Nurchotimah, Aulia Sholichah Iman
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Civic Engagement Siswa dalam Masa Pandemi Covid 19 (Suatu Studi di SMK Telkom Purwokerto) Nurchotimah, Aulia Sholichah Iman
Integralistik Vol 32, No 2 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : Civic Education Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/integralistik.v32i2.28969


Siswa yang merupakan bagian dari warga negara Indonesia tentunya dituntut untuk memiliki keterlibatan sebagai warga negara untuk bekerjasama dalam mengatasi pandemi Covid- 19. Untuk itu sangat menarik mengkaji lebih dalam mengenai civic engagement siswa dalam menghadapi pandemi Covid-19 di SMK Telkom Purwokerto yang juga sebagai sekolah yang terdampak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui Bagaimana bentuk civic engagement siswa SMK Telkom Purwokerto. Informan penelitian ini adalah siswa dan guru SMK Telkom Purwokerto. Observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi serta studi literatur digunakan sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Data dianalisis dengan  mereduksi data, kemudian penyajian data, verifikasi serta penarikan kesimpulan. Validitas data penelitian menggunakan trianggulasi sumber dan waktu.  Hasil penelitian adalah adanya civic engagement siswa SMK Telkom Purwokerto di masa pandemi Covid- 19 yaitu civic engagement secara individu dan kolektif atau dalam sebauah komunitas. Simpulan penelitian adalah bentuk civic engagement siswa SMK Telkom dimasa pandemi Covid- 19 dilakukan dengan berbagai macam bentuk kegiatan baik kegiatan dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah maupun di luar sekolah
Jurnal Kewarganegaraan Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021 ( In Press )

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (786.838 KB) | DOI: 10.31316/jk.v5i2.1741


AbstrakPandemi covid-19 menjadi pandemi di seluruh dunia yang berdampak pada segala aspek kehidupan di dunia. Di Indonesia sendiri, Pandemi covid-19  telah mengubah kebiasaan masyarakat Indonesia yang suka berkumpul dan melakukan aktivitas secara normal hingga dipaksa untuk berjaga jarak serta melakukan segala aktivitas melalui trying atau advanced. Di satu sisi, digitalisasi akibat pandemi covid-19  ini memberikan berbagai kemudahan namun di sisi yang lain juga menyimpan berbagai hambatan dan tantangan. Hambatan dan tantangan tersebut berkaitan dengan cara menanggulangi pandemi covid-19 ini. Artikel ini  mengemukakan penerapan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam menanggulangi covid-19 dengan metode Literature review dengan Teknik membuat ringkasan (summarize) yang akan memberikan solusi bagaimana strategi dan cara menanggulangi pandemi covid-19 ini dengan menerapkan nilai-nilai Pancasila yang dapat menjadi langkah yang tepat untuk mengingatkan  masyarakat, akan nilai-nilai Pancasila harus dikonstruksikan dan di terapkan sebagai filosofi kehidupan. Oleh sebab itu kita warga negara Indonesia jangan pernah lupa untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai Pancasila sebagai pedoman hidup dalam menanggulangi pandemi covid-19Kata Kunci: Pancasila, Nilai, Covid-19 AbstractThe Coronavirus pandemic is a worldwide pandemic that affects all aspects of life in the world. In Indonesia itself, the Coronavirus Pandemic has changed the habits of Indonesian people who like to gather and carry out normal activities so that they are forced to be on guard and carry out all activities through trying or advancing. On the one hand, digitization due to the Coronavirus pandemic provides various conveniences but on the other hand it also saves various obstacles and challenges. These obstacles and challenges are related to how to deal with this Coronavirus pandemic. This article proposes the application of Pancasila values in tackling COVID-19 with the Literature review method with a summary technique that will provide solutions on how to strategy and how to deal with this Coronavirus pandemic by applying Pancasila values which can be the right step to remind the public, Pancasila values must be constructed and applied as a philosophy of life. Therefore, Indonesian citizens should never forget to apply the values of Pancasila in the life of the nation and state to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.Keyword: Pancasila, Values Covid-19,
The Urgency of Classification of the Voter List as a Fulfillment of Political Rights Yandra, Alexsander; Faridhi, Adrian; Andrizal, Andrizal; Setiawan, Husni; Nurchotimah, Aulia Sholichah Iman
Jurnal Politik Indonesia: Indonesian Political Science Review Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Politics and Development
Publisher : Political Science Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ipsr.v7i1.38484


This study discusses the accuracy of the final voter list (DPT) with a focus on the process of classifying voter data. At the stage of determining the DPT by the Riau KPUD, it was found that 51,469 voters Did Not Meet the Requirements (Tidak Memenuhi Syarat/TMS) registered as permanent voters. On the other hand, there are still many potential voters who are 17 years old or married and are not registered as voters. This phenomenon is a problem that has always been an evaluation material for every general election organizer. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data were obtained by means of in-depth interviews with informants and collecting literature related to research issues. As a reference for analysis, this study uses the theory of democracy and the political rights of voters. The data were processed using an etic-emic approach so that a comprehensive analysis was found. The main argument of this research is that the classification and updating of data is an important step in determining the DPT to ensure that every citizen has good political rights.