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A Hermeneutical Study On The Symbolic Meaning Of The Number 144.000 In Revelation 7:1-17 Camerling, Yosua Feliciano; Panggarra, Robi; Kanna, Armin Sukri; Laukapitang, Yunus Daniel Anus
Jurnal Jaffray Vol 19, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25278/jj.v19i1.567


This study aims to analyze and reveal the symbolic meaning of “the number those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel” in Revelation 7:1-17 and implications for the mission. The research method used is qualitative research carried out with the principles and hermeneutic methods of the Bible. The Bible’s hermeneutic method is divided into two characteristics, namely general hermeneutics and specific ones. For the general hermeneutic interpretation method, the author uses three existing analyses structural analysis, grammatical analysis and theological analysis. Then for the particular hermeneutic interpretation method, the author uses the interpretation of number symbols. The results of this study reveal that the symbolic meaning of “the number those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel” in Revelation 7:1-17 are symbolic numbers of the number redeemed by the Lamb who made it through the tribulation period by remaining faithful to the end of being followers of Christ. As for the theological implications of the text of Revelation 7:1-17 for the mission, namely, God Protects His People (7:1-3), God is Consistent with His Promise of Salvation (7:4-8), and God Grants Universal Salvation (7:9-17). As for the practical implications of the text of Revelation 7: 1-17 for the mission, namely Believers are sealed as servants of God (7:1-8), Believers glorify God (7:9-12), and Believers receive sanctification and God's providence (7:13- 17).
Kepemimpinan Yosia Berdasarkan Kitab 2 Tawarikh 34:1-7 dan Implikasinya bagi Pelayanan Pemuda di Gereja Delvy Fransisca; Yunus D. A. Laukapitang
Jurnal Ilmu Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25278/jitpk.v1i2.508


AbstrakTujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah pertama, untuk memberikan penjelasan secara Alkitabiah tentang kepemimpinan Yosia berdasarkan kitab 2 Tawarikh 34:1-7. Kedua, untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang implikasi kepemimpinan Yosia bagi kepemimpinan pemuda di gereja. Adapun metode penulisan adalah metode kualitatif, yaitu dengan mencari makna dari kepemimpinan Yosia berdasarkan kitab 2 Tawarikh 34:1-7 dengan menggunakan penalaran induktif, eksegesis serta studi kepustakaan. Kesimpulan dari artikel ini adalah sebagai berikut. Pertama, Tuhan memakai kaum muda. Hal ini menjadi dorongan besar bagi gereja seharusnya untuk mampu melibatkan pemuda lebih lagi dalam gereja dan dalam pelayanan. Kedua, dalam kaitannya bagi kepemimpinan pemuda, pemimpin harus memusatkan hidup pada Tuhan. Seorang pemimpin mengejar kekudusan, kejujuran dan perkenanan Tuhan. Ketiga, berkaitan dengan kepemimpinan pemuda, pemimpin harus siap menghadapi tantangan. Tantangan baik dari teknologi maupun tantangan kekuasaan dalam gereja. Kata-kata Kunci: 2 Tawarikh 34:1-7, Gereja, Kepemimpinan, Pemuda, Yosia. AbstractThe purpose of writing is first, to give a biblical explanation of Josiah’s leadership based on 2 Chronicles 34:1-7. Second, to provide an explanation of the implications of Josiah’s leadership for youth leadership in the church. The writing method is a qualitative method, namely by searching for the meaning of Josiah’s leadership based on 2 Chronicles 34:1-7 by using inductive reasoning, exegesis and literature studies. The conclusion of this article is as follows. First, God uses young people. This is a big impetus for the church to be able to involve youth more in the church and ministry. Second, concerning youth leadership, leaders must focus their lives on God. A leader pursues holiness, honesty and God's favor. Third, still concerning youth leadership, leaders must be ready to face challenges. Challenges both from technology and challenges to power in the church.
Studi Peran Perempuan Dalam Pelayanan Penginjilan di Gereja Baptis Indonesia Kalvari Makassar Ilenus Penggu; Yunus D. A. Laukapitang
Jurnal Ilmu Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 3, No 2 (2022): Desember 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25278/jitpk.v3i2.671


AbstrakTujuan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemahaman perempuan terkait dengan pelayanan penginjilan serta untuk melihat keterlibatan perempuan dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan penginjilan. Penulis meneliti di Gereja Baptis Indonesia Kalvari Makassar. Metode yang digunakan dalam  penulisan artikel ini adalah metode kualitatif yakni dengan wawancara serta observasi lapangan guna memperoleh informasi yang lebih akurat. Kesimpulan berdasarkan hasil didapati bahwa meskipun telah memiliki pemahaman tentang pelayanan penginjilan dan memiliki kerinduan dalam praktiknya, secara khusus di luar gereja, jemaat perempuan belum sepenuhnya melakukan. Penulis memberikan saran untuk mengembangkan pelayanan penginjilan melalui proses pemuridan.
Konsep Menyerahkan Orang Kepada Iblis dalam 1 Korintus 5:1-13 dan Implementasinya dalam Kehidupan Orang Percaya Andre Malau; Christopher James Luthy; Yunus D. S. Laukapitang
Jurnal Ilmiah Religiosity Entity Humanity (JIREH) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): JIREH: Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili dan Kejuruan (STTIK) Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37364/jireh.v4i2.107


The basic diificulty in understanding the text is understanding the role of the devil who destroys the body but aims to save the soul of the person who is handed over to the devil which is very contrary to the goal of the devil who wants to destroy humans so that they experience eternal death instead of saving the soul. The purpose of this study is to examine the concept of handing people over to the devil in the text of 1 Corinthians 5:1-13. In addition, the author also explains the implications of the text for believers today. This study uses a grammatical-historical hermeneutic study method. The result of the author's study is that the concept of handing people over to the Devil in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 is an act of the congregation by exercising church discipline against church members who have not left their sins and aims to provide a deterrent effect. Meanwhile, the implementation of the concept of handing people over to the Devil/demons in 1 Corinthians 5:1-13 is that believers live in a commitment to holiness, carry out church discipline as the identity of the holy people, and carry out church discipline as the authority of the congregation. Kesulitan dasar dalam memahami teks tersebut ialah memahami peran Iblis yang membinasakan tubuh namun bertujuan untuk keselamatan roh atas orang yang diserahkan kepada Iblis yang sangat bertentangan dengan tujuan Iblis yang mau membinasakan manusia agar mengalami kematian kekal bukan keselamatan roh. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mengkaji konsep menyerahkan orang kepada Iblis dalam teks 1 Korintus 5:1-13. Selain itu, penulis juga menjelaskan implikasi teks bagi orang percaya pada masa kini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian hermeneutik gramatikal-historis. Hasil kajian penulis ialah konsep menyerahkan orang kepada Iblis dalam 1 Korintus 5:1-13 adalah tindakan jemaat dengan menjalankan disiplin gereja terhadap anggota jemaat yang belum meninggalkan dosanya dan bertujuan memberikan efek jera. Adapun, implikasi dari konsep menyerahkan orang kepada Iblis/setan dalam 1 Korintus 5:1-13 ialah orang percaya hidup dalam komitmen kekudusan, menjalankan disiplin gereja sebagai identitas umat yang kudus, serta menjalankan disiplin gereja sebagai wewenang jemaat.
Favoritism of God? שָׁעָה in Genesis 4:1-16 and its implications for Cain’s status and offerings Haezer Lisanias; Christopher James Luthy; Hanny Frederik; Yunus D. A. Laukapitang
Jurnal Jaffray Vol 21, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Jaffray

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25278/jj.v21i1.835


This article aims to analyze the meaning of the word שָׁעָה based on Genesis 4:1-16 and explain its implications for the status of Cain and his offering. The research method used by the author in writing this is a qualitative research method based on hermeneutic principles. The results of this study indicate that the word שָׁעָה has the meaning of respect. God honoured Abel and his sacrifice. At the same time, God does not respect Cain and his gift. God knows what Cain's plot was before he killed Abel. The implication of Cain's status and sacrifice is that Cain's evil personality hindered him and his sacrifice before God. His person stands in the way of his gift to reach God.
Vegetable Salad as a Healthy Food Alternative: Organoleptic Test Method Haezer Lisanias; Yunus Daniel Anus Laukapitang; Charles Tessy
Khaliya Onomiyea: Jurnal Abdimas Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Juni
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Levinus Rumaseb Sentani, Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61471/ko-jan.v1i1.8


Vegetables have health benefits. Tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, corn, cucumbers and mayonnaise as flavourings provide a taste that respondents like. The number of respondents is 22 students. The method used is a simple organoleptic test and the product SWOT test. Products are presented and evaluated. The results showed that the vegetable salad was well received in terms of taste, aroma, presentation. Overall, vegetable salad products can be used as an alternative to healthy food.
Penangan Pastoral bagi Pasangan Suami Istri diambang Perceraian karena Biseksualitas Simon Simon; Yunus Daniel Anus Laukapitang; Sarce Rien Hana
TELEIOS: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 3, No 2 (2023): Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Transformasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53674/teleios.v3i2.85


Abstract: The basis of this paper is elaborated because it is factually stated in pastoral care, there are married couples who want to divorce because they are suspected by bisexual husbands. The LGBT phenomenon has indeed been rife and found in pastoral care, as a result of this households can divorce. With that background being the basis for this article to be written. This article is done with a literature study and observation approach, so this paper asks the formulation of the main question how concrete pastoral care is used for married couples who want to divorce because they are bisexual? The findings offered in this study are related to pastoral care for husbands and wives who want to divorce, through friendship-based pastoral counseling applied. Then pastoral-based intense mentoring and the elaboration of psychological science complement in helping to handle husband and wife who want to divorce because of bisexuality. By implementing this, shepherds habituate, monitor, become negotiators, companions and as referrers to help erode sexual preference for gender through the steps taken in handling it.Abstrak: Dasariah tulisan ini diuraikan karena secara faktual ditemukakan dalam pelayanan pastoral, adanya pasangan suami istri yang hendak bercerai karena ditenggarai oleh suami biseksual. Fenomena LGBT memang telah marak dan ditemuakan di dalam pelayanan pastoral, akibat dari hal ini rumah tangga dapat bercerai. Dengan latar-belakang itu menjadi dasariah artikel ini ditulis. Artikel ini dikerjakan dengan pendekatan studi literatur dan observasi, maka tulisan ini mengajukan rumusan pertanyaan utama bagaimana kongkrit penanganan pastoral yang digunakan bagi pasangan suami istri yang hendak bercerai karena biseksual? Temuan yang ditawarkan dalam penelitian ini terkait penanganan pastoral bagi suami istri yang hendak bercerai, melalui pastoral konseling berbasis persahabatan diterapkan. Kemudian pastoral berbasis pendampingan secara intens dan pengelaborasian ilmu psikologi melengkapi dalam membantu penangananan suami istri yang hendak bercerai karena biseksual. Dengan menerapkan ini, gembala menyahabati, memantau, menjadi negosiator, pendamping serta sebagai perujuk untuk membantu mengikis kesukaan seks kepada segender melalui langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam penanganannya.