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ANALISIS MUTU PRODUK ROTI MAROS SANGGALEA GROUP MENGGUNAKAN METODE QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT Herdianzah, Yan; Mubaraq, Husni; Nusran, Muhammad; Ahmad, Arfandi; Safutra, Nur Ihwan; Fole, Asrul
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/jrsi.v9i2.8179


Bread is a processed food made from wheat flour which is considered practical and filling. Roti Maros Sanggalea Group, Roti Maros Sanggalea Group is a trading business with processed products in the form of wet bread. The type of moist bread that is the flagship of Roti Maros Sanggalea Group is Maros bread. However, there has been a decline in demand for Maros bread over the past year. This decline can be seen in Maros bread production for the period January to March 2023. The decline in sales each month requires producers to develop their products well so they can always compete in the market. Therefore, this research aims to provide suggestions for attributes that consumers prioritize for Maros Sanggalea Group Roti products using the QFD (Quality Function Deployment) method to improve the quality of Maros bakery products by identifying consumer needs and linking them to improvements in production techniques. The research results show that based on the priority level, the proposed improvement is by completing information about the product on the packaging, as well as adding a halal logo to the packaging, the price given to consumers must be in accordance with the quality of the product both in terms of ingredients and taste. Make the products being marketed easy for consumers to remember, for example uniquely designed packaging or distinctive flavors.
Publisher : Universitas Putera Batam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33884/jrsi.v9i2.8794


This study aims to design fire evacuation routes using the Dijkstra Algorithm at RSUD I Lagaligo in East Luwu Regency, as part of the building renovation to improve service quality. The Dijkstra Algorithm was chosen for its ability to determine the shortest path from one point to another in a graph. This research employs systematic and logical data analysis techniques to obtain the closest evacuation routes. The results show a significant decrease in evacuation distance after the implementation of the Dijkstra algorithm, enhancing travel efficiency while maintaining consistent gathering points, except for some routes that experience changes in gathering points.
Workload analysis to determine the optimal number of workforce using the Work Load Analysis (WLA) method at PT. Harapan Jaya Multi Bisnis Ahmad, Arfandi; Herdianzah, Yan; Safutra, Nur Ihwan; Rauf, Nurhayati; Gamgulu, Rifki; Nur, Taufik
OPSI Vol 16, No 2 (2023): ISSN 1693-2102
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknologi Industri UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/opsi.v16i2.8967


Workload is something that arises due to excessive activity demands. The workload is not proportional to the number of available workers because of the high target of pipe production while the number of workers is lacking so that human resources cannot work productively, especially in the production department at PT. Harapan Jaya Multi Bisnis. The purpose of this study is to determine the workload of employees in pipe production and determine the optimal number of workers. This study uses the Work Load Analysis (WLA) method to analyze the workload in determining the optimal number of workers. The results of this study after calculating the workload, it is proposed that the fixed cutting section is 2 people with a workload of 62.65%. In Branding, in real terms there is 1 person with a total workload of 11.73% and an average workload of 11.73%. After calculating the workload, it is proposed that the shooting section still be 1 person with a workload of 11.73%, because if additional workers are added, the workload will be too low. The time needed to complete the activity is 7 hours per day. After calculating the workload, Quality Control is proposed to be 1 person, because if additional workers are added, the workload will be too low, namely 7 hours per day.
Implementasi Method of Successive Interval untuk Strategi Pengelolaan Sampah yang Berkelanjutan Herdianzah, Yan; Riana, Riska Iva; Immawan, Taufiq; Wahyuni P, A Dwi; Ahistasari, Asih
Metode : Jurnal Teknik Industri Vol. 10 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Metode
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33506/mt.v10i1.2902


The solid waste section of Manggala District, Makassar City, currently still finds many risks that commonly occur in the waste management supply chain from the waste source to the Temporary Disposal Site (TPS) then to the Final Disposal Site (TPA). This causes the volume of waste to increase every day due to the lack of waste sorting from the waste source so that the waste in the TPS is scattered due to the waste bins no longer being able to accommodate it and ultimately the TPA experiences over capacity without any effective handling to reduce the volume of waste. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with the risks that occur. This research aims to provide suggestions for sustainable mitigation strategies to reduce the impact of risks on waste management using the Delphi method to identify potential risks. Using the House of Risk (HOR) at the risk analysis and evaluation stage to determine mitigation strategies and measuring the sustainability index using the Successive Interval (MSI) Method to determine the sustainability status of the proposed mitigation strategy. Based on the research results, it is known that there are 18 risk events and 65 risk agents identified. Next, a mitigation strategy was carried out on the risk agent using 16 preventive actions, which then measured the level of sustainability of each strategy. The results of these measurements found 3 strategies whose status was very sustainable, 10 strategies whose status was quite sustainable and 3 strategies whose status was less sustainable.
Optimizing Raw Material Inventory Control for Aluminum Wardrobes Using the Material Requirements Planning (MRP) Method: A Case Study on Amal Jaya SME Safutra, Nur Ihwan; Fole, Asrul; Dahlan, Muhammad; Hafid, Muhammad Fachry; Ahmad, Arfandi; Herdianzah, Yan; Muhtada, Ahmad
Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri Vol. 26 No. 2 (2024): JSTI Volume 26 Number 2 July 2024
Publisher : TALENTA Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/jsti.v26i2.15972


This study aims to analyze the implementation of Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method in controlling raw material inventory for aluminum wardrobe production in Amal Jaya SME. The inability to accurately predict the average number of customer orders each month indicates unfulfilled consumer demand. Therefore, effective raw material control becomes crucial to ensure availability in accordance with demand. The objectives of this research are to evaluate the management of raw materials using the MRP method and identify its impact on cost efficiency of raw materials in the production process. Additionally, this study aims to optimize raw material inventory to maximize customer demand fulfillment. The MRP method was chosen as the primary approach in this research. The results of the analysis indicate that the implementation of MRP method with Lot for Lot (LFL) lot sizing is the most efficient choice in controlling raw material inventory. Based on calculations using lot-for-lot and Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) methods, the most efficient inventory expenditure incurred by the company amounts to Rp. 26,274,840. Thus, ordering raw materials with Lot for Lot lot sizing can be used as a solution to optimize the control of aluminum wardrobe inventory in Amal Jaya SME.
Feasibility Analysis of Sinjai’s Special Minas Beverage Production Ahmad, Arfandi; Herdianzah, Yan
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v7i3.1276


Sinjai Regency is a city that produces many specialty drinks, one of which is Minas (Sinjai Typical Drink) which is a type of fermented drink because it is made from cassava tapai and has a thick yellow texture. This research focuses on the development of the Minas business, which is vulnerable to the risk of rising raw material prices and declining selling prices. The purpose of this research is to do a feasibility study of the Minas business to improve the economy of the people engaged in the business. This study uses a 5 aspect approach, namely, (1) market aspects, (2) technical aspects, (3) management aspects, (4) environmental aspects, (5) socio-economic aspects of culture. The financial aspect of this study shows the PP value for the Sinjai specialty beverage business is 4.63 years, and a positive IRR value of 1.41%, which means that the business is feasible. The Net B/C value of the Minas production business is 4.63. This means that for every Rp. 1 spent  the business will generate a net profit of Rp. 4,63.Keywords : Sinjai specialty drinks, mina's business feasibility, financial aspects, non-financial aspects
Pengukuran Kinerja Industri Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard dan Proses Hirarki Analitis Saleh, Anis; Herdianzah, Yan; Padhil, Ahmad; Fole, Asrul; Ahmad, Arfandi; Safutra, Nur Ihwan; Rasyiqah, Alifah
Publisher : Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36722/sst.v9i3.2775


Palm oil plantations are one of the agricultural commodities in Indonesia that play a crucial role in food availability and the economy. This research employs the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model as an integrated performance measurement system. The BSC measures company performance from both financial and non-financial perspectives. The study aims to measure the performance of the palm oil industry at PT. KMP Masamba, and covers four perspectives namely financial, customer, internal business, and learning and growth. The weighting of performance measurement elements is done using the analytical hierarchy process with the assistance of Expert Choice software. The results are expected to assist PT. KMP Masamba in determining necessary improvement priorities. The performance measurements from each perspective, ranked from highest to lowest, are as follows: customer perspective (0.148), internal business perspective (0.048), learning and growth perspective (0.047), and financial perspective (0.030). The overall company performance score is 0.543, indicating satisfactory performance and approaching high targets. Based on these conclusions, recommendations for this research include periodic performance measurement by the company to assess its comprehensive condition and improve functional activities with low performance, to improve their performance indicators.Keywords - Analytical Hierarchy Process, Balance Scorecard, The Performance Measurements.  
Analisis Pengambilan Keputusan Investasi Capital Expenditure (Capex) dalam Proyek Maintenance Menggunakan Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) di PT. Semen Tonasa Afriari, Irul; Dahlan, Muhammad; Herdianzah, Yan
Scientica: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 12 (2024): Scientica: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Komunitas Menulis dan Meneliti (Kolibi)

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Semen Tonasa adalah produsen semen terkemuka di Indonesia, memainkan peran penting dalam pembangunan infrastruktur dan konstruksi di negara tersebut. Dengan fasilitas produksi modern dan terintegrasi, perusahaan ini mencakup seluruh proses, dari penambangan bahan baku hingga penggilingan dan pengemasan semen. Pengambilan keputusan investasi merupakan proses kritis bagi setiap perusahaan yang berencana untuk meningkatkan aset atau mengembangkan operasinya.Capital Expenditure (Capex) adalah investasi jangka panjang untuk meningkatkan aset perusahaan dan menciptakan pendapatan di masa depan. Berdasarkan hasil observasi permasalahan yang terjadi dalam proses pegambilan keputusan capex adalah konflik prioritas dalam pengambilan Keputusan capex. Tujuan Dari Penelitian Ini adalah untuk mengatasi konflik prioritas dan kesulitan dalam mengevaluasi serta memprioritaskan proyek investasi Capex di unit Capex PT. Semen Tonasa. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai prioritas Alternatif terbaik dalam pengambilan keputusan Capex di PT. Semen Tonasa menggunakan metode AHP, yaitu prioritas utama adalah Proyek Maintenance MFP dengan nilai bobot 0,772, diikuti oleh proyek PKP (0,373) dan Proyek ITRL (0,308). Proyek Maintenance MFP memiliki urgensi dan kepentingan tertinggi dibandingkan proyek lainnya. Berdasarkan analisis AHP, Proyek MFP (Modernisasi Fasilitas Pabrik) adalah alternatif terbaik dalam pengambilan keputusan Capex di PT. Semen Tonasa.
Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Pengunjung Permandian Alam Malela Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Service Quality (Studi Kasus Di Desa Margolembo) Yanti, Indri; Pawennari, Andi; Herdianzah, Yan
Scientica: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 2 No. 12 (2024): Scientica: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Komunitas Menulis dan Meneliti (Kolibi)

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Kabupaten Luwu Timur, yang terletak di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, memiliki berbagai destinasi wisata yang berpotensi untuk dikelola, dikembangkan, dan dipromosikan. Salah satu destinasi menarik di Luwu Timur adalah Desa Margolembo, yang memiliki permandian alam Malela sebagai daya tarik utamanya. Permandian alam ini terkenal dengan pemandangan alamnya yang memukau, air yang jernih, dan udara yang sejuk, menjadikannya tempat ideal untuk rekreasi dan relaksasi. Namun, fasilitas yang ada saat ini masih belum memadai, yang menghambat perkembangan wisata di Malela. Survei awal menunjukkan beberapa masalah, seperti fasilitas toilet dan mushola yang kurang memadai, harga sewa gazebo yang tinggi, dan akses jalan yang sulit. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pengunjung di permandian alam Malela dan Untuk memberikan usulan perbaikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas di permandian alam Malela. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode Fuzzy Service Quality yang melibatkan lima dimensi kualitas jasa yaitu bukti fisik (tangible), keandalan (reability), ketanggapan (responsiveness), jaminan (assurance) dan kepedulian (empathy). Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel tangible (0,75), reliability (0,76), responsiveness (0,79), assurance (0,78), dan empathy (0,76) hasil yang didapatkan Q ≤ 1 maka pelayanan yang dilakukan kurang baik/kurang memuaskan. Diperoleh nilai GAP negatif dari 19 atribut yang menandakan bahwan pengunjung merasa tidak puas dengan pelayanan yang mereka dapatkan.
Scientica: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Scientica: Jurnal Ilmiah Sains dan Teknologi
Publisher : Komunitas Menulis dan Meneliti (Kolibi)

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PT. Sermani Steel Makassar merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak pada bidang manufaktur. Yang bergerak pada bidang produksi spandek salah satunya. PT.sermani Steel Makassar memiliki kapasitas produksi 50.380 perlembar di setiap tahunnya. Namun, dengan kapasitas ini, perusahaan seringkali tidak dapat memenuhi konsumen yang tinggi permintaan 50.400 lembar dalam setahun karena kinerja mesin yang kurang optimal, sejumlah jam kerja dan tenaga kerja yang tidak seimbang dalam memproduksi spandek. Hal ini mengakibatkan perusahaan harus melakukan perencanaan kapasitas produksi yang optimal guna untuk memenuhi kebutuhan permintaan konsumen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merencanakan kapasitas produksi di masa depan berdasarkan tingkat permintaan konsumen yang menggunakan Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP) dengan metode tersebut adalah Teknik Bill of Labor Approach (BOLA).