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Intensi Berwirausaha Mahasiswa Berdasarkan Ciri Anggadiredja dan Djajamihardja Inayati, Siti Reuni; Ihwandi, Lalu Rizal
Ekuitas: Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi Vol 9, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23887/ekuitas.v9i2.40119


This study aims to determine how high the entrepreneurial intention of Gunung Rinjani University students is based on the characteristics of Anggadiredja and Djajamihardja. This type of research is quantitative research with descriptive statistical analysis techniques. Collecting data using a questionnaire with 150 students as respondents. To find out the high and low value of entrepreneurship intention in the students, the researcher used a categorization based on a hypothetical mean. From the results of a questionnaire of 150 respondents, the average score for 12 entrepreneurial traits according to Anggadiredja and Djajamihardja, first is Having Emotions to Imagine Success or Fear of Failure of 25.87, second Dare to Take Risks the average is 25.59, third Persevering and Working Hard the average value is 25.52 , the four Enthusiasm and Agile (Mobile) the average score is 25.37, the fifth Requires Feedback the average value is 25.37, the sixth is Personally Responsible for His Actions and Decisions the average value is 26.49, the Belief in Himself trait is obtained an average of 25.54, the eighth Have Broad Knowledge obtained an average of 25.22, the ninth Ability To Inspiring the average value of 24.47, the tenth Leadership Skills the average value of 25.03, the eleventh Innovators (Innovators) the average value of 25.54 and the twelfth Pursuit of Success the average value of 25.97. So it can be concluded that the entrepreneurial intention of each respondent is at a moderate level because it is in the range of values between 19-28.5.
Peran Kampus Mengajar Sebagai Usaha Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi dan Numerasi di SMP Darussalam NW H, Hilmiyatun; Aryani, Fedya Diajeng; Inayati, Siti Reuni; Ihsani, Baiq Yuliatin
Nanggroe: Jurnal Pengabdian Cendikia Vol 3, No 4 (2024): Juli
Publisher : Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12749176


The Teaching Campus Program is one of the flagship programs of the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) policy of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). The Teaching Campus Program is a program that provides opportunities for students to learn outside the classroom by becoming partners with teachers in the learning process in basic education units. This program focuses on two outcomes, namely developing the competency of students participating in the program through increasing leadership capacity, creativity and innovation, problem solving, communication, team management, and improving analytical thinking, as well as increasing literacy and numeracy for students at target schools. This context is getting stronger considering that Indonesia's literacy and numeracy conditions are still low in line with efforts to increase literacy and numeracy as one of the national priority agendas. The methods used include observation methods, observation methods and interviews. The results of this activity are the impact of improving student learning outcomes at Darussalam NW Middle School and helping technology adaptation for students, teachers and schools in accordance with achieving the objectives of the Teaching Campus Program, namely that students, teachers and schools are expected to be technologically literate. Students who previously could not operate a computer, since the technology adaptation program was implemented, students have been able to perform basic computer operations and use Microsoft Word and Excel. The Angakatan 5 Teaching Campus Program which has been implemented at SMP Darussalam NW has provided a variety of new innovations in learning activities. However, the results of this program will be maximum if teachers continue to want to learn and make efforts and are aware that the role of technology in the learning process is very important.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 6 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstrak: Asam amino merupakan komponen utama penyusun protein yang memiliki fungsi metabolism yang berfungsi sebagai zat pengatur tumbuh dan antioksidan pada tanaman. Pelatihan pembuatan pupuk organik asam amino ber bahan baku ikan lemuru ini dilakukan di Kelompok Wanita Tani Andar Nyawa Desa Pesanggrahan Kecamatan Montong Gading. Kelompok KWT ini cukup aktif berkegiatan khususnya sebagai petani lahan sawah dan petani pekarangan. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mitra didalam produksi pupuk organik asam amino berbahan baku ikan lemuru. Terlebih Desa Pesanggarahan merupakan program kampung iklim dan kelestarian alam perlu dan harus dilakukan perbaikan ekosistem usahatani. Kegiatan FGD dilakukan sebagai upaya menjaring pemikiran dan situasi di lingkungan KWT, kemudian melaksanakan kegiatan inti yaitu pelatihan pembuatan POC asam amino. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyakarat ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadinya peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan anggota didalam aspek teknologi produksi pupuk organik (90%). Hal ini dibuktikan dengan partisipasi aktif anggota selama kegiatan berlangsung dan hasil pre-test dan post-test cukup baik. Mengingat anggota Kelompok Wanita Tani Andar Nyawa setiap rangkaian kegiatan diikuti dengan proses diskusi. Sebagai upaya tindak lanjut dari pengabdian ini yaitu; pendampingan secara berkelanjutan untuk menguatkan semangat dan kemampuan anggota KWT, analisis uji laboratorium kandungan POC asam amino agar penggunaan lebih tepat guna.Abstract: Amino acids are the main components of protein which have metabolic functions and function as growth regulators and antioxidants in plants. Training on making amino acid organic fertilizer using lemuru fish as raw material was carried out at the Andar Nyawa Women's Farming Group, Pesanggrahan Village, Montong Gading District. This group is quite active, especially as rice field farmers and home garden farmers. This community service aims to increase the knowledge and skills of partners in the production of organic amino acid fertilizer made from lemuru fish. Moreover, Pesanggarahan Village is a climate and nature conservation village program that requires improvements to the farming ecosystem. The FGD activity was carried out as an effort to capture thoughts and situations in the women farming group environment, then carry out the core activity, namely training in making amino acid liquid organic fertilizer. The results of this community service show that there has been an increase in members' knowledge and skills in the technological aspects of organic fertilizer production (90%). This is proven by the active participation of members during the activity and the pre-test and post-test results are quite good. Remembering that members of the women's farmer group "Andar Nyawa" participated in each series of activities with a discussion process. As a follow-up effort to this service, namely; ongoing assistance to strengthen the enthusiasm and abilities of women farmer group members, laboratory test analysis of amino acid liquid organic fertilizer content so that its use is more appropriate.
JMM (Jurnal Masyarakat Mandiri) Vol 7, No 6 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jmm.v7i6.19418


Abstrak: Kewirausahaan tidak hanya mencakup bakat intelektual dan kemampuan produksi produk, tetapi juga sikap proaktif dalam mengatasi hambatan dan mengambil risiko yang diperhitungkan untuk mengubahnya menjadi kemungkinan dan peluang. Model Anggadiredja dan Djajamihardja adalah alat yang digunakan untuk menilai kesiapan individu untuk berwirausaha di industri tertentu. Ini berfungsi sebagai model untuk mengidentifikasi potensi kewirausahaan. Agar remaja Kost Putri Faizatul Ulya diharapkan mampu memberikan inspirasi, ilmu, dan pengenalan kewirausahaan secara mandiri sejak dini, maka tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan softskill dan hardskill mitra sehingga dapat mengetahui potensi ciri-ciri wirausaha yang ada pada diri mitra sehingga nantinya mampu menumbuhkan jiwa wirausaha yang mandiri. Pendekatan kegiatan pengabdian ini memanfaatkan tanya jawab, pelatihan, dan contoh audiovisual. Teknik pelatihan digunakan untuk memberikan informasi luas tentang kewirausahaan. Presentasi menggunakan audiovisual yang menyoroti kehidupan para pebisnis sukses sebagai inspirasi untuk mendorong pola pikir kewirausahaan. Kost Putri Faizatul Ulya yang berlokasi di Darul Hijrah, Desa Anjani, Kecamatan Suralaga, menjadi mitra program ini. Saat ini terdapat 21 orang remaja putri di sana. Para remaja putri Kost Faizatul Ulya akan diberikan sarana dan bimbingan yang mereka perlukan untuk mengembangkan semangat wirausaha mandiri dan kreatif yang dapat memulai perusahaan yang menguntungkan dan meningkatkan pendapatan mereka. Tes yang dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan digunakan untuk menilainya. Berdasarkan penilaian, potensi kewirausahaan peserta mengalami peningkatan yang ditunjukkan dengan kenaikan rata-rata skor dari pretest ke post-test sebesar 0,29%.Abstract: Entrepreneurship is not only limited to academic intelligence and skills in producing products but also a dynamic spirit in capturing challenges and risks and then turning them into opportunities and potential. The Anggadiredja and Djajamihardja (1991) model as a model for recognizing entrepreneurial potential is used to find out whether a person is ready or not to become self-employed in a certain type of business. The aim of this service activity is to So the aim of this service activity is to improve partners' soft skills and hard skills so that they can find out the potential entrepreneurial characteristics that exist in partners so that they will be able to develop an independent entrepreneurial spirit. This service activity method uses training, providing examples via audio visuals, as well as questions and answers. Training methods are used to convey general entrepreneurship knowledge. Audio-visual presentations about profiles of successful and successful entrepreneurs as motivation to foster an entrepreneurial spirit. The partner in this program is the Faizatul Ulya Girls Boarding School Youth which is located in Darul Hijrah, Anjani Village, Suralaga District, which is currently inhabited by 21 people, most of whom are female students and female students. With provision and counseling, the young women of Kost Faizatul Ulya will be instilled with the spirit of young entrepreneurs who are independent and also innovative to build productive businesses to increase their income. This training was evaluated using pre-test and post-test. Based on the evaluation, there was an increase in entrepreneurial potential who took part in the training with an increase in the average score from pretest to post-test of 0.29%.