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Jurnal TESLINK : Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 2 No 2 (2020): Teknik Sipil dan Linkungan
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/teslink.v2i2.20


Air bersih merupakan bagian penting dalam kehidupan manusia, sehingga ketersediaan air bersih sangat berpengaruh bagi kehidupan manusia. Air bersih yang digunakan sehari-hari harus memiliki kualitas yang baik untuk konsumsi sesuai dengan standar air minum di Indonesia yaitu PP No.82 Tahun 2001 dan KepMen No.907 Tahun 2002. Kampung Padangenyang Desa Cipelang terletak di Kecamatan Cijeruk. Di desa ini terdapat mata air sebagai sumber air bersih yang pemanfaatannya tidak di atur dengan baik dan tidak adanya infrastruktur yang baik dan layak di gunakan, sehingga harus di buat dengan jalan mengadakan pengolahan terhadap air, terutama pada sumber air Cipabulan-bulan. Sehingga dari permasalahan tersebut dilakukan perencanaan penyediaan air bersih yang dapat membantu memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih di Kampung Padangenyang Desa Cipelang Kecamatan Cijeruk. Berdasarkan hasil akhir diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa ketersediaan air Cipabulan-bulan sebesar 3,8 liter/detik dengan kualitas air yang memenuhi syarat sebagai air bersih, dan hasil penjelasan komponen-komponen yang ada dalam perencanaan penyediaan air bersih yaitu : Sumber air baku, bak penangkap (Broncaptering),pipa transmisi, bak penampung ( Reservoir), pipa distribusi, anggaran yang dibutuhkan untuk perencanaan penyediaan air bersih sebesar Rp. 250.000.000,00 (dua ratus lima puluh juta rupiah) sehingga kebutuhan air bersih dapat terpenuhi ke rumah-rumah penduduk.
Analisa debit banjir rencana dengan metode hidograf satuan sintetis nakayasu di daerah aliran sungai cimandiri Saputra, Aditya; Saputri, Utamy Sukmayu
Jurnal TESLINK : Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 3 No 1 (2021): Maret 2021
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/teslink.v2i1.61


Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) merupakan wilayah yang dibatasi oleh topografi dimana iar yang berada di wilayah tersebut mengalir ke Outlet sungai Utama hingga ke hilir (Sandy, 1996). Dengan kata lain daerah aliran sungai menjadi wilayah muka bumi yang airnya mengalir ke sungai yang ada diwilayah tersebut apabila hujan jatuh. Das Cimandiri adalah salah satu Daerah Aliran Sungai yang mengalir di provinsi Jawa barat. Sungai ini merupakan sungai yang berhulu dari Kompleks pegunungan Gede-Pangrango pada bagian Timur laut dan Gunung salak pada bagian utaranya, mengalir menuju teluk Pelabuhan Ratu di Selatan Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya rancangan curah hujan harian maksimum dan nilai debit hujan Sungai Cimandiri dengan kala ulang 2, 5, 10, 50 dan 100 tahun. Dalam menghitung Hujan Rancangan menggunakan Metode Log Person Tipe III dengan kala ulang 2, 5, 10, 50, dan 100 tahun. Dan untuk perhitungan Debit Banjir Menggunakan Hidrograf Satuan Sintetis Nakayasu dengan kala ulang 2, 5, 10, 50, dan 100 tahun. Hujan rancangan dengan metode Log Pearson III mendapat nilai kala ulang 2 tahun 53,3 mm, kala ulang 5 tahun 71,5 mm, kala ulang 10 tahun 84,4 mm, kala ulang 50 tahun 186,9 mm dan kala ulang 100 tahun 126,8 mm. Perhitungan debit banjir menggunakan HSS Nakayasu mendapat nilai kala ulang 2 tahun 2863,8 m3/detik, kala ulang 5 tahun 3840,5 m3/detik, kala ulang 10 tahun 4534,5 m3/detik, kala ulang 50 tahun 6098,9 m3/detik, dan kala ulang 100 tahun 6806,1 m3/detik. Kata Kunci: Hidrologi, Debit Banjir, HSS Nakayasu
Analisa kinerja simpang BCP (bekasi cyber park) saat pembangunan tol becakayu section 2A menggunakan PTV vissim Sukmayu Saputri, Utamy; Ayusdira, Adi Iranda; Rozandi, Ardin; Iqbal KA, Tsulis
Jurnal TESLINK : Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 3 No 2 (2021): September 2021
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/teslink.v3i2.88


Tingginya tingkat pertumbuhan masyarakat menimbulkan adanya peningkatan kebutuhan untuk menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari, khususnya di bidang transportasi, sarana dan prasarana. Seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan moda transportasi menyebabkan bertambahnya mobilitas masyarakat dan mengakibatkan peningkatan kapasitas lalu lintas yang menyebabkan kemacetan. Sebagaimana kasus kemacetan pada simpang BCP (Bekasi Cyber Park) yang terkena dampak dari pembangunan Tol Becakayu Section 2A. Sistem pelayanan sinyal pada simpang tersebut masih menggunakan cara manual searah jarum jam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa, mengevaluasi, dan memodelkan sebagaimana kinerja pada simpang tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengkaji permasalahan ini dengan pedoman Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia 1997 dan pemodelan software PTV VISSIM Student Version, data yang digunakan yaitu volume jam puncak. Hasil analisis kinerja Simpang BCP 2 fase dengan metode Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997 dan melalui pemodelan PTV VISSIM pada kondisi eksisting atau saat pembangunan tol Becakayu, menunjukan tingkat rata-rata pelayanan (LOS_E), Panjang antrian rata-rata (Qlen) sebesar 115 m, dan tundaan simpang (VehDelay) sebesar 52.69 det/skr. Dengan hasil kondisi eksisting tersebut maka sangatlah penting adanya evaluasi dalam meningkatkan kinerja lalu lintas, terkait kondisi simpang BCP dikarenakan kondisi existing saat pembangunan Jl. KH Noer Ali & Jl. Mayor Madmuin Hasibuan masih beroperasi.
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/astonjadro.v10i2.5001


Highways are an important means for people to reach their destination. The main function of the road is as a service provider of traffic movement, making it easier for people to reach their destination, distributing goods quickly safely, comfortably, and economically. The road is not always in good condition, even a lot of damage to the pavement before the age of the road plan is reached. There are many cases of early damage to roads in Sukabumi Regency that are found during road improvement / construction activities. Road Section: Pangleseran – Cibatu is one of them that will be carried out Road Improvement / Construction in 2022. Because this road section already exists, it will only be implemented overlay / additional layer only. In search of additional pavement thickness used component analysis method SKBI Based on the results of the analysis for the road section: Pangleseran - Cbatu obtained thick pavement additional layers for the age of the plan 5 years with a thickness of 10 cm, while for the age of the plan 10 years is with a thickness of 14 cm. Type of pavement for road section: Pangleseran - Cibatu is cement concrete. As for the causative factors of road damage is due to the level of heavy vehicles ≥ 8 tons increased, and drainage systems are clogged due to sediment and closed disposal by the surrounding community.
Publisher : Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32832/astonjadro.v11i1.6074


The Sukabumi (Baros) – Sagaranten Km Bdg 115+200 road section which is located in Sukabumi Regency is a road section for the province of West Java. Because the road is always damaged due to being eroded by water infiltration in the rice fields that seeps into the road body area at that location and the soil at that location tends to be unstable based on the results of lab tests having a shear angle value of 4.99áµ’ and having a specific gravity of 17.45, then it is carried out analysis of the existing damaged retaining wall and the design of a new gabion-type retaining wall at that location. The gabion retaining wall building will be designed with 3 designs, the first using a stone volume of 13 m3, the second using a stone volume of 8 m3 and the third using a stone volume of 6.5 m3. Based on the results of the calculation analysis using Rankine theory, it was found that the existing retaining wall was unable to withstand the shearing force which got a check value of 1.18 which should have a value of SF > 1.5, while the 3 gabion plan buildings got the appropriate SF value, namely against the overturning force, shear force and soil bearing capacity.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY (IJEAT) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
Publisher : Nusa Putra University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1063.535 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/ijeat.v3i1.36


This study aims to study and analyze the intensity of rainfall, flood discharge and flood control of the Ciheulang River in Caringin District, Sukabumi Regency. The method used is a statistical and empirical model analysis approach including the distribution of Log Pearson Type III, Intensity Duration Frequency and rational methods. Based on the results of the study, it is known that (1) The intensity of rainfall in the Ciheulang river in Caringin District, Sukabumi Regency in a 2 year period is 7.999 mm/second, a 5 year period 9, 215 mm/second, a 10 year period 9,922 mm/second, a 25 year period 10,736 mm/second, period of 50 years 11.297 mm/second and period of 100 years 11.825 mm/second; (2) Ciheulang river flood discharge in Caringin District, Sukabumi Regency for a 2 year period is 38.424 mm/second, a 5 year period 44,266 mm/second, a 10 year period 47,664 mm/second, a 25 year period 51.574 mm/second, a 50 year period 54.269 mm/second and period of 100 years 56,807 mm/second; (3) Control of flooding that occurred in the Ciheulang river in Caringin District, Sukabumi Regency is carried out by reducing and overcoming runoff that occurs due to planned flood discharges with various return periods, through alternative structural efforts, including: making/raising flood embankments using revetments, gabions river channel.
Analysis of the Impact of Parking on Traffic Performance on the Roads Around the Cisaat Market Eka Gadara; Utamy Sukmayu Saputri; Ardin Rozadi; Muhammad Hidayat; Zalavsky Nikolay Ivanovich
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY (IJEAT) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
Publisher : Nusa Putra University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (895.881 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/ijeat.v4i1.47


The Cisaat Sukamanah highway is one of the arterial road segments that pass through Sukamanah Village, Cisaat District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java and is the main road connecting Cisaat Regency with Sukabumi City. This road belongs to the category of arterial road, for urban road conditions it is designed with a speed of 60 km/hour. In addition, on arterial roads, traffic should not be disturbed by local activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the performance of the Cisaat Sukamanah Highway, especially in front of the Cisaat Baru Market, in its current (existing) condition, to estimate the conditions on the Cisaat Highway. -12.00 wib with a total of 995.1 smp/hour vehicles. And the average speed is 192.3. For the highest side friction incident occurred on Monday at 06.45-07.45 with 453.3 hourly weighted events. Overall, the performance of the Cisaat Sukamanah highway is B. The highest accumulation results in the on street parking area of Jalan Pasar Baru on Sunday, March 21, 2021 for motorcycles were 681 vehicles occurring at 16.00-17.00 WIB and car vehicles were 230 vehicles occurring at 13.00-14.00. The results of observations in this study indicate that the overall parking volume on Sundays for motorbikes is 4709 and for cars is 2210. And the parking turnover rate obtained from the calculation results shows that the use of parking spaces, the parking turnover rate (Parking Turn Over) for motorbikes is 8, 4 vehicles/space and 17 vehicles/space for 11 hours of observation. And the average percentage of the parking index using motorcycle and car parking spaces on Sundays exceeds 100%. Thus, it can be concluded that the parking area is not efficient in accommodating parking vehicles.
Vehicle Volume Density Analysis in Nyomplong Road, Sukabumi City Mochamad Ardi Maulana; Utamy Sukmayu Saputri; Ardin Rozadi
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY (IJEAT) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021): International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
Publisher : Nusa Putra University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1095.804 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/ijeat.v4i1.50


Jalan Nyomplong is a one-lane and two-lane road with a length of 400m. The cause of the congestion that occurs along Jalan Nyomp;long is the very high activity of residents and the condition of the road sections which are relatively small. In this study, data collection was obtained by conducting a survey for 1 day at 2 different location points around Jalan Nyomplong such as a survey of traffic volume, traffic speed, traffic density, and road segment capacity. In addition, supporting data is obtained from agencies and from social media. From the results of the study, it was found that the volume of vehicles recorded in the afternoon was the densest, the calculation of vehicle speed for on Jl. Nyomplong is 20 – 30 km/hour, density analysis for Jl. Nyomplong in the afternoon is the busiest at 59 vehicles/Km. Meanwhile, at this location, incoming vehicles are dominated from two directions Nyomplong – Jln Pabuaran or vice versa with a total in the morning (06.00-09:00) 2,032 vehicles/hour, during the day (12.00-15.00) 2,029 vehicles/hour and in the afternoon (16.00 -18.00) 3,040 vehicles/hour. In the analysis of road capacity calculated by the 1997 MKJI method, namely C = Co x FCw x FCsp x FCsf x FCcs (pcu/hour), the results found that the road capacity in the morning was 979 smp/hour, on during the day as many as 977 smp/hour, and in the afternoon as many as 1464 smp/hour.
Implementation of Public Street Lighting Needs on the Sukabumi Southern Ring Road Nanda Ikhwan Khair; Utamy Sukmayu Saputri; Ardin Rozadi; Muhammad Hidayat; Oksana Viktorovna Zadorozhnaya
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY (IJEAT) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
Publisher : Nusa Putra University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1159.291 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/ijeat.v4i2.54


Ruas Lingkar Selatan is made to facilitate the mobility of people from Bogor to Cianjur and vice versa without having to pass the jammed roads of Sukabumi city. However, the traffic signs, in Ruas Lingkar Selatan of Sukabumi City has not met the elements of comfort, safety, smoothness, and road safety. In addition, the traffic signs, which is located in Ruas Lingkar Selatan of Sukabumi City, is not complete and does not meet the standards. The purpose of this study was to determine the need for traffic signs, criteria needed on the road ruas lingkar selatan. The regulation used to solve this problem is SNI 7391 2008 concerning specifications for street lighting in urban areas. Availability of sufficient lighting is one of the supporting aspects of safety in driving on the highway. Apart from lighting the vehicle itself, the availability of street lighting or commonly known as public street lighting is very important and must be considered properly. Ideally the lights installed are high pressure sodium gas (SON) 250 watts, continuous and partial lamp placement systems, the distance between the traffic signs, poles ruas lingkar selatan is 39 meters with a lighting quality of 10 LUX¸ the lamp poles used are double light poles which is placed in the median of the road, PJU uses solar panels, and in meeting road service standards to be ideal, 317 traffic signs needed.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ENGINEERING AND APPLIED TECHNOLOGY (IJEAT) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): International Journal of Engineering and Applied Technology (IJEAT)
Publisher : Nusa Putra University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (952.031 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/ijeat.v5i1.57


The dam is a construction of water structures built across the river. The function of the dam is to hold and store water, both rain water, river water and water from the lake which will then form a reservoir. Kadumalik Dam is one of the projects of the Directorate General of Water Resources (SDA) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) which will be built in 2020 on an area of 500 Ha. The purpose of building Kadumalik Dam is to meet the irrigation needs of the Irrigation Area (D.I) and meet diverse water needs, but the dam can also pose a great risk as well, namely the risk of accumulation of sedimentation. Sedimentation is one of the factors that is very influential in dam management. A large sedimentation rate will speed up the service life of the reservoir so that the planned reservoir function can be disrupted. Therefore this research is important to know how much the dam capacity and how old the dam service. This study uses analytical calculation methods for sediment transport based on observations and calculation methods with efforts to handle sedimentation. Based on the results of the analysis, the sedimentation rate in the Kadumalik Reservoir is 2.71 tons / ha / year and is classified as an erosion hazard class I or very light erosion rate, calculation of the method with sedimentation handling measures results in the analysis of the Sediment Control Building (BPS) can control 2.2 million m3 of sediment, so that it can extend the reservoir service life to 50 years.