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Implementasi Manajemen Keuangan Syariah Sebagai Salah Satu Upaya Untuk Memajukan dan Mengembangkan UMKM di Indonesia Afief Mubayyin; Wahyudin Abdullah
JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.75 KB) | DOI: 10.30736/jesa.v6i1.114


Abstract: SME is one of the pillars of the Indonesian economy. Data in 2020 shows that the number of SME in Indonesia has reached 64.2 million business units. However, it does not mean that MSME in Indonesia is far from all the problems. One of the problems experienced by SME is that many business entrepreneurs do not understand how to manage the finances and assets they get. Hence, many SME in Indonesia have gone bankrupt. This study uses qualitative methods. The data are obtained from existing scientific journals, and provided by related parties, as well as books that discuss financial management and SME. The results obtained from this study are about how SME practices simple and easy-to-understand accounting activities and applies Islamic values. On the other hand, this study explains the way SME subjects invest with limited capital and also how to get capital that is far from riba (interest). Keywords: SME; financial management; Islamic financial management
Muamalat: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Ekonomi Syariah Vol. 14 No. 2 (2022): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20414/mu.v14i2.5990


Multi-Level Marketing Business is a business method that is growing rapidly in today's society. However, regarding the permissibility of this business, there are still different understandings between the parties. Likewise regarding the difference between conventional MLM and Islamic MLM. This article aims to examine more deeply the differences between Sharia MLM and Conventional MLM and explore contemporary fiqh views regarding this business. The method used is descriptive qualitative using secondary data obtained from literature related to the discussion.Multi Level Marketing is also commonly known as sales intermediary services. This service (broker) in fiqh terminology called samsarah/simsar is a trade intermediary (people who sell goods and find buyers) or intermediaries between sellers and buyers to facilitate buying and selling. Samsarah/simsar activities in the form of distributors, agents or members, in fiqh include ijarah contracts, namely a transaction using the services of another person in return, incentives or bonuses (ujrah), all scholars consider it permissible (mubah). MLM Business Regulations in the realm of sharia are contained in the DSN-MUI Fatwa Number: 75/DSN-MUI/VII/2009 concerning Guidelines for Sharia Tiered Direct Selling. Sharia MLM and Conventional MLM are almost the same, but there are differences in terms of regulation, organization and business objectives, one of which is sharia MLM operating in sharia,
Pendayagunaan Zakat Produktif Untuk Meningkaatkan Sarana dan Prasarana Pendidikan di LAZIS UII (Lembaga Amil Zakat Infaq dan Sedekah Universitas Islam Indonesia) Afief Mubayyin; Nurjanna
Qolamuna : Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): Juli 2023

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One of the biggest problems in Indonesia is related to the lack of qualified education. In fact, the educational fund from government (locally called BOS or school operational aid) and government aid have not sufficiently improved the education quality in this country. With the majority of Moslem population in Indonesia, zakat in turn can offer an opportunity to participate in improving the quality of educational facilities and infrastructures - particularly in Yogyakarta. LAZIS UII is an institution established based on the idea of the previous rector purposely to develop the zakat. As UII is a university, then LAZIS UII has a broader focus to be involved in educational sector in which the zakat fund will annually be allocated to improve the educational facilities and infrastructures in Yogyakarta. The aim of this research was to observe how the mechanism of zakat fund allocation done by LAZIS UII to improve the educational facilities and infrastructures. It is found out that LAZIS UII focuses on improving the educational facilities and infrastructures in the form of scholarship and allowances given for the teachers in private Islamic Schools (MI) and school renovations. All forms of fund allocation done by LAZIS UII has been in accordance with the Islamic economic perspective. Keywords: Zakat Fund, Education, Facilities and Infrastructure
Usury and Bank Interest in the View of Neo Revivalists and Modernists Nurjannah Nurjannah; Muslimin Kara; Rahman Ambo Masse; M Afief Mubayyin
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Padngsidimpuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24952/masharif.v11i1.9460


Al-Maududi and Abdullah Saeed are Muslim scholars. He contributed various thoughts in the field of economics, one of which is related to usury and bank interest. But there are differences of opinion between the two.  The purpose of this study is to look at the views of Al-Maududi and Abdullah Saeed regarding usury and bank interest. The method used is a literature study with a descriptive qualitative approach. Data sources come from secondary data sources, namely journals and books related to the discussion. The result of the research is that Al-Maududi firmly rejects bank interest because the institution is a source of danger and evil through its influence on human character because it is influenced by the love of money. In addition, Al-Maududi stated that there is an element of injustice in bank interest and it is clearly prohibited in Islam. While Abdullah Saeed views the prohibition of usury based on the historical situation and conditions behind the revelation of the verse, so related to bank interest Abdullah Saeed argues that bank interest is not included in usury because the context of usury in ancient times is very much different from usury today.