen. The object of the research is consumers who visit Investor Jeunieb Clothing Store. The population in this study includes all consumers of Investor Jeunieb Clothing Store, the exact number of which is unknown. The sample was taken using the Hair formula, with a total sample size of 98 respondents. This study uses a multiple linear regression analysis model to determine the effect of product quality and service quality on purchasing decisions. The data was analyzed using SPSS software version 25.0. The analysis tools used include validity tests, reliability tests, classical assumption tests, multiple linear regression analysis, t-tests, F-tests, R-tests, and R-Square tests. The t-test results show that product quality with a t-value greater than the critical t-value at the 5% level (6.514 > 1.985) and a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05 and service quality with a t-value greater than the critical t-value at the 5% level (6.890 > 1.985) and a significance value of 0.001 < 0.05 have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. The F-test results indicate that the regression model used is significant with an F-value greater than the critical F-value (200.848 > 2.70) and a significance value (sig) of 0.000 < 0.05, which means that product quality and service quality together have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. The R-test results show a strong correlation between the independent variables and the dependent variable (R = 0.899). The R-Square test results indicate that 0.809 or 80.9% of the variation in customer loyalty can be explained by service quality and customer value, while the remaining 19.1% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study.
High Sensitivity CH4 and CO2 Gas Sensor Using Fiber Bragg Grating Coated with Single Layer Graphene Irawan, Dedi; Saktioto; Dwi Hanto; Widiyatmoko, Bambang; Sutoyo
Science and Technology Indonesia Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024): July
Publisher : Research Center of Inorganic Materials and Coordination Complexes, FMIPA Universitas Sriwijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26554/sti.2024.9.3.710-717


This article outlines the development of a Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) intended for use as a sensor for CH4 and CO2 gases. Following fabrication, the FBG was effectively treated with a layer of Graphene Material through a modified RF Sputtering process. This coating procedure involved introducing argon gas into the chamber and subjecting the FBG, securely held by two vacuum stages, to a temperature range of 27°C to 600°C by adjusting the power supplied to the cathode and anode, ranging from 0 to 125 Watts. Subsequently, the FBG was employed as a key sensing element within an experimental setup aimed at measuring gas concentrations within a confined space. The assessment involved analyzing the reflected signal of the FBG using an Optical Interrogator System, which demonstrated a shift in the Bragg wavelength of the reflected signal corresponding to varying gas concentrations. This study indicates promising outcomes for the Graphene-coated FBG as a gas sensor. The sensor’s sensitivity was evaluated based on the Bragg wavelength shift resulting from gas presence within the chamber. The Graphene-coated FBG exhibited sensitivities of 3.3 ppm for CH4 and 3.7 ppm for CO2, surpassing those reported in prior research efforts.
Jurnal 7 Samudra Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal 7 Samudra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54992/7samudra.v9i1.168


Motor listrik banyak difungsikan pada berbagai sektor, terutama di industry pelayaran. Dengan suhu dan arus berlebih pada motor listrik dapat menimbulkan terbakarnya motor listrik yang membuat tidak optimalnya kinerja sistem yang ada di atas kapal. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti merancang suatu alat pelindung pada motor DC dari gangguan ketidakseimbangan suhu dan arus berlebih dengan menggunakan mikrokontroler serta sensor yang berbasis internet of things. Sensor suhu dan sensor arus digunakan sebagai data masukan ke mikrokontroler esp32. Esp32 akan beroperasi bila presentase tidak seimbangnya suhu dan arus motor DC melebihi batas yang sudah ditentukan pada set point tertentu. Metode penelitian pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode pengembangan (research and development). Penelitian ini fokus pada bagaimana perancangan dan penerapan alat sistem proteksi motor dari kerusakan menggunakan mikrokontroler berbasis dengan internet of things. Perancangan sistem alat pelindung ini dilakukan di workshop kampus Politeknik Pelayaran Surabaya. Alat ini menggunakan sensor suhu DS18B20, sensor arus ACS712 dan LCD untuk menampilkan data yang ada. Jika motor mengalami gangguan pada arus dan suhunya otomatis sensor akan mengirim sinyal menuju mosfet guna menghentikan arus di rangkaian starting motor yang menimbulkan motor mati atau trip.
The Influence of the Inquiry Learning Model on Students' Interest in Learning and Social Studies Learning Outcomes Class IV SDN Were'a Sutoyo; Lukman; Mahfud M Gamar
Journal of Scientific Research, Education, and Technology (JSRET) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Vol. 3 No. 2 2024
Publisher : Kirana Publisher (KNPub)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58526/jsret.v3i2.417


Study This aim For explain the influence of the Inquiry Learning model on interest learning and results learn social studies students Class IV SDN Were'a . Types of research This is study quantitative use analysis descriptive . Research design using one-group pretest-posttest design and subjects study is participant educate class VI at SDN Were'a year lesson 2023/2024. Based on results study can concluded that the use of the Inquiry learning learning model is influential to interest and results learn social studies participants educate class IV ware'e shown​ from : (1) the Wilcoxon test results show positive ranks between interest learning social studies experience enhancement mark from pretest to posttest. The mean rank is 5.00 while the sum of ranks is 45.00; Paired Sample T Test results show calculated t value is 12.421 > from t table 2.262 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted which means There is influence use Inquiry Learning method with interest learning social studies in students class IV ware'e .; and result analysis regression shows the calculated t value is 4.290 > t table 2.364 then ha is accepted and ho is rejected and the R Square value is 0.76324 meaning the influence of X on Y is 76% , meanwhile the rest influenced by other variables that are not researched . Referring to the hypothesis above so can concluded the use of the Inquiry Learning model is influential to interest study and (2) positive Wilcoxon test results between ranks results learning social studies experience enhancement mark from pretest to posttest. Meank rank is 5.50 while the sum of ranks is 45.00; Based on the t table, the t table is 2.262. Because the calculated t value is 17,881 > t table 2.262 , Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted It means There is influence use method Learning Inquiry with results learning social studies in students class IV waree ; and based on results analysis regression Calculated t value based on the coefficient table of 4.747 > t table 2.364 then Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected and the R Square value is 0.763 meaning the influence of X on Y is 76% , meanwhile the rest influenced by other variables that are not researched .
Online Business Socialization During the MSME Pandemic Awakens Case Study of Inner Village Youth Suka Maju Deli Serdang Zuriani Ritonga; Hayanuddin Safri; Bayu Eko Broto; Sutoyo; Chairul Baria
IJCS: International Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): IJCS: International Journal of Community Service
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (473.839 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijcs.v1i1.89


Online business is one way of growing and revitalizing the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic, village youth will be the perpetrators of the online business. The interests and talents and willingness of teenagers to like to advance towards the online business are very lively, with a strong, unidirectional and significant correlation. The participants' understanding of the explanation and explanation of the PkM team on how to use the internet as an online medium that can be used as a business field to increase income. In this socialization, there were also several obstacles for the young people of the inner village, in carrying out or working on this online business, including the lack of a deep understanding of the platforms that will be used in the online business as well as the lack of infrastructure such as computers, laptops and smartphones and even capital.
E-Commerce Training for Beginner Entrepreneurs in Bireuen District Zuriani Ritonga; Hayanuddin Safri; Bayu Eko Broto; Sutoyo; Chairul Bariah; Nasution, Atika Aini; Aryani Sairun
IJCS: International Journal of Community Service Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): IJCS: International Journal of Community Service
Publisher : PT Inovasi Pratama Internasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (461.275 KB) | DOI: 10.55299/ijcs.v1i2.191


Mature this development of business startups Micro, Small, and Intermediate (MSME) supported with technological development. The existence of the industrial revolution 4.0 has a positive impact on developments business world. Utilization of the latest appropriate technology in business development based on in the spirit of an established entrepreneur will be able to optimize the process as well as the results of a business unit that is developed. E-commerce training in the home industry provides benefits to business actors Micro, Small, and Intermediate in Bireuen District for increase turnover sale as well as could develop a business that live it to grow become more big again. The existence of an e-website This commerce customer gets not only from the scope of Bireuen Regency, but also customers can be from outside Aceh, of course it can help the government in improve the economy, especially in the regencies, so that the regencies are open to opportunities for able to compete on a national and international level. Order process, sales process and stock goods can conducted with fast and accurate so that could help monitoring effort and also naturally could increase turnover sale for perpetrator MSME which exists in Bireuen Regency.