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Pelatihan Proses Produksi dan Branding Packaging (Pengemasan) Pada Kelompok Penderes Gula Merah Desa Gintangan Kab. Banyuwangi Oktavima Wisdaningrum; Rahayuningsih Rahayuningsih; Khoirul Bariyyah
LOYALITAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 1 No 2 (2018): November 2018
Publisher : IAI Darussalam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1122.183 KB)


The main objective of this training program is to train community groups in the production process and branding packaging (packaging) of brown sugar for the products produced by the group of beneficiaries. The training location is in Gumuk Agung Village, Gintangan Village, Banyuwangi Regency. The method used is the method of lecture, discussion and practice. This socialization (training) was given to Sinar and Tunas Jaya Gintangan Banyuwangi groups. The results achieved in this community partnership program are partners who understand about the production process of good brown sugar with hygienic conditions of materials and tools so as to produce healthy and quality products, besides the diversification of products in the form of ant sugar can be an additional producer for Gumuk Agung, and with the packaging of attractive products for brown sugar and ant sugar the products sold are bought to consumers becoming more attractive and value-added.
Pengaruh NaCl Terhadap Kalus Tebu Varietas Bululawang (The Effect of NaCl on Callus of Sugarcane Varieties Bululawang) Khoirul Bariyyah
Jurnal Agroekoteknologi Vol 7, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Jurusan Agroekoteknologi Fakultas Pertanian Untirta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.194 KB) | DOI: 10.33512/j.agrtek.v7i1.509


 The research was aim to study the effect of NaCl on callus of sugarcane varieties Bululawang. This experiment has been conducted in Tissue Culture Laboratory of the Faculty of Agiculture, University of Jember from December 2012 to Mei 2013. The experiment which consists of four levels concentration of NaCl : 0 g/l (K0), 4 g/l (K1), 8 g/l (K2), 12 g/l (K3), and 16 g/l (K4). Each treatment consists of four replications. The experiment consisted of three stages: callus induced, salinity strees of callus, and shoot regeneration of sugarcane on various rate NaCl. Observations conducted qualitative description of the parameters of the color of callus , callus structure and shoot regeneration. The results of this experiment indicated that the callus of sugarcane varieties Bululawang experienced salinity stres of NaCl at 4 g/l showed symptom degradation of color to yellow with sticky crumb structure. Increasing consentrations of NaCl 8-16 g/l lead callus color being tawny until black with sticky crumb structure. Salinity stres with consentrations of NaCl at 4 g/l caused callus is not able to regenerate to form buds and increase callus cell death. 
AGRIBIOS Vol 19 No 2 (2021): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36841/agribios.v19i2.1960


Tanaman padi hitam memiliki ciri yaitu warna gabah kuning, warna beras hitam, tekstur nasi lebih pulen dengan rasa nasi enak. Tanaman ini berumur genjah yaitu umur panen 120 hari setelah tanam (hst) memiliki anakan produktif 9-13 batang. Beras hitam tergolong pangan fungsional karena mengandung senyawa yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Beras hitam memiliki kandungan antosianin tinggi yang terletak pada lapisan perikarp, yang memberikan warna ungu gelap. Sayangnya, tingginya kandungan nutrisi yang dimiliki oleh beras hitam tidak diimbangi dengan ketersediaan beras hitam yang cukup di pasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh jumlah bibit perlubang terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman padi hitam. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 3 perlakuan yaitu : L1 ( 1 bibit per lubang) , L2 ( 2 bibit per lubang), L3 ( 3 bibit per lubang). Perlakuan L1 menunjukkan hasil berbeda nyata pada semua variabel yang diamati. Semakin banyak jumlah bibit perlubang memberikan hasil yang kurang bagus terhadap pertumbuhan dan jumlah anakan pada tanaman padi hitam.
TEKNOLOGI FARM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNTUK MENDUKUNG BUDIDAYA PERTANIAN BERKELANJUTAN Khoirul Bariyyah; Ahmad Hadi; Ni’mawati Sakinah; Putri Istianingrum; Annastia Loh Jayanti; Kanthi Pangestuning Prapti; Shinta Hiflina Yuniari; Moh. Fahrurrozi
Jurnal Pertanian Presisi (Journal of Precision Agriculture) Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pertanian Presisi
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35760/jpp.2023.v7i1.8337


FMS technology is a digital platform designed to collect environmental information on plant growth, microclimate monitoring and automation of fertilization and irrigation of cultivated plants. The FMS application has 4 main functions, namely land digitization, soil nutrient condition monitoring system (agrooscane), climate monitoring system (agrooclimate), monitoring and automation of fertilization and irrigation (agroomation). This study aims to determine the effectiveness of using agroscan, agroclimate, and agroomation tools on cultivated land in Kumendung Village, Muncar District, Banyuwangi Regency. This research method uses the experimental method. The results of the study, namely the FMS agroscan technology, are effectively used to recommend improving soil pH, adding N, P, and K fertilizer inputs according to the needs of cultivated plant commodities. FMS agroclimate technology, effective for monitoring microclimate (temperature, humidity, rainfall, irradiation duration, and wind speed). The data displayed in the FMS agrooclimate can be used for consideration in determining crop timing, using varieties resistant to pests and diseases that develop in cultivation environments, crop rotation, fertilizing and irrigation times. FMS Agroomation technology is effectively used for setting fertilization and irrigation schedules.