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Pengaruh Beban dan Filter pada Penyearah AC-DC Terkendali untuk Rangkaian Pengisi Li-ion Berbasis Bridge Rectifier dan Buck Converter Menggunakan Metode CC/CV Alif Pradana Hakim; Sena Sukmananda Suprapto; Mifta Nur Farid
Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu Vol 9, No 1 (2021): JTT ( Jurnal Teknologi Terpadu)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32487/jtt.v9i1.1118


Saat ini, banyak perangkat elektronik yang menggunakan baterai sebagai sumber dayanya seperti handphone dan laptop. Sebuah charger baterai yang bersumber AC (Alternating Current) memiliki sebuah penyearah AC ke DC (Direct Current). Keluaran penyearah AC-DC tidak sesuai untuk pengisian CC/CV (Constant Current/Constant Voltage), sehingga diperlukan buck converter untuk menghasilkan nilai yang diinginkan. Selain itu, penyearahan AC-DC membawa ripple yang dapat merusak baterai dan mempengaruhi rectification ratio (RR), sehingga memerlukan filter untuk mengurangi ripple dan meningkatkan rectification ratio. Percobaan dilakukan pada kondisi arus konstan atau CC 1,5A dan kondisi tegangan konstan atau CV 4,2V menggunakan variasi beban. Pada percobaan CC, diketahui bahwa peningkatan beban akan menyebabkan peningkatan duty cycle yang dibutuhkan. Pada uji coba CV, diperoleh hasil bahwa peningkatan beban menyebabkan pengurangan duty cycle yang dibutuhkan. Penggunaan filter pada kondisi CC dan CV dapat mengurangi ripple dan meningkatkan RR. Pada kondisi CC, ripple matematis, simulasi, dan uji coba secara berturut-turut berkurang 46,45%, 46,43%, dan 45,46%. RR matematis, simulasi, dan uji coba secara berturut-turut meningkat 18,17%, 18,17%, dan 21,59%. Pada kondisi CV, ripple matematis, simulasi, dan uji coba secara berturut-turut berkurang 46,44%, 46,6%, dan 48,78%. RR matematis, simulasi, dan uji coba secara berturut-turut meningkat 18,17%, 18,17%, dan 20,99%. Pengisian Li-ion 3Ah memakan waktu 4 jam 58 detik. Dimana pengisian CC selama 32 menit 10 detik dan pengisian CV selama 3 jam 28 menit 48 detik. Pada pengisian CC duty cycle meningkat saat terjadinya peningkatan tegangan baterai. Sedangkan pada pengisian CV, duty cycle menurun saat berkurangnya arus pengisian.
Journal of Industrial Engineering Management Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Vol 7 No 1
Publisher : Center for Study and Journal Management FTI UMI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33536/jiem.v7i1.1067


With the policy of learning from home, the role of information technology become more important. The use of technology in online learning can provide new learning experiences for students. There are several online learning application platforms available and the most popular platforms are Zoom Meeting application and Google Meet. In using the online learning platform, usability aspect is one the most important things. Usability is a measure of the quality of the user experience when interacting with the user-operated device application with the perceived expectations. The purpose of this study is to compare usability satisfaction of Google Meet and Zoom Meeting application using Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and GAP analysis. The Customer Satisfaction Index is measured from the five usability aspects of learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. Meanwhile, the GAP Analysis is measured based on the perception and expectations of the user of Google Meet and Zoom Meeting application. The result shows that Google Meet has a higher level of usability satisfaction compared to Zoom Meeting application. Google Meet has a usability satisfaction level of 84.29%, meanwhile Zoom Meeting has a usability satisfaction level of 76.67%. The results of GAP analysis on both platforms show that the users made a lot of errors when using Google Meet and find it difficult when using Zoom Meeting application for the first time.
Sistem Monitoring Stok dan Penjualan Minuman pada Vending Machine berbasis Internet of Things (IoT) Menggunakan Google Sheets dan Kodular Vicky Andria Kusuma; M. Ihsan Alfani Putra; Sena Sukmananda Suprapto
Jurnal Sistim Informasi dan Teknologi 2022, Vol. 4, No. 3
Publisher : Rektorat Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (574.134 KB) | DOI: 10.37034/jsisfotek.v4i3.136


Perkembangan teknologi membawa kemudahan dalam bertransaksi. Salah satunya adalah pembayaran digital dengan dompet elektronik. Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, Bank Indonesia (BI) pada tahun 2019 menciptakan standar pembayaran digital yang disebut QRIS. QRIS akan mulai banyak digunakan pada tahun 2020 saat melakukan pembayaran antara e-wallet dan bank menggunakan kode QR. Dalam QR Code ini terdapat informasi mengenai pengenal dan penunjukan transaksi. Sayangnya, hanya sedikit orang yang menggunakan QRIS API untuk sistem pembayaran otomatis. Pada penelitian ini, monitoring system pada mesin penjual minuman otomatis akan termonitoring secara realtime dengan Internet of Things. Keamanan sistem transaksi pembayaran digital dalam penelitian ini juga dipastikan seaman mungkin dengan menggunakan fitur QRIS yang selalu update setiap pembayaran dan menghindari kesalahan dalam tracking. Proses melakukan penelitian ini dimulai dengan pembuatan coding berbasis Google Sheets yang mana sistem akan berintegrasi dengan sistem perangkat keras.
Analisis potensi instalasi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) pada rooftop Bank BNI kota Balikpapan Permai Vicky Andria Kusuma; Sena Sukmananda Suprapto; Jenrychk Marcelino Tandi Karrang
JURNAL ELTEK Vol 20 No 1 (2022): ELTEK Vol 20 No 1
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.915 KB) | DOI: 10.33795/eltek.v20i1.327


ABSTRAK Pemasangan sistem pembangkit listrik tenaga surya dilakukan untuk meningkatkan penerapan energi terbarukan dengan memanfaatkan energi surya. Tersedianya banyak kapasitas energi matahari di balikpapan yang dilewati oleh garis khatulistiwa, serta perkantoran perbankan yang memerlukan keandalan suplai energi menjadi alasan penelitian ini dilakukan. Hasil desain PLTS di gedung Bank BNI Balikpapan Permai telah terbukti memiliki potensi yang baik sehingga dapat terwujud bahkan dalam perubahan kondisi cuaca. Sistem PLTS memiliki total daya yang lebih besar dari total konsumsi daya di Gedung Bank BNI dengan konsumsi daya 33 kW, sedangkan untuk sistem PLTS pada November dayanya 50.784 kW dan daya yang dihasilkan pada Desember adalah 45.696 kW. Sehingga kantor BNI akan mendapatkan surplus daya sebesar 12.696 kW – 17.784 kW, dengan kapasitas total Solar Panel yang digunakan Sebesar 9840 kW. ABSTRACT The installation of a solar energy generation system is being carried out in order to increase the use of renewable energy through the use of solar energy. The availability of many solar power capacities behind the equator, as well as banks that require a reliable power supply, are the reasons for this research. The results of the PLTS design in the BNI Balikpapan Permai bank building have shown good potential to be implemented even in changing climatic conditions. The PLTS system has a total power higher than the total power consumption in the BNI bank building with a power consumption of 33 kW, while for the PLTS system in November the power is 50,78 kW and the power generated in December is 5,696 kW. This means that the BNI office receives an electricity surplus of 12,696 kW - 17,78 kW, with a total power of 9,8 0 kW from solar modules used.
Analysis of the effect of a microcontroller-based solar panel cooling system on temperature and power output Vicky Andria Kusuma; Happy Aprillia; Sena Sukmananda Suprapto; Muhammad Nizhom Ramadhani; Aji Akbar Firdaus; Dimas Fajar Uman Putra
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE) Vol 12, No 2: June 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijape.v12.i2.pp119-125


This research addresses the problem of temperature fluctuations affecting the efficiency of solar panels. A cooling system has been developed using a Peltier and a combination of air- and water-cooling methods. The air-cooling system involves placing a Peltier coated with a heatsink under the solar panel, while the water-cooling system uses pumped water on the panel's surface. The study aims to design a solar panel cooling system to reduce temperature and power losses and compare its output to standard solar panels. The system includes a Peltier, DC fan, and heatsink. Results indicate that the air-cooling system reduced temperature losses on the bottom milk of solar panels by 14.5%. However, the surface of solar panels showed no reduction in temperature losses. Additionally, solar panels with cooling systems were able to reduce power losses by 4% compared to standard solar panels. This research suggests that the use of an air-cooling system utilizing Peltier as the cooling medium could be a potential solution to reduce temperature losses and power losses on solar panels.
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Modul Praktikum Rangkaian Listrik Berbasis Augmented Reality Himawan Wicaksono; Sena Sukmananda Suprapto; Yosua Tuwaidan; Vicky Andria Kusuma; Amalia Rizqi Utami
Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Komputasi (ELKOM) Vol 5, No 2 (2023): ELKOM
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32528/elkom.v5i2.8142


Perkembangan teknologi komputasi mempermudah proses pembelajaran. Augmented reality (AR) digunakan untuk membangun aplikasi praktikum rangkaian listrik menggunakan aplikasi Unity3D untuk meningkatkan pemahaman pada praktikum rangkaian listrik. Aplikasi memiliki fitur-fitur yaitu tugas pendahuluan, AR breadboard, AR multimeter dan AR power supply, modul praktikum dan presensi. Blackbox Testing, kuesioner, pengaruh cahaya lingkungan, derajat kemiringan, resolusi kamera, dan smartphone prosesor digunakan dalam uji coba untuk rentang jarak dan kestabilan aplikasi mendeteksi marker. Semakin gelap cahaya lingkungan, maka jarak deteksi akan semakin menurun dan semakin kecil sudut kemiringan maka jarak deteksi akan semakin menurun dan sebaliknya. Semakin tinggi resolusi sebuah smartphone maka semakin stabil jarak deteksi marker dan semakin canggih prosesor dari smartphone maka semakin cepat smartphone dapat mendeteksi marker. Dari hasil kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada lima orang responden, didapatkan hasil bahwa responden menilai aplikasi memiliki tampilan yang menarik dan mudah untuk digunakan, fitur dan tombol pada aplikasi dapat bekerja dengan baik pada smartphone responden dan fitur favorit yang dipilih oleh responden adalah fitur belajar alat dan fitur langkah praktikum. Mayoritas responden praktikum rangkaian listrik (64%) sangat setuju bahwa aplikasi yang digunakan memiliki tampilan menarik dan dapat membantu kegiatan praktikum, serta fitur tugas pendahuluan dengan tampilan augmented reality dan interaksi aplikasi menarik bagi 90% responden. Selain itu, aplikasi tersebut memiliki fitur-fitur yang memenuhi kebutuhan praktikan dan dapat membantu proses pembelajaran.
Leveraging PSO algorithms to achieve optimal stand-alone microgrid performance with a focus on battery lifetime Vicky Andria Kusuma; Aji Akbar Firdaus; Sena Sukmananda Suprapto; Dimas Fajar Uman Putra; Yuli Prasetyo; Firillia Filliana
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering (IJAPE) Vol 12, No 3: September 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijape.v12.i3.pp293-299


This research endeavors to increase the lifespan of a battery utilized in a standalone microgrid system, a self-sufficient electrical system that consists of multiple generators that are not connected to the main power grid. This type of system is ideal for use in remote locations or areas where the grid connection is not possible. The sources of energy for this system include photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, diesel generators, and batteries. The state of charge (SOC) of the battery is used to determine the amount of energy stored in it. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) method is applied to minimize energy generation costs and maximize battery life. The results show that battery optimization can decrease energy generation costs from Rp 5,271,523.03 ($338.64 in USD) to Rp 13,064,979.20 ($839.30 in USD) while increasing the battery's lifespan by 0.42%, with losses of 7.22 kW and 433.29 kVAR, and also a life loss cost of Rp 5,499/$0.35.
Gym training muscle fatigue monitoring using EMG myoware and arduino with envelope and sliding window methods Sena Sukmananda Suprapto; Vicky Andria Kusuma; Mifta Nur Farid; Muhammad Agung Nursyeha; Kharis Sugiarto; Aji Akbar Firdaus; Dimas Fajar Uman Putra
International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES) Vol 12, No 3: November 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijres.v12.i3.pp345-350


Muscles are an important organ in the movement of the body's skeleton to carry out sports activities. Measurement of muscle activity during the exercise process can be done using electromyography (EMG). This research uses Myoware muscle sensor (AT-04-001) which is integrated with Arduino Uno and Xbee to monitor biceps brachii muscle fatigue wirelessly. Fatigue data processing is carried out objectively using the envelope and sliding window method and subjectively verbally from the respondents. From this study, it was found that muscle fatigue can be measured using the method objectively when there is an increase in EMG amplitude with a window size of 5 s. The indication of biceps brachii muscle fatigue for the right arm is stronger to withstand the load during exercise with the average duration of the measurement of the right arm is 41.87 s from 69.67 s; 53.53 s from 98.90 s and 76.87 s from 98.80 s with the ratio of the left arm tending to fatigue more quickly is 23.53 s from 42.13 s; 41.87 s from 51.60 s and 23.53 s from 44.73 s.
An internet of things-based touchless parking system using ESP32-CAM Vicky Andria Kusuma; Hamzah Arof; Sena Sukmananda Suprapto; Bambang Suharto; Rizky Amalia Sinulingga; Fadli Ama
International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES) Vol 12, No 3: November 2023
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.11591/ijres.v12.i3.pp329-335


As technology continues to advance, governments around the world have implemented health protocols to minimize direct contact between individuals and objects, in response to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. To address this need, a touchless parking portal was designed using a microcontroller-based and internet of things (IoT) -based system, with the Arduino UNO microcontroller device serving as the core component. The system employs an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 and passive infrared (PIR) to detect vehicles as they arrive at the portal area, in addition to requiring an ESP32-CAM camera, servo motor, light-emitting diode (LED), I2C 16x2 liquid crystal display (LCD), push button, universal serial bus (USB) to transistor-transistor logic (TTL) converter, power supply, and portal bar. The system builder software was developed using Arduino integrated development environment (IDE), Android, and Blynk. The authors conducted thorough testing and analysis of the system, concluding that its overall performance reaches 100%. Nevertheless, despite the extensive experimentation conducted, there remains a possibility that certain factors could still affect the results. Therefore, caution is advised when interpreting the outcomes of this experiment.