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Implementasi Smart Glove untuk Monitoring Jari Tangan dan Detak Jantung Pasien Pasca Stroke Fajar Setiawan; Son Ali Akbar
Jurnal Teknologi Elektro Vol 20 No 2 (2021): (Juli-Desember) Majalah Ilmiah Teknologi Elektro
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/MITE.2021.v20i02.P12


Penyakit stroke merupakan keadaan pada saat dikala suplai darah ke otak tersumbat. Penyakit ini merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian. Salah satu akibat kelumpuhan pada lengan yakni kelainan pada sistem gerak jari tangan. Penelitian ini dirancang sebuah smart glove yang dapat mendeteksi gestur jari-jari tangan. Perancangan smart glove ini digunakan lima buah flex sensor yang diletakkan pada jari tangan, sistem melakukan pembacaan data dari sensor flex akan diproses oleh mikrokontroller arduino nano, selanjutnya data akan di kirim ke aplikasi yang dibangun menggunakan visual basic tertampil grafik secara real time. Smart glove ini juga dilengkapi dengan teknologi sensor grove finger clip heart rate digunakan untuk mendeteksi kondisi kardio atau denyut jantung pada pasien pasca stroke dengan basis IoT (Internet of Things). Sistem melakukan pembacaan oleh mikrokontroller dan ESP-8266 sebagai pengiriman data ke software blynk. Hasil pengujian yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa diperoleh data hasil 85% keberhasilan atau kemiripan data gerak jari-jari tangan dengan nilai kemiripan diatas 90% dan hasil pengujian sensor grove finger clip heart rate didapatkan tingkat akurasi sebesar 99. 05%. Kata Kunci— Stroke, Smart Glove, Sensor Flex, Sensor Grove Finger Clip Heart Rate, Grafik Real Time, Visual Basic, Blynk.
Aplikasi lampu bertenaga surya untuk penerangan Abdus Shomad; Sutoyo; Zuhri Nurisna; Son Ali Akbar
Jurnal Dedikasi Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 1 (2023): Jurnal Dedikasi Masyarakat
Publisher : P3HKI - Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31850/jdm.v7i1.2696


Electricity use tends to come from energy produced by PLN, where the energy produced in several areas is from non-renewable oil-fueled power plants. This causes several areas to remain dark because they do not have street lighting and are dependent on electricity services from the government, including Banguntapan Village which has minimal lighting. The absence of lighting makes the road dark and prone to crime such as theft, which is often due to darkness. To prevent theft, residents are required to guard the village system, but this is not optimal. For this reason, community service is carried out by creating a sense of security through the street lighting construction program in Banguntapan Village, especially the Muhammadiyah Islamic Center (MIC) complex. The aim of carrying out this community service activity is to provide an alternative, renewable electrical energy source by utilizing solar panels that the community can use. Activities were carried out in several stages, namely observation, outreach, and counseling, as well as training on solar-powered lighting installations. The activity partner is PRM 3 Banguntapan which is located in the Muhammadiyah Islamic Center (MIC) complex, precisely in Sorowajan Hamlet, Banguntapan Village. The results obtained are the availability of alternative electrical energy sourced from sunlight stored in batteries and solar-powered lighting units. Residents know and understand that the use of solar energy is a form of energy-independent village development.