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Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Vol 18 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Riset Akuntansi Aksioma, Desember 2019
Publisher : Jurusan Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Dan Bisnis Universitas Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/aksioma.v18i2.75


Graduates are a product description of a factory in this case that is correlated with educational institutions. A quality factory will produce quality products, and vice versa. However, if the factory is only concerned with quantity, then it can be ascertained that the percentage of quality is numbered, as a result the product is not as expected. Graduates as the final product produced by higher education has an important role for the quality and existence of the universities that have graduated it. Therefore, strategic efforts in order to pay attention to the existence of graduates must be done, because in addition to being a quality target of a college, graduates are also a medium of evaluation and a benchmark for the success of a college. The benefits of graduates for tertiary institutions are very large for the long-term sustainability of various processes. Graduates have a very strategic role in their work to devote knowledge and work in the community. Based on this, the Accounting Department of Economic and Bisnis Faculty considers that it is necessary to do a tracer study periodically (every year) to monitor them so that the existence and role of graduates can maintain the quality quality of the Accounting Department of Economic and Business Faculty Mataram University. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Accounting Department of Economic and Business Faculty Mataram University should not ignore the existence of its graduates, because it is also related to stakeholders who will provide assessment, which will also influence the existence and development of the relevant institutions in the view of the community as stakeholders. Accounting Department of Economic and Business Faculty Mataram University is deemed necessary to provide internship courses or field work practices to students so that they know the conditions of the world of work and improve the English language skills of students to be able to compete in the world of work. In addition, the Accounting Department of Economic and Business Faculty Mataram University continuously carried out tracer studies and reported them as a form of institutional commitment to improve the quality of the institution's quality.
Desain Outdoor Playground PAUD dengan Menggunakan Metode TRIZ Putri Septyaningsih; widya astuti
Tekinfo: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri dan Informasi Vol 9 No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Industri Universitas Setia Budi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31001/tekinfo.v9i1.912


Outdoor playground as an important aspect to support children’s interaction ability should meet the safety standard. However, not all early childhood education (PAUD) in Indonesia has a playground that is in accordance with the standards, one of which is PAUD Harapan Bunda. It has an outdoor playground with educational teaching aids (APE) in the form of a mixture of gravel and soil. Moreover, the distance between tools have not met the standard and some of that are not suitable for the age of to the students’ age. This condition does not meet safety standards so it is to necessary to design safer outdoor playground. TRIZ (Theory of Rezhenija Izobretatelskih Zadach) is the method that produce a specific solution based on the problem contradiction. Hence, this paper aims to design an outdoor playground using the TRIZ method. The first step is user’s need identification process using a questionnaire. Five needs were identified: safe, durable, attractive, supporting sensory development and sufficient space for children. The next process is determining the design parameters. This process consists of technical characteristics recapitulation, determination of the situation model and direction of innovation as a design reference. The results of the outdoor playground design consisted of loft typed smart play as the main tool, synthetic turf surface and animals picture wall. The result of Chi Square’s design validation shows that the design is in accordance with user needs.
Uji Efektivitas Antibakteri Sari Buah Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle) Terhadap Bakteri Staphylococcus aureus Dedy Whyts Mengga; Selvana S. Tulandi; Widya Astuti; Silvana L. Tumbel; Nerni O. Potalangi
Majalah INFO Sains Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Kristen Indonesia Tomohon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (415.849 KB) | DOI: 10.55724/jis.v2i2.33


Jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle) merupakan tanaman obat keluarga yang banyak digunakan sebagai obat tradisional. Sari buahnya sering digunakan untuk mengurangi ketombe, mengobati berbagai infeksi seperti jerawat dan infeksi saluran kemih. Kandungan fitokimia yang terdapat dalam sari buah jeruk nipis adalah minyak atsiri, flavonoid, saponin serta asam organik seperti asam sitrat dan asam askorbat yang memiliki kemampuan dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perbedaan efektivitas antibakteri dari konsentrasi sari buah jeruk nipis (Citrus aurantifolia, Swingle) terhadap pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus dengan desain penelitian rancangan acak lengkap, empat perlakuan tiga kali ulangan. Sari buah didapat dengan cara pemerasan secara langsung dari daging buah jeruk nipis. Pengambilan data menggunakan parameter angka lempeng total dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis ragam, dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata terkecil pada taraf signifikan (α) 0,01 menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS 22.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sari buah jeruk nipis 10% efektif secara nyata terhadap bakteri Staphylococcus aureus.
Languages Attitudes Towards Written Alay Variety in Facebook Interaction Widya Astuti
Passage Vol 1, No 1 (2013): April 2013
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/psg.v1i1.342


This research paper entitled Language Attitudes towards Written ‘Alay’ Variety in Facebook Interaction aims to reveal the use of the alay variety in Facebook media and the attitudes developed by users and ex-users of the variety. The study employs a descriptive method to describe and interpret the data. The study reveals that the realization of written alay variety in Facebook covers two broad categories, namely spelling and writing that involves a mix of capitals and punctuations. The spelling modifications in written alay variety were found to be in four different cases, spelling shift, spelling addition, spelling deletion, contraction, and irregular spelling modification. Related to language attitudes toward the written alay variety, users and ex-users develop different attitudes towards the use of alay variety. Users tend to have more neutral attitudes with the use of alay variety, they develop more positive attitudes towards the variety. In contrast, most ex-users react negatively towards the use of alay variety as they consider the variety to have a low prestige or status and is not a proper variety to use. Keywords: alay, alay variety, spelling, modification, language attitudes
FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PEMBIAYAAN BERMASALAH (Studi Kasus di BMT Artha Barokah Yogyakarta 2013) Widya Astuti; Teguh Suripto
JESI (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Indonesia) Vol 5, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Alma Ata

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (217.74 KB) | DOI: 10.21927/jesi.2015.5(1).49-62


Abstract Widya Astutik. 2010. “Factors Affecting Financing Problem In Barokah BMT Artha Yogyakarta in 2013”. Essay. Yogyakarta: School of Theology Alma Ata. KJKS BMT is an institution that serves as an intermediary (Intermediary Institution) fi nancial, KJKS BMT third parties to channel the funds to the community. Among them is the fi nancing of profi t and loss sharing. The background of this study is that the factor of the customer, the bank and is a factor taken into consideration by the Bank to analyze the occurrence of fi nancing problems at BMT Artha Barokah. This study was conducted to determine whether the factor of the customer, the Bank, and infl uence the occurrence of fi nancing problems. This research is a fi eld research (fi eld reserch) with the data collection methods of documentation, because the data used in this research is secondary data obtained from customer data instantly fi lled. The analysis tool used is multiple linear regression testing using aberration test classical linear regression and statistical tests. The results of t test analysis showed that each of the independent variables signifi cantly affect the fi nancing problems in BMT Artha Barokah Yogyakarta. In the F test showed that the independent variables and external customers signifi cant effect, while the factors did not signifi cantly affect bank fi nancing problems. The determinansi coeffi cient (R ²) of 0.56, which means fi nancing bermasalahpada BMT Artha Barokah able to be explained by the independent variable of 56.1% and the remaining 43.9% is infl uenced by other variables outside this research model. Keywords: Affe cting fi nancing problem
Hubungan Penerapan Plant-Based Diet Dalam Penurunan Risiko Hipertensi: Review Widya Astuti; Dwikani Oklita Anggiruling
Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Gizi dan Kuliner
Publisher : Program Studi Gizi UNSIKA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35706/giziku.v3i1.6894


The prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCD) increases continuously everyyear and this is the biggest factor causing death. Based on WHO data in 2020, 73% of deaths inIndonesia were caused by NCD. Hypertension belongs to NCD and the main cause of death inthe world. The consumption pattern of the plant-based diet contains a lot of fiber, magnesium,folic acid, Fe3+, vitamins C and E, n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), antioxidants,carotenoids, flavonoids, and other phytochemicals so can prevent hypertension. The purpose ofthis article was to find out the benefits of implementing a plant-based diet in reducing the risk ofhypertension, based on the results of research that has been performed. The method used inthis article is randomized control trials (RCTs) on articles published with sources from GoogleSchoolar, PubMed, and Elsevier. The results of the review showed that there was a significantrelationship in the application of the plant-based diet to the reduction of blood pressure and therisk of hypertension in various age groups. However, the application of a plant-based diet cancause micronutrient deficiencies. Therefore, the application of a plant-based diet was good forpreventing the risk of hypertension and accompanied by the selection of various types of food. Keywords : hipertensi, plant-based diet, vegetarian diet
JIANA ( Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara ) Vol 8, No 2 (2008)
Publisher : Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (779.335 KB) | DOI: 10.46730/jiana.v8i2.3619


It can not be denied that a person who plays an important role in an organization is aleader. The succees of leaders on taking the leadership of their employees is depend on theirleadership. One of the leadership approach is to study leadership behavioral while taking a leadershipon their employees to handle a job. This research is aimed to know a pattern of leadershipbehavior which emphasize on job centered and employee centered and to know is influence onofficers performance at Dinas Tata Kota Pekanbaru. Population of this research is taken from DinasTata Kota Pekanbaru are 60 people and all population to making sample. Research instrument is ina form of questioner with three option answer agree (score 3), less agree (score 2), disagree (score1 ). The result of this research indicates that leadership behavior at Dinas Tata Kota Pekanbarutends to apply employee centrered than job centered. The pattern ofleadership seems to improvethe performance at high category.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Vol. 9: Edisi II Juli - Desember 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Riau

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This study aims to find out how the Main Duties of Front Office Department Operators at Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi. This study discusses the main duties of a telephone operator, starting from what are the duties of a telephone operator in general at Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi, SOPs in becoming a telephone operator and which are the main tasks of telephone operators, both handling telephone requests, handling telephone calls, and handling telephone calls. telephone calls, handling waking guests, handling music/radio/VCD programs and serving E-mail delivery. This study uses a qualitative method, where the data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the research conducted at the Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi are sufficient to meet the existing standards, there are only a few indicators that differ between the theory and the Grand Rocky Hotel Bukittinggi. Keywords: Implementation of basic tasks, telephone connection requests, handling telephone call connection fees, handling music/radio/VCD programs and serving E -mail delivery
Analisis Risiko Rantai Pasok Beton Ready Mix Pada Proyek Konstruksi Gedung Widya Astuti; Haryono Putro
TERAS JURNAL Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Volume 13 No 1, Maret 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v13i1.836


Abstrak Risiko adalah salah satu hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam kehidupan sehari hari, termasuk dalam pelaksanaan konstruksi. Keterlibatan banyak pihak secara tidak langsung akan membentuk rantai pasok yang kompleks dan menimbulkan risiko. Kompleksitas rantai pasok ini memerlukan suatu manajemen pengelolaan hubungan antar mata rantai yang terlibat terutama dalam aktivitas rantai pasok beton ready mix yang merupakan penunjang utama dalam pelaksanaan konstruksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis risiko yang termasuk kategori risiko tinggi dalam aktivitas rantai pasok beton ready mix pada proyek konstruksi gedung. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan yaitu melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada para pakar yang terlibat dalam aktivitas rantai pasok beton ready mix (kontraktor, supplier, dan supplier’s supplier). Analisis risiko menggunakan Severity Index dan Probability and Impact Matrix. Risiko tinggi tersebut akan menjadi fokus peneliti untuk mengetahui cara penanganannya dan dapat meminimalisir risiko yang terjadi. Kata kunci: Analisis risiko, rantai pasok, ready mix, probability and impact matrix  Abstract Risk is one thing that cannot be separated from everyday life, including in construction. The involvement of many parties will indirectly form a complex supply chain and pose risks. The complexity of this supply chain requires management of the relationship between the links involved, especially in the ready-mix concrete supply chain activity, which is the main support in the implementation of construction. This study aims to analyze the risks included in the high-risk category in ready-mix concrete supply chain activities in building construction projects. The research method used is the distribution of questionnaires to experts involved in ready-mix concrete supply chain activities (contractors, suppliers, and suppliers' suppliers). A severity index, probability matrix, and impact matrix are used in risk analysis. This high risk will be the focus of researchers' efforts to find out how to handle it and minimize the risks that occur. Keywords: Risk analysis, supply chain, ready mix, probability and impact matrix
An Analysis of John Smith’s Character in The Novel “I am Number Four” Nopriansah1 Nopriansah1; Widya Astuti
Literary Criticism Vol 4 No 1 (2018): Januari
Publisher : UNIVED Press

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In I am Number Four novel by James Frey and Jobie Hughes, there is a main character named John Smith. He is 15 years old and at his age, he is in puberity phase which his characters are influenced by people around him. This research was conducted using psychosocial study. The purposes of this study are to analyze what the factors that influence John Smith’s characters and what the psychosocial problems that emerge in the development of John Smith’s character. The method used was qualitative descriptive method. Data were collected by using content analysis techniques. Based on the findings, that each character of John Smith is influenced by biological factor, familial factor and cultural and situational factor. The character of the biological factor is the genetic character that john smith gets from his grandfather. The character of the familial factor is a character that he imitates from Henri as his adoptive father. The last is the character of cultural and situational factor, this is a character that he gets through the interaction with the people around him and the situation he faces. The psychosocial problems that emerge in the development of John Smith’s character are the emotional problems that he feels, those are; fear, temprament and melancholic. Keywords: Psychosocial, Character, I Am Number Four Novel.