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Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol 6, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

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Carp (Osphronemus gouramy) is one kind of freshwater fish that can be farmed in the pond. This research was conducted to: (a) evaluate the quality of carp farming technique of segmentations of seeding, nursery, and growing based on SNI: 01-6485.3-2000 (standard production of carp seeding and nursery) and SNI: 01-7241-2006 (standard production of carp growing segment in the pond), (b) analyze the cost efficiency of carp farming in each segmentation, (c) formulate development strategies of carp cultivation techniques in each segment. Research area was determined by purposive method. The research applied descriptive method, and sampling was conducted by snowball sampling of 16 respondents. Data were analyzed by calculating the percentage of the conduct of cultivation technique quality, R/C ratio, and Force Field Analysis (FFA). The results of evaluation of the quality of cultivation techniques showed that the percentage of production quality conduct level of carp production for the segmentation of growing at pre-production stage was 53.67%, at production stage was 60.00%, and at harvesting stage was 70.00%. Meanwhile, at seeding segment, the percentage of production quality was 67.20%, at production stage was 63.70%, and at harvesting stage was 68.70%. R/C ratio in growing segment was 1.39 and in seeding segment was 1.48, which means that both of the segments of carp farming were feasible to manage. Based on FFA analysis, the strategies that need to be done are conducting human resource empowerment (farmers) by appropriate technology innovations, institutional strengthening of farmer groups, conserving natural resources, and improving cooperation between farmers with local marine and fisheries department. Keywords: Strategy, carp (Osphronemus gouramy), quality, Force Field Analysis (FFA)
GIZI INDONESIA Vol 36, No 1 (2013): Maret 2013

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (301.672 KB) | DOI: 10.36457/gizindo.v36i1.113


Data survei kesehatan rumah tangga (SKRT) menunjukkan  prevalensi hipertensi terus meningkat, saat ini di  atas 17 persen. Selain tinggi asupan Na, hipertensi disebabkan juga oleh ketidakseimbangan asupan mineral  pengatur  tekanan  darah,  ketidaktersediaan  pangan  tinggi  mineral  esensial,  dan  terbatasnya pengetahuan  pengendalian  hipertensi.  Tujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah  mengevaluasi  pengaruh  positifkonsumsi  garam  multimineral  (MM)  fungsional  oleh  penyandang  hipertensi,  yang  dirancang  sebagai double  blind  randomized  control  trial,  dan  dibuktikan  secara  klinis.  Tiga  formula  garam  MM  ditentukan berdasarkan  perhitungan kebutuhan mineral (Ca, Mg,  dan K), dan  diformulasi  dengan  dry homogenizedtechnique.  Kadar  mineral  (elektrolit)  darah  subjek  dianalis  dengan  metoda  Atomic  Absorption Spectrophotometry  (AAS). Hasil uji mutu  menunjukkan bahwa garam MM bersifat larut sempurna dalam air dingin, tidak menimbulkan kekeruhan, dan tidak berubah warna dari warna garam. Garam MM dengan nilai  rerata  derajat  putih  72,4  dan  kadar  air  rerata  garam  MM  sebesar  1  persen  masih  disukai  warna (nilai=3.2) dan rasanya (nilai=2,89). Uji statistik  membuktikan bahwa konsumsi garam MM  sebanyak 2000 mg  x  3  kali  makan  dalam  sehari  (6000  mg)  selama  30  hari  oleh  penderita  hipertensi  secara  nyata menurunkan tekanan darah sistolik-TDS (nilai chi square =27,381 dengan nilai Asymp. Sig 0,000< ?=0,05) dan tekanan darah diastolic-TDD (nilai chi square =38,483 dengan nilai Asymp. Sig 0,000< ?=0,05).Kata kunci: pengaruh positif, garam multimineral (MM), hipertensi
SENYAWA BIOAKTIF RIMPANG JAHE (Zingiber officinale Roscue ) MENINGKATKAN RESPON SITOLITIK SEL NK TERHADAP SEL KANKER DARAH K-562 IN VITRO [Ginger Root Bioactive Compounds Increased Cytolitic Response of Natural Killer (NK) Cells Against Leucemic Cell L Tejasari .; Fransiska Rungkat Zakaria
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 17 No. 2 (2006): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

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Natural killer (NK) cell, a kind of lymphocyte cells, plays an important role in attacking infectious, immature, and cancer cell. Its function could be modulated by food bioactive compounds. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of ginger root bioactive compounds such as oleoresin, gingerol, and shogaol on cytolitic response of NK cell in vitro. Lymphocyte cells were isolated by centrifugation on ficoll-hypaque density (1,77 ?0,001 g/ml) method. Leukemic cells line K-562 as target cells(TC) labelled by [3H]-timidin, together with lymphocyte as effector cell (EC) were cultured in two ratio levels of EC : TC equal to 1:50 and 1:100), and two culture conditions, for 4 hours, respectively. Paraquate dichloride (1,1-dimethyl-4,4-bipyridilium dichloride) 3 mM was used to induce stress oxidative circumstance. Cytolytic capacity of NK cells was determined by percentage of TC lysed by NK cells, in normal and oxidative stress conditions. Statistical analysis showed that the effects of ginger bioactive compounds on cytolytic response of NK cell depended on the culture conditions, as shown by cultures in the presence of oleoresin, and gingerol, but not shogaol. In the lymphocyte culture without stress oxidative, oleoresin, gingerol and shogaol compounds increased significantly cytolytic response of NK cells cultured at a ratio of TC : EC equal to 1:50, with the highest increament of 65 % at oleoresin concentration of 50 ?g/ml. However, in culture at a ratio of TC : EC equals to 1:100, only oleoresin at a concentration of 50 ?g/ml increased significantly cytolytic response of NK cells with the highest increament of 8 %. Shogaol did not affect significantly NK cells cytolytic response. Under stress oxidative conditions, shogaol increased significantly cytolytic response of NK cells cultured at a ratio of TC:EC equal to 1:50, but the highest increament of 56 % , was by oleoresin at concentration of 50 ?g/ml. Meanwhile, oleoresin and gingerol did not increased significantly cytolytic response of NK cells. At a culture- ratio of TC: EC equal to 1:100, gingerol increased significantly cytolytic response of NK cells of 21 % at a concentration of 50 ?g/ml. However, oleoresin did not increased significantly cytolytic response of NK cells. In contrast, shogaol decreased significantly cytolytic response of NK cell with the highest decreament of 16 % at 200 ?g/ml. These findings verified that ginger root bioactive compounds increased cytolityc response of NK cells in destroying cancer cells, at certain conditions and concentrations, especially at low concentrations. Key words : ginger bioactive compound, oleoresin, gingerol, shogaol, stress oxidative, effector cell, target cell, natural killer cell, cytolytic response
AKTIVITAS STIMULASI KOMPONEN BIOAKTIF RIMPANG JAHE (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) PADA SEL LIMFOSIT B MANUSIA SECARA IN VITRO [Effects of Bioactive Compounds of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) Root on B Cell Lymphocyte Function using In Vitro System . Tejasari; Fransiska R Zakaria; Dondin Sajuthi
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan Vol. 13 No. 1 (2002): Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan
Publisher : Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, IPB Indonesia bekerjasama dengan PATPI

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The effect of two fractions of oleoresin compounds from ginger root on lymphocyte function were studied by observing B cell proliferations, which were  measured by the incorporation of 3H-thymidine during cell incubation. The doses of oleoresin compounds and its two fractions tested were 50,100, 150, and 200 mg per ml. Lymphocyte from human peripheral blood were isolated using ficoll density gradient technique, and cultured  in the presence of the compounds in RPMI-1640 medium for 4 days, with or without the addition of 3 mM paraquat as the oxidizing agent.  The results showed that the effects of oleoresin and its two fractions depended on its doses. Oleoresin and its two fractions increased B cell proliferation with  the highest activity of 456 percent at low dose of 50 mg per ml. These result showed a positive effect of oleoresin compound and its two fractions on B cell functions  at low doses. It indicated that bioactive compounds of ginger root at low  concentration have  positive effects on humoral immune response and this supports the traditional belief that ginger increases body resistance to common cold.
Food Consumption Diversification Using Food Desirable Pattern Approach in Nutritionally Vulnerable Regencies Tejasari .
Media Gizi dan Keluarga Vol. 27 No. 1 (2003): Media Gizi dan Keluarga
Publisher : Media Gizi dan Keluarga

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To divers& foods is an important aspect of food consumption since certain food doesn't supply all nutrients completely. Adequate and diverse food cot~sumption will guarantee thejirIIfiIlntent of variabilty of n~rtrieritsn eeded for organs and physiological systenl firnctioning normally and balance. This slue was done in nutritionally vulnerable regencieswere determined based on percentage of energy fulfillment toward Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) derived from its communi~fo od con~?rmptionA. bmit 12 rnrtritionallyl~rrlt~erahlkee can7atati cozititie.s, which determined hased on preschooler nrrtritional statrrs wing weight for age (wt,%e) indicator collectedfrom Commrinity Health ('entre (Ptrske.\ma.s) and Health Serl1ice.s lltiit (/lo.\y~~nhrp)o oling data. hbod coti.stmtptiot1 divrr.s~fica/ionzr sing,food de.sirable pattern approach was evaluated hased on qualitative h t a of family .food cotntrn~ptiotiw, hich calc~rIated,fiomth eir.focd cotnun~ptiotdi ata derivedfrom 24 hours l+bod Recall- method for 3 days. The results showed that food consumption diversrfication in those districts were 1014~ sitice the average q~ralitatived ata reached only 56 compared to the national food desirable pattern. Qtralitive score of family '.s food constrmption in coastal mrtritionally ~~rrlnerahaler ea was 53, lower than those it1 ~irhatal rea hy 54 arid agrictrltirral area by 56 or marginal area by 60. Energy contribrrtion from food consumed did not reach the energy composition from nine food grorips recommended hy national focd desirable pattern. Rased on this national standard, except for quality value of nut group, the nutritionally vulnerable area have to increase the highest q~ralityv alue by 17from cereals in marginal area, by 3.from tuber root in coastal area, by 2 I from animal food in coastal area, by 8from oil and fat group in rrrhan area, by 2from oib frrrit and seed, atidfrom sugar, and 7@om vegetuh1e.s and fruit in rrrban area. Statistically, family S socio economy and demographyc charracteristics in thoseareas did riot infliretice the qtrali/y valtre of ,familyS .food cotatmlption sig~i~ficanti). (bn~)erselyi,n marginal areas, qualitative data of family '.s food cota~imptionw ere inji'uencedhy the type qfjoh qf the head,family and housewives signrficantlq! Key Words : Diversijikasi Konsumsi Pangan, Pola Pangan Harapan , Rawan GiLi, Klasifikasi Fungsi (;eogrnfis
Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian Vol 18, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Penelitian Pascapanen Pertanian
Publisher : Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/jpasca.v18n2.2021.75-86


Kidney bean (Phaseolus.vulgaris L. Chitra) and lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L. Sweet) hydrolysates were obtained by alcalase and flavourzyme hydrolysis of the bean seed protein. Peptide in the bean hydrolysates, with hydrophobic amino acids had been studied for their inhibitory ACE-1 activity preventing transformation into ACE-2 that prevention hypertension. This study aimed to measure inhibitory ACE-1 activity of protein hydrolyzates from the bean Phaseolus genus spp. grown in Jember, and its solubility. The bean protein (19.8-20,2%) was extracted using isoelectric precipitation at pH 4-4,6. The extract were hydrolyzed at pH 8-9 for alcalase and pH 7 for flavourzyme, followed with inactivation at 80-85 o C. ACE-1 inhibitory activity was measured based on the amount of hippuric acid (HA) formed by the hydrolysis of Hippuryl-His-Leu (HHL) in spectrophotometry detection method (228 nm). The ultra chromatography evaluation showed that the protein hydrolysates of kidney bean contained higher hydrophobic amino acids (455.5 mg/g protein) compare to those of lima bean (350 mg/g protein). Protein hydrolysates of both beans from alcalase hydrolysis have higher ACE-1 inhibitory rather than those from flavourzyme. Protein hydrolysate from Phaseolus spp bean protein hydrolysis by alcalase, contain small molecular weight peptides (3.9-22.6 kDa) high ACE-1 inhibition ability (83 -88%), and therefore suggested as antihypertensive nutraceuticals. Highest solubility of protein hydrolysate resulted from alcalase hydrolysis of both beans were observed at pH 8-9, while those resulted from flavorzyme hydrolysis were at pH 7.
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (J-SEP) Vol 6 No 1 (2012)
Publisher : University of Jember

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Carp (Osphronemus gouramy) is one kind of freshwater fish that can be farmed in the pond. This research was conducted to: (a) evaluate the quality of carp farming technique of segmentations of seeding, nursery, and growing based on SNI: 01-6485.3-2000 (standard production of carp seeding and nursery) and SNI: 01-7241-2006 (standard production of carp growing segment in the pond), (b) analyze the cost efficiency of carp farming in each segmentation, (c) formulate development strategies of carp cultivation techniques in each segment. Research area was determined by purposive method. The research applied descriptive method, and sampling was conducted by snowball sampling of 16 respondents. Data were analyzed by calculating the percentage of the conduct of cultivation technique quality, R/C ratio, and Force Field Analysis (FFA). The results of evaluation of the quality of cultivation techniques showed that the percentage of production quality conduct level of carp production for the segmentation of growing at pre-production stage was 53.67%, at production stage was 60.00%, and at harvesting stage was 70.00%. Meanwhile, at seeding segment, the percentage of production quality was 67.20%, at production stage was 63.70%, and at harvesting stage was 68.70%. R/C ratio in growing segment was 1.39 and in seeding segment was 1.48, which means that both of the segments of carp farming were feasible to manage. Based on FFA analysis, the strategies that need to be done are conducting human resource empowerment (farmers) by appropriate technology innovations, institutional strengthening of farmer groups, conserving natural resources, and improving cooperation between farmers with local marine and fisheries department. Keywords: Strategy, carp (Osphronemus gouramy), quality, Force Field Analysis (FFA)
PROTEIN DENSITY AND QUALITY OF KORO KRATOK (Phaseolus lunatus L. Sweet ) AND KACANG TUNGGAK (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) Tejasari Tejasari
UNEJ e-Proceeding Proceeding of 1st International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (ICMHS)
Publisher : UPT Penerbitan Universitas Jember

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Proteins are macronutrient, plays important roles inhuman health. It is essential to life because it is avital par of the nucleus and protoplasm of every cell.The outer layers of skin, the hair, and the nailsconsist of almost entirely of an insoluble proteincalled keratin. The most active and abundant tissuesof the body – the muscles and glandular organs- arehigh in protein content. Lean muscles, heart, andliver contain 17-21 percent protein. Connectivetissues consists mainly of protein. Blood carries theimportant iron-containing protein hemoglobin in redblood cells. Therefore, the 50 gram dailyrequirement is a must to be fulfilled.Protein are larger and more complex moleculesthan those of either fats or carbohydrate. The largemolecules of protein made up of great number ofamino acids. The number of difference amino acidsin the molecules of certain protein varies from 8 to18 according to the size and complexity of themolecules of different protein. The number andcomposition of essential amino acids of proteindetermine utility of the protein for human health.Human obtain proteins from animal and plant foodsources. Nuts food group is plant origin of foodprotein since it contain high protein, range from 17-30 percent. Koro kratok (Phaseolus lunatus L. Sweet)and kacang tunggak ( Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp)(Kasno and Achmad, 1988) are kinds of nut thathave high protein content. However, its highamount of protein does not explain utilizing of thenut protein for human health. Intake of 50 gramprotein does not explain the quality of protein.Therefore, it is important to evaluate the quality nutprotein.
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

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Food contains nutrients, including carbohydrate which has major role in energy production needed for internal and external activities. Several kinds of carbohydrate, such as inulin (fruktan) and fructooligosacharides (FOS) were proven be able to modify physiologic and biochemical process, specifically fatty acids and cholesterol metabolism. These fact showed that this both carbohydrate compounds biologically active in influencing blood lipid profile, including tryasilglycerol (TAG) or tryglycerides. Both compounds have been claimed as functional food ingredients. Health effect of inulin and FOS will be emerged if the subject has enough energy and nutrient intake. In Indonesia, clinical trial of health effect of functional food ingredient on human is difficult to be done because of problem in controlling entirely the subject food consumption. This study was done on dyslipidemic subject that fulfill inclusion requirement and willing (informed consent) to follow all experiment procedures for 21 days, with their daily food consumption pattern as usual. Dyslipidemic subjects are out patient in Subandi Hospital in Jember. Therefore, they have been given nutrition consultation from specialized medical doctor in cardiovascular diseases and from nutrition unit as well. This experiment aims to evaluate the effect of inulin and FOS intake from Nutrafosin beverage consumption on tryglycerides level of dyslipidemic whom their consumption pattern was as usual. Food consumption data was gained through 24 hours Recall Method for 3 days. Energy requirement was determined based on relative body weight (RBW). This experimental study was a clinical trial as a pararel matched pairs design. The intended sample were choosen from accesible population thru non-probability and consecutive sampling. One cup of Nutrafosin beverage contained 2 g inulin powder and 50 ml FOS that given by single blinding placebo designed to 16 dislipidemic subject for 21 days consumption orally. Tryglycerides level measurement was done at 0 days and 22th days. The tryglycerides level difference between before and after treatment from placebo and treatment groups was analyzed using statistical T-test pair at 95 % confidence interval. The result showed that Nutrafosin beverage consumption by dyslipidemic for 21 days decreased trygycerides by 18.5 percent, significantly (Tc= 1,108 < Ttab = 2,365).Kata kunci : inulin, fructooligosacharide (FOS), tryglycerides, dysl ipidemic, dietary fibreconsumption pattern
MUTU GIZI DAN TINGKAT KESUKAAN MINUMAN KOPI DEKAFOSIN INSTAN . Tejasari; . Sulistyowati; . Djumarti; Roro Ayu Arum Sari
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember

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Reducing caffeine was meant for improving health effect of drinking coffee. Meanwhile supplementation of functional food ingredient such inulin and fructooligosaccharides (FOS) in coffee beverage is expected for emerging health value of decaff coffee. Decaffosin instant coffee was formulated from decaffeinated coffee powder enriched with 27 % w/w inulin powder and 7 % fructooligosacharides (FOS). This study aims to identify nutritional quality and to evaluate the effect of inulin and FOS addition at the same time on preference level of Dekafosin instan coffee. The result of showed that Dekafosin instan coffee contain 5.04 % of water and 2.3 % of mineral. Total reducing sugar, sucrose, glucose, fructose and soluble dietary fiber content of the beverage are 30.83, 0.47, 2.8, 94.33 and 98.1 percentage, respectively. Meanwhile, caffeine and inulin content of the the beverage are 1.23 and 28.15 percentage. The statistical analysis proved that decaffeination and the supplementation of inulin and FOS did not influence on the preference level of Dekafosin instant coffee, as showing by the following value : preference level of colour (x² count = 17.397 < x² table = 18.549), aroma (x² count = 5.563 > x² table = 4.168) and taste (x² count = 11.413 < x² table = 14.684) wich has a significance value (p) > 5 percent. Therefore, based on this analysis data it can be concluded an addition of inulin and FOS did not influence preference level toward Dekafosin instant coffee beverage.Keywords : decaffeinated coffee, inulin, FOS, Dekafosin instant coffee beverage, nutritional quality, preference level