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Urgensi Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal Terhadap Peningkatan Mutu Perguruan Tinggi Muh. Fitrah; Ruslan; Hendra
Jurnal Penjaminan Mutu Vol 4 No 01 (2018)
Publisher : UHN IGB Sugriwa Denpasar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (50.337 KB) | DOI: 10.25078/jpm.v4i1.400


One of the effects of globalization is the increase of the opportunity of work but this is accompanied by the strict competition in getting job caused by globalization so the implementation system of university should continually be able to anticipate those dynamic changes that the alumnus has the high competition level. This condition underlines the urgency of system implementation of internal quality guarantee. System implementation of internal quality guarantee was made as the basis control management of the high education quality with national standard. The process of system implementation of internal quality guarantee was not far from quality, target of education implementation quality, and all documentations of quality that mus be socialized elements of academic and institution leader to implement optimally because the important values of effort from system of internal quality guarantee if the discovery gotten, was continued by planning and application of programs for future fixes. There were some crucial urgencies gotten by university in evaluation that was done by system of internal quality guarantee, university should; 1) able to identify power and weakness as the basis of arrangement of continue plan of development. 1) able to learn the opportunity to develop the quality of education, score the success of development effort, and do adaptation of programs; 3) able to know the level of performance success based on Standard, and 4) able to supply the valid report to holder of interest about progress and result-raised.
Identifikasi dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Senyawa Metabolit Sekunder Ekstrak Tanaman Cleome viscosa L: Identification and Antioxidants Activity Tests of Secondary Metabolite Compounds of Clome viscosa L. Plant Extracts Imran; Laily Nurliana; Muh. Natsir; Nohong; La Ode Abd Kadir; La Rudi; Ruslan; Thamrin Azis
KOVALEN: Jurnal Riset Kimia Vol. 9 No. 1 (2023): April Edition
Publisher : Chemistry Department, Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, Tadulako University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/kovalen.2023.v9.i1.16340


Cleome viscosa L. has been used empirically by people on the island to treat diseases that have clinical symptoms such as malaria (fever, sweating, chills, and muscle aches). The purpose of this study was to determine the class of secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity. The extraction was carried out using the maceration method, while the fractionation was carried out using the separating funnel. The secondary metabolites found in the Cleome viscosa L. plant extract are alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, terpenoids, tannins, and saponins. Antioxidant test conducted by DPPH method showed that the positive control of ascorbic acid and methanol extract obtained IC50 values of 3.86 ppm and 37.4 ppm, respectively.
Sistem Aplikasi Kasir Toko Surya Makmur Berbasis Netbeans Desktop Raditya; Ruslan
Jurnal Riset Informatika dan Inovasi Vol 1 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Riset Informatika dan Inovasi
Publisher : shofanah Media Berkah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Toko Surya Makmur berada di Jalan Raya Kedep, Tlajung Udik, Kec. Gn. Putri, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16962 merupakan perusahaan yang menjual kebutuhan sehari-hari yang proses bisnisnya masih menggunakan sistem manual. Surya Makmur berencana untuk memperluas bisnis dan sistem kasir diperlukan. Toko Surya Makmur mencatat penjualan barang dalam kesulitan. Dengan membuat sistem kasir, data dan informasi tercatat secara akurat. Dengan begitu nantinya banyak proses yang saat ini dikerjakan secara manual dapat diotomatisasi, juga informasi dan data-data yang diperlukan dapat disimpan sedemikian rupa secara akurat sehingga dapat diambil jika sewaktu-waktu diperlukan. Pembuatan program sistem pembelian dan penjualan ini diharapkan akan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan dalam pengembangan usahanya, yaitu meningkatkan efisiensi dan penjualan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem penjualan kasir dengan menggunakan metode waterfall. Metode waterfall adalah salah satu metode pengembangan perangkat lunak yang termasuk dalam classic life cycle atau siklus hidup klasik, dimana menggunakan fase yang berurutan dan sistematis Hasil pengujianya adalah sistem berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.
Workshop Penulisan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Ptk) Bagi Guru Smp Negeri 2 Majene: - Ruslan; Umar; Intan Fandini Intan
Jurnal Pengabdian dan Peningkatan Mutu Masyarakat (Janayu) Vol. 4 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Pengabdian dan Peningkatan Mutu Masyarakat (In Press)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/janayu.v4i3.28552


Purpose – The aim of this activity is to provide teachers with an overview of how to make a PTK and how to compile a PTK in the form of a scientific article. Design/methodology/approach – Service activities in the form of classroom Action Research (PTK) writing workshops were carried out at SMP Negeri 2 Majene. The implementation of PTK writing uses the blended learning method, which combines two types of methods, namely training carried out face-to-face with participants and training held online. The blended learning method was chosen to provide diverse training and adapt to the needs of teachers. It is hoped that this workshop can improve teachers' skills in writing PTK and help improve teacher professionalism. Findings – The results obtained, namely the evaluation before and after the activity, contained very significant differences. Before the activity, there were no participants who answered that they really knew for each question and most of the participants answered that they didn't know and very don't know, whereas after the activity there were no participants who answered that they didn't know and really didn't know for each question. The participants were very enthusiastic about the PTK training provided because this training could provide very extensive information regarding how to prepare a good PTK. Originality/value – Writing PTK is something that must be produced by teachers when proposing a promotion so that teachers must be able to write PTK in accordance with the rules for writing good and correct PTK, with this training teachers are greatly helped.