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Parents’ Knowledge Concerning School Phobia of their Children in Baghdad City, Iraq Abdulmahdi A. Hasan
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 15 No. 1 (2021): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v15i1.13749


Background: Fear from school can also be described as any rejection by a child to join a school or to havedifficult time attending the school for a complete day by a child. Aims of the study: To describe parentsknowledge of their children with fear from school. Methodology: This study examined the analysis on thedata collected by the Ibn Alhythm primary School all through from the middle of October till the end ofJanuary 2011school year. The sample data took the form of surveys, questionnaires , and interviews by aresearcher with parents who have been analyzed to investigate the associations among variables related tofear from school behaviour. “Ibn Alhythm primary School District ‘s Special Education Department collecteddata during the 2010-2011 school year. In hopes of identifying a representative sample of the school-refusingstudents in the district, the Special Education Department sent participation requests to a random sample of40 of the 40 families described as having students who missed 18 or more days of the Ibn Alhythm primarySchool during the 2010-2011 school year. The information obtained did not include information from anystudents who were in Ibn Alhythm primary School through 1st grade or who missed fewer than 18 daysof school, the information has been analyzed through data analysis. The results: The results of the studyrevealed that the educational program had a positive impact on the knowledge of family members. Theresults of the study have demonstrated that there is a correlation between the mothers’ knowledge and theirdemographic characteristics (age of parents, educational level, occupation, residential area). In general,knowledge of parents related to fear was low. However, the parents applied preventive measure towardstheir children with fear .A quasi-experimental study was conducted in the Ibn Alhythm primary school fromthe middle of October till the end of January 2011.Recommendation: Keep the sample group large. Theauthor should get a fair representation of the population in doing so. Parents having a minimum level ofexperiences at school phobia, need a specific education program and training sessions. A specific educationprogram can be designed and described to parent’s who have a minimum level of knowledge to enhancetheir level of knowledge.”
Tujuan dan Fungsi Musik dalam Ibadah Gereja Rajiman Andrinus Sirait
Tonika: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Seni Vol 4 No 1 (2021): Volume 4 Nomor 1 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Abdiel

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Dalam ibadah umat Kristen, musik merupakan bagian yang tidak bisa dipisahkan. Ketika kita berbicara tentang musik dalam ibadah gereja, pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti berikut ini sering ada seperti: Peran apa yang dimainkan musik dalam ibadah sehingga dapat memotivasi jemaat untuk menyembah Tuhan? Apakah fungsi dan tujuan dari musik dalam sebuah ibadah? Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, penulis menggunakan pendekatan metode kualitatif studi pustaka untuk lebih menekankan pada aspek pemahaman secara mendalam. Dari metode tersebut juga hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat ditransferkan atau diterapkan di tempat lain. Dari hal ini penulis menemukan bahwa musik ini menjadi bentuk ekspresi dan sarana komunikasi antara umat kepada Tuhan. Lalu dapat juga sebagai sarana pemulihan bagi jiwa kita dan tidak kalah pentingnya dapat sebagai pengantar akan firman Tuhan sebelum hamba Tuhan akan menyampaikan kotbah di atas mimbar. Dari musik yang dibawakan juga dapat menjadi perenungan bagi setiap jemaat yang mengikuti. Tidak saja jemaat bahkan pelayan yang mengambil bagian dalam ibadah tersebut.
Studi Kritis Pandangan Ulrich Zwingli terhadap Musik dalam Ibadah Gereja Rajiman Andrianus Sirait
Tonika: Jurnal Penelitian dan Pengkajian Seni Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Volume 4 Nomor 2 Tahun 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Abdiel

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Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengkritisi dari pandangan Ulrich Zwingli terhadap musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Pada penulisan ini penulis menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deksriptif dengan studi literatur. Penekanannya adalah pada kajian sejarah terhadap sumber-sumber pustaka dan menguraikannya dalam sebuah kerangka analisis yang dimulai dari latar belakang Ulrich Zwingli, lalu secara khusus diarahkan untuk meneliti dan mengkritisi dari pandangan Zwingli terhadap musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Dari hal tersebut didapatkan bahwa banyak sekali kurang cermatnya dari Zwingli dalam memandang tentang musik di dalam ibadah gereja. Bahkan di dalam Alkitab sendiri musik sudah menjadi bagian dalam proses ibadah. Alkitab sendiri menunjukkan bahwa doa, pujian dan penyembahan sudah menjadi bagian yang esensial dalam suatu ibadah dan itu semua sudah di dukung baik dalam Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru. Musik tidak hanya sebatas instumen seperti piano, gitar dan sebagainya semata, akan tetapi manusia dan alam juga merupakan bagian dari musik tersebut. Hal tersebut menjadi jawaban krusial dalam menanggapi kontroversi Ulrich Zwingli.
Kajian Dogmatis Tentang Baptisan Roh Kudus Rajiman Andrianus Sirait
Publisher : STT Pelita Dunia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47304/jl.v7i2.144


Abstract: The understanding of the baptismal teachings of the Holy Spirit is so diverse. Every church has a different dogma. There are two Christian views, namely the existence of groups that are considered unbaptized by the Holy Spirit, and then there are more Christian elites who think they have been baptized with the Holy Spirit. In answering this, the author uses qualitative methods with a library study approach. The Holy Spirit can only be described by His position in the Trinity of God and all His works are Holy. The main function of dogma is to invite us to investigate ourselves and think critically. Simply put, we can understand that this dogma is a teaching in which it is in line with what is written in the Bible and that is seen and adapted in terms of context and time. The baptism of the Holy Spirit can also be defined as the work of the Spirit of God who unites believers with other believers in the Body of Christ. The sign of the baptism of the Holy Spirit does not always have to be marked by the gift of speaking in tongues alone. Abstrak: Pemahaman tentang ajaran baptisan Roh Kudus begitu beragam. Setiap gereja memiliki dogma yang berbeda. Ada dua pandangan Kristen, yaitu adanya kelompok yang dianggap belum dibaptis oleh Roh Kudus, kemudian lebih banyak lagi elit Kristen yang menganggap dirinya telah dibaptis dengan Roh Kudus. Dalam menjawab hal tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan. Roh Kudus hanya dapat digambarkan dengan posisi-Nya dalam Trinitas Allah dan semua pekerjaan-Nya adalah Kudus. Fungsi utama dari dogma adalah mengajak kita untuk menyelidiki diri sendiri dan berpikir kritis. Sederhananya, Kita dapat memahami bahwa doktrin ini sejalan dengan doktrin yang tertulis di dalam Alkitab, dan dilihat serta disesuaikan dengan konteks dan waktu. Baptisan Roh Kudus juga dapat dipahami sebagai pekerjaan Roh Allah untuk menyatukan setiap pribadi yang percaya terhadap Kristus. Tanda-tanda baptisan Roh Kudus tidak selalu ditandai dengan karunia bahasa roh.
Misi Bagi Pertumbuhan Gereja Antonius Missa; Rajiman Andrianus Sirait
Journal of Religious and Socio-Cultural Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Journal of Religious and Socio-Cultural Vol.3 No.1 (April 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Widya Agape dan Perkumpulan Teolog Agama Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46362/jrsc.v3i1.106


Mission is crucial in determining whether a church will grow or not. Talking about the mission, the church must ask what the real mission is, and why we (the church) have and must have a mission. In answering this, the writer wrote that using a qualitative method, literature study was an option. In addition to looking at the Bible, the author also uses other literature as a supporting object to be considered and additional insight in determining the concepts covered in writing. Christian missions always pay attention to church growth. The type of growth described in this case must be quantitative and qualitative. All of these things can start from within the family, work or business partners, and can also be in certain hobby communities. This function must be maximized in the lives of Christ's disciples (congregations) who are taught by the church so that they can be salt and light. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out missions so that the congregation is also engaged in evangelistic missions. A growing church must be able to reach souls, not move souls from one church to another. The church must be able to innovate with today's challenges, without leaving the essence of God's Word itself. A growing church must be strong on the basis of the truth of God's Word that has been written in the Bible, in order to answer and counteract the influence of heresies that are increasingly rampant and also the frenetic world that is increasingly tempting. Misi menjadi hal krusial dalam menentukan gereja itu berumbuh atau tidak.Misi bukan hanya milik untuk kalangan tertentu saja, melainkan tanggung jawab setiap orang Kristen untuk mengemban misi. Berbicara tentang misi, gereja haruslah bertanya apa misi yang sebenarnya, dan mengapa kita (gereja) memilik dan harus bermisi Dalam menjawab hal tersebut, penulis menuliskan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif studi pustaka menjadi pilihan. Selain melihat dari Alkitab penulis juga menggunakan literatur lainnya sebagai objek pendukung untuk dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan tambahan wawasan dalam menentukan konsep-konsep yang tercakup dalam penulisan.Misi-misi Kristen selalu memperhatikan pertumbuhan gereja. Jenis pertumbuhan yang digambarkan pada hal ini yaitu harus bersifat kuantitatif dan kualitatif.Semua hal tersebut dapat saja dimulai dari dalam keluarga, pekerjaan maupun rekanan bisnis, dan bisa juga dalam komunitas hobby tertentu. Fungsi tersebut harus dimaksimalkan dalam hidup murid Kristus (jemaat) yang diajarkan oleh gereja agar dapat menjadi garam dan terang. Oleh karena itu perlu melakukan pengutusan agar jemaat juga bergerak dalam misi penginjilan. Gereja yang bertumbuh haruslah dapat menjangkau jiwa-jiwa, bukan memindahkan jiwa-jiwa dari gereja satu menuju gereja yang lainnya. Gereja harus mampu berinovasi dengan tantangan zaman sekarang, tanpa meninggalkan esensi dari Firman Tuhan itu sendiri. Gereja yang bertumbuh haruslah kuat dalam dasar kebenaran Firman Tuhan yang telah di tuliskan pada Alkitab, guna menjawab serta menangkal pengaruh ajaran sesat yang semakin marak dan juga hingar bingar dunia yang semakin menggoda.
Jurnal PKM Setiadharma Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal PkM Setiadharma
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (SETIA) Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (408.834 KB) | DOI: 10.47457/jps.v2i2.155


Correctional Institution is a place to carry out the construction of inmates. For those who go to prison can cause stress to their lives. The implementation of construction is one of its functions so that the target citizens can live their lives as creatures of God and good members of society. The implementation of coaching activities specifically in the spiritual field can increase one's spiritual values, even can awaken their spirit as well. The implementation method conducted in management of the jailbird using the method of lectures or preaching online through the Zoom application and also come directly to them as a form of concern and also as a solution to break the chain of pandemic Covid 19.
Menilik Sejarah Perkembangan Agama-Agama Di Indonesia Rajiman Andrianus Sirait; Maya Malau
Journal of Religious and Socio-Cultural Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Journal of Religious and Socio-Cultural Vol.3 No.2 (October 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Widya Agape dan Perkumpulan Teolog Agama Kristen Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46362/jrsc.v3i2.90


Today, whether realized or not religious has entered a period of crisis. The true religion of being a peacemaker turned out to be the opposite. How to cultivate and develop harmony of life and bring up the values of various religions is not as easy as imagined. Thus this article is written by the method used is qualitative literature study. With the aim to see what the history of this religion really developed to be able to open the eyes of man in trying to research, understand and ultimately be able to draw the common thread of each teaching to create harmony especially in Indonesia. Dewasa ini, entah disadari atau tidak agama sudah memasuki suatu periode krisis. Agama yang sejatinya harus menjadi pembawa damai malah berubah menjadi sebaliknya. Bagaimana menumbuhkan dan mengembangkan kerukunan hidup serta memunculkan nilai-nilai dari berbagai agama memang tidak semudah yang dibayangkan. Maka artikel ini ditulis dengan metode yang digunakan adalah studi literatur kualitatif. Dengan memiliki tujuan untuk melihat sejatinya seperti apa sejarah agama ini berkembang untuk dapat membuka mata manusia dalam mencoba untuk meneliti, memahami dan pada akhirnya dapat menarik benang merah dari setiap ajaran untuk menciptakan kerukunan terutama di Indonesia.
Process of Identifying One's Life Calling At an Early Stage within the Youth Community of Gideon Cilegon Banten Rajiman Andrianus Sirait
Journal of Community Service and Society Empowerment Том 1 № 01 (2023): May 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jcsse.v1i01.175


The identification of one's life purpose is a significant undertaking that contributes to the development of an individual's sense of self and life trajectory. Certain individuals possess the capacity to ascertain their life's purpose from their formative years, thereby affording them a distinct advantage in cultivating vocations that imbue their lives with significance and personal gratification. This article examines the significance and consequences of early identification of one's life purpose, with a specific emphasis on the various components that contribute to this process, as explored through collaboration with the Youth Gideon community. As part of conducting this study, a thorough examination of existing literature is undertaken to assess the findings of prior research and get a comprehensive comprehension of the subject matter. The findings of this research review indicate several elements that have led to the early identification of life calling. These aspects encompass familial influences, educational background, personal interests, and life experiences. Furthermore, this paper examines the ramifications of early identification of life purpose on personal growth and offers suggestions for educators, researchers, and professionals to facilitate the exploration and discovery of life calling among young individuals.
The importance of socialization is to live Silih Asih, Silih Asah, and Silih Asuh as a Strengthening of Religious Tolerance in The Village of Palalangon Delpi Novianti; Rajiman Andrianus Sirait
Journal of Community Service and Society Empowerment Том 1 № 02 (2023): September 2023
Publisher : Pt. Riset Press International

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59653/jcsse.v1i02.273


The multicultural diversity of Indonesia is a gift to be preserved in harmony and unity.As societies in the practice of religion want peace, harmony and abundance in the exercise of each other's beliefs without any pressure and intimidation from the surrounding environment. The village of Palalangon, which is in the Ciranjang district, Cianjur district is an area that upholds high values of tolerance. This paradigm is based on the methods of implementation in the service of this society by observation, interview and socialization from house to house conducted to the government (to the people), the figures of the community (ad/sepuh) religious figures, and some communities. Palalangon is a village located in Ciranjang county, Cianjur county is one of the villages in which the majority of Christians live. Palalangon itself entered the territory of Kertajaya or entered in the government of kertajaya. There are at least 15 ethnic groups in the village of Kertajaya.Some of the indicators of success in socialization include the ability to express the attitudes of religious tolerance that should continue in everyday life and the values of Silih Asih, Silih Asah, and Silih Asuh can be noble values for the realization and development of the attitude of religion's tolerance.
An Analysis of Education within Batak Society Rajiman Andrianus Sirait; Maria Titik Windarti; Timotius Sukarna
Berumpun: International Journal of Social, Politics, and Humanities Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Berumpun: International Journal Of Social, Politics, and Humanities
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Bangka Belitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33019/berumpun.v6i1.86


Education has a crucial role in fostering the quality of human resources and promoting community development within Batak society. The significance of a gendered approach to education in Batak society stems from cultural and traditional viewpoints that delineate distinct roles for men and women in the realms of education and employment. Nevertheless, there has been a notable shift in cultural perspectives towards gender roles in the realm of education, as seen by the growing presence of women in both educational pursuits and professional occupations. Alongside the gendered approach, the biblical worldview exerts a notable influence on education within Batak society. The biblical perspective offers a robust ethical framework for education and instills a comprehension of its inherent objectives. Hence, it is imperative for education in Batak society to incorporate the biblical worldview as a foundational framework for imparting crucial moral principles. This work utilizes a qualitative research methodology, employing case studies and historical comparisons. Julia Sarumpaet is a prominent individual who has been actively involved in advocating for the advancement of women's rights. The correspondence she has written exhibits a notable similarity to the letters authored by prominent figures in Indonesian history. In the cultural context of Batak Toba, individuals of both genders are accorded a position of high esteem. The identical sentiment is also expressed within the pages of the Bible. Hence, it is imperative for men and women to engage in collaborative efforts, as this aligns with their inherent nature. In the absence of male offspring within a family unit, there is no inherent need to perceive any sense of lacking.