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Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar Vol 6, No 4 (2011)
Publisher : Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

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Abstrak Indonesia Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran siswa dan meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam menulis paragraf eksposisi dengan penerapan metode Think, Talk, Write (TTW) pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di kelas V SDN 29 Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus yang setiap siklusnya terdiri dari 2 kali pertemuan dengan subjek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas V SDN 29 Kota Bengkulu dengan jumlah siswa 20 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan terdiri dari lembar observasi guru dan siswa serta lembar hasil menulis paragraf eksposisi siswa. Data tes dianalisis dengan menggunakan rata-rata nilai, persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa, sedangkan data observasi dianalisis dengan menggunakan rata-rata skor dan kriteria skor. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan dalam 2 siklus terjadi peningkatan pada aktivitas guru dan siswa. Untuk aktivitas guru pada siklus I diperoleh rata-rata skor 22,5 dengan kriteria cukup dan pada siklus II diperoleh rata-rata skor 25,5 dengan kriteria baik. Untuk aktivitas siswa pada siklus I diperoleh rata-rata skor 18,5 dengan kriteria cukup dan pada siklus II diperoleh rata-rata skor 23,5 dengan kriteria baik. Kemudian untuk hasil tes menulis paragraf eksposisi pada siklus I mendapat nilai rata-rata kelas 68,75 dengan ketuntasan belajar menulis paragraf eksposisi secara klasikal mencapai 60% dan untuk siklus II diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelas 77,6 dengan ketuntasan belajar menulis paragraf eksposisi secara klasikal mencapai 85%. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa proses pembelajaran menulis paragraf eksposisi dengan menerapkan metode Think, Talk, Write (TTW) dapat meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran dan keterampilan siswa dalam menulis paragraf eksposisi. Abstrak Bahasa Inggris This research is a Classroom Action Research (PTK) which aims to improve the quality of student learning and improve student skills in writing paragraphs exposition with application of the method Think, Talk, Write (TTW) in Indonesian Language in Elementary School 29th class V Bengkulu City. The research was conducted in two cycles each cycle consisting of 2 meetings with the research subject is the teacher and class V students of SDN 29 the city of Bengkulu by the number of students 20 people. The instruments used consist of observation sheets and sheets of teachers and students write a paragraph of exposition students. Test data were analyzed by using the average value, the percentage of student learning exhaustiveness, while the observational data were analyzed by using the average scores and criterion scores. From the research that was done in two cycles there was an increase in the activity of teachers and students. For the activity of teachers in the cycle I obtained an average score of 22.5 with the criteria fairly and on the cycle II obtained an average score of 25.5 with a good criterion. For students on the activity cycle I obtained an average score of 18.5 with the criteria fairly and on the cycle II obtained an average score of 23.5 with a good criterion. Then to write a paragraph of exposition test results on the cycle I got a grade average of 68.75 with the thoroughness learning to write paragraphs in the classical exposition reached 60% and for the second cycle of the average values ​​obtained with the thoroughness 77.6 class to learn to write paragraphs in exposition classical reached 85%. From the results of this study can be concluded that the process of learning to write paragraphs by applying the method of exposition Think, Talk, Write (TTW) can improve the quality of the learning process and student skills in writing paragraphs exposition.  
Comic Story untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Bercerita Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar Prayuningtyas Angger Wardhani; Gusti Yarmi; Abdul Muktadir
Diglosia : Jurnal Pendidikan, Kebahasaan, dan Kesusastraan Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

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Keterampilan berbicara merupakah salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang perlu kembangkan. Keterampilan berbicara merupakan keterampilan yang mendukung komunikasi siswa sekolah dasar. Untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara diperlukan stimulus yang dapat melatih keterampilan berbicara siswa sekolah dasar. Salah satu cara mengembangkan keterampilan berbica adalah melalui bercerita. Comic merupakan media yang digunakan untuk mengekspresikan ide dengan gambar, yang dikombinasikan dengan teks atau informasi visual lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini Comic yang  akan dikembangkan adalah comic dilemma stories. Comic dilemma stories merupakan comic yang berisi cerita, infomasi visual yang mampu mengekspresikan emosi siswa. Comic dilemma stories dikembangkan  dengan berbantuan adobe ilustrator cc 2019. Tujuan penelitian ini yang pertama, untuk melakukan analisis kebutuhan dan menghasilkan draf comic dilemma stories. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlu adanya media yang menstimulasi kemampuan berbicara siswa.Kata kunci: comic dilema story, keterampilan berbicara, media pembelajaran Speaking skills are one of the language skills that need to be developed. Speaking skills are skills that support elementary school student communication. To develop speaking skills, a stimulus is needed that can train the speaking skills of elementary school students. One way to develop speaking skills is through storytelling. The comic is a medium used to express ideas with images combined with text or other visual information. In this research, the comic that will be developed is comic dilemma stories. Comic dilemma stories are comics that contain stories, visual information that can express students' emotions. The comic dilemma store was developed with the help of Adobe Illustrator CC 2019. The first objective of this research is to conduct a needs analysis and produce a draft comic dilemma story. The research method used is research and development. The results showed that there is a need for media that stimulates students' speaking ability.Keywords: comic dilemma story, speaking skills, learning media
Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter Vol. 5, No. 3 (2014)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jpk.v0i3.5636


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan  menghasilkan model bahan ajar mata pelajaran muatan lokal berbasis kearifan lokal di provinsi Bengkulu. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan model Borg  dan  Gall dikombinasikan dengan  pengajaran bahasa dari Jolly Balito dan Richards. Secara garis besar penyusunan bahan ajar terdiri dari empat langkah, yakni: (1) identifikasi kebutuhan; (2) pengembangan silabus; (3) produksi bahan ajar; dan (4) evaluasi bahan ajar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cerita rakyat Bengkulu masih ada yang belum dibukukan dan  tersebar di wilayah provinsi Bengkulu. Dari  analisis karakter ditemukan karakter baik lebih dominan, misalnya: religius, pekerja keras,  demokratis, toleransi, hormat, peduli, cinta damai, dan bertanggung jawab. Karakter buruk contohnya: pemalas, licik, kikir, dan kejam. Mata pelajaran muatan lokal yang diajarkan adalah bahasa Inggris,  bahasa Rejang, lagu daerah, keterampilan anyaman, dan pertanian. Pemanfaatan cerita rakyat dalam bahan ajar adalah muatan lokal bahasa Rejang yang dituliskan ke bahasa daerah (ka, ga, nga). Akan tetapi, pemanfaatan tersebut belum sampai pada tahap analisis karakter tokoh cerita. Dengan demikian, cerita rakyat belum dimanfaatkan dalam bahan ajar muatan lokal secara optimal.     Kata Kunci: bahan ajar, muatan lokal, cerita rakyat, dan karakter MODEL DEVELOPMENT OF LOCAL SUBJECT CONTENT BASED ON LOCAL WISDOM TO IMPROVE CHARACTERS IN PRIMARY SCHOOL IN THE PROVINCE BENGKULU Abstract: This study aims to produce a model of instructional materials Local Content subjects, based on local wisdom in the province of Bengkulu. This research is the development, models of Borg and Gall combined with the teaching of the language of Jolly Balito and Richards. Broadly speaking, the preparation of teaching materials consists of four steps: (1) identification of needs; (2) the development of the syllabus; (3) production of teaching materials; and (4) evaluation of instructional materials. The results showed that, some folklore Bengkulu is not yet recorded, and spread in the province of Bengkulu. From the analysis of character, good character is more dominant discovered, for example: religious, hardworking, democracy, tolerance, respect, caring, peace-loving and responsible. Bad character for example:  lazy,  sly, greedy, and cruel. Local Content subjects taught are English, Rejang, folk songs, woven skills, and agriculture. Utilization of folklore in teaching materials with Local Content Rejang language that write to the local language (ka, ga, nga). However, the utilization has not reached the stage of analysis of  the character of the story. Thus, folklore untapped resource in the Local Content optimally.   Keywords: teaching materials, local content, folklore, and character
Analisis Gejala Bahasa Dalam Karangan Siswa Kelas V di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 82 Kota Bengkulu aulia nuur asiyah; sri ken kustianti; abdul muktadir
JURIDIKDAS Vol 4 No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (208.657 KB) | DOI: 10.33369/juridikdas.4.3.%p


The study entitled An Analysis of Language Symptoms in student’s essays in fifth grade at Elementary Schools number 82 in Bengkulu City, aims to describe the language symptoms that occur in the essays of fifth grade students at Elementary School number 82 Bengkulu city. This research employed a qualitative descriptive study. The data used in this study were a portfolio of assignments written essay by fifth grade students of Elementary School number 82 Bengkulu City with free topics. The focus of the research studied was the forms of habitual pattern changes (reduction), the addition of phonemes, hypercorrect, and pleonasm. The instrument was used in the form of card data to provide identity to the essays and language symptom analysis tables. The data technique used in this research is document study. The research data collected a portfolio of student assignments written in essays on free topics and in accordance with the applicable curriculum. The research was carried out in 2 stages, namely the first was preparation consisting of data and organizing and grouping the collected data, second was data analysis which consists of data reduction, data retrieval, and conclusions or clarification. The results of this study indicated that in the use of language in the essays of the fifth grade students of Elementary School number 82 Bengkulu City, there are language symptoms in the form of (1) phoneme decline or reduction (apheresis, syncope, apocope), (2) additional phonemes or additions (prosthesis, epenthesis, paragog), (3) hypercorrect, and (pleonasm). This can be seen from several words and sentences found in student’s essays do the language symptoms.